(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi all,

good to see the thread active once again. Am still sourcing for function room, anyone gt any recommendation? This birthday bash is really a headache.


answer to yesterday question, Lucas bday bash is either 12 or 13 feb. His actual day is 15 Feb.


hey mommies,

where's the link to Tan Leng Leng's BP? cant seem to find. a friend may be keen to get a freestyle. helping her to check it out

This event will be fun. Thanks to QQ and BabyL for mentioning it.

I think abacus = calculator.

Here's what I found by googling:

Parents also place a variety of objects in a basket -- a pen, silver, official seal, needlework and some toys -- and offer the basket to the child. The object the baby grabs signifies the child's future. The traditional first-birthday gift is a gold ring meant to protect the baby during harsh times.

Items and their meanings:

Book - Scholar

Seal - Authorative government official

Coin/Dollar Note - Rich in future

Scale - Acute businessman

Onion - Intelligent

Celery - Hardworking

Sword - Army officer

Paintbrush/Ink - Artist

Abacus/Calculator - Merchant

Drumstick - no lack in food and clothing

Ruler - Designer/Architect

Garlic - Analysis

Hay - Farmer

Headphone - Doctor

good afternoon mummies

havent login for quite some time. been busy with work and bb. bb just recovered fr fever, but still having cough and runny nose.

am so pissed off with the ifc, the caregivers have different mindset with me. argh..already reduced to 1 milk feed in the afternoon(last time 3 milk feeds), the teacher can tell me that my girl doesnt want to drink my bm and keep urging me to change to fm, so frustrating !! she said a lot of -ve comments abt bm.

can i check if bb coughing, is it must stop fruit puree(apple, pear) as it causes phelgm?

my fren told me that they are lazy to warm bm, fm more convenient and lazy to feed my girl puree.


sorry i cant make it for the birthday bash. enjoy~


tanlengleng freestyle is under overseas spree.

remember u asked abt my first skool ? infant or childcare ? the waiting list is v v long, need to register early esp sengkang.


any to recommend ? ard 8 more months, can start looking before the places all filled!!


plan to intro soon, shd start with step 2 or go direct to step 3 ?

Wish, haha...happy to help! Oooh I am getting excited abt preparing the stuffs for 抓周. I think no need hay liao. No land to farm wor...haha..I simplified and translated from this website: www.dadupo.com.tw/panacea/lisur4.htm

書 文化界是個研究學問的讀書人

筆墨 藝術界能成為書畫家

印章 能成為政府官員能掌權

算盤 商人在商界發展

錢幣 將來會很有錢

雞腿 有吃的福氣將來不愁吃穿

秤 很會做生意的生意人

尺 設計師

蔥 生性聰明

蒜 善於精算

芹菜 生性勤勞

稻草 從事農業工作

刀劍 能當軍官

聽筒 將來會當醫生

My pil are vegetarian.. I wait n see how they going to get d onion n drumstick :p

Jmmabb- BM more troublesome to prepare so of course IFC would prefer FM.. Don't give up!

Another site also included items for:

cloth - tailor

Telephone - telecommunication

shuttlecock - atheletic

shoes - adventurer/travel agent

chopsticks - chef/food industry

computer mouse - IT industry

cassette tape(i think use songbook more practical) - musician

bottle of skincare - beautician

wahhh so many more things...

Oooops! Kena screwed by my mum for wanting to do this ceremony. She said its not as easy to just put these items on the table and let baby take. Have to pray, let bb step on the ang ku kueh and red eggs before proceeding. One item to put is also an empty bowl. If bb chooses that, means a begger wor! She said dont do such a thing coz in case its not what we want, then we will be super disappointed.....sadz...

Torayme, my mum said my grandmum did for me when i was young and I took money and not drumstick....I am not rich leh, hahaha! But I know a palmistry said once before that my money flows in and out of my hands fast and I will never be short of money and will always be a balance..well....

soo fun le!! i want to do it. BabyL, really ah?? opps.. but we do for fun not really for the real purpose.

I got a gut feeling enzo confirm choose drumstick cos he is horribly greedy.

I am very happy!! Enzo drinks from straw cup now.. He didnt really drink from sprout (my MIL scare he choke) and i just change it to let him try on Sun and he did it!! Opps.. or am i happy for no reason cos the magmag cup says 8mths+ can start on straw.

BabyL, then don't put the empty bowl in the basket lor! For fun only. I think I remembered the ang ku kueh. Have to specially order one. Its very big. The size of my palm. I watched my baby cousin doing this ceremony last time. They let her step on the ang ku kueh then let her chose the items. My dad kachiao. He threw in a lot of money so she picked money. haiz...I think her parents were quite pissed by my dad. Lol...

elise, haha...i will be happy if i were you too.

my Heidi only start to clap properly yesterday. I so happy also! she finally know how to open both her palms and put them together. but the way she did it is so concious that it's SO CUTE!!!

It is great to see so many posts again!

As usual, I hv not prepared anything for the one year bash!

Aiyo, to let bbs choose the given choices still hv to hv a ceremony? Think I will let thing "soon qi zi ran" bah

Elise and Torayme, ya lor...i also want to do for fun but my mum said dont want. She said ask my PILs first.... I will go ask them tonight, if they shot me down, I really LL man... Hahaha!

Torayme, when Lac learnt to clap, she also kept doing that like experiencing the new "thing"...now she can wave bye bye when we leave and come kiss me when I fake cry. Aiyo, can melt sia...

Torayme, kekeke I thot I happy for nothing. Babyl, lac really very fast learner le!! Enzo knows how to clap earlier but he only just master e skill of crawling on fours!! Keke. Very busy now he attempting to climb everywhere.

Reen, me pumping once a day. I stop but I get pain if I dun pump. But am reducing e time of pump. Shld be empty by cny.

wish, thanks for the link. the product recall is for pump in style.. me looking at freestyle for my friend.

jmmabb, tks for the link! i'm looking at IFC for belle. they're still trying to get numbers filled up. so no long waiting list for me. if i sign up for IFC first, the child care CONFIRM got space for me.. thats the incentive they assured me. its really near where i stay too. so quite convenient lah.


i m still pumping 3x a day, will reduce and hope to stop by april.


my girl was in mfs ifc for 2 mths then i withdraw her because she couldnt adapt to the aircon environment but overall i think its gd. u r so lucky the centre still has vacancy, i only got the place during 3rd mth, almost took npl. yup the teacher also told me auto promote to cc and also priority to change center too.

BabyL, aiyoh Lac so sweet! kiss kiss mommy!

One of the reason I want to place Heidi in childcare earlier than intended is also because she's learning so fast. My in-laws can't keep up with her...plus they always go travel...@#$$!...

Wow!! all ur LOs are so clever! Lucas dunno how to clap yet...but recently keep doing the "gong xi gong xi" action. Hehe... He also like to raise his hands and twist them as if like dancing, butts will move when hear music. My mum is saying probably due to me teaching concert while preggy.

Elise, Lucas oso juz gt to learn to crawl on fours. I tot he would skip the crawling stage as he learn to stand 1st.


I'm not a fan of pineapple tart but don mind eating them....fattening sia hehe...I saw u order from BP, haven't collected right? This yr I will bake my own (open kind :p) Pass some to u when done ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ERGH!!!!!! Riley just decides to stay awake till 8 ish or 9 ish pm then sleep till 11pm or 12 midnight wake up for about 30 mins clap hands , come down from her toddler bed, trying to cruise round it or crawl to the wall to see her alphabets charts............ or best yelling and screaming away.......Now she is down to one long nap a day. God help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!


le cafe is the golf ball kind ah? I scared to eat lotsa pineapple kind, call me weird hahahaha...

ah hum <clear> mine not bad k, many yrs ago I sell one leh, u try k wink!

Elise, ya...she fast learner but not so verbally. Last night we got a shock that she climb up the sofa from the floor! My PILs buay tahan that she can climb under the praying alter, and over the bars. I told them she is training to run hurdles next time! Hahaha!

Torayme, ya....so sweet till I melt. But depends on her mood one. If I fake cry till so real, she will come over, open up her hands to hug and put her face onto mine to sayang. If too fake, she will ignore me... =p


just saw my name up there lol. Had been busy these days when my #1 start pre-nursary. Been neglecting my Crystal cos have to make sure Xavier goes school happily everyday, he still cries a bit when he step into the classroom.

for catering, I normally get neo garden, after all it is a safe choice. My friend get her catering from Oh’s Farm Catering, I actually quite like their laksa. www.ohsfarm.com.sg


I want to ask you where you get all the nice nice hairclips for your girl?? I want to get some for Crystal as the CNY is here but I cant seemed to find those which can stay on her head. I remember you mentioned that those clips have rubbers on it to secure in.


I am still latching my girl, i give up. She can latch as long as she wants. I will save up the milk powder $$$ and buy stuff for myself. :p

Birthday Celebration

It will be a mini events between relatives for Crystal. It is so so near CNY. sigh!

Icy, salute u still latching!

I find my boy also slower in speech n envy all those who can talk n call. PD said boys are usually slower, self console [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. But he can really crawl fast n "walk around"!


I manage to get her on bottles for a while then somehow when she fall sick, she went stubborn again.

You dont need to worry abt your son talking, my son also talk much much later when the girls at his age group can talk to much. Then when they start talking, you wish that they would stop for a while. :p I do realise that Crystal does shows that she is faster in speech development if compare to her bro.

Anyone started to feed breakfast? I have not introduce it and wonder what shld i give? Everyday cereal?


when mommy aka me la, not lazy, i will sit her on her highchair after her 240ml milk. let her nibble on cheese, bread and baby snacks. If i'm lazy then will just let her 240ml milk last till her porridge feed at 11+am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah, I think it is a great idea too! But I dun have a polaroid camera. Another item on the wish list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Here's the webby. http://www.white-roomstudio.com/family.html [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think I'll choose hazelnut choco crunch as 1of the flavours as well for my cake after seeing ur earlier post.

Thks torayme & babyl for the list of items! Wow, sword, hay, onion!?!? Hee hee, I'm also doing it just for fun, since no specific items, then think I'll just put calculator, pen, book, money, ruler n drumstick heehee.


Well done Enzo! I'm still waiting for tasha to figure out how to suck from straw. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm, i've always given tasha either cereal or oats as the 1st meal so think tt shld be breakfast to her already.


Eh? U've seen the clips I bought? My hair clips doesn't come with the non-slip inserts cos I bought them in bulk(a dozen) in BKK, with the intention to glue the non slip inserts myself. I saw a few online blogshops selling clippies with the non slip inserts though but off hand I can't remember which ones. Just buy those non slip mats tt pple put on their cars' dashboard

cut it into small strips n glue on crystal's clips will do.


Hi 5! I'm not a fan of pineapple tarts n also scared of those with lots of pineapple. Btw, how to give cheese? Give her the cold cheese shredded? PD says to supplement Tasha's lack of calcium intake, by right shld feed her yoghurt plus 1 slice of cheese daily??!! Such a big piece of cheese daily?


no la don't forget cheese is very salty! Usually she takes abt 1/3 of the squarish cheddar cheese. kraft or cheesedale. I just peel bit by bit and give it to her, sometimes I let her bite off the cheese herself (me holding, else the cheese will be crushed in her hands hehe)

maybe u can also give hard boiled egg yolk. Mashed it with a little butter and feed her bit by bit. Egg yolk got calcium or not ha hehe, only know it's a good source of protein [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW I am not a fan of pineapple tart mainly i prefer savoury to sweet pastry. But sometimes i also siao siao, can't stop popping the tarts into the mouth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i must say the golf ball kind has too much pineapple for my liking. Generally i like the open kind to the closed up kind. Anyway will try to find some time to bake some tarts for this new yr and not forgetting to give some to wish!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] eeeee but wish, I will not make my own pineapple filling this time as it's tooooo much work, get the phoon huat one which is reasonably good hehe play cheat abit :p


Yah lor, i also stare at the PD in shock! so salty!! Just recfm, got unsalted butter but dun have unsalted cheese is it? I just bot those tt stated light cheese.

I just went google and found this:-

non dairy food high in calcium



calcium rich food list including dairy product


while some of the food is unusual diet for us, I learnt that the more common food like papaya, toufu, fish and brocoli are in the list, so maybe can include these more often in Tasha's daily diet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Enfa dun hv favours my gal on enfa since on FM she now taking stage 2 will change to 3 after 1 yr old.


Ya i heard too if u hv 2nd one the elder one will sleep thru dun know hw true is that there r so many myths or stories Fr the old folks dun know which to follow.


Thanks Fr the posting so funny with diff indications to the items bb pick maybe can try.

Morning mummies!!

Gymboree THeme:

Farmyard Fun

Ocean Adventure

Construction Zone

All Aboard Trains

Princess Playhouse

Little Super Heroes

Dinosaur Adventures

Jungle Safari

Sports Galore

Arts party

Music party

Prefer what kind of themes?? I am thinking of either Ocean adventure or farmyard fun?

Morning mommies!! The thread revived. Good good.

Elise, i'm also giving cereals, bread, biscuits as breakfast alr. Sometimes even smashed egg.

Nic has got 8 teeths out so i'm beginning to be more adventurous.

For CNY goodies, can try Cedele. Pretty good. My personal fav is lemongrass pistachio, cranberry oatmeal, their pineapple tarts also not bad.

Counting down to CNY.. doing spring cleaning now.

