(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

1727, i will give Enzo if i eats.. But of cos not too sweet and too oily food. I gave mango yday!! Just a lick but ended up he bite out some and refuse to spit it out... Keke..

Reen, i think no harm to introduce new food to them as long as not too sweet and too oily.. Just a tiny winy bite wont harm..

cefindre, envy!!!! Do enjoy yrself.


torayme, oh... so sweet of heidi, my lazy pig cant be bothered. by 8pm sure knock out. i tried to make him sleep later, but it doesnt work. he will grumble with his eye closed. so i really envy mummies who can spend time with their LO after work. it seems like i can only see z during weekends. haiz...

cef, i havent seen my friends after z's baby shower. i was jus talking to a friend dat i have to take leave to meet them. hee... gg to ask a friend of mine who own a pub to open for business at 2pm one of these days. hahahaha... anyone wanna join?

1727, reen.. z used to pull ears. now is scratch hair n pull.

elise... im thinking of giving mango puree. i ever let z lick orange b4. but i read from somewhere dun give citrus yet.


but anything in daytime, i must lug bb along leh. I must wait till nightfall when hub takes over shift then i can go out and play.

re: mango, i mixed it with cereal and milk for breakfast, bb loves it, eat and wants more. u can give it a try!


yar, i am so excited, haven't seen this bunch of friends for a long time!

k, the active babe is awake, gone till her nxt nap! have a gd day mummies!

wish, its good to be a weekend mum also. u hve more free time. sometimes i feel like leaving z with babysitter for a night, so i can go pator with hubby. but i jus cant bear to do it. hubby n me seems drifting apart ler.


haha wanna play? We play big!!

I will not reveal here, we go by the back door <wink>

I tell u, so pp really know how to be double headed snake!

Mirthy, reen, yes quite scary, dats why now also seldom post. Kinda freaked me out that pple who do this type of stuff

Joelle, mal also eating cereal for almost a mth. Didn't intro much new food too. Maybe I should try potato or spinach. Can't be keep on feeding him cereal for so long... Tried pumpkin but dun dare feed too much least he turn yellow due to the betacarotene...

Chloe, didn't notice yr tummy leh.

Dunno how long never step in pub.. Hehe 2pm open? U bringing Z there to party? So cool?

JJ, it's a real scary world out there. but u good ah... my hb also said abt tt fatty. he also wei ni bu zhi.

1727, i swear by flumicil. i always buy and standby in fridge for emergency.

joyful, my parents nvr visited me when i delivered all my 3 kids! lagi better... be comforted tt our hbs love us all the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not i good la, this vilo kenna you mommies scold until buay tahan le so raise white flag! She is just a busybody, being "used" by the mole.

JJ who is it? and what/where did she complain?

elise: A can chew.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she also manage to hold her own bottle to drink water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe can try enzo on ripe banana small bits (quarter a raisin size), even if he swallow also the soft bits wont choke him. Thats how i know A could chew. Now i even let her hold the banana in her hand and she eat. ;)


smsed u. I wanna know too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


gosh u really do know all the distributers! *salute*


yup email them to ask for it!! Cos they emailed me after I signed up as a member asking whether i want Nan Pro or HA after tt waited for so long also never arrive! I'm also still feeding tasha cereal for breakfast thinking of switching to oats soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


go chase them!!


So interesting, i was just eating a bowl of ruffles chip while reading the thread. Yums!


Well done!!! Now we all know who's the free one who does so much hypocrite's business. PM me !

Cef & Elise

Wow, mango! cool stuff. sigh! ell always picks on food! if it's sweet, he likes it. especially porridge, he hates it i think! i need to distract him with so many different things to make him eat. Buay ta han..


bits and pieces here and there, sounds like a brilliant idea! cos' ell loves being fed that way too. feeding him proper is a struggle unless it's food he likes. But, am afraid am advocating a wrong meal habit. So ley chey... tsktsk.


yes yes, i agree. couple time is very important although spending time with Z is as well. Or, you can do a family thing every weekend?


Hugs* am sure you'll be a wonderful mom to emma and #2, and so on. we learn from our parents, good- we follow, not good- we try not to be like them. =)

cef, she still drinks quite readily for dreamfeed. So i think i will continue until we can establish at least 2 solid meals well.

Enjoy your gals' night out~~~

chloe, i will like Heidi to sleep more and sleep deeper like Z. Babies grow faster when they sleep better. Just went to Eu Yan Seng, they have this pearl powder that said can promote sleep. Maybe I let her try that...hehehe...also good for complexion.

wf, u must be enjoying urself munching ur ruffles n waiting for UFO to appear. i wanna know who issit too. but jj is too busy to reply my Pm hee...

Hello Mummies..

MIA for some time.. went on a short trip.. Soo many happenings here...


It's really irritating to have someone to sabo your thread.. but thank God you still manage to sell your jumper..


I have been using the hippychick hipseat cos my LO doesn't like to be in a sling and wants to face the front..so far, it has been serving me very well but one of your hands needs to support your baby else may fall... so unlike the carriers most mummies are using can go handsfree..

torayme, z is simply lazy. he feed well n sleep well, but learn slow. PD said he is 1mth behind most of babies around his age. alhtough he is elder, but most of the LO here were faster den him. this lazy piglet, laze like his father (the pig). n mummy is the slogging cow (slog n produce milk). i've decided not to eat beef.

QQ no la.. just google n u will get the answer. But if i am not wrong, it is sold at baby baby marina. Infact i just bot the pupsik and it serves me really well..

JJ, it is so hateful that we have such pple on the thread! Pls for goodness sake mind yr own business.. Some pple just like to be funny. We are busy, tired and have more than enough things to do. So dun mess this thread! We are geniune mommies trying to share and be frens!

chloe...you really made me LOL!!! Buay tahan...i think baby eat well and sleep well is a blessing. He likes to gai gai? Maybe bring him out to get stimulated more often? Or throw more toys at him? Is he a tv baby? Some tv programs for babies very good! Maybe Z hits milestones with his brains but not with motorskills?


I'll reveal when the time is riped. At the mean time I will jaga here and be sure u mommies don get taken in by this person's "jia ren jia yi".

JJ, wah!!! you are keeping us in suspense still. Good..that will keep this thread much much more alive. Must reveal k.. Bold & highlight the name loud loud.

Jules, where have u been?? Paisay leh. didnt manage to find time to pop by your place. Will make an effort this weekend k. *promise*

Dawn, i gave banana & apple on its own too. Just let Nic bite and see if he can chew a bit off. He often gets irritated and start to blabber (complaint tone) if he can't do it. Quite an enjoyable sight. keke.

torayme, really!! sometimes i call him garfield. was telling winnie dat day. sometimes i will place his favourite ball a little beyond his reach, he will either eh eh eh, signal me to push it to him, if not he will jus leave the ball alone, n look around for other toys within his reach. buay tahan... i dunno where to bring him for gai gai leh. normally we go marketing during weekend, or parent visiting. dats y i feel like bringing him to the gym trial. he loves to watch tv, but will watch watever hub is watching, he wont give way to z.

chloe, u really made my day. I am sorry but I really laugh at your description. Garfield!!! Little fat tiger~~~

Suggestions for gaigai...i brought Heidi to Botanical Garden once and she enjoyed the fresh air and greeneries. I am planning to bring her to Jacob Ballas Children Garden next friday...and then other times...Hort Park, Labrador Park, MacRitchie Reservoir, Bottletree Park...more outdoors for her! There is a really nice large playground at Ang Mo Kio but that will be only when she is older.

The other day I sat her on my lap and swing both of us in the swing. :D she rather enjoyed it.

My hub also don't give way to Heidi. She actually watched CSI, Family Guy and dunno what other nonsense...


Chloe & Toray, the Macritchie bridge is under construction. Not a good time to go unless u decide to venture deep into the "forest".

Where's the playround at AMK? how come i dont know? hmmm...

Talking about TV, Nic favorite is "爱". So uncle rite? He will turn to the tv whenever the song is playing. *faint*

