(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

CC, i manage to feed him full 3 meals for like 10 days then he decided to go on strike... I dunno how u all manage to feed soo much!!!

JJ, i dun mind to starve him but he wont sleep till he drinks.. i tried to ignore for a hr but he keep fidgeting n ended up eyes wide away at say 1am or so... Poor me need to go to work.. feeding is the fastest for me to get my zzzz... i just feed him only drank 100ml and went to zzz.. argh.. see how??

On good times when i can feed him full 3 meals.. and 150ml X 3 times + 180ml before sleep.. i will only manage the best a feed at say 3am.. exclude the wake up for nothing reason.



habits are hard to break esp when it has already been form, plus u have the constraint of having to work the next day thus needing the sleep. Totally understand your "wu nai". Then u have to wait it out, see when Enzo decides to spare mommy and change his feeding pattern.

I really peifu u, if I don't get enough sleep for a long time, I sure will fall sick.


belle only takes porridge on some days when she goes over to my mom's.. recent weekends i also try to prepare porridge for her. its not daily.. hubby busy marking..

think she's fine just having 3 meals a day man.. i literally have to force in the 4th feed..

MT, Gosh, i'm so surprised at belle's intake! She absorbs nutrients really well!

My tiny 6.8kg tasha feed is as follows:

6am- dreamfeed milk(100~140ml)

10am-a bowl of oats

12nn - milk(100~125ml)

2pm - a bowl of porridge

4pm - milk (100~125ml)

6.30pm- a bowl of porridge

9pm - milk (100~125ml)

she still have milk strike as and when she likes then total intake of milk for tt day will hover ard 250ml. But despite all the efforts to feed, she puts on a miserable 300g every mth. Sigh.


Can buy organix from agape's BP, very convenient and fast!


I also peifu u. If i dun get enough sleep for a few days straight, sure sore throat n all sorts of illness will hit me. How u manage to tahan for nearly a yr!? Hope his sleeping habits improve soon!


haha !! but my bottles r pink colour eh.....


the pigeon bottles u have can fit NUK teats ? i dun mind to exchange with u if u ok with NUK bpa free wide neck pink bottles :p


try to get a sample drypants to try, if ok can take advantage of this promotion. its a gd deal hehee...i tried drypers during the 1 for 1 promotion and was so surprise actually was not bad, only down side is the sticky tape. still prefer velcro but for the low price, cant expect much...

drypants wrapper,

anyone has and does not need it ?? can sell to me or exchange for a token ??

Riley's timetable

8am- half a bowl of oats with fruit puree

9am -210 ml milk

12nn - 3/4 bowl of porridge with some soup or pasta

2.30pm - 210 ml milk

5.30pm -1/2 bowl of porridge or fruits

7.45pm- 210 ml milk

8.30 pm off to sleep


Thanks for the recommendation. My period finally came so I'm feeling better. Going to start Yasmin and bai foong wan to see if it helps. Was told by GP I might have endometrisis which can only be confirmed by keyhold surgery. Too intrusive at the moment. I'll go see Dr Woo if it persists. Glad to know there is a good gynae in the area! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dyl drinks 200ml in morning. He will drink 120ml and I'll syringe the rest. Not a good habit but if I don't do that, his milk intake will be less than 450ml a day. How can a growing baby take in so little? I really wish I can still DF him but it's no longer possible. These kids ah...


dyl's bfast can be oatmeal, brown rice powder from medical hall, muffin, pancake, bread with butter and cheese, plain chwee kueh, etc.


my friend tells me maybe our kids don't like lumpy. they only go for puree or finger food!


some weight gain is better than none. little tasha is slowly but surely catching up with the rest. remember the tortise and hare story? hehe.

Dyl's Newfound Timetable

7.20am - 200ml Milk

9.30am - Breakfast

12pm - Lunch (1 chinese bowl)

3pm - 130ml to 160ml Milk

6pm - Dinner (1 chinese bowl)

8.30pm - 100 to 130ml Milk

In between after meals, we'll let him snack on biscuits, or avocado bits, fruits and it's likes.

Jmmabb, I can't find small sample pack leh. Or anyone want to sell me a few piece of drypantz? For the one for one purchase not sure if we can use the normal diaper wrapper or must be the pull up pants wrapper... Hmmmm.....

Me also still feeding mal using my medela 150ml bottle

Seren, dyl feeding is much better than mal. One Chinese bowl is actually quite big. Mal only eating abt max 1 green pigeon bowl which is abt slightly less than 3/4 Chinese bowl if he is in good mood. He is of feather weight category as well. Have not weight him for quite long but he is definitely not more than 8.5kg.


I don't mind but I'm sure the pink will trigger minor ;p!

I've 4x240ml pigeon bpa.. NEW - going at $5 if anyone is keen.

Cay's recent timetable:

7 plus or 8 plus am(depend on waking up time): milk 150 ml

10 plus am: cereal (6 scoop of milk scoop)

12 plus pm: milk 140 ml

3 plus pm: milk 170 ml

6 n 8 plus pm: porridge

10 plus or 11 plus pm: milk 125 to 175 ml depending on time gap.

In btw mat have snacks like biscuits, adult food, fruits, food jar, yogurt etc. Milk intake will adjust accordingly with time gap n other food intake.

good morning mummies,


i think is other brand of pull ups..havent started using pull ups yet, still on diapers...


mine is new too but i open before cos itchy hand leh..but confirm is BN nv use before..

got any pic of the pigeon bottles ? want to chk if can use nuk teats.....


u using NUK wide neck teats or standard neck?

I can confirm that NUK wide neck teat can be used on Pigeon wide neck bottles.

hmm... $5.. but aiyah, 240ml too big for me... coz Selene still at 150ml! :p


Ok! I get the Pink 2 fr you. I pickup soon k. Will SMS you later. I'd pass you 2yellow bpa pigeon - wide neck.


Pass to you Sunday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies,


f&e.. going in approx sep ba..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lil tasha is growing steadily... it's defintely worth the effort to feed her...

mag, sorry i didnt go sun plaza last night. i try to go over the weekend.

cc, wide neck right? thks thks.

Ladyk, okok i will keep to dat den. oh ya.. i havent met selena yet. we live so near, yet so far. hahahaha...

wah.. all your babies here are all guai bao baos.. going to bed at 8+pm every night...

sigh. because of hubby's working hours.. and belle's feeding schedule.. her timetable very unconventional.

7-8am - first feed

then go back to sleep part 2

1-2pm - 2nd feed

4-5pm - afternoon nap

7-8pm - 3rd feed

11-12mn - last feed

sleep from 12 - 6.45am where she'd be dugged out to follow me to school when hubby sends me to work

she's starting IFC on 14 Feb. hopefully i'll be able to adjust her sleeping pattern earlier when she doesnt need to pop over to my mom's place and come back so late at night.

jmabb, u want drypantz wrapper? I got.. But there is no promotion now wor...

serendipity, u want to go to my gynae? He is the specialist in keyhole and he was the one who op my endo surgery with Zero pain. My other cousin n coll went to KK and had to be warded cos the surgery was painful. You goggle Dr Beh Suan Tiong.

Okay - sleepless nights, i really really got used to it. Train till it has no impact on me. Last night i tried Cry it out. He cried from 2.45am till 4.45am till he fall asleep but woke up at 5am again i think due to hunger.. I feed him but he only drank 90ml. Before that was 12am feed 150ml. How i wish i could get this solved.. But sigh.. doesnt seems to have any solutions.

Morning mommies.

All your babies are sure eating well. Some with 2.5 hours gap. Wow!!

My main concern now is napping time. Nic refused to sleep outside home which makes it such a chore. Anyone faces the same problem?? Help pls.

Tiga, Nic sleeps early when he is at IFC. Usually by 830pm cos he had very little sleep there. 1 hr in the am and 1 hr in the pm.

Wah... One day out of office for meetings and talk has progressed to makan update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brot Eva for 推拿 last evening. It was an interesting experience for all of us. Lil missy started to have pins and needles on her bum after a while. When it was all over after 25min, so happy she started waving bye to everyone and couldn't wait to get out. Hahahaha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eva's makan:

0800hrs - Milk b/w 150ml

Before 1000hrs - Brekkie - usually bread/biscuits

1230hrs - Lunch - usually porridge/cereal

1530hrs - Milk b/w 150-180ml

1830hrs - Dinner - usually porridge/cereal

2030hrs - Milk b/w 180-210ml

Drypantz quite okay. Pretty good to use to start off toilet training in my opinion.


i use both wide and standard neck bottles, thanks!!


ok, thanks!!


same f&e ! we could share info on hotels etc heheee


belle going to mfs infant care ? hee..then u wont have to worry about child care next time, auto promoted....


the 1 for 1 promtion at guardian need other brand of pull-wrappers. u also using drypants ? can go guardian to stock up ...


Eva does that all the time when we're outside. Unfortunately no way out and she ends up sleeping only when she tak boleh tahan, which irritatingly tends to go into her mealtimes.

jmabb, i think just any wrapper other than Dryper Drypantz le.. Wee wee dry also can. I am going to use my pampers one to go try.


same over here, think too many distractions outside and bb cant bear to sleep...heheee..

normally i will make sure she gets her AM nap before we head out. once she refuse to take her AM nap and she fall sleep while i was feeding her lunch on her high chair !!

i dont believe in making bb sleep/nap, dont want to introduce patting, rocking, so i just let her play til she tired then she sleep.


ok, u try. let me know if can..heheee..i only have pampers and dryper diaper wrapper.

I've tried Drypantz size M. Can't hold as much as the usual diaper and it leaks from behind. Nic's butt too small?? -lol

jmmabb, i wish Nic will does the same too. But he will just turn super grouchy and be so difficult that i'll tell my hubby to just go home. Sianz.


Maybe Enzo is a light eater. Caitlyn eats very minimal, unless she's really hungry but milk is her staple - can die without. Coming 5yrs she guzzle 300mls x 3feeds daily. Every excuse, even "since ayden is drinking, can I have my milk too?" don't stress too much k.. You'd find a suitable schedule for Enzo soon.

Ayden has no problem sleeping outside, maybe becoz he's out often. Sleeps in his stroller - all 3 and sleeps in the baby rock sling without hassle.

Elise, the advert on newspaper say any other non drypers dry pants wrapper for exchange but I dunno if must be pull up pants wrapper. If yes then I will take my huggies wrappers to change.

1727, mal feed very little at each feed so my mum is stuffing him in shorter duration. We try lengthening the time hoping he eat or drink more but it's still the same amount after longer hours so we have to constantly "stuff" him with food

Napping outside.

Mal also dun nap outside unless totally shagged out as he want to play. Even he is yawning like mad n scratching his eyes he will also want to stay awake till last sec like he fear he will lose out if he sleep. During cny he was out and refused to nap from 11am till 4pm. He was so tired and even I try to cradle him he dun wan. Until at 4.30 he was so tired that he let me carry him n once in my arm within 5 sec he start snoring.....

Must play till he really can't keep his eyes open.... Like so afraid that he will miss the fun.

But like wat jmmabb is doing, we also try to at least let mal take am nap before we go out


I have 3 x 900g new pack of Mamil Gold 2, letting go at $30 each.

Self pick up at tampines. Please PM me if you are keen.

drypantz yes cannot hold pee/poo but i use it daytime when it is very hard to change him.. Night i use pampers... But for the cheap price, cant complain too much for me haha.

carol, maybe... keke.. but i weigh him yday he is 9.8kg.. lost weight this week due to the milk/food strike.

Nap outside - Enzo does nap but not as long as he naps at home. Think too noisy n too much distration.

We switched to S26 for the time being hopefully to beef her up.

If I find the 推拿 really works on Eva, I'll let you all know too.

Elise, Nic's appetite dropped after CNY. We blamed it on all the delicious junk food that was given to him during CNY. He ate Bak kwa, pineapple tarts and even drink ribena!! Needless to say, he wouldn't want to eat the bland bland porridge aftersince.

Lucas's time-table:

5 am, latch

8-9am, 150ml BM

10+ am, snack (biscuits, cakes etc.)

1-2pm, lunch (cereal)

4-6pm, 150ml FM

7-8pm, dinner (rice with veg, meat, soup)

10-11pm, 120-150ml BM or FM

Lucas has been taking quite a bit of adult food due to my parents spoil him. Whenever he sees us eating, he will want a share too. If not given, throw temper. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Dunno what's his weight now, but he seems to gain quite a bit since he started on rice (dun eat porridge at all) at 10 mths.


Selene sleeps anywhere when she's super tired. She doesn't nap that much these days, maybe 1hr in morning and another in the afternoon. or even shorter duration.

During weekends, DH and I will take turns to play with her, hoping to tire her out and she can nap (then we can relax) BUT... her battery outlast ours most of the time!

She can play for 2hours after milk and when she gets hungry, she will ask for milk... then continue to play.

Sometimes, as last resort, i will tell Selene "After milk, mommmy bring you go gaigai. then u sleep when you reach home." Then i bring her downstairs supermarket and kept telling her to sleep when we go home. It works at times. hahahahaha


Eva prefers rice too but we still make her eat porridge. Hahaha...

I think they think that they're big kids liao. Got some teeth can go chomping on adult food... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i can snail mail you 2 pieces of drypantz M. pm me your address. when NTUC has promotion, it's about 27 cents for M. i let dyl eat as much as he can within half an hour. once clock strikes, i'll stop. i can't say the same for my mum though. dyl has been hovering between 7.8kg to 7.9kg for past 4 months. he should be 9.6kg by 1 year old...i'm still worried although i no longer talk about it.


thanks yar. i'll try the bai fung wan first. she ask me to quickly try for #2 then close shop. cos endo will affect ability to conceive. aiyo..enzo healthy jiu hao. but like other mums, you give me 3 consecutive nights bad sleep, i'll behave as if the whole world offended me. your mil and mum really have to load him up in the day, by cup or syringe if he refuses to suck. or high caloried foods like avocado.


dyl refuses to sleep if he aint in his cot as well. boo hoo. hubby's going back in laws for MJ and I am stuck home with a sleeping baby. during cny we went out only 2 timings, 2 to 4pm and 6 to 9pm.


morning sun rays, about 10am, for selene will knock her out for 2 hours flat. try it. dyl is napping 4 hours a day cos i drag him out of bed at 720am.


Lucas totally nt eat, mum tried again weeks back thinking he's older now might accept porridge. He took the 1st spoon, ok, 2nd spoon, porridge inside the mouth refuse to swallow and then mum gave up. Dont wanna him to have the habit of keeping food inside his mouth like hamster. Haha..

Wah Joelle, Lucas is growing up well. Rice without porridge. Good leh. I dont dare to let him try rice. He even choke on porridge when its too lumpy. If can go straight to rice, save me the hassle of cooking it for long hour.

Seren, quick quick..go for no. 2. Take care ya. Woman just have so many impending health problem. Not fair.


hehehe doesnt work la. because she will be hungry and she rejects dreamfeed.

take care okie, go for #2, good luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seren, thanks for the offer but mal got big butt.. He is on L size diaper already even for mamy poko. Small size but big butt... Got my genes.

Yeah, i also hope mal will put on more weight but other than trying to stuff as much food within reasonable time frame. I can't think of wat I can do. I can only tell myself if he is healthy and active, and progressing normally. I shall not fret too much but of cos easier said than done.

The promo start y'day. The advert is featured in yesterday "TODAY".

joyful, yea..that's abt the only thing i'm glad for to move back =p

seren...okie..will let iz try cheese soon... then he can have it with bread



Sometimes i dump half a slice of cheese into tasha's porridge too. As my porridge is rather thick, it looks a bit like risotto. Yummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

