(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Welcome bk! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Aiyoh... Now both bb n mummy sick... Hugs...

Rest well...


Yes... Is the teething penchant captured? If u bz, then I order direct from jas03... I believe she will rem the nicks of the apr mummies reguLars here..



U very funny... Marathon reading... Hahaha... But it's quite true... I also can't catch up.... U sahm too? Join us the sahm lah! We will go out at times during the week... Hee...

Hey mommies,

Anyone knows what is going on for the Pampers 15% discount har? I went Cold Storage to buy hor, the cashier says don't have offer. I am so confused. Anyone managed to buy it at the discounted price?


Yes, wats goin on with the pampers promo.

These 2 days at ntuc I didn't see any signage for the new promo 15%.

I think tis shld b a real thing cos I received mgs from singtel service provider. Any singtel users hav receive? I find it weird tis is the 1st time I receive diaper promo via phone. I hav nv register tat singtel no of mine in anywhere.

Evening mommies

Am seeing doc again, flu n sore throat subsided, but am feeling giddy n nausea plus diarrhea woo don't know what's wrong with me


Yes water parade the whole day


Yah ne also drinking manukau honey hee


yup, i'm a SAHM. Thank u in adv for inviting me to the SAHMs' future outings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pnut - Hello! Long time no see...i remmeber u coz we were one of the last few to give birth for Apr mommies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Glad to hear all's well! Come here n tok to us more k!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Paiseh.. My laptop fan spolit. So likely the email got downloaded to my outlook liao... So can't see in online mailbox... Ok. I want the pink one. I think it's called cupcake?

Morning mummies...i'm also a silent reader like pnut. Me 1st time mother so not much to contribute & also i'm not SAHM. Bz w work and home. Lucky got mum stay w me to help.

Many of mummies here r SAHM.


Bbdust: rest well, take care. Mc at home tend to want to look after yr boy one. Haha.

Hi pnut!

Hello Eva. Many of us first time mummies too that why must come here n ask question. Not all are sahm. I'm working. :)

BBdust/Maddie - If i MC or leave will stay at home rest, bb will deposit at mum's house. Like tat then can rest properly n have a little ME time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBdust - MC dun go work la, must rest more noe?

Eva - Hi, welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im also working mum..hw old's ur gal/boy now?

bbdust, MC liaoz don't go back to work la.. later your boss knows that and the next time you on MC, he demands you to go back to work again!! You need rest pls.. shooo shoooo.. go your mama place and sleep.. You need to recover properly before you can take care of bb bbdust!!

Had a lovely bday celebration over the past 2 days w Mr C WITHOUT the bbs. wah shiok man.

All sick mummies and babies get well. Shoo shoo germs!

Pant pant… I cannot catch up (again)…

but someone(s) commented on feeding C2 more bcz he cry? but i feed him 6 teaspoons of the cereal already. *scratch head* not enuf meh.


YES I rem your nick bcz it ws so unusual. Welcome back.


MC is MC wat. The coy will not thank you for ruining your own health. Oh, one lao jiao colleague told me before... even if I (choy) get hit by a car and end up in hospital today, the coy will just hire 2 or 3 more pple to do my job. Biz will still go on. BUT health is your own da ji, and family needs you to be well. So....

Do go to your mum’s place to rest and sleep. Ok? *hooks little pinky*

Hello Eva,

You came in before ya? Welcome again. I m a second time mum and still got a lot of things to learn. Also FTWM.

Ask ask… Si Shen powder

Ok, I received a pack of this as a gift. What is this for? In place of cereal feed ah?

mummies, need help here. Am exploring the option of installing web cam at home to MONITOR the helper. What kind and brand do you all recommend? Simply know nuts about this.

Vic, i think i read that you have right? Can recommend please?


yup true. tat s y i pop in b4 to ask bout playmat =)) all e while only silent reader but then decided to sign up and pop in to ask


a good emp. Sick also go report work.


thanks. my gal born 28Apr. actual EDD is mid May. tat s y initially wonder which thread sud i go. May-MTB or Apr


wow u can remember. yup i pop in b4. ya lo heard many many diff stories bout their bb. each grow up diff. really many things to learn. btw FTWM=?

F T Working Mum

vic ma, woofy paid liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so i still owe u $$ for the b'day bash

siew ping,

wat happened w the wah kaoz remark?

you all ok?


better to ask than be forever in the dark.

there are no stupid questions. there may be stupid answers, but no, no stupid qns at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wise words fm my boss

Cellow...glad that u had en enjoyable 2 days with yr man *-* ..happy belated hatchday!!

^5 on your remark about MC ...sometimes i get v cynical when im given mc by the doc...if on mc & i go sell salted duck egg at work ( choy!), co will send a wreath & give pek kim..after that like what cellow mentioned..hire 2 or 3 more pple to do my job...not worth it lor..so might as well switch off n really REST..health more impt than ever esp with our LOs to look out for.

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just had mamil gold delivered to my place. Quite worth it. 4 x 900g for $115.65.

Re Pampers Promotion

I just bought 2 packs of Pampers Active 68pcs for $39.85. This is the promotion price. Dunno if this weekend's Parenthood Fair at Expo (26-28 Nov) will have even better price.

Happy belated birthday Cellow!

Cellow - singing belatedly "HAppeee Birthdae to Youuuu" Cellow! Nice pak tor time again huh? *wink* ;p

The sishen is not to replace cereal feeds. Its good for spleen n improve bb's appetite one. Jus add 1 tspn to bb's cereals/milk once a day...but i ask my pd she say better start aft 9 mths.


Hi, mummies

Pai say I didnt pay attention, when is the due date for paying bday bash? :p

Happy belated bird-day cellow, Muack! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

