(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


Belle really absorbing well! how abt her output frequency? with so little intake, probably all being absorbed liao? Maeve just hit 8kg. with the semi-solids introduced, her weight has been increasing steadily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



okie okie u PM me okie and if she is not free, just let me know wor. I think i will go around 4.30 to 5pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow wow Babyl and Chloe!

#2 coming up?! Dragon BB? It's really very xiong, but worth it cuz they can play together.

It's so much fun!

Jia you!


you add beef to enzo's food and blend all tog? Never tot of beef, something new to add to the menu.

Lucky enzo for such a loving grandad!


any mommies bought First Years potty?? can tell me where did u get them from?? when i don't need it, i see it everywhere on the racks... now when i wanna buy it, i can't find it at all..argghh...


wow.... mine is almost 2kg lesser than belle. she just hit 7kg abt 2 weeks back...at the rate she's growing, think by the time she reaches 9kg, she is 1 year old liao..

Mommies, can i rant a bit here?

Think i'm getting too possessive over Nic. I want things about Nic to be done MY way else i'll get really frustrated. As such, i've been squabbling a fair bit with hb lately. I havent been having ME time, going out with friends cos i think Nic will prob "starve" if he is being left with hb (Nic dont drink if my hb feeds him).

Wow mummies, this thread have not been so active for the pass fews day. Most mummies are back chatting again :).

KaiZe's log is:

7am Milk (120 to 150ML)

9am Breakfast (1/2 Pigeon green bowl of cereals)

11am Milk (120ML)

1pm Lunch (1 full bowl of Pigeon green bowl of porridge )

3pm Milk (100ML)

5.15pm Dinner (1 full bowl of Pigeon green bowl of porridge )

8pm Milk 150Ml

He prefer solid to milk. My Pd say at least 400ML milk if he eats well.


so fast want to toilet train already? first years potty gd ? i only saw fisherprice potty....

my bb is only 6.8kg at 6.5mths..pd say is ok.


cos every morning before my mom bathe bb, she will do that ''shh shh'' sound and bb really pee.. since there's input from my mom, and really got output from bb, i thought it would be a good time to start cultivate this into a habit then.

not sure if it's real good but i rem first years potty has very comfortable seat (not those hard plastic type) & can be used for both girl/boy. but now everywhere i see is safety 1st and FP's musical potty..wahaha...(dun dare to buy the musical 1, si-carly next time no music she dun pee/poo liao cos no motivation and mood...hehehe..)

55, yup all in porridge n blend...

chloe, this is how i cook.

1. Boil fish stock with bones for 15 mins. Filter the soup out just in case got bones. Then boil soup and put 1/4 cup rice together to boil for 15 mins.

2. Pour inside rice cooker and cook for 30mins

3. Add beef/fish inside slow cooker and at the same time steam the vege in the steamer (eg, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatos, potatos, sweet pea etc etc).

4. Put all vege inside n slow cook for another 10-15mins.

5. Blend n serve

1727, u r not alone. me too.. to the extend i sleep with enzo now everynight instead of taking shift. i refuse to go out at night as well cos i feel enzo wont be well taken care of if i leave him to hubby.. But i think we are stressing ourself too much..

Mommies attending positive babies tomorrow, pls be 10mins earlier if possible before 2pm - there's a warm up for babies - getting used to a new enviroment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

See moms n babies tomorrow - will bring camera and pass to staffers for picture taking and share here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1727, me too.. i think im too over z. i also wan to do things my way. when hb do other wise, i will feel he is not doing the best for z. i start to feel im expecting alot from hb. i try not to complain, but sometimes i jus cant help it but to command him wat to do. jus like this morning, while im pumping, z flipped n vomit. hubby jus take tissue, wipe his mouth n playmat. i was so fustrated n i say "carry him lah, maybe he pressed on his tummy, dats y he vomit." hubby gimme a "buay song" face.

Back... she's having her nap, yay! These days, the awake hrs really require long playtime with her, she wants to stand up, hobble around and try to grab everything, i must sit there and watch.


thanks gal. Been busy with Em n outings n cooking, not much long logging into SMH time.


wow, wagyu beef! Enzo is v blessed, and his grandpa is so sweet!


Belle's really growing well! Saw her clips on FB, she is really strong and advanced.


i only cook dinner n i kp it simple coz not much time with bb around. Usually oven bake, slow cook or a quick stir fry or steam.


I'm thinking of trying little chunks of overcooked pasta and soft cheese. But still haven't tried yet, only thinking at this point! i tried giving bits of bread, perhaps little toast bits too.


wow, so fast potty train. I'm still slacking, thinking to wait till 1plus. If u succeed, pls teach me!

cef, no la.. i bot it cheap so i feed him.. else so ex i wont feed...

keke.. me been feeding bread liao.. i tried mashed potato with kraft cheese too.. he eats le..

Me going to try potato + sweet potato + milk + cheese for his dinner tonight.. Give him a break from having cereals.


u tried kraft cheese already? Yay! Then I will try too. haha, I was scared of allergy, okok, then i dare to venture and try too. Fish I put on hold coz i can't stand fishy smell myself - terrible reason!

ok, I'm gonna rest and nap. later heading to pool with her.

yay~ thread so actie now!

Cef, will you be joining for the Xmas gathering? I hope you can make it with Em~

I felt Rhinathol - infant cough syrup worked best for Heidi. Phew! I can hear her phlegms loosening up a lot more. Told my MIL not to slack off the med today since Heidi not fully recovered and 3 other ppl in the house is coughing.

xihui, have fun with potty training! I think I will train Heidi during my dec office break. Will start to read up more about it also.

Elise, me too. I'm actually finding excuses to let Nic sleeps with us. Its definitely not healthy!! Nic fell off the bed because of that not once but TWICE. Pillows hurdles doesnt work anymore.

You really put a lot of effort into making the meals for him. How do u do it esp when u r working? Share your time mgt with us leh..

Cheese? as in the sliced kraft cheese? you melt it into the mashed potato??

Toray, i bought the Rhinathol from pharmacy. It didnt state the dosage for infant below 1 yo though. How much to give? Nic is still on ventolin.


i'm not sure if i'll be away in dec yet.


re: ur nite wakes thingy, i dunno if babywhisperer forums will help u, i always refer to this url as my guide for sleep techniques, solid intakes, etc. It's worked well for me all the way since Em's early days till date, and the even duration of the naptimes are exact to a T.

overall topics covering bf/eat/sleep train/routine: http://www.babywhispererforums.com/index.php

sample routines by chronological order:


k, really napping now. catch up all again.

Elise, your dad is sooooo nice to Enzo! Aiyo, I will be so touched lor! Enzo is so fortunate!

BBdust, we feed Lac with ngoh fish every day, i think fish is good coz got DHA. Anyway when mummies bf, they also taking fish oil. So i guess its OK to feed fish.

iluvbli55, i have been telling the mummies that I cant wait to try #2 but then I want dragon. I am contradicting myself....hahaha! Just let nature takes its course ba!

Cef, wow..u are a bz mummy! Really must make your SAHM/tai tai life fruitful!

Re: Milk Intake

Think I really need to up Lac's intake to see if she can take it. Previously she took 180ml but got reflux, now with 150ml, also will have reflux, dunno why...

Her porridge is always the same...fish, carrot or pumpkins in meat and ikan bilis stock, cooked in slow cooker. Yummy!

1727, no i only do it when i nvr work. When working. I prepare the fish bones + fish meat into 1 via cup and another via cup with ready cut vege. My MIL have to cook for me.

yes, sliced kraft cheese! i just throw it inside with the sliced potatos and blend. he takes it well. But i dunno can feed anot. I suppose can so i just feed....

hmm. i sleep with Enzo in his room though.

1727, Elise

Same here, also sleeping with bb at night. Worse, I sleep with #1 and bb on the bed, sometimes my hubby sleeps on the floor, poor thing.

Morning wake up, we are like zombies.

Like 8 hour night shift parenting... Need more zzz...


Yah no hurry, still got some time to enjoy b4 Dragon yr.

My sis also planning for dragon bb, got a lot of competition, so stressed rite?! But you will have like royal animal family, tiger and dragon, haha.

Wow, today "see" so many regulars around! Good good.

Just brought cay to pd. He got ear infection and has to take antibiotic. Feel the pain that he is suffering.

1727, 1.8ml for 7-8months old! Hope you read this post in time. is the cough phlegmy & chesty? Then feed ventolin + Rhinathol together. 1.8ml each. If not chesty anymore, can lay off ventolin slowly. Taper off.

Reenren, what happened to Cay? Oh dear...hope he drinks more water too. Good thing the weather is getting better.

Cef, oh i see. We can have another gathering after you are back.


belle's output is abt twice a day. now less liquidy since there's more cereals. like toothpaste consistency.. and she's still flipping!! urgh! ive mastered the art of wiping her ass in her crawling position already.. bo bian. sometimes also good since she's got poop right up to her back.. haha.. wont kena stain the changing mat. but cleaning in between her *peaches* then still must force her down and "pry" her open.. hee...

honestly, when i was reading all the meals and mls the babies were having here, my heart started racing and i kept going 'oh no..'.. but i caught myself and just told myself to relax.. every baby is diff.. when she rejects milk, then i will just have to mix milk into her cereals, at least that she takes. no chance to give porridge yet.. dont even talk about boiling fish soup/chicken/beef etc etc.. when i move into the new place and in a BIGGER kitchen then i will START! muahaha. like a new playground for myself lidat. hehe.

btw, any movers to recommend? i start seeing the things i have to pack, my heart starts racing.. really very stress. most impt of all.. how to transport all that milk in my chest freezer over!? i'm now really dragging pumps and trying to empty out contents as fast as i can so that i have less to transport over..

Hi reen,

Hope cay can speedy recover, :)


Dragon sure very competitive cause usually year of dragon will have higher birth rate.

I wanted to plan for rabbit but because i just get the key for my new house at punngol, cannot move in so fast casue other blk still not done up ,will be very dusty not good for LO. so by the time i move then plan maybe also dragon liao.

Wanted to plan now but if really have, scare later my mil will have 101 reason to ask me not move house.


I every night also sleep with him at my bed, casue i tired out afew time to put him at his clot, he tend to wake up at least once or twice but if he sleep with me usually is till the next day morning..

hmmm...regarding schedule, I know I am supposed to cut out dreamfeed but cos Heidi isn't taking solids that well, I am keeping dreamfeed till she's of a hefty weight. The cough episode caused us a good 0.45kg...T-T

I hope to pump her back up to at least 8kg...

really happy to see all babies here growing well and crossing milestones everyday.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no doubts we'll have our ups and downs.. but we all grit our teeth and got through them!

am thankful everyday for belle's arrival, normal, bouncy and healthy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am grateful for everyone's support here as well!

sudden burst of emo. hehe.

reen, ya.. how u know cay has ear infection? z has been digging his ear with his THUMB. when i ask doc if he got ear infection when i brot z for his jab, he always say his ears look fine. btw ur CD is still with me wor...

MT, can leave the bags in the chest and make sure its the last to go n 1st to move in. so u immediately switch on the power once u reached ur new hse.

Mummies, thanks for all the well wishes. Actually we really cant see the infection, my mum is the one who suspected it. He cried when we pulled his clothes over his head and during bathing when we touched the side. But it was over a few days before the conclusion is drawn and today is confirmed by pd.

PD suspected is scratching by bb since we never perform any digging so far.


I am soooooooooo pissed!!!!!!!!

I want to hear your frank opinion abt this whole thing.

I was recently granted permission to post in WTS and wanted to sell off my jumperoo, by the way, it's well maintained and is in tip top condition, trust me on tat!!!!

Then from out of the blue came this Bl***dy person who posted and DISTURB my thread.


I want your frank opinion mommies, PM me if u have to tks.

yue xiang yue bu gan xin. Such an idiot!! I take it as a personal attack!

Heng I manage to sell my jumperoo else I sure will try ways and means to dig her out and ask her wat problem she has man.

U all see how many post I have?? 7000 worth!!!! Would anyone be so free to go thru all my posting to find out whether my jumperoo was bought brand new or preloved??

Isn't it suspicious?? Any input?? Wa lao super steam man, I didn't step on anyone's tail in this MAR thread, did I??


QQ, HI-FI! i would have called her FATTY TOO!! mebbe mispell it as FARTY!!

wa lao eh! wat is her problem!!!

JJ, you said everything right in ur posts.. its an open market.. she is out to sabo.. how she know man!? she's probably reading what we're saying in this thread right now.

its just too scary to be too open in this forum. u'll never know who's reading it.

and yes.. there're all sorts of irritating people out there.. i posted some stuff to sell too.. and u get all sorts of idiotic, ridiculous quotes for prices.. but some are nice too, just pay without haggling.

jj...tis lady so picky n loaded with time..lucky she didn't buy frm u n attack u later.. can't imagine! we gotta take note of such person in this forum..

wa lao.. this bitch is really vicious!

good luck in her getting a GENUINE BN jumperoo man.

its not as if u stated your item as first-hand, or intentionally trying to lie to get it sold.

MT, Dun worry, at least belle take cereal well. Mal drink little n feed little too. He only just accepted cereal and I only intro pumpkin few days back. No porridge or all the good stuff the rest of mummies are feeding. Belle is of good size too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: moving of fridge.

possible for u to shift the main fridge over, set it up then transport fbm to the fridge n then transport yr chest freezer over?

If not get a large styrofoam box (those used in fishing), packed the packet of fbm with alternate layer of dry ice. It can keep it frozen for long time depending how much dry ice u have. I tried it on a small scale when I transport my fbm to my mum place. But remember to wrap the packs with cloth before layering with dry ice to prevent freezer burn.

Can get dry ice from www.dryice.com.sg

Reen, speedy recovery to cay

JJ, think someone stalking u? I can't even possibly recall when u get the jumper but that person can???


omg, what a crazy michinlyeon bitch that is! It's awful, there r so many silent reader mummies around lurking, she must have been reading ur posts, argh, such a put off.


hope Cay gets well soon.


There's a mover i have used thrice, watchmannee, they're a halfway house, and use the men at the centre kicking their habits. Do u still need a mover contact? Hmm, so far my encounter has been good, i even requested them to help me pack the things in my house into boxes. they relaly hleped me pack things into boxes and sealed up for me when i was too busy. They were good and polite. Let me know if u want the contact.


wow! this mummy either have been looking for jumperoo since the time u bought the jumperoo or she went to check your 7k+ threads 1 by 1 just to chk if it was BN or preloved ?? admire her patience :p


Wau!! i am soo surprised that pple got so much time to track it! Pre-loved good condition so whats her problem. The market is free, u quote a price, pple willingly to pay then it is a deal.. talk so much n dun wan to buy..

