(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

mozzie patches - very interesting. Good for my hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe it's better to leave everyone at home. I don't think it's fun to have in-laws, young children and husband at the same time in a foreign place.

For those who love club med, they are having a promotion now for certain locations - Adults pay Kids' prices. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Traveling with infant - best to latch/feed during take-off and landing. This helps to relieve the middle ear pressure (I feel). The other alternative is to let them cry it out. There are other methods, but I haven't tried them.

Re: Stroller - be prepared for slight wear and tear due to handling when bringing overseas. Handling depends on the location too. My stroller was damaged (handle broken) in Perth. I heard that Australia handlers can be quite rough. Was ok to Seoul. In fact, at the seoul airport, they wrapped the stroller in plastic when i checked in at the gate. Very impressed. I think china may be risky, coz my bags were damaged previously. Keep the purchase receipt, in case you need to claim for damages.



Yes. And I'm quite tempted. Just for the fun of it. Emailed them for more details. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I took SQ to beijing that time. Not too sure whether they checked my luggage or not but my stuffs not messy leh.. I suspect they anyhow throw our luggage and just nice the padlock pecak.

For US, yah they will defintely check. Next time I need to check whether it is those universal lock before buying. Else 'missing' again.


for my #1, I gave him Eu Yan Sang brown rice. Just need to cook and mix with milk for him. He likes it. Til now still taking 1 or 2 feed everyday.

re: iron

so the iron in BM not enuf. blur me. Luckily ruru-cat you brought it up and all mommies shared. Else me still dunno abt it!

re: baby vaccine photo shoot

I am also curious on that.

Hi Orangey,

Interested mommies for mozzie patches:

1. Dazz - ?? boxes

2. Rurucat - 4 boxes

3. GBH - 3 boxes

4. Chlosper - 2 boxes

5. Siew Ping - 2 boxes

Any other mommies?

Hi Celyn,

The BP price is $11 (free postage for 2 packs and more). Orangey is trying to see if we can get mass volume discount. If don't have discount, we can just buy direct from BP later.

Hi Orangey,

Interested mommies for mozzie patches:

1. Dazz - ?? boxes

2. Rurucat - 4 boxes

3. GBH - 3 boxes

4. Chlosper - 2 boxes

5. Siew Ping - 2 boxes

6. pearlytea - 3 boxes

Any other mommies?

Pinkzee - my gal also likes to bite her lower lips n smack smack smack..my helper say she teething. Her kids were like tat too..

Maddie - wow!! U another crouching tiger hidden dragon...hehehe... 350ml!!!

HJ - Thanks!! Shall look out for it.

Siew Ping - hahha..so fast miss bb liaoz ah...but y u say no choice, must go ah? oh u mean HB force u go pak tor wif him huh?;p

Dazz, Orangey, Agree. Go Mar or Apr got nice nice flowers to see too + good weather in TW... drooling...

Cellow - Travel again...*faintz* for u...Try psycho HB if going is family, not extended family..hehhee...so chor lei europe, not to neighbouring ctries, then maybe can close an eye. Else, u go alone lor, chop chop come back, but tis time make sure ur pump parts r wif u! lolz..

iron supplementation for bb

extracted fm http://www.kellymom.com/nutrition/vitamins/iron.html

The iron in breastmilk is bound to proteins which make it available to the baby only, thus preventing potentially harmful bacteria (like E.coli, Salmonella, Clostridium, Bacteroides, Escherichia, Staphylococcus) from using it. These two specialized proteins in breastmilk (lactoferrin and transferrin) pick up and bind iron from baby's intestinal tract. By binding this iron, they

stop harmful bacteria from multiplying by depriving them of the iron they need to live and grow, and

ensure that baby (not the bacteria) gets the available iron.

The introduction of iron supplements and iron-fortified foods, particularly during the first six months, reduces the efficiency of baby's iron absorption. As long as your baby is exclusively breastfed (and receiving no iron supplements or iron-fortified foods), the specialized proteins in breastmilk ensure that baby gets the available iron (instead of "bad" bacteria and such). Iron supplements and iron in other foods is available on a first come, first served basis, and there is a regular "free-for-all" in the baby's gut over it. The "bad" bacteria thrive on the free iron in the gut. In addition, iron supplements can overwhelm the iron-binding abilities of the proteins in breastmilk, thus making some of the iron from breastmilk (which was previously available to baby only) available to bacteria, also. The result: baby tends to get a lower percentage of the available iron.

Supplemental iron (particularly when administered in solution or as a separate supplement rather than incorporated into a meal) can interfere with zinc absorption. In addition, iron supplements and iron-fortified foods can sometimes cause digestive upsets in babies.

ok so *my* baseline is tbf babies do not need direct iron supplementation. fine if mummy wants to take iron supplements. our digestive systems are robust enuf to expel the excess. the same link later lists some iron-rich foods for babies. greens and grains are in the list.

chicken puree - C1 ate chicken at 9mo according to my records. pork is slightly less allergenic, C1 started at 7mo.


oh no. get well fast fast.

chlosper, sgsc,

ya i think i better go alone also. so many things to think of.

travelling w baby

actually tis easy to travel w baby. i lugged C1 (with ILs) to Perth when he was 15mo. C1 first travelled at 5mo to his msia grandparents for CNY. to me, tis easier to travel w baby than w/o baby.


HA? i must hv missed that post. HB force you to pak tor w him overseas and leave ah girl at home. wat if u say must bring ah girl along?

Hi Orangey,

Interested mommies for mozzie patches:

1. Dazz - ?? boxes

2. Rurucat - 4 boxes

3. GBH - 3 boxes

4. Chlosper - 2 boxes

5. Siew Ping - 2 boxes

6. pearlytea - 3 boxes

7. cellow - 4 boxes


Orangey ...im keen too.

Interested mommies for mozzie patches:

1. Dazz - ?? boxes

2. Rurucat - 4 boxes

3. GBH - 3 boxes

4. Chlosper - 2 boxes

5. Siew Ping - 2 boxes

6. pearlytea - 3 boxes

7. cellow - 4 boxes

8. woofmeow - 4 boxes

Chlosper, thanks for club med heads up. gonna check it out and try to go on my vacation again, which we never made it.

Don't think my hb and I can go without our ah girl. We put her in IFC one day when we were both on leave. Spent the morning looking at her pics on computer. By 2pm, I wanna bring her back oredi. haha.

Hi Cellow,

Actually there are conflicting studies on the iron deficiency in BM after 6mths. Some studies said that since BM is the perfect milk for baby, then it should suffice. Other studies subscribe to the thinking that baby's iron reserves deplete after 6mths. I think I just give the iron supplement drop in my gal's rice cereal (as advised by Kellymom website and maybe alternate days.

Actually yesterday's visit to PD makes me feel that my BM seems to be 'losing its value" once it crosses the 6th month. My PD talked abt iron supplement and also asked me how much my gal drinks and how many meals I give her. I told him 2 meals and about 6 milk feeds daily. He said must reduce to 4-5 milk feeds liao, so I can do that by either increasing the meal portion or give 1 more meal and/or give other types of fluid such as water, juice etc. Sigh.....

rurucat, haha.. i asked because, my boys goes to kinderclinic at Mount A.

1. Dazz - 4 boxes

2. Rurucat - 4 boxes

3. GBH - 3 boxes

4. Chlosper - 2 boxes

5. Siew Ping - 2 boxes

6. pearlytea - 3 boxes

7. cellow - 4 boxes

8. woofmeow - 4 boxes

Spent the morning reading all the eulogies by the Lee family. Ah Gong Lee's love for Ah Ma is really touching. Must learn from them. =)


Orangey ...I'm keen too.

Interested mommies for mozzie patches:

1. Dazz - ?? boxes

2. Rurucat - 4 boxes

3. GBH - 3 boxes

4. Chlosper - 2 boxes

5. Siew Ping - 2 boxes

6. pearlytea - 3 boxes

7. cellow - 4 boxes

8. woofmeow - 4 boxes

9. elmoo - 2 boxes



did your PD do a blood test on your girl to conclude she needs iron supplementation? if in doubt, better to test. fm my own experience, precious few PDs hv sufficient knowledge abt tbf babies.

got the same feeling fm relatives notably the MIL that my BM is "losing its value" after 6 mo. for C1, i succumbed and fed solids at 5mo, after she was on my back since 4mo. feed some rice cereal la, shd would tell me, then he would get more nurition and maybe sleep thro the night as well. like real ah... he slept thro only after 1yo. that time, blur blur 1st time mummy doesnt know any better.

for C2, the case is more clear cut as his long occurring face rash proves he is more prone to allergens than his korkor. i still havent fed him anything else other than my milk. oook... other than gripe water and my milk... but you understand la.

i will call my PD later and ask abt iron supplementation. i suspect that she will say no need la (!!! she is very direct!) and then follow up with if i really want, then test to see. but the bottomline is C2 is gaining wgt well. so my mummy sense tells me he doesnt need iron supplements.

wat does your mummy sense tell you abt iron supplements for your girl?

oh, piglet~! i just recalled i forgot to reply your post to me on FB.. you asking if i need god-daughter right?? hahahahha... if Yu-Hsien and you don't mind, it's my honour lo!! lolz.. she's such a pretty angel. =) Btw, do remember me when you become Xin Ma leh... i oso want my boys to model leh.. but no chance. wahahahha.. i need extra $$ for milk powder. hahahaha.


Call up KinderClinic at Mt A to ask!!! No harm right? But that is provided u are using Similac powder in the 1st place. For my case, the researcher student talk talk talk talk, then the 'zhong4 dian3' is the reward and the brand. Hahahha... If it is not similac brand, even give me 10 cans I also won't participate as I won't have time to sell online also. Haahhaha...

Hi Cellow,

Hmm.... i am v conflicted but I strongly believe that my BM is the best for my gal. I will continue to feed my gal the current 6 feedings of BM and 2 meals and then maybe when I introduce meat when she is 7mths old onward (like your C1), maybe she will fill up better and skip 1 feeding. I am not very comfortable starting on meat now or to give her juice/water for her fluid need. As for the iron supplement, I will just add a drop or two into her meal once a day as and when i remember. Hahhaha... Thanks for your advice.

Hi ladies,

Any ladies giving their darlings yoghurt and cheese? I am also half-hearted as these items are more like angmoh style leh. Ceddar cheese is v salty, so I am wondering should i or should i not? How about tofu? Anyone?

rurucat, haha.. no la. i'm just asking. My boys taking Friso so even if i got it.. no use oso. Unless i give it to mummies here lo. hahahaha.

i think tofu can give ba... it's soft, tasteless and good in calcium (is it ah?). can add into cereal or porridge? But for cheese and yoghurt... don't think i'll give, till he's much older.

dazz i think this person just PM-ed some of us if we're keen to let our babies be photographed for a vaccine shoot.

piglet, pmed u alr ley, dun think i should reveal her email here. or u try pm-ing me then i reply?!?!

this is the info i got from them. i half hearted leh. not sure if i want to go. happen that tomorrow, i on leave. can go for casting if want loh.


Yes. We are looking for babies that are between 0 - 8 months old for a baby vaccine photo shoot. There wun be any needles involved, so need not worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We are actually looking for more than just babies. We are also looking for:

•baby's parents (would be ideal if the parent can fit into the roles too)

•grandmother (would be ideal if they are real relations)

It would be great if you can forward me recent images of:

•your little angel (please indicate how old they are now)

•your hubby and yourself (if interested) and

•your mother and / or mother-in-law (if interested)

for the time being.

The information for the shoot is on the attached pdf file, please kindly refer.

The shoot is on the 15th & 16th October; there is a casting on this Friday from 9.30am to 5.30pm.

LAdies - i speed read...abit blur now. Wats tis vaccine shoot abt?

Vaccine shoot as in photo shoot for bbs going for vaccines OR there's new type of vaccine tat bbs shld be given?!!!


hee if u free just go for casting loh or ask piglet to go... YH potential kekek [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not going ah.. ?

oic... now i know.. hahaha.. wow. i think if my MIL go ah... probably can get lo. She's hot granny. lolz.

Celyn, just go try lo.. anyway, you're oredi on leave liaoz rite?

bbdust~!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! you not bringing your boy for the casting???


I'm keen.

Interested mommies for mozzie patches:

1. Dazz - ?? boxes

2. Rurucat - 4 boxes

3. GBH - 3 boxes

4. Chlosper - 2 boxes

5. Siew Ping - 2 boxes

6. pearlytea - 3 boxes

7. cellow - 4 boxes

8. woofmeow - 4 boxes

9. elmoo - 2 boxes

10. jfng - 2 boxes

i alr scheduled and paid for a photography session in Dec with Sean Lau. no need extra la. besides this kind of session can be quite stressful for the little one wan, so i rather not la.

Thank you mummies for the mosquito patch coordination, esp Ruru cat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've emailed the BP organizer so will see if she's willing to give us a better price if not it'll still be $11 per pack.

I think I need 10 boxes since I'm using it daily but my DH gave me that "drop jaw" face so will stick to 5 boxes :p

Celyn - This is in a pack. Same as what you see in Kiddy Palace but $7 cheaper! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vic ma - Thank you for helping me to check out with your friends but I think I'll stick to this brand cause the brand that your friend has, I've used it b4 but its not as long lasting so I think that's the price diff? Heheh but nevertheless, you are as always our coordination and helpful moo mooo mummy! :D

oic..tink we mommies equally stressed up during ps too... heh...neva a fan of such but jus wanna capture some happy moments for memories

BBdust - dinno its ur bday...Happy Bday & have a good One!! ;p

er er... i thick skin leh.. i wanna try... is it possible for me to try?? Or only those who receive PM can go? hee...


hee normally their pay not bad one.. but i think depends on the vaccination company how much they willing to pay.. last time my nephew had photo shoot he earn quite a bit hee


keee tks tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think it does not matter who go cause they want many many babies to go casting then let the company decides ..so just go for casting if u are free [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

celyn, now tat u mention, my D recently start to make whining face when she sees strangers and wana cling to us only. how to shoot like tat - haha...unless they wan to deter pp from vaccination and wana photograph a crying bb then my D can ah! hahaha...but i bu she de wor...


ee celyn posted the details liao hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i repost for u yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes. We are looking for babies that are between 0 - 8 months old for a baby vaccine photo shoot. There wun be any needles involved, so need not worry :)

We are actually looking for more than just babies. We are also looking for:

•baby's parents (would be ideal if the parent can fit into the roles too)

•grandmother (would be ideal if they are real relations)

It would be great if you can forward me recent images of:

•your little angel (please indicate how old they are now)

•your hubby and yourself (if interested) and

•your mother and / or mother-in-law (if interested)

for the time being.

The information for the shoot is on the attached pdf file, please kindly refer.

The shoot is on the 15th & 16th October; there is a casting on this Friday from 9.30am to 5.30pm.



i called my mother abt smthing else, then she proceeded to nag me abt the amber teething necklace around C2's neck. said C1 might go and pull.

she piped down after i told her that C2 did not screech at all after i put the teething necklace on him. i couldnt take it after he screeched for 2 nights continuously on sat and sun night. initially i dun believe in amber as well, but hey watever works to lessen his pain and preseve my sanity ok. my mum is not the one who has to take care of him in the night. i have to show some semblance of having some brains at work the next day. panda eyed nvm still got concealer. no brains, can lead to loss of job one leh.

sheesh. i m cheesed off.

at least tis my mum. i can tell her to back off. MIL.... gotta tell Mr C then Mr C will tell her to back off. such a long commn process.

ok end of rant

*cellow scuttles back to earn her daily keep for the children*

