(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Cellow, Lynn,

How to force yourself eat fish… especially those steam fishes.. I feel so sick with that fishy taste in my mouth. End up throwing up.. worse still right.


Somewhat makes me sad reading your post leh. last night while talking to my husband on the phone, he kept sighing because he thinks im a workaholic (a terrible one somemore). He wants me to stop traveling, stop working OT. Stop this and stop that. I think he wants me to quit me job stay at home and take care of kids. But what kind of era liao. Wah lao... not as if he’s earning “A LOT”.


don’t fret over your FIL ok. I don’t know why some old people has this old-fashioned beliefs until now. How old is your kid now? Better dont let him hear those nicknames...


hahaha good job… I will go home this weekend and start drilling him


kite, thanks.. sleeping well past few nites, as i think the tonic my chinese sensei gave me help a bit.. i envy u leh, my hubby never juice/cut fruit fr me..

sg_sc, i can't remember exactly the brand, was given by my gynae at acj clinic. tonite i go check out ok? update u on monday. but i'm afraid can't find it outside. low epa will avoid bleeding during pregnancy according to dr.

sam, i think guys eat soft, not hard. i also find good chance to ask him to do, i.e. after dinner not before dinner.. hehe .. actually also he's not very tiring yesterday nite la..

sam, i take a bit lor...but not to extent that i will vomit so ok.

hard to balance work and baby hor? being a SAHM is out of the question for me too...but i'm thinking maybe, just maybe, i can take 6 month no-pay leave or sthg...my boss will scream :p sigh....

ya, jasda, agree... guys they take soft approach better. if two at loggers head, then most prob the problem cannot be resolve.

Sgsc, tonight go home, “teh” a bit . im sure he will shut his computer and spend time with you. 

sg_sc, must be happy! u end the cold war tonite la.. then "exploit" him over the weekend and have fun! kekeke

XLH, i m taking the same fish oil prescribed by the gynae like sg_sc.. =)

morning all!!

SG_SC: initially i got this problem that my MIL wants me to do confinement at her place.. but luckily I speaks up and says I want to do it at my mum's place.. i give her my reasons lor and she agrees.. i don't want to be alone at home w/o my hubby.. so going back to my mum's place will be better.. and I know my MIL's style, other people's confinement, she already give alot of comments, i can't imagine for mine.. so better to avoid..

elmoo: i also think i look more fat than pregnant.. but luckily still got people let seats to me, maybe becos I keep rubbing my tummy.. hahaha..

i was reading abt training ur HB in doing household chores.. till now, i only need to need to wash clothes & iron clothes.. cos the others will be done by my HB & MIL.. hahaha.. MIL got her own way for doing the household chores, so i don't need to do lor.. that's one good thing when staying with ILs..

I got one question to ask, my cousin said she got milk bottles that she can pass it to me.. she said some are new, some are used only a few times.. should i take those 2nd ones from her?? i'm concern abt the hygiene problem.. what's ur comments??

juye, for 2nd hand bottles depends on how long they hv been used. if just use a few times should be fine. bottles used too long need to be changed.

Sam: I have the same problem as you.. i can't take fish, especially those with fishy smell.. i will vomit.. luckily nobody force me to eat fish now, although my MIL keeps saying fish is good for baby..

i'm now taking fish oil capsule from gynae.. i told my gynae i don't like fish even before pregnancy.. the gynae assured me that the capsule got no fish smell.. so now still ok with that.. except one day i accidently burst the capsule and the fish oil spills out.. so much fishy smell.. nearly makes me faint.. the whole day that day, keep thinking i can still smell the smelly fishy smell.. hehehe..


Wat brand is the milk bottles and are there alot of scratches? cos if those bottles are not BPA free and have alot of scratches, it wil release a kind of chemical (Bisphenol-A) and not good for bb.

If they are BPA free, then shld be OK.


take the bottles and sterilise them. free wat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i would buy new teats though... the thot of bb sucking on 2nd hand teats.... yikes!


see peace offering liao... go home 2 9 and manja a bit la. hippo's idea to 'exploit' him is a good idea! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynn, sam,

you will only know after bb is born if you are cut out for SAHM-dom. i m most def not! and i recognise that in myself. by 3rd month of maternity leave, i wanna go crazy liao alone at home w #1. so i cont working. my internal drivers are more impt than what other pple say.... or even $, though $ is impt up to a certain point

How many of mummies here experiencing baby movements? Sometimes I feel the "Pop" sound but it's very fast and only occur once or twice.. sometimes I feel something on my tummy like veins jumping.. Wonder if all these are my baby's kicking?

Lynn, I think so & yet to see.

Sam, my DD going to 10mths old.

jasda, ur fish oil should be same as mine "dhaxtra", I also from ACJ.

cellow, i guess so, wait and see lor...heheh...

orangey, i keep trying to see if my baby is moving ley...i wonder if it's just my heartbeat coz my heartbeat is pumping v hard so i cant distinguish other movements... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lynn, Cellow, which is why, i really really respect moms with 2 or more kids. I dont know how they’d manage.. Somore without maid leh. Gotta work in the day, at night gotta take care of kids, gotta put them to sleep, house chores, cooking, washing.... etc etc. And to ensure huband is not neglected. Gosh! Wonder mama....


same here. The capsule broke that day and it was terrible experience. Hate eating the capsules now but i have to force myself to take it. The only fish i eat now is deep fried sweet and sour fish. Hahaha... still fish right?

sam, my sis lor...she only got nanny to look after during the day when she's working. 2 kids both mischievious types! i can vouch for the mischievious part and i'm using mischievious as a euphemism...

she encouraged me to get a maid, but i ended up with infant care...for now...she says VERY tiring!

Bb movement:

i feel bb movements too. However always on my left side. How about u all? left or right side?


Do u hv those obvious DU Qi sticking out? i saw some mummies got Du Qi sticking out n MIL ever told me they are expecting boy....


if not stick out, meaning it wil be girl? all expecting boy wil sure stick out? hee just curious.


stick out doesn't means its a boy. when i had my boy, my bellybutton is inside one. don't stick out. so not accurate.

it just mythology, mama. All this myth... dunno how to believe or not. I have people telling me. If MS at night then its a girl. In the morning is a boy.? So i asked, If MS whole day is what? And the person say err.. i dont know leh. Some say round belly is boy... duhz....

lynn, same here. I think i felt some fluttering movements but i cant distinguish if its my imgination or whether the kiddo is moving. Haha.

Im 16 weeks and still very small.. i seen a lady abt 17 weeks. Gosh, she’s so big.....

yiwen, ok thanks.. then my brand of fish oil should be same as urs.

sg_sc, my fish oil brand should be same as yiwen one.

my belly button is sticking out during 2nd trim. when i had my dd, also sticking out very fast.


Don't worry! Feeling of baby movement depends on individual esp for first timer mothers, we will feel it later than 2nd time mothers. My friend told me she only feel her 1st baby's movement at 20 weeks and on her 2nd pregnancy, she could feel it at Week 16.


How does it feels like? Mine always like veins jumping kind of feeling leh.. is that my baby kicking? Hehe..

lynn, my heart also beating very fast sometimes...i wonder why...never take coffee or tea lei...

sometimes lie in bed at night also beat very fast, cannot sleep...

orangey, i also sense some popping, and some twitching here and there where bb is..but dunno if its bb's movement..i hope it is so i know bb is safe and sound!! has been 4 weeks plus since I saw bb on scan!! so quite worried also...

sg, my hubby also very busy with work sometimes, come back very late, then watch soccer then sleep, dun really talk to me and baby. When i'm angry, he also bo chap me one, last time dating, he will be so panicky and try ways to "hong" me when I got angry, now he just bo chap and hope I cool down. Just few days ago, i just cried and quarrelled with him also!

then these few nights he talked to me more, find time off work and last night, even told bb a story...

maybe communication is key...sometimes men need to be told what to do, and dun act to be strong, sometimes, if u break down and be weak, they'll soften more...i can understand what u're gg thru ...me also got mood swings! but quarrelling with hubby not good tai jiao! bb can hear mummy's voice mah...so be happy for u and bb's sake =)

My belly button also didn't stick out when I had my boy no. 1.

Pple also told me if bad complexion means you are having a boy, etc. I think my complexion was still rather good!

Dun really like to hear all these comments, but I think people just wanna get involved in your pregnency.

yah..dun be angry or upset. Baby can feel and hear you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My mom also tell me not to be angry with my number 1..no good for number 2! But nowadays har..he's soo mischievous and playful. Hard not to get angry.

sweetpea, me also have good complexion till now (hope i dun jinx it! haha..) and i'm most prob expecting a boy also..

all those myths, wrong one la...haha...

i find the old wives tales are quite interesting. just listen for fun, here go in n the other side go out. haa


Guess during pregnancy, the hormones makes us more emotional....I was very emotional during 1st preggie, also argued w hubby n etc for nothing. for 2nd preggie, its my no 1 who make me angry. haha..but seldom....

most of e time already very busy n always want find time to sleep.

kite, i also like to read those old wives tales, esp b4 i know my bb's gender. wanna see how true they are, turns out...dunno lei, my tummy's really pointed and quite small for 18 weeks though, so maybe some are true, some are not...

yup, i can't imagine how mummies can cope with pregnancy and their young kids...very tiring...this my no. 1 only, and still find it quite tough le!

zbabe i dun take coffee or tea either...but i guess pregnancy heartbeat is like tat?!? it's been like tat for me since i got preggie.

my bellybutton like going to stick out alr...i hope it doesnt ley....


hmm i heard if tummy is pointed plus from behind cant tell preggie is bb boy. hee just for fun.

During 1st preggie, not too tired cos i can slp/rest anytime i want. Now with no 1 n 2nd preggie, not easy, really need alot of help plus need to teach n play with no. 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really tiring.

Hi ladies,

seems that a lot of mummies here have had problems with MILs. I'm quite ok with my MIL but have had probs with FIL since the days of the wedding planning. Thank god I dun stay with them anymore. Recently my MIL was persuading me to stay with her for confinement. Knowing my FIL and his "everybody must listen to me and do what I say" ways, I politely declined and am still adamant about it. Lucky for me, my mom will be staying with me and DH will be on leave for the whole confinement period. My husband also realises that his father can be very unreasonable sometimes so no arguments there. Phew!

About the fish oil. I'm also taking neurogain.

Healthybaby ,

I have felt that "pop" sensation you were describing a few times and then two nights ago I felt a sure kick/punch on the left. Most wonderful thing ever!


old wives tale about complexion not true lah. I had very bad outbreak during the 1st trimester and I am having a girl leh. Hehe.

Mummies, try not to drink too much green tea cos not only does it have caffeine, the antioxidant agent in green tea prevents absorption of folic acid and some other nutrients. Forgot what.

there's the other saying abt girls stealing their mummy's looks, hence the bad complexion rite? My skin all along no good, but it's worse now...nv a day with clear skin and my skin is at the same time turning dry! lips seems to be peeling...

green tea prevent calcium and iron absorption i think. dun drink everyday directly after all your meals and taking ur vitamins lor.

i havent gone to see myself from the back....*shudder*

hahaha! all these are just the "majority" cases which the old folks rem.. thus it passes down. but seriously case by case basis one.. keke.. everyone is diff..

my symptoms for #1 & #2 is totally the same. No MS, no cravings, bad backache, bad complexion.. but apparently, they are of diff sex! hahahahaha...

mine DU Qi not sticking out for #1 girl & #2 boy. Is depending on individual DU QI formation when i comapared between my frien & mine.

now, headache is my colleague also pregnant & clash with my ML. Do not know how to arrange.

yup better avoid green tea. I stopped green tea since pregnancy. Not advised to take as its quite cooling (liang) and contains caffeine.

I think complexion really depends on individual.. My mum said that when she conceived both my sis and me, she had really bad breakouts and she felt so ugly but when she was preggie with my 2 brothers, she had very good complexion. Also DH's colleagues said that those with boy will have their nose enlarge and rounden.. but my mum doesn't have that.


correction. it makes us very emo. makes u think abt this and thinks abt that.. i see most moms here are expecting no. 2. so nice...

hippo, you dont have MS at all?

sam, ha! dun have.. none at all. though i dun hv much appetite for both in 1st tri but no MS. keke.. datz actuali y i didnt reali appear in this thread during my 1st tri leh.. ha! cos the mummies here were all obsessed with having MS in order to feel their pregnancies were safe.. whahahahhaa! i didnt know wat to say, so siam 1st.. LOL


haa lol. Non-stop contribution of information in this forum is endless [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thats the purpose of it else it wont appear here right! haha Yup alot no. 2 mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hippo... i didnt experience MS until abt 3 weeks ago. at first i thought to myself, YAY! so good no MS. nevertheless, im lucky i just ocassionally feel yucky (especially when i eat fish.)

kite, i tell you lor.. i never like forums, but this seems to be fun haha. a lot of knowledge exchange here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasda, me too im so sleepy and eating ice-cream in my hotel room. so shiok


sam, hahaha! good.. at least u dun go thru the icky part of it.. but dat being said, i m plagued by stuff like breaking back la.. hahahhaa

