(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Happy weekend mommies!!

It's feels like the weekend is over before it's here for us... Missy is scheduled for entire Saturday for her engagement walking the gap runway. We didn't make the Asia GAP model but manage to enlist for the fashion parade ;p! Wishing thank you to all the support mommies ;)!

Ayden stood on his own! Muaahaaa.. I'm so happy ;) looking of for those 1st steps soon.


Ayden eats those Keri cheese cubes, think I got the label right. It's available at all smkt. In single flavor or variety.

I just manage to buy 6 packs drypantz - 4 L for myself, 2 M for my gf cos no stock liao... They say not sure if will have stock coming..

Thanks all for the encouragements on my probs!! Love u all mommies to bits!!! On a good note - in exchange of sleepless nights, i get back my figure minus 4 additional kg! keke..

CC - Ayden development is soo fast!


Selene did that too! but maybe cant hold there as long as Ayden... i'm looking forward to her first step soon!

Does Ayden hold his milk bottle himself?

We tried Mag Cup for water but she's just plain lazy to hold it... tsk tsk.

Do you give Ayden the whole cheese cube for him to chew or break them further?


Yay for Selene!

Ayden is so darn lazy - only holds his sister's btl (stealing milk) if it's his, his both arms are slum back.. Too tired of something!


The cube is soft enuf to give on it's own. If you're worried you can cut into smaller bite but then it might be difficult to pick up. I cut 4quarters... Ayden can pick up with pencil grip. I don't feed him.


;) so exciting when I saw ayden sit change to squat then he stood up to stand - heeheee.. He's been practicing for a week. he's also letting go and crossing between furniture ;), walks with the walker we got him very efficiently, can turn corners.

CC, thx will look out for that. Yea, it's exciting to see them cross milestones yea. My mom says iz has taken 2 steps.. N he's tried sit- squat- stand v frequently this week. Looking forward to next wk! ;)

u hv fun with Cait todae!

Elise, really peifu u, tahan so lil sleep for so long. Rest whenever u can ok. Take care of urself

CC, cheers for ayden development. If u say ayden is lazy then I have no words for mal. Dun hold bottle or cup, dun even pick up food to eat. But I be contended to feed him or hold his bottle as long as he feed.

Congrats on Missy on Gap casting. Sorry will not be able to make it on site but I m sending my hugs n kisses to her. Well done babe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elise, for the drypantz promo did u use normal diaper wrapper or must be pull up wrappers?

strawberryz, thanks!!!

cc, i know.. every new milestone they have, we get soo excited...

winnie, i used the normal pampers active baby ones.


Yay!!! So exciting ;)


Camera gotta be standby all the time :D!


Heeheee.. Mal's enjoying life ;). Will pass on your wishes to Missy - thank you ;)!


Thanks ;), its fun out for her. They already have a winner, unvailin is later this evening. It's a good opportunity to expose missy to a "working" enviroment .. Heehee, she's working the runway today ;) - soon I'd milk some $$ fr her muuaahaaaahhaahhaa

hihi to all mummies!

Logging in to drop a quick note.


so so sorry, i cant make it tmr for the birthday bash. Thousand apologies!

Eva's appetite has had improvement ever since we brought her to the 推拿. After 3 consecutive days of 推拿, from now on it'll be once a week.

So happy to see her finish up her 180ml milk this morning with only 1 pitstop and less than 1hr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If any mummies are interested, this is the website: http://yuguochinesephysician.blogspot.com/2007/05/blog-post_1464.html


I'm glad the tui na works for Eva. So happy for you! I've already brought tasha there when she was 3mths old but no effect for her. Think jenny & deon brought their bbs there too some time back.

Thanks QQ.

Actually my friend recommended me quite some time ago but we didn't go cos we thot she might outgrow it, but the situation got prorgessively worse.

True that whilst it works for some it doesn't work for all.

Elise, i rem enzo's eating pattern was very good when he was younger. Y now like dat? Wanna bao chi shen cai issit?

Serene, did u try porridge water on dyl?

Mag, went to Skp. They dun have.


Will prolly be late as Ayden and Caitlyn have swim classes that ends 5.45

go ahead and start without us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning everyone...

Hv a great time later n post many many pics!

Me missed my hubby v much although he was away for only 4 days. Silly me!! And also because my girl n mik seriously wrecked my already pathetic sleeping schedule the day he left for his biz trip. Both would get up and play for at least 2hrs after midnight! Nearly wanted to strangle them. I need him back to set the record right. Argh...

Mik loves to eat but his weight is still at 8kg! He loves udon and bee tai mak too. Once, we decided he'll have rice w soup and he whacked those up too with a very tired jaw. Din dare to give him mee sua now cos of the salt content. Think I v kiasi parent.

Cloudys, m glad u like dr woo. He's been my gynae ever since I had my firstborn 7years ago. I see him at his tiong bahru clinic.


No appt allowed. Take queue number one. Weekends more pple, but if you can make it there before 9.30am, not that many pple.

Have fun today @ Gymboree! Take pics yah!

Any mommies staying near me and baby wanna try or likes to eat yogurt??? i have 5 small tubs to give away!!!

I bought a pack (1/2 a dozen) of baby yoplait yogurt at cold storage ytd..gave baby c the peach flavour one and she screamed and cried as if i'm murdering her ahh..

Don't mean to spoil e beautiful posts here but I am so freaking angry wif my hub. Knowing that Nic can't nap outside home, he just want to bring him to mil place. Now he is all is grouchy n they just throw e baby at me!

That is. No Vday tomolo!


Hugs hugs hugs!!!

Hope Nic has gone to bed earlier. Poor lil one must be so tired...


Don't streess.. Nic would knock out tonite ;), then you can rest too.


Thanks for organizing! Ayden had a great time out ;).

Had such a wonderful day! Bday bash at gymboree was really hectic ;D! Think mommies, daddies and babies all had great workout.

1727 - hugs!! Men's automatic are spoiled sometimes.. cheer up k!!

CC, yes great time!! Aching all over now.. Haha... Enzo KO after that.

Hi 1727,

Chill, hope nic is ko by now.

Hi mag,

Thanks for organizing.

Hi mummies,

Michelle also have a great time and fall asleep soon. She is so happythanks for the presents!

Hi elise,

Yup, me aching over too. Thank for uploading the photo.

Dear mummies,

I am from 2010 Nov mtb thread.

I need a favor from mummies who expressed and has excess ebm to give away.

Im going for an intestine operation in March and currently I only latch my girl directly. I tried to latch n express but the expressed amount is very little. I need to provide for her supply at least for 4 days while my hubby feed her when im in OT and im unable to get down fm bed at least for 3 days.

Mummies, please help if you do have extra ebm.

Thank you for your help.

Magdelinh - really thanks for organizing!! It was fun n cake was great..

Serenedipity - i will join the next gym when will it be?

CC, Sky, Chloe - Thanks for the presents!! So paiseh i didnt prepare any [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sky, dun mention!

Thanks mommies. Yup, Nic fell asleep at 7pm but woke up at 2am!! What can i say?? Anyway, shan't discuss about the unhappy stuff.

HAPPY VALENTINE DAY!! Got a stalk of rose from this small boy in my office. So sweet of him. Really brightens up myt day.

Looking forward seeing all the gym pix soon.

1727, he woke up 2am for? milk?

Lucky u!!! Me no flowers. not even leaves hahahhaha....

gym pics are up in my FB.. hubby loaded it last night.

saw the pics... so fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] reminded me when my eldest had his lessons when he was 6 mths. he's the lucky one. #2 n #3 dun have...

1727, at least he slept for 5 hrs b4 he woke up cos mine will nvr be so kind to me, whether he went out or not. be happy be happy!! Happy Valentine's...

elise, me too me too... the day i smell petals and leaves, will go buy 4D.

elise, sky... ya... my whole body aching too.

thks mag, we had a great time there!!! didnt expect z to climb those steps. he enjoy the work out, but not concentrating during the singing session.

elise, 1727, me too.. coll was asking if my hub will send me flowers. i tell her if someone send me flowers its definately not from my hub, my coll raised her eyebrows. wahahahaha... b4 married still have, after dat "PI" also dun have. grrrrrrr...


Heeheee... I don't even have a flower stem ... Vege got, leftover from cooking porridge ;p

Such a beautiful day, happy valentines mommies!

CC, Elise, Sky & Chloe - most welcome! glad everyone enjoyed!

Kayse is so anti social.... haiz.. think she needs more of such sessions.. bash was more like a workout for me than Kayse..

please post as much pics as possible coz my hb din take nice ones.. camera not really working all pics blur blur de..

later after final calculation than i let you guys know on how much is the exact spend..

Hahhaa, so i am not the only one with no flowers???

magdelinh, yeah she will open up after a few sessions! no worries abt the cost..

CC, good one.. me too!!! this incident make my whole office laugh.

CC yeah... Boss ask she got post natal blues is it????? i say menopause most likely!

Amount spend for bash: (Total 9 kids)

1) $396 - Gymboree ($370 - Party $26 - Non Member fee)

2) $19.70 - Drinks

3) 90.95 - Cake

Total: $506.65

Each person would have to pay: $56.30


Wahaha.. you mommies are so funny. Petals, stems and leftover. Don't tell me life after marriage is as such. *sobz*. But true also lah, i rather he give me the $ than to spend it on flowers.

Jules, our babies are turning one next week!! can't believe it.

