(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Morning Mummies!!


Sorry for the late reply.. been tied up with workshop for past 3 days.. simply no time to log in..

Sky - yup. bal another 16.30 only.. thanks!

Reenren - yes. u r right. have also received your bal. thanks!

Elise - thanks! received!

CC - please check. have transfered to bal to u.

Cher Li - okok noted!

- Chloe

- Jenny

- Sky (received)

- Que Que (received)

- Magdelin (received)

- Elise (received)

- Reenren (received)

- CC (received)

- Cherli (later)

To Account POSB Savings

118-84333-9 mag

Amount S$16.30

Transaction Reference 6534096540

mag, i've paid.. sorry slip my mind.

serene, hahahaha... if u gg for any trial jio me ok? btw i think my eight charater clash with babykidworld. she is suppose to send me my order on mon, but till yesterday i still havent rec, so i call them, she say she sent on mon, luckily i request for registered mail, she email the registered mail no. n indicate send on tue !@#$%^&*... never mind. today i rec the pooh mask i order, there are only 4 pcs in a pack, her website indicate 6pcs. i wanna bang wall leh.


Thanks! The lady replied the macaroons are 4cm. I'll go check out the shop coming Monday. Wana meet for lunch? Hehe.


I'm going GUG Mountbatten trial this sunday on the 20th, 2pm. Call them if you are keen. Z and D should meet for the first time soon. I say order from who you are comfortable with since pricing is so competitive. Veron seems pretty on the ball with emailing today. I'm confirming order with her now. She gave me a better deal and faster response compared to the other 2 online shops. OH YA, I want to order some misc stuff from her website too!!

Kindermusik (Tentatively on 3 April. Start 2pm @ Tanglin Mall. Run for 45 minutes. Trial $30. Max 12 babies. Kindermusik will confirm class by 20 March. POC: Icy & Serendipity)

1) Serendipity

2) Icy

3) Que

4) Deon

5) Chloe

6) Reen

7) Elise

8) Winnie

9) Xihui

10) 1727

11) jj

12) BabeE

13) MT

14) lynn

serene, this sun is z's birthday remember. hahahaha... gotta miss it. yalor... she got lotsa stuff. she post on BP already.


my 8 character also clash with the balloon seller! I email to this bbkidworld and kidzparty zone since Mon and till date no reply, only get auto reply which is "pi" la, Got use meh????

I email bbkid once but kidzparty 3 times! Even seren got a reply after just 1 email yesterday! Maybe a sign for me to save $$ and blow the balloons myself till I mi chi chi @#$%^&*^%$#!!



jj, this bbkidworld damn unpro. promise this price, but later dun honour. same lor... i email kidparty store on mon, tell them to sms me, cos my event date is on sun. they reply me thru email after 2 days asking me which package i wan, wakaoz... i almost faint. SMS ME LAH!!! anyway i order mine from balloon and kids, the other BP gg on. u try and call them lah. no need to blow until min chi chi heee....


their foil balloon bouquet $9.90 only.


Can... Me free for lunch! I think I still have your mobile number. I'll PM you to confirm.


this kidzparty store really not pro. finally replied after 4 days and not a word of apology (coz I sent 3 times and told them "this is my final time sending". I asked if the banner entitled to BP price and simply one sentence answer as follow, sorry our BP ended, pls proceed to payment blah blah blah...bl**dy hell!

Yes I know the other BP, that lady answer quite promptly but they have no banner leh hmmmm.

Now bbkidworld also replied saying they didn't receive my order, ask me to resend. Good thing I have a few wks to play with these inefficient pp argh!!

Noon mommies!

So effeciently you gals all plan.. Heeheee... My balloons waiting in cupboard, drop off to florist soon "inflate, I pick up ;)" as for cake - I'm still deciding blue or red.. Hmmmmmm it's either Elmo disguised as the number 1 or cookie monster ;) - tough. I'm so lazy, asking ayden's godmother to bake and I decorated! Muuaahhaahhaa

Mummies, i dun like kidzpartyworld too.. Emailed to ask for hp so we can clarify issues but they take long to reply with no contact no. Give up... Really unpro. So what if they sell many party stuffs. Service sux....

I ordered from babyterroronline in the end, prompt reply n able to accomodate last min requests, even for banner. Fingers crossed that it will go well on Sat. They have FB, can search Lyna Babyterror....

chloe - same i drop an email to kidzpartystore to call me as i want to customize.. They reply and aks me to look at the website myself! Forget it. I went IMM and i got good service from them explaining this n that even though my order is small!


hope you and Lac r feeling better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tks for the contact, will go search for it.


I so tempted to drop an email to screw them!

Dear Mummies,

I am from Feb Mum 2010, just celebrated my son's 1st Birthday. Theme is Sesame Street. Have the following items for Sale, Used only once

Banner at $6


Scene Setter $8


Comes with Free Postage, or meet up at Toa Payoh or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM me or email me at [email protected]

Thank U

JJ, thanks... I feel better after seeing doc this morn. My hubby had to carry me to the doc.. So weak from all the vomitting n LS. Lac juz now vomit when my hubby went to visit her, guess she still cant take too much milk. Pray that she will be well soon...

babyL, oh my my, wat do u mean your "hb went to vist her" ?? She is still in KKH!!?? Poor baby. I remember my #2 also hospitalized for LS but he was over 1 yo le, so heart pain as he was on drip!! Hope she gets well real soon!


managed quick pick yesterday when I saw the Q wasn't long at the S'pore pools [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope u sorted out your numbers too.

Everybody huat ah!!

Thanks Pris n Carol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ, oh no no.... Lac at PIL's hse n i cant go see her, scared we pass on each other again, better to be separated. Later got to call to see if she is ok. Checking into our chalet today...

babyL & Lac, please take care. speedy recovery!!

JJ, elise, i send my order thru kidspartystore website and they replied the next day!! i screw them mild-ly and they said its stated dat they do not accept phone enquiry. i tell to cancel my order. buay tahan.


Have a great b'day Lac!!


Funny me... 8am toto outlet - park ayden just at entrance - my gf today off for family prayers and I have to buy toto myself!!

Reach booth, took paper to shade.... Wah say... So complicated or what?! Lol... Jakun I dunno how to buy! So - my number keep for the next trip.

Walking back and toto que like snake, lucky got hansome gor gor trying luck selling quick picks.. No que no hassle ;)!

Good luck k!!


make me laugh la u....just shade min 6 # in one square section and tat's $0.50 but min must shade 2 sets to make up $1.

Shade 7 # and tat's system 7 $3.50. This one no need quota lol...

When lug 4packs of drypers...heavy! Still have another 2kiv - btw, the careline printed is wrong. Check fb page for updated info ;). Call careline and just ask them outlet with stks ;)


I hope both you and Lac are feeling better!

I just bought Toto and 4D at lunchtime just now. Wishing all of us LUCK LUCK LUCK!!!

Calling Wish...

I got us slots to visit playgroups next Friday.

AM - Learning Vision @ CBP

PM - Little Skool House @ Tampines Junction

On income tax

All taxpayers will also enjoy a personal income tax rebate of 20 per cent for YA2011, with the rebate capped at S$2,000.

On top of this, all taxpayers will benefit from a more progressive income tax cut. Marginal tax rates will be reduced for the first S$120,000 of chargeable income.

This means those with a chargeable income of S$60,000 will now pay 25 per cent less tax and save S$650 a year, while those with chargeable income of S$160,000 save a smaller percentage of about 10 per cent.

However, because this group pays higher taxes, they will in fact save about S$1,600.

Those with a chargeable income of above S$330,000 will save less than 1 per cent and get a modest S$350.

The changes will take effect from YA2012 and will cost the government some S$590 million a year.

mommies who are having the enfagrow $5 discount voucher, if you dun wan can sell me?

babeE thanks! Let me pay a token for it k.. keke.. stocking on milk powder now..


i ve the voucher!!! PM me your address... i snail mail to you....dun need to pay...i'm not using it anyway.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



i have the voucher valid till 25 apr 2011. pm me your addy. i'll send it together with 2 sachets of sample packs. did you see the newspaper article on companies are less keen to hire mums? if extend to 6 months i think it'll be very hard to find jobs!

