(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Orangey, vomit out you will feel better.

The half in half out feeling not good, i will make myself puke if can or else I'll be feeling very lousy whole day!


hmm...how abt eating sour plums...sometimes wen my mouth gets the bland taste, i will chew on one slowly..

but thankfully so far, its jus nausea n no vomitting yet! *touch wood* im abt 9+ weeks now.

Hang on ladies, most of ur 1st trimester oredi over liao! supposed to feel n look better then i heard.

ahhhh...sianz...fri liao but not at all happy dunno y...time pass so sloooowwwwwww

having slight fever n sore throat dunno can eat panadol anot also...damn sianz...

Wonderland, tdy my 1st day back work.

Took 3 weeks leave to vomit at home. Now very sian... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zhuzhu, i sleep direct on my desk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

boss knows I'm not feeling well..Tdy time pass so slow! I wana go home!


I am still on leave. But not as nice lor, vomotting since week 5 eh...almost 8 weeks of vomitting, not feeling good at all...


why not try to get more leave from work?

i'm looking forward to the day I can eat and eat and grow fat!!

Dear all mummy o mummy to be,

I have a relative from Malaysia who do confinement. She had few yrs experience as a CL lady, can cook very well & take good care of baby. Anyone who is interested, pls e-mail o msn me at [email protected]

Note down the mth ur need, so tat i can confirm her schedule.

wonderland, you on leave how long liao?

zbabe, i also wana take more leave but i took 3 weeks very pai say leh also afriad boss not happy. So envy SAHM can rest at home. This morning dragging my feet to work.

Hmm, i tried before staying at home but got many factors i cant.

Cos my mil is taking care of my elder gal and i dun wana face my mil 24/7 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SAHM also got to look after other kids de mah. Not much better. Hv to cook for them, get them ready for school, bathe, play etc. Feeling sick and tired also cant rest whenever we want. Trust me, not any better... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


agreed 200% cos I'm a SAHM too.

today was my check up at 9 weeks. Thankfully, the baby was doing well. my gynae mentioned that my baby is very active cos it was constantly moving its arms and legs! so cute!My edd is now 22 Apr 10.


I started on leave since week 6 until now. My gynae wanna to be very sure coz I was having spotting and bad ms...so he wrote a letter to my boss..

No need to feel paiseh, if really paiseh, then ask for no-pay leave like me lor...

Wonderland, my doc didnt write letter and I'm taking 1 week by 1 week not straight 3 weeks so go back office try to work but next day took leave again. Sianzzz...Tdy half day only but now seems okie, yesterday really feel like running back home to sleep. Really scare ms until 16 weeks!


I just thrown out too. Very bad...

My boss said no good if i keep running to toilet when in the office too.. cld not do much work and may bring trouble to ppl around me...which i agree la....

elmoo and wonderland,

I'm like u all too...

my gynae wrote a letter to my boss and I was given medical leave for a few weeks...

but I still try to do some work at home la..

its not easy having bad ms like us..but have to endure lor...

sometimes also very bored at home, only watch dvds and rest, etc...i'm thinking about I'll go pick up some hobby at home now since getting slightly better...

zbabe, elmoo,

I am so fatigue until cannot do anything due to the ms.. watching tv also makes me tired...

Juz received a call from my gynae, he said my oscar's statistic is fine but the risk is slightly high when comparing to people in my age group, and he said just take it as a normal result for the time being... worry leh...

I am just wondering what will u gals do if really so bad luck...sorry ah, but i am just trying to find an answer to myself so that I am more ready when visiting my gynae on 6 oct..


only slightly high lor. tis no point fretting abt it now... think positive thots till 6 oct!


an old wives' tale - bbs giving mummy MS more likely to be girls. which is a bummer for me, bcz i hope this one will be a girl!

Hi bad ms mummies,

am also having bad ms as u gals, whole day nausea, cant eat and cant drink well, vomiting at least 3 times per day, keep taking mc and leave... I lost abt 3kg a mth...

My gynae did ask me to consider drip, but after drip only can make us comfortable for few days only right? the ms still will comes back right? am still considering... need advice fm mummies who had drip b4...

Hi Lov3mm,

I went into hospital for drip last week. And it was becos the ms was so bad that i was both dehydrated & constipated. In fact, i later found that i had hemorrhoids also. So actually going in for drip earlier may be good, before the dehydration causes other problems. Fyi, i lost total of 4 kgs due to MS, and at my most severe days, i practically vomit everything that i take in despite taking the anti-vomit pill. After hospitalisation, i was given drip of multi-vitamins, oral medication for anti-vomit & laxative to ease my constipation. But by then, i was in so much pain that i couldn't pass motion at all. Even peeing was a problem. I stayed for one night, and my gynae prescribed laxative as well as medications for the hemorrhoids for me to apply at home. I was in so much pain whenever i go toilet that i was sobbing to my husband. It was really quite a painful experience, and personally i hope none of you has to go through what i did, thus just wanna share with you all here.

For the ladies who are still experiencing MS, you may wanna consider seeing a TCM doctor to prescribe something? Cos during my hospital scare & stuff, my MIL suggested that i try seeing a TCM, and it worked! just 2 dosages of his medication, and now i dun puke so often (only in the morning after i brush my teeth & after i take bus sometimes). And my appetite is so much better. If you all want recommendation to my TCM, i can give u all the contact, but i believe any sound TCM can prescribe these "an tai" medication. Just tell them your symptoms.

Not sure about the gender part but alot of people commented that women conceiving boys will have "bloated" nose.. as in their nose will be enlarged. My mum says its not true cause when she was pregnant with my 2 brothers, she said she had very good skin and nothing much changed in the features, and when she had me and my sis, she had pimples outbreak! I think it really depends on individual though..

hi lov3mm,

i also had drip before (for previous pregnancy) and I find it really good, at least I felt so so much better after the drip and I can eat...it only takes one night, and doesn't cost that much...

I think the good thing about drip was that, my mood changed to be better, even though it was only for few days...u know how depressive and sad we can feel abt our ms sometimes...

this pregnancy, I lost around 3-4kg as well...i did consider a drip this time round, but my hubby got chicken pox, and I dun wanna get admitted to hospital alone...i really hope things will get better in 1-2 weeks' time...

hi joyce, u poor gal, u've been thru so much!! i'm sure ur bb will appreciate mummy more!! oh, and ur hubby will also love and appreciate u more!! hang in there gal...glad u're better with the TCM...hmmm...how abt sharing the contact with us?

hi wonderland, many things are beyond our control, so just take it as it comes...

prob ur fatigue could be caused by low energy as u have little food in u? I feel cold sometimes too, cos no food in me...really hate this very weak me, cos usually I m very active and I like to do sports!! but now, i really feel so weak and moody and all....

cellow, i really dun mind if its a boy or gal, as long as bb is healthy...

Joyce & zbabe,

Thks for sharing ur experience, looks like i shld have drip... for #1 at least i can eat and drink and puke, this time i cant eat & drink much but still puke...

Joyce, *hug* can understand ur painful!

same as zbabe, i do hope u can share the TCM's contact and how to describe our prob? the medic is it call "shi san tai bao"?

zbabe, praying for u, ur ms will gone very soon as u are now in 13 wks le, me only 10wks+ sob...


Ya, maybe u shd take the drip. No harm de. My 2nd one too though i didnt puke or even lose weight. Gynae just saw me feeling cold and shiverish (not hving fever) and decided to let me go for a drip. I didnt want to at first cos I didnt see the need. But glad I did cos I did feel so much better and more energetic. Could even disturb and chat with the nurses doing nite duty as I couldnt sleep. Lol. Only had it for a day. Try lah. The doc must have his/her reason for asking u to do that.

Hi, wonderland

When I'm having my elder gal I got my TTT result not very gd also got higer risk in my age group I keep worrying for the entire pregnancy! I'm happy my gal turn out to be normal & very active now. So my hubby ask me not to take OSCAR test this time cos not really acturate. Dont worry so much, be happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiyo, so sian monday again! Hope thursday come faster cos this thursday I'm visiting Dr woody to see my baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good mrg ladies

Today marks the end of the 1st trim..

Finally! On into 2nd trim liao.. hope those sickening symptoms disappear soon!


I seeing Dr Woody on Wednesday

I peeped at my NT results during the scan. Results seems fine.. I think it was somthing like 1.87mm or what


I think my result also okie cos that lady do scan for me already told me on that day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope we are the luck ones ms stop at 2nd trimester. This morning just puke in my hubby car. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Initially i hope for a boy cos my #1 is a girl but the purpose of concieving #2 is to give my dd a companion so actually another girl will be better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually no matter boy or girl, the health is the most impt factor.


I find other pple more obsess with the gender.

Every other person I meet always ask what gender and then some smart aleck wud think that I'm hoping for a boy since #1 is a girl..

Feel like slapping them in the cheeks


I think I hv more than enof foods, eat every 2 hours even at the middle of night because I am afraid of the gastric problem I have...that's y still gain weight after so much puking...

thanks elmoo, I don think I will do further testing for now.. just wait to see what my gynae will advise.... very moody recently...


haha... guess pp dunno what qn to ask.. so ask abt gender loh. Today is also 14w0d for me! hurray!! but the nausea and bloatedness still v bad for me, almost 24/7. hai... Tomorrow seeing Dr Adrian. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, not sure if i mentioned, i not taking any test at all.. NT/oscar/amnio. Heard too many stories of false +ves... unless u go for amnio to know 100% for sure. I dun wan to go down tat road altho i'm already in the 'high risk' age. Jus pray for healthy strong bb.


Good leh, so regret to go for the NT scan. I was thinking this is my 1st so do lor....

Trying not to think abt it now and enjoy the pregnancy....


Ya, those that already know about my pregnancy ask whether i know the gender or which gender i prefer. even my mum thinks that i will prefer a boy and i told her i will tell the gynea that i dun want to know the gender this time round. since they like to guess, let them guess till the bb is born then. :p my hubby prefer girl and we already have our dd so he have no preference this time round.

puckie u can try guessing from those Chinese calendaring Guess the gender websites. u need mum's age & when u conceived.

yes quite bad i started my 10th week yday so I think its either getting better OR its getting worse.

my #1 time 2nd mth end started MS & then ended around start of the 4th mth.


must jia you...anther few more weeks then maybe you will be better le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when are u going for ur nxt scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ask u ah, my DH said my legs are having a lot of stretch marks leh, u think the cream can work? it has been there for sometime liao leh


BB Dust i didnt read if the cream can help with existing marks but its worth a try must use enough la.

I used mustella intensiva stretch mark serum it worked to lighten my 1 yr old marks la. its around $59 or 69 + before discount must wait for robinsons or dept store 15-20% off that brand then i bot once. I didnt repurchase la as i got lazy.

I plan to rob my HB when i fiished with child bearing go to a dermtologist maybe laser or Strong Retinol cream later (cream much much cheaper la) But now i only trying to prevent more new marks hopefully.

alot of pple tell me its hereditery but most pple i know not much marks 80% of them were hard working 2 times a day good brand stretch mark cream/oil users. the other 20% maybe really is genes lor.


I lost my appetite again on Saturday when all was getting better

Now I got new symptom.. headache!

I hate headaches leh..



We same leh.. I oso week 14 day 0.. start of 2nd trim

Dr Woody very good at guessing baby's gender one

U can try asking him since u oradi week 14


These pple nothing beta to ask leh..

Tat day I went my fren's bdae dinner, his fren tot I 5-6mths liao cos my tum was bigger than hers.. She was already 5mth preggers!




same as me... me going also...i think our scan dates are the same leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my mum don't have stretch marks but i got so much not on tummy but all over my inner thighs front n back, and its already 1 year old liao ai ~ i go and try see if it works [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Puked out my b'fast just now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So sleepy.. I so feel like going home!!



I oso sleepy leh

Last night work at 1:30am to pee then feel hungry..

Ate bread and drank soya in the middle of the night!

Only slept again at 3am..

