(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


We ar using those safety gate bought Fr kiddy palace, we fix it btw living rm and kitchen so that my gal will not crawl to kitchen very gd as I hv a dog where we keep her food on he floor this block my gal to mess it.


So fun to see everyone will be joining the bday bash.

Magdelin - ya, the old folks say celebrate chinese birthday, mine is gal so must do earlier.

In terms of birthday most people say do once.

For her, this is 1st year n need to pray to ancestor so i chin chai..

subsequent year - i will follow gregorian calendar.

BTW - i have Abbott Gain IQ $3 voucher off expiry June 2011. PM me if keen. Priority for March mums [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe - Gymboree has not contacted me yet. I will be giving them a call later to find out more. As for confirming the date 13th, i will wait till i get the final package from gymboree first. Seems like few mummies canot make it on 13th too. If thats the case, than maybe can considering changing back to 26th?


don't kill me.. quite a few regular march mums are not going for the bash.. so erm.. me thinking of not going also.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

joyful, 26th i cant leh, got something on. i will pop by if i have time to spare ok? i think z n emma really no "yuan". haiz...

have lah.. elise, cc, jj, reen, winnie, jules, sky. oh ya... where are ur bub babyl and tash? they not joining?

March Tiger Den 1st Birthday Bash!

Proposal A:

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree (S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child)

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons, balloons)

~~ Gymboree party invitations

~~ A special gift for the birthday child (Pending for Gymboree to further confirm if can exchange for other things or can each child have a special gift.)

~~ Take home gift bags for all guests

- Chloe

- Joyful (Please confirm if coming)

- Timy

Proposal B:

26 Feb 2011 @ Down Town East Pasir Ris Chalet

~~ Chalet fees are already paid for. Just got to pay for deco and food and cake.

~~ Deon helping out with deco.

- Poohgirl

- Icy

- Sky

Anything with Majority

- Magdelin

- Elise

Mummies to please confirm again based on the new date.


CC - with majority

Chloe – Any thing follow majority




Lingling - with majority(CC on behalf)

Reenren – any day except 27 Feb

Sky - 26Feb


Cherli - with majority(CC on behalf)

Wf - anything follow the majority

jmmabb - Any thing follow majority Except 12 Feb

deon-except 19feb

**For those mummies name that are not in the list and wish to join, please just put in ur name and post the list.. Thanks.

Hihi, me ok with any dates except 27 feb.

Hope that more mummies n bbs can go. Suggest earlier date so that feb mummies can bring their bbs without worrying. SK mums, didn't see some of u for a long time n hope that u all can join in too!

March Tiger Den 1st Birthday Bash!

Proposal A:

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree (S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child)

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons, balloons)

~~ Gymboree party invitations

~~ A special gift for the birthday child (Pending for Gymboree to further confirm if can exchange for other things or can each child have a special gift.)

~~ Take home gift bags for all guests

- Chloe

- Joyful (Please confirm if coming)

- Timy

Proposal B:

26 Feb 2011 @ Down Town East Pasir Ris Chalet

~~ Chalet fees are already paid for. Just got to pay for deco and food and cake.

~~ Deon helping out with deco.

- Poohgirl

- Icy

- Sky

Anything with Majority

- Magdelin

- Elise

- Reenren – any day except 27 Feb (Suggesting earlier date in feb)

Mummies to please confirm again based on the new date.


CC - with majority

Chloe – Any thing follow majority




Lingling - with majority(CC on behalf)

Sky - 26Feb


Cherli - with majority(CC on behalf)

Wf - anything follow the majority

jmmabb - Any thing follow majority Except 12 Feb

deon-except 19feb

**For those mummies name that are not in the list and wish to join, please just put in ur name and post the list.. Thanks.

hi mummies...

finally some time to pop by....yes i like to join the birthday bash, will prefer to have it on 13 since bb born on 25 and hubby will be away for long reservist....

March Tiger Den 1st Birthday Bash!

Proposal A:

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree (S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child)

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons, balloons)

~~ Gymboree party invitations

~~ A special gift for the birthday child (Pending for Gymboree to further confirm if can exchange for other things or can each child have a special gift.)

~~ Take home gift bags for all guests

- Chloe

- Joyful (Please confirm if coming)

- Timy

- Jenny

Proposal B:

26 Feb 2011 @ Down Town East Pasir Ris Chalet

~~ Chalet fees are already paid for. Just got to pay for deco and food and cake.

~~ Deon helping out with deco.

- Poohgirl

- Icy

- Sky

Anything with Majority

- Magdelin

- Elise

- Reenren – any day except 27 Feb (Suggesting earlier date in feb)

Mummies to please confirm again based on the new date.


CC - with majority

Chloe – Any thing follow majority




Lingling - with majority(CC on behalf)

Sky - 26Feb


Cherli - with majority(CC on behalf)

Wf - anything follow the majority

jmmabb - Any thing follow majority Except 12 Feb

deon-except 19feb

**For those mummies name that are not in the list and wish to join, please just put in ur name and post the list.. Thanks.

Tks Jenny!

How about the rest of the Mummies??

Can please confirm asap? Else with the current headcounts that are confirm, i dun think can have the bash..

March Tiger Den 1st Birthday Bash!

Proposal A:

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree (S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child)

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons, balloons)

~~ Gymboree party invitations

~~ A special gift for the birthday child (Pending for Gymboree to further confirm if can exchange for other things or can each child have a special gift.)

~~ Take home gift bags for all guests

- Chloe

- Timy

- Jenny

Proposal B:

26 Feb 2011 @ Down Town East Pasir Ris Chalet

~~ Chalet fees are already paid for. Just got to pay for deco and food and cake.

~~ Deon helping out with deco.

- Poohgirl

- Icy

- Sky

Anything with Majority

- Magdelin

- Elise

- Reenren – any day except 27 Feb (Suggesting earlier date in feb)

Mummies to please confirm again based on the new date.


CC - with majority

Chloe – Any thing follow majority




Lingling - with majority(CC on behalf)

Sky - 26Feb


Cherli - with majority(CC on behalf)

Wf - anything follow the majority

jmmabb - Any thing follow majority Except 12 Feb

deon-except 19feb


Apology for late reply. Afraid that I can't join the bash as I m not able to confirm my schedule. Too many changes happen recently so I couldn't commit.

Sky, long time no see.. Hw are u?

Joyful, y u take ur name away?

March Tiger Den 1st Birthday Bash!

Proposal A:

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree (S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child)

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons, balloons)

~~ Gymboree party invitations

~~ A special gift for the birthday child (Pending for Gymboree to further confirm if can exchange for other things or can each child have a special gift.)

~~ Take home gift bags for all guests

- Chloe

- Timy

- Jenny

- Sky

Proposal B:

26 Feb 2011 @ Down Town East Pasir Ris Chalet

~~ Chalet fees are already paid for. Just got to pay for deco and food and cake.

~~ Deon helping out with deco.

- Poohgirl

- Icy

Anything with Majority

- Magdelin

- Elise

- Reenren – any day except 27 Feb (Suggesting earlier date in feb)

- Sky (both dates ok, prefer 13th)

Mummies to please confirm again based on the new date.


CC - with majority



Lingling - with majority(CC on behalf)


Cherli - with majority(CC on behalf)

Wf - anything follow the majority

jmmabb - Any thing follow majority Except 12 Feb

deon-except 19feb

Morning Mummies!!

Winnie - Why not joining? When date is nearer than u let me know again k? :D

Sky - Noted!

Chloe - Thanks for re-posting!

Joyful - Really dun intend to come ah?

How about the rest of the mummies?? Any one can help contact them?

Mag, Chloe, dun want to hold up u mummies for the planning cos I can't commit dates.

It's not fair to the rest to keep everyone waiting and then last minute I confirm as the planning /funds need to be done n secure way ahead.

It's ok, you mummies enjoy with the little ones and hope next time got chance n bring little mal out to meet his friends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun kill me eh.......!! hehe.. i just feel a little sian cos i THINK timy, babyl, jane, tasha all not going all the SK mums.. also never hear frm qq for the longest time!

joyful, come lah... the rest of the mummies miss u n emma too ah. u ask SK mummies lah. i jus met QQ's hub last mth to collect stuff from him.

aiya.. date not confirm yet also. see how lah.. but if confirm on the 13th, i will pester u again. wahahahaha...

Hihi mummies!!!

Have not log in for the longest time cuz busy packing and gg to move house.

Ohhh, wanna join in the party. But using my phone dunno how to copy and paste, can any kind mummy add me to the list?

Thanks a million!

hehe chloe, OK! see what's the final date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

iluvbli55, finally see u after so long! i help u to add..

March Tiger Den 1st Birthday Bash!

Proposal A:

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree (S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child)

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons, balloons)

~~ Gymboree party invitations

~~ A special gift for the birthday child (Pending for Gymboree to further confirm if can exchange for other things or can each child have a special gift.)

~~ Take home gift bags for all guests

- Chloe

- Timy

- Jenny

- Sky

Proposal B:

26 Feb 2011 @ Down Town East Pasir Ris Chalet

~~ Chalet fees are already paid for. Just got to pay for deco and food and cake.

~~ Deon helping out with deco.

- Poohgirl

- Icy

Anything with Majority

- Magdelin

- Elise

- Reenren – any day except 27 Feb (Suggesting earlier date in feb)

- Sky (both dates ok, prefer 13th)

- iluvbli55

Mummies to please confirm again based on the new date.


CC - with majority



Lingling - with majority(CC on behalf)


Cherli - with majority(CC on behalf)

Wf - anything follow the majority

jmmabb - Any thing follow majority Except 12 Feb

deon-except 19feb


I can join on feb 13 the other dates cannot make it, I am ok to follow majority for the venue, thank u very much Fr the effort to organize this event. 

Joyful thank you thank you for helping me to add!

And also thanks Mag for organising! So interesting got proposal a & b. Both also sounds fun!

Proposal A:

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree (S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child)

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons, balloons)

~~ Gymboree party invitations

~~ A special gift for the birthday child (Pending for Gymboree to further confirm if can exchange for other things or can each child have a special gift.)

~~ Take home gift bags for all guests

- Chloe

- Timy

- Jenny

- Sky

- Priscilia

Proposal B:

26 Feb 2011 @ Down Town East Pasir Ris Chalet

~~ Chalet fees are already paid for. Just got to pay for deco and food and cake.

~~ Deon helping out with deco.

- Poohgirl

- Icy

Anything with Majority

- Magdelin

- Elise

- Reenren – any day except 27 Feb (Suggesting earlier date in feb)

- Sky (both dates ok, prefer 13th)

- iluvbli55

Mummies to please confirm again based on the new date.


CC - with majority



Lingling - with majority(CC on behalf)


Cherli - with majority(CC on behalf)

Wf - anything follow the majority

jmmabb - Any thing follow majority Except 12 Feb

deon-except 19feb

Morning All Mummies!!

iluvbli55 & Priscilia - Aiyo.. i just do some posting and calling only.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess more or less date should be fixed on 13th based on the list.. I will call Gymboree to fixed up things first while waitin for others to further confirm.

Pooh girl & Icy - Can consider to try come on 13th? If the rest are also okay with 13th..

Proposal A:

13 Feb 2011 @ Gymboree (S$370 for first 10 kids, thereafter S$15 per child)

~~ Exclusive use of the facility for 1 ½ hours (include half hour snack time)

~~ 2 trained, enthusiastic Gymboree teacher

~~ Up to 10 children accompianed by 2 adult max.

~~ All party supplies (plates, napkins, spoons, balloons)

~~ Gymboree party invitations

~~ A special gift for the birthday child (Pending for Gymboree to further confirm if can exchange for other things or can each child have a special gift.)

~~ Take home gift bags for all guests

- Chloe

- Jenny

- Sky

- Priscilia

Proposal B:

26 Feb 2011 @ Down Town East Pasir Ris Chalet

~~ Chalet fees are already paid for. Just got to pay for deco and food and cake.

~~ Deon helping out with deco.

- Poohgirl

- Icy

Anything with Majority

- Magdelin

- Elise

- Reenren – any day except 27 Feb (Suggesting earlier date in feb)

- Sky (both dates ok, prefer 13th)

- iluvbli55

Mummies to please confirm again based on the new date.


CC - with majority



Lingling - with majority(CC on behalf)


Cherli - with majority(CC on behalf)

Wf - anything follow the majority

jmmabb - Any thing follow majority Except 12 Feb

deon-except 19feb

hi magd

pls go ahead. due to pantang birthday issue, i wont be joining with my baby.. unless its in jan (she is a moo baby btw)! haha! enjoy pls..

iluv55, super long time no "see" leh. hw are u? pm me ur contact leh.

timy, hw abt dropping by to play? we promise wont wish vera "happy birthday". i didnt know vera is a Moo leh. no wonder got dat da jie da look. hee....

oh ya... where is sharon??? come with superman leh.

Hi Chole,

I'm Here. But Feb will be a busy month for me and family, alot activity going on. You guys plan ahead first, if that day i happen to be free then will drop by. :)


think there will be birthday cake n singing bithday song etc?? personal comfort level.. so wont be gg. pls enjoy!


thanks for organising, enjoy the bash!


Hihihi! Busy with packing & moving.

Yah la, long time no "see".

I long time nv bring my kid out maybe he also become very bored without playmates, hee.

Btw PM you already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry to intude,

I have tins of formula to let go..

Friso 2, 900gm - $18 (June 2011)

Mamil Gold 2, 400gm - $10 (March 2012)

Nan pro 2, 400gm - $7 (June 2011)

Nan HA 2, 400gm - $11 (March 2012)

Welcome exchange with vouchers too!

I also have the followings:

Elmo / Sesame st birthday party items - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?449183/4979431

BNIB Fisher Price Poptivity table to let go at $35.

Pm me if interested! Thks.


Hihihi! Busy with packing & moving.

Yah la, long time no "see".

I long time nv bring my kid out maybe he also become very bored without playmates, hee.

Btw PM you already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

