(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


Got stalker??She got nth better to do?

Sound scary to post things openly in forum where there are really such kpo and irritating people who got time to read and even to remember such some things few month ago.



That is so irritating! Who cares about how many seller owe the jumperoo before. It is the condition that is impt. It also depends how the user use it and how regular.

Sometimes it can be the first user but who knows how many kids they have at home.. ie.. perhaps mine would be in worse condition even for first buyer cos my #1 would be jumping inside non-stop everyday..


Thumbs UP to vilo(fatty)

please repeat this post every other week!

Username: Fatty

Full Name: vilo

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Last Logged In: October 27, 2010

Registered: March 28, 2006

Total Posts: 150

Status: Junior Member

-) Click Here to send a private message to Fatty


If you are reading this, Lucky you, why? because your NICK will be traceable from here forth. Don't go using your "phantom" nick, you are now all over the FORUM.

thanks, for sharing your free time cyber bullying a March Mother!

JJ, u didn't cheat or lie to anyone in your post. So don't bother about what the person wrote.

Anyone got prob feeding bb augmentin? Already tried 2 feeds and both feed he merlioned out everything. No choice but to add to milk. He got the habit of merlioning out the food he doesn't like. Think like mummy like son, can't blame him.

wah, there are really so free ppl ard...while this mummy has no time to even catch a gd sleep, there r some ppl got time to sieve thru forum...


tks mommies for standing on my side [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Playing detective here,

This fatty can't find my trail in WTS coz I couldn't post there a few mths back. Her search can only reveal tat I'm from the Mar thread.

To comb thru all my posting over the mths to find out when I got the jumperoo is not exactly an easy task!

A search on her nickname does not reveal where she has posted. Therefore she is using an alternative dormant a/c. Why? She doesn't want to reveal her true identity. The question lies here, why does she want to be so secretive??

My conclusion:-

She is not a genuine buyer

She is all out to sabo

She prob is a mole!!!

Mothers, beware of what u post here!


Remember I told u gals tt i've haven't rec my nestle goodie bag? I emailed them & turns out tt their delivery coy claims tt they called me in Sept & I've redirected them to an address in Bukit Batok?! They even scan the airway bill to show me. haha. But they chop chop clear up the mistake & will be delivering the stuff to me tomolo! U gals go email them too!

awake again...sigh.

wow this fatty really so damn bitchy leh. Also such a coward to use a dormant account, just to play police. She better not buy anything from the supermarket or anywhere for that matter, coz not only is the fatty pork from NTUC 3rd or 4th hand from the pig farm, it is also marked up 200% or more by the time she gets it. Some people really ah.. -_- JJ can sell it at any damn price she wants.

Our march thread can have it's own drama serial already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lucky us.

QQ, u mentioned u didn't get the nestle goodie bag? U mean u sign up the nestle baby club is it? I also sign up butdidnt get the bag.

So dat means I must email them?

hey ladies,

sorry for being MIA for so long.. staying with my mom so hard to be online..


chloe has flat tummy like elise and babyl already la! eh chiobu chloe, if anybody give up their seat to u, it's cos they dun want a lady like u to stand up for too long! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


deepest sympathy to u, hope everything is better now.


i agree with dawn. it's an open market. willing buyer, willing seller. Who's to stop u even when u want to sell for $300? if there is a willing buyer? crazy fatty bom bom.. oops! hehe, u know my nick in a dog forum is fattybombom123 le.. oops! hehe..wahahahhahaha! so funny, but i'm definately NOT vilo (fatty)


enzo is so blessed to have grandparents who dote on him so much.

let me complain a little..

can u believe that my parents haven't even bought a single thing for emma since she was born? staying with them makes me remember all the reasons why i wanted to marry early and move out.. they show obvious favouritism towards my sister. Now that my sis' dog and my dog is staying with them, they are so nice to my sis' dog but always scolding my dog. even when it comes to meal times, they will always ask my dog to go away and coax my sis' dog to eat. Sigh.. at the back of my mind, i don't want to have another child cos i don't wanna practice favourtism like them.

Morning mummies!

JJ, wah.. That fatty really so free to trace ur posts leh.. We dun even remember how much u bought. Moreover, preloved can be 2nd or 3rd hand goods. If she cant accept, then go get a new 1 lor.. Why have to do such a thing? So irritating! Think she "eat too full nothing better to do" (in hokkien). Lucky u already sold off to a nice mummy..

Buddy, miss u! Let me know when u shift back k? Want meet u pass u thing lah..

Hugz hugz.. I think ur parents still love u, dont be upset k?

JJ, dont worry. All the march mommies are with you. You have our support.

Joyful, you shouldnt becos of your parents stop you from having another baby. Instead they should act as a reminder for you NOT to practise favortism. Think positively k. My PIL bought things for Nic but its not to my & my hb taste. So they are all in "cold storage". I rather them not buy. keke.

Reen, Nic has been on augmentin before. Ok leh. He didnt merlion it out. Actually its quite tasty imo. Hope Cay is feeling better.

Toray, thanks for your msg on the cough medi.

Joyful, welcome back!!! U Mia very long!! Hmmm I know how u feel, poor thing! Dun ponder too much k!! U got a doting hubby to sayang u...

My tummmy not flat!! Every where else is skinny but not e tummy... Babyl one is really really flat! When I bend forward, I got this huge ball of wrinkled skin!! Like e tip of an orange. Very ugly..

Jj, ya maybe got mole here!! But very scary that pple is doing such things....

thanks babyl 1727 and elise,

as long as i don't stay with her, i don't get reminded of all her unfair ways.. i can't wait to move back home!!!!!!!


u r so skinny lor! I never see any tummy le..


no need la!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mommies,

really must give it for this vilo(fatty) good job and hunting down thousands of post for one single info!! Can die, so free! If I had that kind of resources I'd rather spend sleeping of doing something I've not done since having children!

And here's the repeat, sorry for your phantom Nick - thumbs up for messing with the wrong crowd:

Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 9:39 pm:       


Thumbs UP to vilo(fatty)

please repeat this post every other week!

Username: Fatty

Full Name: vilo

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Last Logged In: October 27, 2010

Registered: March 28, 2006

Total Posts: 150

Status: Junior Member

-) Click Here to send a private message to Fatty


If you are reading this, Lucky you, why? because your NICK will be traceable from here forth. Don't go using your "phantom" nick, you are now all over the FORUM.

thanks, for sharing your free time cyber bullying a March Mother!

morni all mommies here![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cc,u r GOOD![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see ya later at e class & other mommies too![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies,


nothing much left for me to comment liao... same thoughts as the rest of the mommies... oh ya, maybe you ''snatched'' the jumperoo that she was eyeing on? she must be damn very the free to search archives during that period.. our forum is like having 400posts a day? CRAZY!!!


ya, just relax and stay zen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. treat the stats of bb's intake as a reference, rather than a stress... i rem couple of months back when babies here are taking in milk so well, mine was a fairy who only took in 1-2 feed a day.. told myself, it's okie she's not hungry, she has no appetite bla bla bla... the more gan chiong we are, the more we feel the stress, our mood tend to be -ve and will affect babies as well.

Funny right, now search on this "fatty" and all this will present to any future buyers of hers - don't think you're getting a good deal!

Just for info - villo(fatty)

1. Wanted the jumperoo at a lower price

2. Sour, she knew - dunno from which source it was bought at $170

3. decide to crusade for justice - pls, you are happy with the price - buy, not happy - move On!

4. Is a cyber bully.


you shud had just offered the item to "vilo(fatty). Talk so much, cheapskates all over WTS. Throw the ball to her court and see what she does, really would want to know what her offer for your jumperoo be? $100??$80?? I could easily provided her with even as low as $50 FP jumperoo but our friend turned out saying "I'll pm seller whom are selling brand new" come on??! Ahhhh, issit a rat no?? From preloved want cheaper than it's buying New.

This is a challenge to vilo(fatty) - you find me a $170 brand new in box FP Rainforest Jumperoo on this forum, I will personally buy that item for you! Terms, valid seller posted on WTS. Period of time 27/10/10 - why? Because you said you'd pm the seller yesterday on JJ's post. Meet up only - the item you, seller with original reciept - not gift certificate pls.

Meet the challange? Clear your name, you can pm me or post here for all march2010 active/silent/stalkers members to read.

JJ, when i read ur post, i cldnt help but think there's a mole too... it's near impossible to sieve thru ur posts leh... sigh, anyway, mommies yes this is a reminder that u neva know who's reading here.

joyful, like wat 1727 said, u shd aspire to be the kind of parent ur parents were not... i can tell u love Em a lot, but that didnt stop u fr loving ur doggie rite? Am sure u'll b a fantastic mom wif lotsa love to go round =)

Reen, hope Cay recovers soon!

QQ, hmm...maybe i go email them.... heh... anything for the food jars =p


ya.... and dun forget we have UFOs around too.. calling bb_duct,ladyk,MT... take out popcorn and watch UFOs!! ..hehe...


ur mom is very observant!

cc & rest of the mommies,

enjoy ur class later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahaha, good one on the UFO


see you later! all mommies joining positive babies too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


this yr still have time to "beat petty ppl"(cantonese) ?? hhehehehe, don't do it yourself, must hire experts otherwise they say "more you beat, you petty ppl you get"

1727, hope the rhinathol will help nic. At least Heidi stopped coughing in the middle of the night and slept through. Praise God. Still a bit of phlegm there to go...I am trying to get her to drink DelRosa for more vit C but this cheeky gal is rejecting drinking from milk bottle. She wants to be spoonfed water or syringed. -_-

JJ, this fatty has got nothing better to do. too much free time. she should be someone who has been following our thread.

CC, *standing ovation* u are our big sister big big. hahahaha...

joyful, since birth, my in law only bot ONE cheapo set of clothes for z. den give all sort of excuses say they dunno wat size to buy for him, dunno wat toy he like.. blah blah blah... plesase lah... as if my parents know lor.. dun worry, i believe u will never be like ur parents ok? u will love emma, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 (ur favourite no.) hee... jia you.. love u ok? hugz...

elise, next time when we see joyful, we must show her our tummy. obviously she didnt notice that part.


this is called (cantonese) "um dai duc yan hou"

If I had posted, "bought brand new, selling higher than $170" this is call cheating and unreasonable BUT I was total honest, did not hide anything. How many sellers u see on WTS will say "bought 2nd hand, 3rd hand etc. "xiao dua bui!!"

"Mr Policeman" U have done a real good job here, perhaps we mar mommies can engage ur scv in future if we want to buy anything from WTS, even from spree and BP!!! We give u the link u go help verify for us whether the sellers are selling 1st hand goods! It's a lucrataive biz u know, coz no one in the right mind has the time to do what u do best, ie sieving thru thousands of posts!! KUDOS!

Toray, PD prescribe Flumicil for phelgm. works pretty well. Think you can check it out at the pharmacy. I've bought a bulb syringe. Bigger capacity and easier to use than the conventional one which my PD gives.

Joyful- same. My pil Never buy. When they bought a techno (loud n noisy) lantern, I almost fainted.... Cold storage too.

It is up to u to Not practise favoritism...

1727, thats great to hear. Heidi's getting better already. Think I can taper off on Rhinathol tomorrow. from 3 feeds to 2 feeds then slowly off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies.

Joyful, thanks, I'm fine and back in sg liao.

JJ, dont be upset over such annoying people!

Reen, hope cay recoveres soon.

Re: Solid

Feeling so guilty after reading all the posts on the food preparation for the LOs. I'm 1 lousy mom...Lucas still on cereal as he doesnt want porridge at all. Tried many times but always rejects. Haven even tried meat on him. Let him drink soup ONCE only. I think i better buck up and cook different food for him liao.

Joelle, I totally bochup what solid is Heidi taking liao. Let my MIL call the shot. She eat or not also never mind. She can only take about 8-10tsp? or good days. I am thinking of dropping 1 milk feed so she will take solid.

torayme, HUH???!!! z bedtime is 730pm... 6pm will be too late for activities. think i'll have to give it a miss. haiz...

Morning mummies.

Feed cay 2nd dose of augmentin thru milk. Doc said the effect will be diluted if feed thru milk but I hv no choice. Only added to 60 ml of milk instead of the normal feed.

So scary to have UFOs here. Is there another avenue for us to post and can only b viewed by members? Our tigerden fb?

That's why sometimes I quite reluntant to post too much info here.

chloe, or you wanna try the Tampines branch?

Z slept so early? Heidi will only sleep at 9pm...she actually will wait up for me. I was home at 11pm last night and she waited for me!


There goes my nightlife...

joelle: i gave A small bits of steamed veg and roast chix meat(no seasoning) from my plate and she likes it. No problem gumming and swallowing. Maybe giving small bits of whatever u eat (as long as its healthy) is easier, im lazy to cook for her also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also leave all the food preparation to my mum. Salute to working mum who still take pride to prepare food for your LOs.

Elise, can see that you are really a very doting mum to Enzo.

Joyful, don't let your parents' actions affect u. I also hate people who practise favoritism. Worst if is you bosses n you r not on the favourite side. That's why I always remind myself to b fair to everyone n look at things more objectively.

Dawn, Alice can chew ah?? Good le! Enzo only swallow!!

Reen haha no la.. My colls says I possesive! Keke maybe is true but I just want to prepare enZo food myself.. I find joy in doing it!!

Reen, Nic loves to pull his ears when sleeping or drinking milk but he doesnt scream or cry. Guess its prob a habit..i shall observe further.

Anyone give Chweekuah (without the oil & the condiments of cos) to LO? I've let Nic tried custard steam bao when we went for tim sum. He likes it as much as i do.

Morning mummies, yay! Tonite i'm having a gals nite out hehe!


glad to hear Heidi's getting better. i dropped the dreamfeed when bb showed signs of not wanting to be disturbed at 11pm for milk, so i upped each day feed to 200mls and dropped the dreamfeed.


*Hugs* my dad has not asked to see my gal till date. It's ok, can understand ur annoyance, but dun stay angry with ur parents yar? They are pitiful n don't know how to enjoy blessings. Later on at life's end, when looking back, there's always plenty of regrets coz relationships are ultimately most impt, so see them pitiful, coz they don't know how to cherish and enjoy true blessings in life. We just do our part to honour them and enjoy our LOs k? U're mature and wise, i'm sure u can manage ur #2, #3 well, but no harm having just Em too, whatever makes u happiest! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


1727, cay also like to scratch his hair and ears. But I think it is quite impossible for him to dig into the ear hole. So not sure how he got the infection. PD only saw some redness in the ear hole n concluded it is ear infection.

Some of u are quite adventurous in trying out food. I m the more conservative kind.

