(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


I mentioned ah? Hmmm... okay... Hahaha... I dun recall actually but anyway, initially I did think abt getting cake from this shop but in the end I'm getting my friend to do 3D cake for me.

More flexibility and definitely trusted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe you wanna call them to confirm dlvry for this Sunday? I think that's what some of the mums did in that thread.

Enjoy the bash this Sunday!!!


CC - Wf not joining right? saw her posting last week that she is not joining.. din receive her fund also.. the rest is confirmed..

Babee - ya.. just called them to ensure that delivery is confirmed.. sun noon will call again just in case..

Sky - yup! think meet 5.45pm will be better coz they start counting from 6pm whether all guest are there or not..

March Tiger Den 1st Birthday Bash!

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree Time slot: 6-8pm @ Harbour Front

~ S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child

~ S$26 per half hour extension only at snacks area.

~ S$26 Non Members fee – If anyone getting the membership after the bash, than it would be FOC.

~ Cake @ $90.95

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons,@ FOC)

~~ Free Class Vouchers for all childrens

- Chloe (received)

- Jenny (received)

- Sky (received)

- Que Que (received)

- Magdelin (received)

- Elise (received)

- Reenren (received)

- CC (received)

- Cherli (received)

- deon (received)

Babies Name (Requested by Gymboree)

- Chloe ~~ Zephyr

- Jenny ~~ Rayne

- Sky ~~ Michelle

- Que Que ~~ Tasha

- Magdelin ~~ Kayse

- Elise ~~ Enzo

- Reenren ~~ Cayden

- CC ~~ Ayden

- Cherli ~~ Riley

- deon ~

Lingling & iluvbli55 has not confirmed coming or not so i have removed their name first..

** Please be at venue by 5.45pm coz Gymboree starts at 6pm whether you are there or not..

** All adults n kiddos must wear socks to enter the premise.

Gymboree Address & Contact

Harbourfront Centre

1 Maritime Square #03-09/10

Harbourfront Centre

Singapore 099253

Tel : (65) 62711545

**Can drop me a PM for my mobile no if needed**

- Chloe (received)

- Jenny (received)

- Sky (received)

- Que Que (received)

- Magdelin (received)

- Elise (received)

- Reenren (received)

- CC (received)

- Cherli (received)

- deon (received)

OK! set!!

Babies Name

1. chloe for Prince Zephyr

2. Jenny for Prince Rayne

3. Sky for Princess Michelle

4. Que Que for Princess Tasha

5. Magdelin for Princess Kayse

6. Elise for Prince Enzo

7. Reenren for Prince Cayden

8. CC for Princes(s)Ayden

9. Cherli for Princess Riley

10.deon for Prince Yang

And officially - it's a yr we all haven't slept thru the night :p - at least a few of us, another yr more to go - muuaahhaaahaaaa 365days just flew by!

Hahaha CC, i think it is only the both of us.. hahaha.. 2 consider many? I woke up 1am (feed 190ml), 3am plus, 4am (feed 120ml) plus, 5am plus 6am (feed 80ml) and finally 6.30am this little rascal decides not to go back to sleep...


Must follow jj's advise - cry it out, 3 nights in a row and off to victory! Muuaahhaaahhaaa

I've manage to extend feed to 5am moving 6am soon I hope. But ayden drinks 240mls at 8pm, 180mls at 9pm - back to back and off to bed. I so regret getting the bpa free pigeon btls!! Open and using it for now, need to upgrade 300mls volume btls soon.

CC, his intake sooo much????? 420ml in an hr??? OMG, how long yr FM last u man?


IT's PRINCE Ayden, no Princes(s).....

420ml back to back, he sure has a huge tummy to contain all those fluid!!


U sure Enzo is hungry in the night? He should be off the night feed stage by now wor....


He guzzle nite milk then signs for "more" + "milk" - daddy says no and he starts whining and whining, max we stretch is an hour and give in to next bottle. A lot of milk, I ask babyL to buy milk and then I realize ayden's milk really finish fast compared!


Heeheeee... That's the down side of fluids - wee!! Have to change diaper before day breaks. You shud see him eat, he has dinner at 6pm, 6.30pm is munchin on our dinner.. Same for lunch.. But I don't practice snack in-between meals.


Not getting those bowls ;p! Happy shoppin ya!

Milk intake,

Isomil Says intake for baby age group is 3feeds perday. Baahhh baahhh... Ayden is still 4-5 240mls, I'm beginning to wonder where his milk goes ;( but still way lesser than his sister's intake.

JJ, shld be since his intake in the day is not alot. He refuse to drink, on good days is 150ml.. Now is 120ml. If he is not hungry he refuse to open his mouth. How i wish i can tank him up in the day.

CC, i am still on 5-6 feeds of MILK only + 2 solids.. machiam like new born no difference.

joyful, not getting maid cos most prob moving back to inlaws' next yr.. they got 2 helpers there.


i havent increased isaac's milk intake too...still the same at 180ml (after adding Fm, it's abt 210ml)4 times a day

he's having 3 solid meals

bfast- fruit with cereal, lunch n dinner porridge.

anyone giving other stuff for bfast?

re:waking at nite

he's been waking up twice the past 2 nites... 12 am and 3 am... wakes up screaming... and he juz wants to be cuddled! carry him a bit n he's off to dreamland again... ignore him and he keeps screaming.... sigh..


... I tot Enzo is on full meals by now? Poor you, don't fret k. Soon soon he'd out grow the stage ;)

Ayden has breakfast, bread/noodle/fruit purée/biscuit - combo of either or sometimes but not alot. He's normal intake is a slice of bread or pau then purée or biscuit.

Milk - morning nap

Lunch - Chinese bowl of porridge/pasta and fruits

Milk - noon nap

Biscuits or snack if hungry before dinner

Dinner - porridge

Milk and milk - sleep

As for K's schedule, it's 5 meals.

morning- 240ml FM

depending on whether mommy is lazy, she may or may not get breakfast lol

mirthy, yesterday she finished slightly more than half of a small char siew bao :p

lunch- a bowl of porridge

afternoon- 180ml FM

evening- a bowl of porridge

night- 210ml FM

mirthy, yes at this stage till prob 6, they will have new sleeping pattern every now and then. K seems better now (touch wood) sleeping thru till 7+am else she can cry at 12+, 3+ 4+ 6+am, sometimes 2 times sometimes a few times.


U might wanna correct his eating habit now, starve him in the night and soon he will start eating more in the day. Gonna go cold turkey since u have formed his night habit for a yr....then again I think u bu ren xin heehee....

CC, hehe okie...i'm thinking to let him try that soon


i think some of u mentioned before, but what type of cheese to give, or any type's fine?

oh my goodness..

how do all of your babies eat sooo much????

4 feeds of milk with 3 solids???

i'm only barely feeding belle with 4 feeds day, milk AND solids COMBINED and its already a struggle.

7am - 210-240ml milk

1-2pm - bowl of cereals (Ikea children's bowl, 3/4 full)

7-8pm - another bowl of cereals with 1 egg yolk

11pm - 210-240ml of milk.

thats IT.


Selene takes abt 5-6 milk feed plus 2 solid meals.

If i managed to tank her up before she sleeps ard 7/8pm, she wakes up at 4-5am for her 1st feed.

If she sleeps earlier then she might wake up at 2am for milk.

so between 4am to 7pm, she has 5-6 milk feeds ard 120ml to 150ml each feed and 2 porridge (lunch n dinner).

total milk intake hovers 700-900ml?


Selene had mee sua during CNY. but we chop them into smaller pieces, we didnt think Selene could manage STRANDS... hehehee

Thanks CC! :D


Kayse is still on 150ml (after adding milk powder abt 170ml) and porridge for dinner only..

Morning wake up ard 8am - milk

Noon ard 12pm - milk

Late noon ard 4pm - milk

Evening dinner 7pm - porridge

before slp ard 10pm - milk

Is it very little??


ok I will try soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not cry till 6am, I mean on bad nights, she will wake 2-3hrs interval from the time she sleeps till 6+am, basically the whole night cry sleep cry sleep but I don have to do anything coz nothing can be done haha....


belle on cereal only? wat abt porridge?

K has dropped cereal totally, thinking of reintroducing as breakfast. Want to expose her to different types of grains....heard that T3 store selling organix has closed. Donno where to find organix now.




How to make your own cheese

Did you know that you can make your own creamy, delicious cheese using natural yogurt?

Find out how - read our Homemade Yogurt Cheese page!




Colby Jack



Monterey Jack





Red Leicester





Double Gloucester

Grana Padano

The following cheeses are 'softer', but are still on the safe list.

Cottage Cheese



Cream cheese

Cheese spread (make sure that your cheese spread is not labelled 'cheese flavour', which implies that it is NOT made from real cheese)

Using cheese in your baby food recipes

Cheese can be added to your baby's diet in a multitude of ways!

Firmer cheeses - or large curd cottage cheese - make great finger foods. Many firm cheeses can be easily cut into fun shapes to delight your little one!

Prepare a simple lunch of cheese on toast (grilled cheese).

Stir cottage cheese into cooked veggies, or sprinkle grated cheese on top (a great way to get the reluctant baby to eat them up)!

Stir cottage cheese into cooked rice or pasta - or sprinkle firmer cheeses on top

Add grated cheese to your omeletes, or add it to virtually any other dish - including purees and soups.

Mix cottage cheese with fruit purees (surprisingly yummy), mash it with avocado or tofu, or use it to top oatcakes or bagels.

CC, thx! tt means any type... great... will go supermkt shopping this weekend

JJ, yes, the shop closed. i think vitakids at paragon sells it

Gd evening mommies,


four seasons organic market at parkway has plenty of organix. i always buy there.. there are other plentiful of brands there too...

eat char siew bao? then i'm very bad to baby c? if we eat bao, she only gets to eat the skin not the filling. in fact, i haven't given her any adult food or junk food as yet...

baby c has a total of 6-7 (150-180ml)feeds per day... approx 5 milk feeds and two soild feeds (Excluding her snacks & bites)...always trying to tell my mom, don't feed her 3hourly, stretch as much as possible.... need to train her liao.. we are going to bring her to japan 3rd quarter.. like that very ma fan leh...


I'm more relaxed this time, she munch on my spring roll, butter cookies, ji dan gao. And when we eat out, she has so far tried the sao ji, and steamed teochew promphet heehee.

jj, u feed her the char siew in char siew bao? Wow... i thought z is adventurous enough. chee chong fan, you tiao...

xihui, me too... only give the bao, not the filing.


630am 180ml bm

730am white bread

930am 200ml fm

1230pm chinese bowl porridge

330pm 200ml fm

630pm chinese bowl porridge

his last feed is 630pm till the next morning. issit ok? mum n sil said he will be too hungry, gotta give him a feed at 11pm. these two night he has been waking up crying, keep crying till i gave 200ml FM he only finish 60ml and fall back to sleep. is he hungry?

MT, y is belle still on cereal only. u didnt give her porridge?


when i read ur post about cha siew bao, i thought you were only comparing the portion size to a small cha siew bao.. wow, didn't know you are so adventurous! I gave emma a little chicken wing when i was eating and she was so cute, she ate it! hehe.. i'm v tempted to give her adult food though..


wow! good that you have help at hand..! so lucky!!

Food schedule- mine as follows

5-6am- milk

9-10 am- milk

12-2pm- lunch

3-5pm - milk

7-8pm - dinner

Midnight- milk

She is still on puree- Bo gey n will refuse lumpy food.

JJ, chloe,

same same! we gave her CNY egg rolls, pineapple tart crust, roti prata, wanton skin.

aiyah she wanna kpo everything we eat.

she will stare v hard and swallow saliva... its quite torturing not to let her get involved in "food tasting" hahaha...


u know... i tried something with Selene.

i put milk bottle and bolster in front of her and ask her which one she wants. She chose milk bottle and she will finish everything. If she picks up the bolster, she will go to sleep.

If Z can go without the 11pm, then do without - else it becomes a habit oh? Selene wakes up 2am sometimes and i just ignore her... time to be heartless la. :p


aiyah my mom wont drag beyond 3hrs one.

i think 2 to 2.5hrs then feed Selene liao.

but when i'm with Selene during weekends... i will try to stretch....

Dont know real or not... my mom always say "why xiao bao bei slim down after every weekend..." hahahaa...

how come our going to be toddlers' eating patterns are still like babies ah? actually i like belle's feeding pattern yet still grow very well... mine feed so much but only gain little litte.. only hit 8.1kg when i weighed her last night...


i torture c quite a bit la then..hehe. while the adults are eating, just need to give her her own biscuits, or a little bit of plain bread or an ai-xing pancake made by her mama can liao...

Elise, xihui, ladyk, also on 5 milk feed n 2 solids. No snacking except for fruits in between lunch n milk feed so as to help him poo.

5am milk

8am milk

11am porridge

Fruits maybe at abt 1pm depending if he is napping or not

2pm milk

4pm porridge

7pm milk

9pm milk

Xihui, my mum also same as yrs. Last time she can squeeze in 3 milk feed n 2 solids from 8am to 4pm... It's like every 2 plus hrs will feed.

Ladyk, ya ya... My mum will say the same thing on every Monday morning... Say her precious lost weight over weekend...always make me feel like I being torturing mal and starving him....Cos like u I also stretch his feed but my mum will keep on feed him.

Wish, mal also only on soft gluey porridge, he dun bite one. Anything lumpy he will gag n then refused to open mouth so in order to get him to eat we jus gave soft porridge. Trying to get him used to lumpy food but he not taking it too well


take yr time on lumpy stuffs.

Selene took awhile to accept it. in fact, she was the one who wanted it... we discovered it when she started not to take too "liquid" porridge... she wanted them more lumpy... so that she can "chew".

wow, so envious of the high milk intake !! i wished bb A can drink more.....have 300mL bottles but doubt can upgrade anytime soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

her daily milk/soild intake

7am - 100mL

8am - cereal

11am - porridge

2pm - 150mL

5pm - porridge

8pm - latch

11pm - 100mL (dream feed)


can try cold storage for organix, recently introduced more variety of cereals


me too planning for a trip to japan in july. u going f&e or package ??

Drypers having promotion again. But this time round is drypantz. Bring one non drypers dry pants wrapper and it's buy one get one free. Anyone using drypers dry pants? How is it like? Same as it's diapers? Mal not suitable to wear it's diapers but I dunno about it's dry pants. Wonder if they are the same cos the promotion of buy one get one is a good deal ya.



haha sell your 300ml to cc!


I think can start to stretch their tummy abit la, they are coming to 1! For me I start to fit her into a 5 feed schdule right from the start, even so it's every 3-4 hrs interval, seems ok leh.

