(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

BB dust


by the way, u know whether there are any food to take for 'low blood pressure'?

The GP says there is nothing to take leh... sometimes i feel giddy if the pressure drops....

just back from the GP. he prescribed me metoclopramide which i read is to speed up digestion since i cant get anything in. the one small piece of cracker i ate this morning with water all came out. do did the sour plums i ate. nothing is going in. i'm feeling horrible, constant nausea. how to go to work tmr?!!


I am not sure what will help with low blood pressure.. maybe the other mommies here can help?

for my case, I have low blood count which causes giddiness too so my doc prescribed me iron tabs felt much better after that.


Giddiness can be attributed to low haemoglobin count. When I had #1, I experience giddiness and cold sweat from the beginning, not everyday but quite often, esp when taking MRT to work. Then towards my last trimester, when doc started pricking me every visit for testing haemoglobin level, mine was lower than the required min. None of the iron tablets I took helped, neither veg like spinach or red dates. The only thing that helped for me was beef. I was quite desperate to get my haemoglobin level up that I took some beef soup almost every day for the last 2 weeks prior to giving birth. And by the time I was about to give birth, it was at the right level.

So this time round, I made sure I had some beef right from the start, about once a week. Hope the same won't happen to me later but really, red meat like beef has the most iron.


how come iron tablets dont work ah? I thought they are those sure work kind?


where do you get your prenatal multi-vit? I couldnt seem to find it anywhere. blackmore has, i cant rememeber who is taking it. But too big for me lei...i sure cannot swallow.


mine is prescribed by my gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its obimin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi shann,

i was just reading and kpoing around.

you are a strong girl. not sure if you are still reading this thread. just to share, i also had a miscarriage 2 years ago. baby already had heartbeat then but stop at week 7/8. i didn't have natural miscarriage. therefore, went for a d&c. please take care of yourself now. i try again after 3 cycles and get pregnant immediately again. my boy is coming 13 months now. take care and very soon you will have good news again.


anyone wants to share to get this body butter.

i used it before & its my friend who had no marks who recommended it to me she alternates this with boots one & clarins tonic oil.

Its $44.50 for 125ml but delivery is $8 = $52.50

can i suggest to get FOC delivery we get 4 pcs $178 then i repost for 3 ladies from here (178+3 = 181/4 each 45.25) instead?

Woofy & me are interested to get around 1 each 2 more slots.

pm me if interested.

Hi gals! I felt so touched to read all the comments, you girls are so sweet & encouraging, though we don't really know each other. Strongly recommend the book "What to expect when you are expecting" too it's a good book that guides you through your whole pregnancy. The Gynae said I can try to concieve again after 3 months, that will be around Christmas time. Thank you once again! will definitely tell you girls if there is good news in the future. I like this thread. hehe..

Btw, I've done a lot of research on what to eat and what not to eat. If you are scared of the fish mercury level (don't eat big fish, i think all of you should know already, just being naggy here haha.. ), you can get omega 3 and 6 from walnut, almond, hazelnut, cashew nuts are good too. You can get these nuts from sheng siong, saw them on the rack. Eat the raw one k, not those processed nuts with added salt/ sugar. Wash then eat. Baby will be smart oh~ don't eat too much, just 3-5 a day, can mix it into your cereal.

Hi Shann,

thanks alot for the food advice =)

I can understand how u feel as I also had a miscarriage about 2 months plus back. I got pregnant again after one cycle, but I was glad I did a mini confinement that time.

Please do take time off to "bu" your womb and body, as we lose alot of blood and very weak now. Dun let cold wind get into you ok...

I'll recommend a book " God's Plan for Pregnancy" to you. It really encourages me during my miscarriage as I kept asking God, why bless me with a child then take it away....I'm glad u found peace at heart and mind =)

Dear all, my ms also getting worse. Today in office almost fainted, then went toilet to puke.

I'm just worried, since I eat so little and puke out so much, will my body be able to support the pregnancy...

joanne, I m also going scanning tomorrow. Like you, I am excited, yet worried...looks like u are in the same situation as me... let's try not to worry so much ya...I admire Shann's courage - just leave it to God..=)

Shann ...good to know u are staying +ve *-*...do take some time to do a mini-confinement & tiao yr body ..who knows you will get a great xmas pressie? ...I bought the book which u recommeded yest ...Im hooked ..hehe lotsa of info which is v helpful ..Times is selling at $21.50 paperback Yr 2008 version for those who might be keen.


'bu' your body ok. and thanks for the advice on what food to eat. I didnt know nuts help. I will get it. I loves nuts


I dont puke. but i feel indigested. because always very bloated. my #1, i had very good appetite, always eating non-stop.

Now #2, seems to eat lesser because feel bloated.


I also dunno. Even my gynae said mine was exceptional case! In his 20+ years of experience, he has rarely seen mummies like me who dun improve even after taking a so-called higher dosage of iron supplements. Hah! Only food worked for me :p

Hi zbabe

oh i see.. Is this ur first scan also? U got strong ms sympton so this shows ur bb is fine so no need worry too much yah.. Do share ur experience here after visit ur gynea., wht time is ur apptment? Mine is 5pm.. So late., gonna worry whole day.. Sianz.. Btw, how many wks r u in now?

Hi shann

thks for ur info on nuts.. U r a strong n nice gal and am sure u will be blessed with a bb again very soon..;)

hi janet

same as u.. I feel bloated especially at nite so cant eat alot at nite.. No puke too jus no taste in my mouth.. Very plain.. No appitite in any food..jus like when u fall sick.. No appetite for anything....Hope this is consider part of the ms too..


Course Title : Exam & You

Date : 11 Sep 09

Place : Changi Simei CC (10 Simei St 2, Changi Simei CC Bldg, Classroom 01-15)

Primary : 2pm - 4pm

Secondary : 10am - 12pm

Course fee : $30 (Members), $40 (Non-members)

What will you learn :

Aim : To prepare students, in the smartest way, for SA2 or final year end exam

1.Goal Setting

2.Time table planning

3.Study plan and what to focus

4.Time management, including how much time to allocate for different sections

5.Important things to takenote. Eg.Infinitive "to", after to no past tense and do not add "s"

6.Mindmapping - How it saves your study time.

Hope to see you and, if there is enough seats, I will invite one parent to join in the class.

Register now, call Ms Elsie at 6781 6058 during office hours or call me at 92228893. While vacancies lasts!!



[email protected]

sorry to disturb..

feel free to hv a look!

Shann, i am so sad to read your story. You are really strong. So are all mothers who has gone through it. You know , I am constantly worry abt this. I am now not working, and usually i take part time teaching. But now, i am so afraid to even take any work assignment cos i am worry abt this. Maybe because my pregnancy is also high risk one consider with my age.

I also got brown discharge, sometimes pinkies. My gynae gave me hormon pill to take 3 times a day. Reading all of your experience makes me feel that i shouldn't be that worry that much.

woofy, when i did my scan, it was 8 weeks (according to my gynae), although i am very sure it was only 6 weeks. But i can see the baby head, leg, arm and baby heartbeat in the scan.

Very amazing

Hi, shann you are so positive, I hope I'm also like you! Cos i got 2 m/c before so this time really very stress & scare. This coming thursday I'm going gynae hope can see that little heart beating. Else, haizzz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone got on and off ms? Cos sunday ms suddenly disapear then today came back again, so qi guai 1.

anmaria ...mmm ...thats must have been a touching moment for you *-* ...Im looking to seeing my lil one this week ...im a scaredy cat 1st time kan cheong MTB ...cant help worrying myself sick.

elmoo ...me also on off...if off then i feel v bloated ard chest area.


i dont have MS at all, so scary. beside bloated stomach,constipation and light sore breast, very rare do i feel nausea,only 1 week then no more. also, never feel the emergency to pee like described in the book....still got 10 more day to visit gynea 2nd time. 1st time i came to see him tis too early, the embryo still not very firmly attached itself, not yet see the sac clearly also....so scared le...sometimes i dont know if my baby is still there????

Hi, xiao lao hu

Have you experience headache & consitaption too?

I also got the bloated feeling, very xin ku cannot eat. When hungry feel like puking out,

aiyo dont what my body wants like cannot control myself very frastrated! Sob, sob... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi, dee

Some of my gal friend also dont have ms, so not all pregnant women will have scarli you are the lucky 1 leh..Now I also dont have emergency pee feeling leh..

You dont think too much loh, you went gynae how many weeks? Maybe really too small to see, just relax for the next 10 days loh now also cannot do anything much.

I'm gan chiong-ing now leh cos going gynae this thursday. Stomache so bloated cannot eat, dont know how bb got nutrition leh???


that day went to see gynae im 5 week and half. my stomach is very big, but i keep on eating, small meals thru out. sometimes no ime at work, i dont care, i eat 1 whole big meal. heard very crucial these 3 first months so as long as its good for bb, i will do it. but agree sometimes still want to eat more but think the stomach will burst anytime. hahahahah...thursday coming already...very excited la, going to see your bb soon...good luck


think many momtobe feel same way. me too, im easily stressed out, my husband ask me to learn to relax and let go. even the book say work 2nd, safety 1st. you see how, if your pregnancy is low risk then ok, if high risk then you must think over...talk to your husband, he might have good and surprise point of view and ease your stress bah

blueblue, I also stressed at work...then sometime also temper not good to #1...i also feel not good for #2...but what to do.

and yes, I do feel cramps too. I read that it is ok, unless have spotting, then need to worry.


I also feel no tste, that is why i eat more chilli now compared to normal time. Eating more chilli is the same as when with #1. I even eat red cut chilli with sandwiches...can u imagine..haha

Dee, my sis told me i have to eat small meals but often everyday. e.g. if i usually eat 3 meals..she ask me to eat 6 small meals instead.

i follow her advise..and now hardly have MS.

my sis also had MS only on her 9th and 13th wk pregnancy. so I think all ppl have different symptom..so don't worry.

I feel cramps a lot recently. Sometime really worry. But everybody advise me the most important is not to get stress out. If you wake up in hurry to go to work, eg..then you feel MS easily. but if more relax then should feel better.

Now I will do anything to save my bb. I also worry all the time, if the bb is still ok inside my tummy. so I will sleep when i feel tired, and rest whenever i could. Just don't want to take risk. Try not to take staircase too..and eat healthier food.

I eat fruit every morning with empty stomatch, and now hardly have MS.

I had no appetite for a few days last week... ate very little. Then yesterday and today my appetite has improved so quite happy to be able to eat normally now. The symptoms I still have now are cramps off and on and tender breasts.

Janet, cannot imagine chilli with sandwiches! What else do you put in your sandwich?

I've been using Clarins body products off and on. On Saturday I decided to use the Tonic Oil that was recommended for use during pregnancy by many ladies in the forums. The Clarins website and the instructions that came with the oil said it was safe. Have been using it the past 3 days in the morning. Today for some reason went to look at the ingredients and checked them online and found that many sites advised against using rosemary oil (one of the ingredients) during pregnancy!

Perhaps the amount in the Tonic Oil is so little that it is safe? Cos I cannot imagine a company like Clarins saying it is safe if it isn't so.

What do you ladies think?


just checked out the pregnancy without pounds website... you can get it for free via emails. The picture of that lady 6 days after childbirth is amazing (at least for me cos before childbirth already stomach not like that or even close to it!)

Hi BB dust & Love BBK

Do you all have any idea how much is your gynea's package? from wat i understand is the price will include vitamins, folic acid and scans & normal delivery. any idea is fish oil included?


U r really strong. Do keep positive and believe that God plan everything for us. God will bless u.

Morning Sickness

this is my 2nd pregnancy. when i was 1st pregnant, i cough non stop for 1 month plus and vomit badly. drink water also can't drink. eat also can't eat. alot of times, i will vomit out my yellow juice. when i thought of it i also scare. hope my this one is diff and no morning sickness. now having cough. really my finger cross. cos i dun wan to be hospitalised again. my 1st pregnancy, i put on around 5kg only.

elmoo ...heng no headache n constipation for me ..but i cant seem to hold urine for as long as i used to now...nw if wana pee means wana pee..hehe *-*

hi elmo i gt ms on and off also,then i also gt constipation sian..i oso stomach feel bloated.sometimes gt appetite sometimes dun have.

lynn, don't mean to frighten you. I suppose you are very normal, in fact I wonder why I feel so ok. On one hand I wish I am one of the lucky ones who do not need to suffer, on the other, I hope to feel MS to know that i am REALLY pregnant and that baby is healthy. :p

Anyone knows when MS really kick in?

wah all of you have morning sickness! just keep thinking that it's actually a good sign cuz the hormone level is high! jia you oh.. hope that this toughest period will be over soon for all of you, once you reach 2nd trimester, it should be very steady hehe..

Don't eat:

(1) Orange

(2) Bittergourd

(3) Brinjal

(4) Spinach

(5) Lychee

(6) Mango

(7) Big fish

(8) Crab

(9) Shellfish

(10) Watercress soup (xi yang cai tang)

(11) Lamb

(12) Carbonated drink

(13) Alcohol

(14) Instant Noodles

(15) Avoid MSG

EAT!! (not that you can only eat these food, all pregnant ladies should eat a variety of food, have a balanced diet, don't 挑食! I have done a little research, hope it helps)

(1) Oily fish - Salmon/ White fish/ small fish

(2) Whole grain bread/ brown rice/ whole grain cereal ( Try SELECT - whole grain cereal, very good! have walnut raisins inside, good for your baby, good for brain dev. you can get it in supermarket, saw it in sheng siong)

(3) Avocado juice

(4) Birdnest ( nice baby skin and fair, but not too much now, cuz it's quite liang, baby might have asthma if you drink too much, moderate amount is fine, or in your later trimester)

(5) Egg ( Please take more protein at this stage, as your baby's cell is made up of protein.)

(6) Fruits (Apple is good! It's a neutral fruit)

(7) Drink lots of water, keep yourself hydrated.

(8) A variety of green leaves vegetable.

(9) For those who has constipation, try drinking PRUNE JUICE! can get it from supermarket, get the 100% prune juice.

(10)Drink Milk


(12)Fruit juice, please order fruit juice if you are having meal in hawker centre/ food court. Cut down on ice lemon tea, green tea, whatever soft drink even without gas. Fruit juice is still the best for you!

If i know more will tell you girls.

wah Shann, i really appreciate the food advise. Now i will be more careful with what i eat. I have eaten a lot of oranges...didn't know not good to eat them now. My sis also told me not to eat coconut, durian and pinnaple. My gynae also ask me to avoid pinnaple now.

Yvonne, this is my 1st pregnancy. I also having cough for more than 1 week now. Feel so miserable already. But didn't take any medicine, just took raw garlic to ease it. Now is getting better.

I am going to Sheng Shiong tomorrow night to buy prune juice, nuts, and cereals..since it sounds really good for bb.

I also can't seem to hold my pee now leh.

wahhaha anmaria it's because you eat so much oranges then you get cough! your baby will also have phlegm if you have.. so stop eating k! but you baby won't have it now, cuz it's still small.

Don't eat:

(1) Orange

(2) Bittergourd

(3) Brinjal

(4) Spinach

(5) Lychee

(6) Mango

(7) Big fish

(8) Crab

(9) Shellfish

(10) Watercress soup (xi yang cai tang)

(11) Lamb

(12) Carbonated drink

(13) Alcohol

(14) Instant Noodles

(15) Avoid MSG

(16) Pineapple

EAT!! (not that you can only eat these food, all pregnant ladies should eat a variety of food, have a balanced diet, don't 挑食! I have done a little research, hope it helps)

(1) Oily fish - Salmon/ White fish/ small fish

(2) Whole grain bread/ brown rice/ whole grain cereal ( Try SELECT - whole grain cereal, very good! have walnut raisins inside, good for your baby, good for brain dev. you can get it in supermarket, saw it in sheng siong)

(3) Avocado juice

(4) Birdnest ( nice baby skin and fair, but not too much now, cuz it's quite liang, baby might have asthma if you drink too much, moderate amount is fine, or in your later trimester)

(5) Egg ( Please take more protein at this stage, as your baby's cell is made up of protein.)

(6) Fruits (Apple is good! It's a neutral fruit)

(7) Drink lots of water, keep yourself hydrated.

(8) A variety of green leaves vegetable.

(9) For those who has constipation, try drinking PRUNE JUICE! can get it from supermarket, get the 100% prune juice.

(10)Drink Milk


(12)Fruit juice, please order fruit juice if you are having meal in hawker centre/ food court. Cut down on ice lemon tea, green tea, whatever soft drink even without gas. Fruit juice is still the best for you!

ha? really Shann?

yeah..i really love oranges. I remember last time my mum will always scold me for eating too much oranges. She said, it's heaty if eating too much. But I just love to eat them.

Ok then, I will stop eating them now. Aiyoo.

i cough until i feel my lower abdomen feel so pain, i feel so scared. Walk also like old women now...soo soo slow. Scared mah..if i walk too fast, it will pain and will hurt bb.

I think i am a little paranoid. Luckily my hubby so understanding.

Will get avocado juice also and eat more apple now. I love fruits so much. Sometime i worry i eat too much fruit will get diabetic leh.

Early morning wake up already crave for fruits.

Hiya ladies.

Could add me in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LMP: 16 Jul 09

EDD: 25th April 2010

Nick: Yasmin

BB No.: #2

Gynae Name: Dr Adelina Wong

Hospital: Mt A

Went to see my gynae today. It seems I have a cyst in my left ovary and it's common. Anyone here who faces the same issue? I sure hope it goes away by 4mths.

Have a happy pregnancy ladies!


Hi Dahdah...

THe making of chicken essence...sorry for the late reply...

Buy one kumpung chicken, cut into 3potion.

Then use a "sha guo" bowl, put a inverted bowl inside the sha guo bowl, and put one of the potion of chicken on top the bowl. Cover the sha guo.

Next, prepare a big pot. Put some water in it...boil it and put a metal stand inside so that you can now put your sha guo bowl in it. Cover the pot and turn on small fire now... cook for 3 hours under the gas and after that. when you took out the sha guo, open the cover, u will notice that your chicken already cook and dry up on top... maybe you dun see any water. Jus throw away the chicken, flip up the bowl.. you will be surprise to see a small potion of essence in yellowish colour... drink it while it is hot..

Thats all. Hope is clear to you...;-) Hv been drinking it every Sunday since bfp..

