(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

zhabe..great!!!! ...good to knw bb is doing well..hehe ...looks like few os us are all due for scans this week..mine's coming up on fri ...hoping to see good dvlpts myself .


zhuzhu,you are visiting Dr. Adrian tomorrow?

so exciting..gotta see your baby again.

i just tell my hubby last night, i can't wait for my next app. next Mon to see the bb again. Feel so long to wait like this.

zbabe, must be so happy to see baby today.

yes pls take more meats.

I think i eat so much leh in this pregnancy.

every 2 hour I am hungry. and I always crave for beef..dunno why. Black and pepper beef, beef soup.


My #1's gynea is at mt A. now i wanna chg to RH becos its nearer to hse. walking distance. so next time my maid can bring my gal to visit me. ha ha. i wld like to get Dr Tony Tan. he is quite experience and i had done CVS for #1 with him b4. If too exp then may consider Shelia. Heard she is quite good.

elmo, i keep taking spicy and sour food leh.

I think should be okay lor. Korean ppl always eat kimchi and spicy food, but all their babies are okay..so I suppose it's okay..hehe..

i am still having nausea once a while. But i realise one thing. Cos i am not working now..i am very relax at home..no stress at all. Wake up late also okay, never hurry in anything. Hungry, then go to eat. Maybe that's why not much MS also. Now i eat so much..i so scare put on too much weight later.

Hi zbabe

jus did my scan.. Like u.. Feel so much relax and peaceful now..;) as has see my bb with heartbeat jus now... Very small though so heartbeat cant hear yet.. jus saw fr image that it is bumping fast.. Jus six and a half week for me.. Bb at 4mm only.. Next check up after two wks.. Lucky not one mth wait..;) feel better and relax now.. Thk u all support and encouragement this morning.. Had stress since yesterday..can hv a gd sleep tonite.. Now is worry and must be xtra careful for this twelve wk.. Hope to pass it soon..;)

Vic Ma

Thansk for the info on chicken essence. will try taking at least once a week.

A little bit of info on broccoli. For moms with terrible bloating, try not to eat too much cos broccoli causes a lot of wind.....so u might end up feeeling worst.

I believe everything in moderation is ok I guess. Just dun overdose on certain types of food.

does anyone knows whether dr adrian is good at csec in term of stitching etc? cos for my #1, i did an emergency csec and i dun wanna go back to my last gynea. thinking of changing to dr adrian since i moving to sengkang so the clinic will be nearer.

anmaria: wow, u can eat lots is very good!!

I can't eat much, dun really puke out solid food, but mostly liquid stuffs and no appetite...

good u're resting at home more =) hey anmaria, boring at home? usually what u do to pass time?

elmoo: try not to take spicy stufss ba. cos will make ur gastric worse...that day I ate mee siam, then puke the whole day and the day after that...so scared le...haha..

joanne: happy for ya!!! u know what, doc gave me 2 weeks mc to rest at home, cos my ms quite bad, and now its critical period, so she says, rest more. but I think on-off i will still go back office for meetings. I haven't told my boss yet about pregnant...

my next scan also 2 weeks later! =)

puckie, i read in the forum abt Dr. Adrian, one mother said that he is really good in csec in term of stitching also leh. I trust he must be very skillful..considering his patient soo many already, so he must be quite experience. This is what i conclude lah before i decided to choose him..hehe..

zbabe, your doctor is correct. This time is a critical period. I didn't really believe initially, until one of my ex colleague told me that she encounter mc 6 times cos she hardly rest when she has to. After i heard her story, i decided not to apply job now, and stay at home to rest. I think it's the best for us and the bb.

I don't feel so bored at home. I read a lot of books that i like, browsing website, do things that i always wanted to do, selling things online..hehehe..

Now i am developing some training materials for one company, so just stay at home and type, if i feel tired, i will quickly rest and sleep.

thanks anmaria for the info. will be visiting him on sat for the first time. also seeing my bb for the first time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi zbabe and blushwax

thk u thk u.. Yes.. Must be a happy and relax mummy fr now on..

Hi zbabe

may i know at ur wk 6, wht is the size of ur bb? So nice.. Ur Gynea gives u so many days mc to rest.. So make use of it to rest well if u need since bb is more impt than anything else..

zbabe and joanne

so happie for u guys. Must relax.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my scan is also tomorrow. Update ur scan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2 wks ago only detect gestational sac...pray for my scan to be good tomorrow. I was told not to carry my son as it will be too tiring and not good for our 2nd one. Poor kid...always ask me to carry him.

How abt u? my 1st one more sticky to u? I find him more sticky now...somehow they will feel mummy got lil one le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee.


Great to hear that ur bb is fine... don't worry so much...

mine is 2.5mm at 6 weeks on the dot..doc said its the correct size for a 6 weeks baby =)..the other one too small cannot measure...).. will go for scan nxt week by then bb will be 8th and 7th week respectively [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wonder how they are doing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yupz i am with Dr. Shelia will update u when I see her nxt week on her costs.

Hi everyone,

I am a first time mum-to-be, finally conceive after 10 years, 9 weeks pregnant now. Hopefully it would be a smooth pregnancy for me. Read from the earlier post that we should avoid mackerel, what about saba fish? The type the Korean stall sells. Been eating that for a while before I realise that it belongs to the mackerel family.

Did a scan at week 6 but could only see the sac at 18 mm. Going to do a scan again next week.

can't wait to try the chicken essence..

today tummy pain pain ... feels like it is expanding..and felt a little dizzy in the afternoon. maybe baby know I start to worry and decides to give me a bit of signs? :p

hI givebbdust

i see... now i feel more relax as mine is six and a half wk so abit bigger than urs... so means our bb are growing at the correct size..;-)

now is my turn again to wait another two wks(restart) for my next scan...keke...

Welcome Ailing...

Hi Dahdah..

haha...u snd funny... enjoy ur essence this weekend...;-)

Hi blueblue,

thk you thk you... u too must stay relax k... and update us ur scan...how many wk r u in now?

WAH so many good news here! Excellent! Congrates to all, eat well sleep well ok.. =)

To Ai Ling, pregnant women should avoid Mackerel and that refers to King Mackerel (Big Fish - it contains high level of Mercury). Saba fish from Korean stall is not considered as big fish like Shark.. Just don't eat it everyday if you feel unsafe. eat is once in a while lo!

Ai Ling, when i did my 1st scan, the bb was 6 weeks going to 7 weeks. and the size is 1.82 cm.

so i think the size is normal with this age.

i assume so lah..cos i don't have any comparison.

Such a long wait..my next scan is next monday..

feel it such a long time. Don't know how's the bb doing now.


yupz nxt week when I see them, they will be bigger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can't wait.

Hello all

I went for my checkup on Mon. My bleeding has stopped 24hrs after a hormone jab on Fri. On Mon, doc still gave me another jab to play safe. Also on utrogestan twice a day until 10 days later when I will have my next checkup.

Managed to see a small teeny weeny bud protruding within the gestational sac on Mon. My sac measures 2.8cm at 6 weeks. And the best thing is the little bud is thumping! Even tho my gynae was using a tummy ultrasound, we manage to hear my baby's heartbeat when he turned up the volume. So happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My MS getting worse, altho no outright puking. Juz feeling very gagged at the chest. No appetite to eat too. Every morning go to work always 'shang1 nao3 jin1' as to what to eat for breakfast, coz I can't stand the taste of milk, bread, cheese etc dairy stuff. Now also getting constipated these days. Sigh...

Was told by my gynae asst that taking small meals thruout the day helps a lot in MS. Think it works quite well for me, so for those of u who have serious MS, do try to take in something but dun make ur stomach too full too.

morning ladies, my MS is better since yesterday, looks like mornings are the worst for me now. But i still can't stomach much food so had a little rice with soup yesterday for dinner. that's the most food i've had in many days.

Needless to say woke up this morning feeling v hungry and nauseous and smelt bee hoon at 5am making me even more nauseous! in my half-asleep state i ate the crackers i left next to my bed to queal my queasy stomach so that made me feel a bit better for a while.

i cant take oily stuff so soups with rice is ok. got very limited things i can eat now. just glad no more vomiting for now.

my first gynae visit is this sat so i'll update then! a lot of exciting news coming up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hubby's very excited abt seeing BB.

i think spicy food better avoid which i'm doing coz i cant imagine if i've to puke it out! lemon juice or sourish stuff much better - usu improves your appetite so that should be ok if you really want.

and yes, i take small meals throughout the day too...well, not really meals but snacks just to keep off the hunger which can make you nauseous as well.

Hi, yvonne

I'm in 8 weeks now, just puke again in hubby car just now. Normally morning i take shake then vomit shake loh, yesterday afternoon took chicken rice so came out chicken rice, hehe..

Puckie, heard from my friend just gave birth 2 weeks ago she had a c-sec by dr adrian she said no pain leh, can walk in 2nd day liao. I also change my gynae to dr adrian. Will be seeing him tomorrow night in CCK clinic, abit nervous now.

For the EDD he didnt tell me when i visited him 1st time, dont know must ask 1 or he feel not good to let me know so early. Scarli.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

elmoo, do you have motion sickness? i heard wearing those wrist bands to help with motion sickness and reduce MS too.

Don't take too full a meal like chicken rice. and shakes are milky - quite hard to stomach at least for me. i can only take bland, clear simple food now. try changing your diet and see how it goes.

and i worship my lemon/ginger tea from twinnings now. it really helped to settle my stomach.

lynn, Elmo, your MS will over soon. Just take small meals throughout the day, you will feel better. And don't wake up in a hurry too.

Last night i read that pregnant women need 3 serving of protein every day. Oh no..i hardly take meat, so i better eat more meat and egg now.

Puckie, Elmo, last night my hubby met his friend and he told me his friend's wife is also with Dr. Adrian and had c-sec. He is very chop chop one..even during delivery, also very fast..haha.


May I join?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_blush.gif]

I am a mommy for a 2.5yo gal. Going to be mommy again just like u gals in 2010. Little Tiger or Tigress. Ke ke...

Have my first visit to my gynae last week. Tot already 7 wks. But my gynae mentioned should be 6 wks cos still small, 3mm. A little dot with a little "pump" i.e. heart beating.

Though its my second baby, still feel very excited and worry. My first pregnancy is a bliss, with little MS and only gain 8kg. This time round?????

Having frequent nausea since 5th week and cannot Zzzz well with a lot of funny dreams.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_dizzy.gif]

Visiting my gynae again coming Monday to have a better estimation on EDD. Will update the list after this.

Hi Mummies to be!

I went to visit my gynea after waiting for my H1N1 to be fully recovered.

Gynea said not a big issue for H1N1 bt gave me duphaston to be on the safe side. It costs me like $65??!! More expensive than the stupid tamiflu! Is that the price u gals are paying??

Gynea tis time round more conservative than my #1. He told me I better dun exe, dun carry heavy tings etc till detect heartbeat

I am at 6th weeks preggie bt based on the scan, he said probably too small for 6th week? Oh well.. hope it is not an empty sac afterall…

Morning Tinkle and Goldish and Ai Ling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] welcome welcome ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yupz mine at 6 weeks is 2.5mm too so no prob at all..dont worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am going back nxt week for scan also wonder how the 2 are growing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks elmoo. i am more rest assure now. actually he was recommended by my friend also but she only had natural birth with him. she told me that he is a man of little words. i think you need to ask then he will say ba. if im not wrong, the EDD is calculated from your LMP and it is only a rough guide with +/- 2wks.

Morning Our Lil One.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u will be able to see the sac, yolk, the bb, and if ur bb is at about 6 weeks, you can hear or see the heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I didn't ask my gynae anything cause i also dont know what to ask.. but nxt week when she told me the package then I will have more questions ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how come need to see gynea every 2 weeks? isnt it once a month?

how about carrying #1? I am still doing that as nobody business lei...thought stomach still small, not taking up too much space...so still can carry...but when stomach big, planned not to carry anymore


for my case cause its twins.. during the 1st scan, they can only see one of the twins growing with heartbeat detected, the other one is only a small dot cannot measure or hear heartbeat yet.. so I got to go back in 2 weeks time to see both of them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

janet, I only carry my #1 when needed cos she rite now 9kg. Better avoid carry heavy thing. I will c my gynea next week 31 Aug, if everything stable than should be seeing her after 1 month or 3 weeks.

My MS this time round different from #1, so far no vomit only bloated & sometime cannot differential is hungry or full.

My #1 is induced in ww39 due bb weight around 3.6kg & her born weight is 3.82kg. Hope this time don't induce, scare the waiting game...

Hi, lynn

I scare ginger leh, so lemon is the only thing i can try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, anmaria

Ya, hope ms will be gone soon still got to TONG 4 weeks. What week is 2nd trimester huh? Normally ms till when?

Ya, puckie he's really the kind of chop chop style. Waited 1 hr but see him for 5mins, haha..Aiyo, he's face look serious to me makes me worried leh. Cos my previous m.c also by him he knows my history his expression make me think wild. I dont dare to ask too much.

Goldfish, i got my duphaston for $25 per box. 1 box last 1 week. Yours $65 like very expensive leh. You kana chop huh? You got ask for breakdown receipt anot? :p

Anyone start to wear loose/maternity clothes?

My hubby said my jeans too tight this might cause me to puke also. When i feel bloated like i cant breath cos jeans too tight. But now only 8weeks like very kua zhang so fast wear maternity. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyone got suggestion what to wear but not maternity type of clothes?

I dont wear dress 1 leh, very hard to buy.

anmaria, really hope ms will be over soon. i struggled to eat the little piece of pork my mother-in-law had in the soup she cooked coz i know i needed protein. i'll go look for soup with rice for lunch today. slowly each more n more each day i hope.

yiwen i know wat you mean by dunno how to differentiate hungry or full. I had that feeling before my ms started though. hope you dun get bad ms again.

elmoo, dun take ginger also good la, coz some people dun recommend but i take coz it helps me with ms esp since i'm working.

2nd trimester should be abt 13 weeks or so? Or 15?

elmoo, you can wear baby doll top and leave your pants unbuttoned and just belt over. i did that when i was bloated.

i've also read about buying belly bands which kinda 'binds' your tummy and pants so you dun need to zip or button up and this belly band will hold your pants up. can find in a variety of shops like mothercare or kiddy palace. different types, different costs, different quality.

Lynn, i'm also thot of buying belly bands dont will drop a not feel like no secure, haha..

Wah, 13-15 weeks! Faint liao, still got 1 more month to go.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.

Thanks Shann, I am a bit paranoid. I actually forced myself to vomit the grilled saba fish which I ate for lunch once I learnt that it belongs to the mackerel family.

Hi Anmaria, I could only see the sac during my first scan. Though my gynae claims that there is a white dot which looks like the heartbeat, my hubby and I stared hard but still couldn't make that out on the monitor screen. Think my gynae has sharper eyes. Ha Ha... Hope I can see my bb clearer during my scan next week.

Hi Yiwen,

Thank you for adding me to the list.

LMP 20 June 2009

EDD TBA (either late March or early April)

Nick Tger_baobao (Ha..ha..wanted to type tiger)

BB No. #1

Gynae name Dr Yap Lip Kee

Hospital Mount E

I started feeling nausea when I started taking Utrogestron (my blood test showed that I have low hormones). Not sure if it is the side effects or my MS has started to kick in. My MS got worse in the evening, so I try to eat as much as I can during the day. I also have to take Cardiprin 100 (low dose aspirin) too due to my autoimmune disorder.

Ai Ling,

if u eat only one time it is okay.. dont be paranoid.. i also ate ba kut teh after that realised that it contain chinese herbs.. (-___-)|||

Be happy and u will have a smooth smooth pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Janet, how old is ur #1? Mine is turning 1 year old soon and I am still carrying him. He still CRAWL over my tummy at times though I try to siam bt too late loh. AIYOH.

Yiwen, u also huh?? How old is ur #1? Ur baby is HUGE le.. 3.8kg??? That is so massive! :p

How u plan to cope wif 2 kids next time?? The thot is scaring me loh!

Elmoo, wah.. urs is only at $25? I dunno mine can last me for how long though. 2nite I go and count. It is the breakdown liao loh… receipt put $65 leh for duphaston. DIAOZ… mine is so over-priced!!!

