(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

morni mommies![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joelle, guess e fond memories will always b in yr heart n sure makes us appreciate n treasure e ppl ard us more!take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

QQ,after e check up I guess your heart feels beta...dun worry,lil tasha will b healthy n eating well down e road as she grows[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jj,u old?that's e "go thru,been there n done tat" experience leh! I'm in my 30+ n learning to b mommy now n so many stuffs uncertain about! btw,good luck to your boy![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Morning mummies,


hee guess my boy is like lil tasha, doesn't like milk but more of a solids eater.


my PD told me 600ml is enough with solids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its not considered low, so no worries about it yah.


thanks - found it! Buckled up and zooming around even faster :p!


I don't think there's much to compare with younger , older but maturity. Just imagine it's worst to be older but lack maturity and act like a kid altogether. Think men are more likely to have this problem.

JJ is not OLD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]! You're as young as me - heeheeeheee




any idea follow which side? paternal or maternal side?


not very healthy if a bb is exceeding his actual weight based on his age & height coz their stomach too small to digest lotsa food in short hr & than the mum keep feeding. 2 mths ago, my frenz toddle abt 18mths fat until...undergo operation dun noe to remove wat in his body? i forgot liao...as long as bb stay & look healthy tat's e most impt.

Morning mummies!

Talk about milk intake, Lac only drinks 450ml daily leh...

1st feed - 150ml

2nd feed - Porridge

3rd feed - 150ml

4th feed - Porridge

5th feed - 150ml

Seems like I am underfeeding her! Ooops!

Good morning mommies,


not easy to be a sahm too ya. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i read that milk is still the most important source of nurtients for babies below 1.. semi solid are just supplements... so to top up her milk intake, we tried giving her milk 1-2hrs after her soilds, she takes it quite well so it becomes a habit now liao. this is her log:-

7am- 135ml (after mixing with fm will become 150ml)

10am- 135ml

1pm- porridge or cereal

2.30pm- 135ml

5.30pm- porridge

8pm- 135ml

11.30pm- 150ml (dreamfeed) (after mixing with fm will become 180ml)

(Disclaimer: it only works when she's not a fairy.haha..)

my girl milk intake,








recently she doesnt finish 150mL anymore, only drink ard 100-120mL then she will push the bottle away, play with teat, let the milk overflow to her neck or scream/cry.

Z's feed

630am - 110ml bm

930am - 2 similac scoop of cereal + 1 scoop of FM + 80ml BM & drink 100ml BM

1230pm - 180ml FM

330pm - porridge

630pm - 170ml bm

1100pm (dreamfeed) - 170ml bm

Torayme, i love kids... but husband say one is enough. my friend say must slim back after each delivery. cannot wait until "close factory" den slim at one go, it will not work after dat. dun be lazy huh... hee....

babyL, u leh? any good news? lets see who is the 1st among us to get preg again. hee... jia you.


your Lac easy easy to handle leh.. Maeve still drinking like 2-3 hourly, 7-8 feeds per day.

schedule on weekends:

1st feed 6-7am: 100ml

2nd feed 8.30am: 125ml

3rd feed 11am: 125ml

4th feed 1pm: porridge

5th feed 2pm: 125ml

6th feed 4-5pm: cereal + 30-40ml ebm + fruit puree

7th feed 7pm: 100ml

8th feed 8.30pm: 125ml

9th feed 12am dreamfeed: 125ml

on weekdays:

8.30pm feed: 150ml [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

12am dreamfeed: 125ml

see how busy i am? guess my bm is really non-fat, can't keep her for long hours.

eh my post missing....

mine is

7am 140ml ebm

10am - porridge

1pm - 100ml ebm

4pm - 100ml ebm

6pm - cereal + 50ml ebm

9pm - 180ml ebm

1am and 5am - 90ml each or 3am 90ml depending how many times he wake up.

the funny thing is they are 8mth or coming 8mth and i realise most of us still at 3 hrly feed!

Ll mine can just that I wan to feed Enzo on schedule. He won't cry for milk...

jmmabb, i miss z latching on me. i tried to make him latch again, he bite.. ouch. z also like to push away the bottle, if he still do it after a few tries, i will leave the balance in the warmer, feed him again after 10 or 15mins. he will normally finish all.


reporting in! I've been silent reading off and on coz I've nothing much to input of late. I've lost track, are u a SAHM now? I recall u were having such plans, then i kinda lost track.


glad to hear the appmt went well, and all's good with lil Tasha! Esp no need to have any further uncomfy examinations for Tasha, that's a huge relief! Agree abt that formula, it's not accurate, my sis and I differ greatly in height, and we're from the same parents. :p

hmm, nothing much else has been up, I've finally stopped bfing, looking around at enrichment classes. Haven't actually got around to calling them to book dates. N been trying to replicate my cooking to taste like jar food.


my girl is non-demanding, she also dont cry for milk. so i put her on schedule feeding. she is quite small sized so need to give her more milk. always get comments that she is younger than her actual age. sometimes v heartpain and makes me wonder is my bm nutricious enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


she latch only when she wants milk, she dont comfort latch. only she finish her milk, she will unlatch, want to ask her drink more she will scream at me or push her head away. so realistic !!

mine is

7.30am - 100ml

9.30am - pumpkin, sweet potato etc

12.00pm - 170ml

16.00pm - 170ml

18.30pm - cereal + 30ml of BM

20.30pm - 170ml

this only works too when he is on non fairy mode, but apparently he is now into fairy mode again, so all feeds are syringe feed now sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cef: plan on hold, next year more likely..

LL- my gal also on 3 hrly FM. Feed amount stalled since 2-3months back per feed, cannot up she will complain. Haha

Hi mummies

I'm also reading on and off sometimes. Do mummies working at harbourfront area gather for lunch sometimes?

My boy is also still taking 3-4 hourly feeds but small amounts, he's so fussy, can't take more.


Mine also bite den I will scold him and say NO. After that, he will show sad sad face and he wont bite anymore... hee


good, glad u got the SAHM thingy sorted out and decided to push till later. Realised bf-ing hormones drove me extremely lovesick for the bb! hurhur and now that bf-ing has stopped, i'm much less lovesick and rational now. u're making a gd decision!


730 - 200mls

830 - breakfast

1130 - 200mls

1230 - lunch

1530 - 200mls

1630 - dinner

1900 - 200mls and bedtime

Think every bb varies at this stage. Found that now i have to tweak her food to the right texture n blandness, then she would gobble her food. Discovered this, after i experimented with jar foods and found she loved it, then mummy had to scrutinize and replicate it as close as possible and it worked.

elise, yalor.. most of our LO still feeding 3hrly.

torayme, iluvbli55.. envy envy leh. z lah!! 1st two months when i latch him, he keep on drinking even though he is full, end up puking everything. so doc advised me to express n feed. make me so mah fan, hve to pump, warm, wash, sterilize.

Chloe not tbf.. He has 1-2 feeds of FM depending on how many times he wakes up lo... I lazy to warm the milk..

Cef, welcome back! Actually i have been blending Enzo's food with texture like that of food jar. But my auntie scolded me and say i shld not blend till like that, next time refuse to eat how? I tried to feed unblended and he just puke all out.. He refuse to swallow it. And will keep yaking. So i just continue to blend lo.. Any my mum went to buy the beaba blender for me! So i shall put it to good use till it spoils.


hehe, thanks! I think u're doing rite leh, i mean these jar food companies, they have been doing this business for ages, i'm sure they have experimented and done taste tests on countless babies to get the best response possible. So we can't go wrong trying to replicate them rite? :p i was trying to make Emma's food thicker also and she started to reject, then i realised jar foods are more fluid and she liked them, so i revert back to fluid texture with her foods and meat stocks n she likes it. But she does like bread and biscuits also, i think finger foods can slowly intro with time.

Elise, chloe...

Yeah, mal still on 3 hr feed cos he dun cry for milk one

Mal feeding is very erratic n mood dependent one. No fixed amt he drink per feed but total hover at abt 600 to 750ml (need alot of patient to get him drink this amt) plus maybe abt 30ml cereal and now going to intro one more veg puree for his pm snack

Sigh... These few days he start fairy mode again. End up this morning his dad ve to strigyne feed him... Feel like spanking him hard...

I dun need him to drink like 180 or 200ml but at least can he start feeding decently n not as in like one feed is 20ml then next feed is 150 then another feed is 50 that type of feed pattern... Totally driving everyone nuts when feeding him. He will whined, cry, scream and refuse to feed... Take like an hr to get him drink 100ml lor


ahhhh same same same.... my boy also one feed 20ml, nxt feed 100ml, one feed 70ml... i really dont know when he wants to feed, so now i just feed him by syringe whether he likes it or not.


i think the fairy mode, on and off happens, it's inevitable, hang in there. Even Emma on certain weeks can go into fairy mode. But for the food, i found diff taste and texture can result in different effect, for instance, i try to feed sweet potato in a thick consistency, she clamped her mouth shut, then i took a jar food and feed, she gobble. Since then, i started to experiment n recreate jar foods by homecooking and she is very receptive again. But nowadays I mostly use my dinner soup stocks to make her food, easier and less waste.


i still avoid fish, i have intro-ed beef, pork and chicken, i'm still sticking to the 1yr food schedule, leaving fish n seafood to the very last.


awhhh... You hang in there k. Soon Mal can revert to solids and it will be easier. I have a gf whom started feeding semi solids when her son was 3months. PD just advise to start with certain groups of food. Maybe you could ask your pd next visit and list down to start feeding mal. Never know, maybe like Tasha and he'd take more food.

With babies sometimes you really need displin and stick to plan as long as you can. Ayden used to skip half bottle now and then, there's no more feed till next 4hours. Now older I know how hungry he is and it's easier to manage. No matter how, he schedules his feed same time everyday, this is much better then cailtyn when she was young.

i wanna salute to all SAHM. how u mummies manage to look after ur LO n cook meals? i only cook porridge for z over the weekend, with the help of my hubby attending to z. my hubby was ill last weekend, i feel so handicap. i didnt cook porridge for z, n didnt do housework. z is already a handful n i need to pump, i cant do anything else.

Fed Ayden Baby Oats this morning and he's bloated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 2nd time I'm trying n same results.

There goes a whole pack of organic oats into the dumps.

Woohooo! Nice to see the thread moving!

Chloe, I am waiting next year May to try for Dragon baby. But I am confused lah...If I try in May, means early yr baby when my work is not so hectic. But yet I dun want try too late for #2. My 2nd half of year workload is killing me! I want #2 soon leh.... U trying soon?

LL, so far started solids, Lac's feeding schedule is managable.. But then, i realised she is drinking so much lesser milk than most of you here! How how? During wkends she wakes around 8-9am which is her 1st feed then followed by lunch. I told Hubby to give her milk 1 hr later, he said too soon already, wait very full. Jialat, I am depriving Lac of the nutritious milk..

Cef, nice seeing you back! So miss u! Happy happy!

CC, mal also not keen in solids....feed him cereal he also whined...

Need 10 tries to get him accept one food type. On sat, we feed pumpkin puree. Feed him 2 spoon he whined, he tried to spit it out then hubby 'scold' him so he swallow.. Then he keep on make the vomit sound and puke it all out..

He tried to puke out when we feed on Sunday, then I spanked him on his butt n only after dat he finish abt 20ml...

He jus totally not interested in food department..

Actually mal is ok just dat feeding him is a nightmare...

Being sticking to 3hr routine for him jus dat his feed amt varies faster than the Dow jones index even at same 3hr interval

Bb dust,

Ya lor, can go nuts with those feeding pattern. End up use syringe lor... Dun care he like or not but how can dun feed after 10hrs leh... Sigh....

Hello all! =)

Wah, so many babies are drinking so much milk per feed? Thats great! Am still on 6 feeds/day with 120-150ml per feed. At night he still wakes for milk once around 10/11 and another 2/3am. But in the morning when he awakes, I dont feed him milk now but cereals instead. Here's his log

8am: Breakfast (cereals + fruits + 120-150ml milk before nap

12pm: Lunch ( porridge mix or puree) + milk before nap

4pm: Milk 120ml

6pm: Dinner ( porridge or puree)

7pm: Milk 120-150ml

10pm: Milk 120-150ml

2am: Milk 120-150ml

No matter how much solids i feed during the day, he still wakes at night & even if I increase the milk amt each feed, he only wants to take in 150ml max. If I feed water when he awakes at 2am, he sometimes would go back to sleep, but after a while wakes for milk again. And he still drinks close to 150ml. So hard to wean him off the midnight feeds.

Re:Finger food

Any mummies feeding finger foods now? I am thinking of trying carrot/celery/cucumber sticks.. or cheerios? He is able to grab cube size food and put it in his mouth on his own now..so am exploring the varieties of finger foods! any recc? =)

cef, i intro beef too! and he loves it... hmmm.. but but i cut abit of my wagyu beef or black augus. I get it from QB food wholesale. Very cheap! Also the same price as supermarket tenderloin.

But i put fish into his porridge everyday. His fishes is freshly caught from the sea. My dad does his fishing every weekend. Dad refuse to let me try cod/salmon fish.. He wans his grandson to only eat his fishes.. And his papayas! he purposely grow 6 trees in his office and all for Enzo. kekekek.. am so thankful for such a loving dad..

hey all..

i stopped calculating how much mls belle takes already.. cuz i dun wanna freak myself out. just know its all lower than all stated here! but she's taking cereals better now so i'm grateful for that! and she loves pumpkin! grateful for that too! growing fine, last weighed at 8.9kg last night.. its truely a miracle she's still growing at the amount she pecks a day!

why cant we give fish huh??

Elise, such a nice grandpa Enzo has. I've not tried beef yet. Beef sure must blend rite? how to cook until soft soft??

I also gave fish. Didn't knoe it causes phelgm.

Chloe, i also can't cook much during the weekday. Nic has very standard dinner meal. I'll boiled soup over the weekend and he will have that soup base for 2 days in a row. I'll do porridge + throw in fish into whatever soupbase for his dinner + blend! So far, its a bit hectic for me, but no complain cos think he enjoyed eating. so far, he can eat half a bowl (pigeon's dish).

1727, i slice it thinly n throw inside slow cooker 30 mins before serving.. U using pigeon orange bowl or green bowl? i feed abt 1.25 green bowl.

BBdust, i am working on Monday but u can go my MIL hse and take.

Elise, its the orange bowl. Huh, u mean slice thinly then no need to blend? or you chop like minced meat?

Oh yes, a pleasant surprise for me yesterday. Nic upper front left tooth is cutting its way out.


Bbdust same block but upstairs.

1727 I blend it also else he won't eat it. Nic tooth is fast too!!

