(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

lynn, confinement rules, busy feeding bb and making bb sleep, jaundice, bf stress due to none/little milk flow in 1st 2 weeks and also diff opinions in taking care of bb and bf.., etc..


haha hippo, i like the words "strangle someone"..

the postnatal blue is really true .. the hormonal changes after delivery cannot be overlooked and it's true.. thus got to tell hb to tolerate us after delivery due to hormonal changes.. after a few months we'll bk to normal..

icic ok ok, the post-natal blues my hubby's fren warned my hubby abt already coz the hubby's fren's wife got it BAD and he said it was a very trying period for him too. He thinks he should have just hired a confinement lady instead of using his mother (which translates to the wife's MIL) coz it made things worse! so 2nd time round they hired a CL.

heng i like ginger...hahaha...silver lining...

jasda, very true ma.. they reali have to tahan our nonsense during dat time. wah piangz, my confinement machiam like i watch soap opera leh.. my water tap was turned on everyday. dunno cry for wat also.. hahahaha!

lynn, oooh.. never a MIL to do confinement. dat one sure headache when it comes to diff ways of handling the small one.. and lucky for u dat u like ginger!! keke

Hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt. Wanted to share with you the Baby heartbeat monitor I bought. It is the best selling baby heartbeat monitor in Europe.

Everytime when I wonder how's baby is, I will use the monitor to hear baby's heartbeat. It really gave me the assurance that baby is fine. This is especially helpful cos I get worried about baby due to my previous miscarriage in feb this year. You can pm me for more details or check out the website at: www.mybabyinspiration.com

hippo, yah i think it's normal to turn on water tap during that time.. me too.. just doesn't like normal me. hopefully #2 will be better as we hv experience liao mah haha...

LAdies...been swarmed wif my stupid reporting..now big headache n it doesnt help tat its raining heavily...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wilbb, okie okie!

Note time clashes - for mommies who wanna book both Jan's n BF class. ;p

Hippo, *wink* back..imperial token good to use must faster use while we can...hehehe

Toking abt training HB, Baymic, my mum's like u. Always warn/psycho HB b4 we got married must take good care of mi, watch out for mi, dun let me carry heavy things or do strenous chores coz i've been weak since young, can faint easily one...so in a way. i've been blessed wif a HB like Hippo n Celynlee who does everything for mi, clean house, wash, iron, prepare bf..i jus use my mouth to work n my hands n legs r getting flabby now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But yday i got angry wif HB coz he gave a v irritated tone wen i wanted him take cut fruits for mi in fridge then he say "can u take yrself, i really v tired lei...wif tat miserable look" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i felt so hurt. U tired i also mah, who ask him wakie so early every morn..dun vent r frustrations on mi lor...i was so angry i ignore him n dun tok to him till now.

If he dun cal mi soon, im going home w/o him liao. Coz i drive to work n he'll meet mi here go back together usually. Stil v fed-up.

Hippo, my MIL wans mi to do confinement at her house lei, whereas my mum like not interested ..how? Sure jiak lak oredi la...

i also dun like the idea coz i cant tell my MIL off wen i unhappy unlike in my own home. Somemore u all say confinement period is hell..boo hoo hoo..realli feel like crying ...damn sianz

sg_sc, u're fortunate to hv hb who do all house work fr u, i still need to mop the floor, cut fruits fr him, do laundry etc.. so treasure him bah..


good that you mum warn your hubby about taking care of you and good that he listen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i feel for confinement, its better to get confinement lady to do instead of mum or mil. sure will have conflict one. for my #1, i just engage a confinement lady without asking my mum at all. she also take it that i don't need her.


hahaha... at least, you feel heart pain. i just don't care since he is the one who don't want help. :p


no trick lah. he just do it one loh.


i have no problem with confinement at all. i didn't wash hair at all, just clean myself with herbal water. CL boiled for me without me asking. i rest very well during confinement too. all i do is pump, latch, eat, sleep and surf net. every other things are done by CL.

its very important that we get enough rest during confinement.


*wink* i like ginger too!


sidestep the issue by hiring a CL and doing confinement at your hse. then both your MIL and mum can come visit.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tell her you need the time to bond w bb.

dun cry now, not confinement period yet dear.

go home and sayang HB, dun cold war for too long, not healthy.


i din cry at all during confinement until my MIL went to stick a bottle of FM into #1's mouth on day 4. 2 feeds and he din wanna latch. that's when i turned on the waterworks.... boohoohoo i told HB, see now how, feed bottle already he doesnt want my boobs, boohoohoo.

MIL was flabbergasted, she retreated quickly, also came to my room tell me dun cry during confinement, bad for my eyesight next time. actually she also v xinku, raise her 3 kids w/o family support alone moving around when FIL was outstation in rural Msia (his work took him to ulu villages)... she told me then that there was once HB and HB's brother both crying for milk. she got up during her own confinement to make milk but no strength (this ws post C-section) to fill kettle and boil water. she just leaned agst the cupboard and cried. we bonded over tears that day....

after that, she din force me to do anything agst my wishes liao.

Tks ladies for listening. He called jus nw say he coming , then jus called again ask mi go back first coz he be late. #$%$@&#^*@!!! Bloody hell, make mi wait for nothing...SIGH

Confinement - MY MIL has specifically told my HB tat she wanna take care of our bb (n scariest thing was she said if my parents wanna look aft, we must ask them first, coz guy side, so more senior!!) I couldnt believe my ears lor, HB din wanna reveal who said one but i guessed as much n forced it out of him. Where got tis type of crap??!!

To be fair, i have no complaints abt my ILs till nw...am really worried my master's words gonna come true.

Cellow, ur story abt bonding wif ur MIL really v heartwarming lei..i read oredi dunno y feel like crying too...sounds like a really nice MIL...


ask your MIL what she expects during confinement. discuss abt night wakings, hsework, whether anot HB shd be involved in the nights in bb care, bb bathing and washing poo nappies (bcz you shd not touch unboiled water at all during this period) and if she is working, is she gonna take leave? also finances - does she expect both you and HB to buy everything, and pay her an amt on top of it, or...?

start the conversation by telling her you are a bit worried abt her health (sounds good ya) and dun wanna tire her out during that time .... very tiring on her if there is no other help.

for #1, i hired CL. this time, MIL will do my confinement with the helper doing the hsehold chores and cooking. so really she will be the director, helper is ka kia.

ya, i type already also i wanna cry. in fact everytime i think abt her sacrifices for the family, i wanna cry... hormones i guess.

i guess tis bcz she doesnt trumpet what she does, but just quietly goes abt making our lives easier in any way she can.

we DO still hv differences of course.

tonight, you just silently cut the fruit and put in front of HB. if your HB is understanding (and he does sound ok, do hsework wor!), he ll apologise first. try try la. nthg but pride to swallow first...

Aiyo, dinner just now was HORRIBLE!. We ate the ayam fish thingy. I used to love fish a lot but now wanna vomit. My taste bud somewhat change so much. *tsk tsk*


hahahahahaha… same here. If I say “then, I do lor” he would say ok lor. *eyes roll* if I insist he do certain things, he gets frustrated and give me black face either that or he just any how do. The best part is, he doesn’t want to hire a full time maid. Say got no privacy.

We are on the same side of the boat.

Lets start boiling them now so in time to come they will be “automatic” like Hippo n Celynlee & sgsc. Haha.

The constant crying of babies and lack of sleep at night is really freaking me out. I SLEEP a lot and I need to sleep so I can function the next day. My work is duper hectic and I believe most mamas here too work very hard. how to cope? What do you do when you feel frustrated? What if the dad is very stubborn, refuse to wake up to feed the crying kiddo. Aiyo,……

Btw, any moms here travel for work too?

Thank goodness I don’t need to deal with in laws. None to talk abt in the first place.. Pro and cons la. That also means my kiddo don’t have anyone to help to take care unless I get a full time maid.

cellow, remember to send me email the amber teething necklaces ok.

[email protected]


good that you have good bond with your mil. i read liao also feel like crying.


talk to your mil on the confinement issues and see how loh. if you are ok with her style, then should be no problem.


don't stress now. after baby is born, everything will changed. yes, you might still complaint about the lack of sleep, constant crying of baby but all these will be gone once baby smile at you. you will never know much that small little baby can changed you.

Hi mummies,

I have a preloved medela pump in style advaned (PIS) to let go. It's a dual pump system, comes with a carrier bag, cooler bag and 4 bottles. It suitable for working mum who wants to continue expressing when back to work.

Letting go as i decided to stop expressing due to lack of time.

Purchased during late August from TMC, however started using only during October. Comes with local warranty. RP:$790

Willing to let go at $400 (nego).

Please PM to deal now.


morning mummies! Another TGIF!

sgsc, unfortunately, when we girls married off, we considered part of the other family already. so our child will be their grandchildren first. hence our own parents are called Wai Po/Wai Kong...lower rank in a way la...this i've heard of...but when yiwen talked abt her FIL not wanting to carry her BB girl coz he thinks BB girl dirty, tat was a first man. I was literally fuming and really didnt know how to reply. I've always been somewhat of a feminist and i cannot take such nonsensical thinking.

sam, i also struggle with fish now. i usu like them and i know they are good for baby now, but i really struggle to eat them now...sigh...

Gd morning!

lynn, sam,

DHA (some fatty acid only present in fish and the foundational cells for brain cells/connections) improves bb's intelligence by some 10-20 IQ points. Think of it as giving bb the best start in life!

incidentally breastmilk also lays down the foundation for a smarter bb, bcz our fatty acids are human-based and more easily absorbed. and feed as possible, even beyond the accepted norm of 6mo or 1yo.

(psst, another fact to tell MILs and HBs, heh)

a pdf version to print for show-and-tell


and the acad dry-as-dust version http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/101/1/e9

SgSC, must ask & confirm as what cellow advise. I'm an example that never ask just take it she said want to do than let her do loh than end up wah nightmate.

Lynn, at first I didn't know the reason he not carry my girl & keep on asking MIL is FIL don't know how to carry? Not carry NVM but don't call my DD "Bastard" in cantonese & I don't understand bcos is too "deep". Untill I ask him, "Pa, Xuan is girl leh y u call her xxx" than nobody asnwer me & I sense something funny. Keep on ask my HB & finally know is the meanning.. HB said just his " 口头禅" What AH AH Ah so so angry.... Tahn I told my HB" call u nvm don't call my DD" After that I told FIL my DD name is Zixuan not "xxx".

Cellow, Celynlee, yiwen - Somehow i dun feel like touching on tat sensitive topic now. Haven realli had good talk wif HB abt confinement yet. Initially i told him i wanna go back my mum's house for confinement coz i'll definitely feel more comfy there, however, my mum's working so only left my maid (she's experienced in a way coz got 2 kids, but she might not be familiar wif our confinement practices) to take care of mi, n there's my 2 dogs, so worried bb might get sensitive skin like mommy next time. These r my concerns.

Whereas, if i were to do confinement at my MIL's house, my only main concerns were conflicts of any sorts which at tis pt in time, i wont noe wat to expect. I have seen hw my PIL cared for my SIL's bb past 2 yrs since birth, n i felt soooo sorry for them, coz they r practically servants to the bb. SO precious like tat. They care for the bb as if is their own, waking up wee hrs to help feed bb. i can definitely trust my bb in their good hands, but jus dun like staying their house for tat 1 mth. Wen HB goes to work, im gonna be so bored, sure lock myself up in the room. $ wise we will sure compensate them confinement rate (they dun seem tat particular abt $$ issue)Infact, they r a very closely bonded family...Wouldnt be rite for mi ask PIL come stay wif us too... coz they'll cook dinner for their kids to come back eat sometimes n HB dun like idea of confinement nanny since he feels his parents can do much better job.

We'll explore the options later, but i feel im gonna have to settle for MIL...

morning ladies..

sam, yesterday nite i asked my hubby to wash toilet.. he's willing to wash.. it's a good start ;) we share housechores, he washed toilet, i mopped floor.

cellow, yes, tats why i struggle to eat it even though i dun like it now...still taking fish oil pills but i feel actual fish should be better too. and bm, yes yes, tats why i so determined to bf...

wah yiwen, very sad ley...this time and age still got pp like tat...coz my mom always tells me all the suffering she went thr under my grandma (her MIL) but even then us as girls weren't treated that badly. they were already superstitious by our standards already - yours i havent even heard of. if they treat my baby girl like tat, i also all out war already.

sgsc, hmm...they seem nice at this point...i guess now is to find out their beliefs and practices and see if they coincide with your own. asking them to stay with you - i guess it's up to them coz i'm sure to them it wun be as comfortable as them staying at their own place. tat time my MIL went to my SIL's place to stay (as in her own daughter) to help look after her kid - even her own daughter's place she also not comfy staying there and cannot sleep well. slowly la, just chat abt it...maybe mention some practices casually to her like asking her if it's what she'd do that sort of thing?

sg_sc, regarding confinement, i think really need to consider seriously wehther you wan ur mil to do it fr u. from my experience, it's better not her. but if house have many ppl e.g. mum, mil and confinement lady, everybody will hv different views on taking care bb and if all against u bf, it'll be a very stress matter. so conclusion, just find one person u're comfortable to do ur confinement.


i also travel for work - smtimes. travelled 2x this year with possibly another trip next Jan.

u need to build a good support struc around you, preferably starting now. for health reasons, my mum and dad are unable to take care of #1, so my aunt (also taking care of my grandma) agreed to have helper under supervision at her place. i can fang xin to go to work.

HBs... i dunno... need to talk to him...?

Alternate night duties (HB feeds EBM to #1 while I rest in other room) may b workable.

But like celyn said, the lack of sleep will become part of life for the 1st few weeks if not months. Somehow if bb responds to you, then tis worthwhile....

... oh, you can try taijiao now - tell bb to sleep more during the night and let mummy sleep ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. at abt 4-6 weeks aft birth, they know how to differentiate between night and day liao.

ps. i also very piggy one, need 8 hours of sleep pre #1, best if 10 hours.


dun go round and round in circles in your mind gal!

talk talk talk to HB. and also if you hv gotten along w MIL up to now, just open the conversation by telling her you hv sm things on your mind abt confinement, can she advise?

[ignore the fengshui master's words for now la, who knows what the future brings]

elderlies (mine at least) simply luuuurve being asked for advice!


i din eat it during lunch ystday in the end, but WEEEEH, i could almost taste the bbq-ness of the fish + sambal chilli. *sniffle*

hello mommies!!!! ...TGIF ..hehe..

Fish oil ....are u ladies taking fish oil now????? from gynae or buy from outside pharmacy?

morning ladies!!

jasda, scary water taps man.. i dread thinking abt it.. keke

sg_sc, dun tink too much abt it ya? itz still quite a couple of months away. it may be unbearable then but REMEMBER one thing then.. they are there to help lighten ur load during confinement. and as grandparents, they will surely dote. so sometimes gotta turn a blind eye when required okie? hugs.. u hv been a nice DIL and i m sure u'll get along super fine! =)

and i hope ur hb has appeased u already? heehee..

confirm everything super sweet today already cos he's a super nice hb too right? TGIF!

yiwen, oooo.. so pissed to hear abt ur experience with ur FIL. wat rubbish! (though wat i reali wana say is @(*$^(@&^%(@*&$)(*@).. hahahaha... u are very tolerant le.. but good! keep calm and face him head on. if itz me, i tink i would hv torn the house down leh..

Tks ladies for all ur valuable advice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'll try to sort it out soon (amicably) coz if i wanna confinement nanny like need book soon liao hor...sigh

Jasda, good for u!

Cellow, heheh...i dun wanna apologise to him. coz my HB is the type like to act blur n pretend nothing happens aft im angry one...n will tok to mi like normal (though he noes n hoping i wld have cooled off). Morn quarrelled wif him again. Cant stand him always using his lappy...always working...got so bz meh, day n nite so much emails to reply...c'mon la, get a life pls.

he jus sms asking us not to quarrel, saying he said hi to mi last nite but i ignored him. dahhhh....??!!! Past 2 days din tok to him, i feel happier. See him v sianz..Pregg women tend to be more emotional n sensitive n cranky these days, so he shld noe better lor.

Sam,Lynn, understd hw u all feel...i also v scared of fish esp 1st tri..now stil scared but will force myself to eat coz its good for bb...

Yiwen, i support u! pardon mi for syaing tis, but its really sad tat ur FIL stil have such old-fashioned beliefs..i couldnt believe my eyes wen u said tat. Hw cld he give such a nickname to ur DD? Next time ur dd dun respect him also cannot blame her lor. He deserves it.

lynn..problem is gynae say no nid so early eat wor ..im confused myself...im taking floron ( iron tab ) as prescribed by gynae daily.

Morning, mummies!

Hi, lynn

I tried using the belly belt but it is loose leh, my pants will drop. My tummy not big enough to keep the belt tight huh? How big is your tummy now? Look like pregnant? I took MRT also nobody give me seat leh, I look fat more then pregnant leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Heeh..Hippo, u so cute. always so positive!! 2 9 shld be fine la, coz i feel like ending cold war 2day (so tat weekend not wasted)...hehehehhe

XLH, im taking fish oil prescribed by gynae...dun remmeber name, but noe the price - $58 for 30 big oval shaped capsules

woofey, hmm, then it's ok la, coz i read somewhere before that it's most effective 3rd trimester. your gynae must have subscribed to that belief - heheh...but mine already give already so just take lor.

elmoo, no wonder la, it should be snug...you bought too large a size? my tummy quite big liao lor - 2nd time someone gave me seat yesterday - an uncle...looks like uncles and aunties are nicer pp...and i actually try to hide away one you know coz i paisei that pp have to give up seat for me...but he spotted me and ask me to sit...so nice...i'm outwearing one more dress today...a bit tight already...gaaah!

sgsc, end the cold war la, he extend olive branch liao. my hubby also v busy one - always OT and come home and work too but i know he's trying to come home earlier already so i dun stress him. and i still cont to do whatever housework i can do...yours already very good liao, do everything for you since day 1. dun take him for granted ya?

hippo, sg_sc, yah i'll ask him to do more chores.. "train" him up slowly hehe

i've started to eat fish oil way before pregnancy. now from 2nd trim, i've been eating those prescribed by gynae as she said hers epa level is lower and thus better.

lynn ...maybe..i duno leh ..mmm...

SG-SC ..can help me see what brand when u got a chance?

Yest i had a scare ..tum was painful these few days copupled with my horrible headache ...was tinking if i shld go see the doc just in case sometin nt right with bb....finally decided to go see n guess what...the doc say tum pain is normal ..headache is normal ..no med given ...*pengz....thanks god bb is Ok ..sigh..duno isit i scare myself silly or wat man.

Until now PIL still don't know I expecting a bb boy, as i leave it to HB but he seem don't want to announce. So only mum side knew.

XLH, I taking dhaxtra fish oil from gynae & I start from ww12.

Morning mummies!

BPA free bottles:

I know previously Avent milk bottles are not BPA free. I m using Aprica (only selling at aprisin)which is BPA free. I know kiddy palace do sell other BPA free milk bottles. u can check it out.

Even water bottle for my no. 1, i also make sure its PPE. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not normal kind of plastic.

yiwen, any chance they know it's a boy then want to take over and boss some more?! will he be the only grandson? if mine a boy, then will be the first grandson ley...so i'm so glad mine's a girl - hahahahaha :p

woofey, last week i had tummy ache also, it's like those want to go toilet kinda tummy ache, so i did go toilet. but after that, it still ached...so much so that i broke out into sweat ley...i fell asleep in the middle of the ache then when i woke up ok liao...scary...hope it doesnt happen again...

Lynn, i noe wat u mean..they work so hard for the family also - but i admit i selfish, take care of physical needs also must consider emotional needs mah..wan HB sayang la.

U really very understding n mature.. those xian2qi1liang2mu3 kind. ;p I will end cold war 2 9. No more complaints frm mi for next 1 week k!! heheheh

Jasda, well done! Jiayou..act pitiful works most times if needed k!!

XLH, its same as Yiwen's - dhaxtra. Started eating from 2nd tri too..

Jasda, wat fish oil brand is yrs? EPA level lower?


how are u? did u slp well past 2 days? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my hubby also very nice. he wil squeeze orange juice for me and no. 1 to drink almost everyday. kekeke then wkends, he wil do all the housework, iron his clothes, bath my dog n etc. cos i m too tired liao. 2nd preggie really tired as compared to 1st pregnancy.

Fish oil:

I m taking Neurogain (pink packaging).

Lynn, XLH, i realised i get the stomach pains esp aft i had cold drinks. SO if can avoid... yday i had cold milk also stomach v pain. Then somehow, i fell asleep then wake up ok liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Headache i all the time, so i'll also check wif gynae next week wen i see her...BUt expecting same reply as ur doc, XLH.

lynn, i also got tummy ache b4, like going to toilet kind. i gues our intestines not so smooth during pregnancy. always think of bright side ;)

sg_sc, glad to hear u want to end cold war 2nite. hubby is like that, before married always face u, after married face computer. i already "kan kai" le..


aiyo, sgsc, i AM mature..i'm on the wrong side of 30...hahahaha...but my hubby is a very patient man and he always give in to me one so i always remind myself to appreciate that.

Kite, i'm taking Neurogain too!

yesterday i also first time stomach ache after taking cold drink...but this morning took cold milk ok...i think i better be more careful with cold drinks from now...

