(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


Yah, too many things to bring, aiyo...

Does your work place have nursing room?


My bb oso hasn't shown any interest in food yet, waiting for him to give me some cues if not, I will start when he is 6 months.

Did the pd say anything abt the weight? Is there a gradual increase?

My bb oso sleeps more now, but there is no schedule leh. Can't make him go on a schedule bcuz he is too fussy.


55, Avent manual comes with a silver bag to put in the bottles more discretely. So just use that, then label MOMMY'S MILK - DO NOT TOUCH. Think people won't be so kaypoh right?

Cloudys, better wait for PD to give the green light b4 letting Val starts on solids. Can she hold her head alr? have u tried feeding her using spoon? Must be ready else very messy.


how u girls cope with working and taking care of BB? I juz feel vy stress up and reaching my limits!! Have the feeling that me will erupt anytime. I juz so vexed and if ask what the problem, I juz cant tell.

Chloe, find one day we bring Z n mal go look for Enzo n teach our baby to flip. Mine only can turn to the side n then genna stuck.


ya lor, so fast, already one week at work.

Re: pump at work

I pump in any meeting room dat is available. So far, pumping at 2 times if possible. If not is 1.

I pump n store in bottle in the fridge. Good thing I got a personal one so no one touch it. I wash the parts with bottle cleaner n soak in hot water till next use. If no time to wash, I keep them in fridge inside the container. At the end of the day just bring home the bottles using cooler bag.

There is alot of things so I just carry a backpack cos i need to carry mal home n I need my hands to open door. Think can forget abt handbag at least till I not pumping... Hehe

1727, bf also not cheap leh, milk bag n pump parts to change also cost money... Haha...

hi mummies, didn't log onto forum for few days already.. the forum moving so fast can't catch up..

brought my girl to swim yesterday and this morning i found her head full of cradle cap omggggggg i think the pool water is too drying? it's caused dry scalp then the cradle cap appear. i rub olive oil onto her scalp already and let her wear a hat and let it soak in.


The initial part is like that. Sometimes you just gotta take in deep breaths to calm yourself down. After probably 2 weeks or so you shd be used to the routine liao...

winnie, i also say bm not cheap. if mother is working, just take her salary and calculate the amount she's paid per hr and multiply by the number of hours spent on pumping.


ya.. that's why for transport wise, i will be trying all options made available to me 1st..


i like your interesting way of calculating the cost of bm... hehe..


yes, my office has nursing room but need to share as only 1 room.....

bb A also wan to join to learn fr Enzo how to flip.....

xihui, bo bian. also one way to encourage myself to pump on. BM is something that got money also cannot buy. Even though I can only pump 3 feeds for Heidi per day. Remaining 2 feeds supplement with FM.

Joelle, try taking a breather. Maybe a toilet break or something first. Then come back to work and prioritize. Take your time and write down what you need to do first. Sort out your list and work accordingly. That's how I manage. Jiayou~


munchkin suction bowls sound good! Hmm, I can consider then, thinking between that one and tommee tippee's.


the suction bowl will stick to table, but like Tash said, munchkin also has suction bowls. I will go take a look, if cheaper and got diff sizes, then more worth it.


yes the spoon is BPA free. The colour will change when it's too hot. It's good for bb grip also, I kind of like the spoon, coz so far when I feed Emma, she seems to like trying to chew it.

re: work

how come everyday at work i get pissed off? As long as I'm in work, I get pissed off! Quitting still can get pissed off, how ridiculous!


dun be angry.. must gt into the 'zen' mode.. whenver u feel pissed, think and know that u r leaving all these behind!! =)


i pm u on the triangle bag ah.. ok ok.

poohgirl & torayme,

thanks. Am telling myself to give some time to settle down and get used to the routine. Hopefully will be better after this week.


Thanks! That's a great idea, hopefully pple will not be kaypoh.


Sometimes I feel the same too, maybe you can try to leave ur bb with hubby or somebody else for a while, den you can go and have some "me time".

Do something that u really enjoy, like shopping? Reading? Movie?

To prevent urself from being overwhelmed and to recharge. Works for me!


Thanks for sharing. So good, you have ur own fridge, so no one can go and disturb ur stuff, hee.

iluvbli55, ya i need that sometimes too. Just go for a quick window shopping trip with no hubby, no work, no bb...or just a quick chat with girlfriends over the phone also good to relax.

cef, peace be with you~ its also very hard for me not to get pissed at work. haha...but at least you are leaving all that behind soon~

55 n 1727, next doc visit is at 5mth, will c wat he says by then. At 3mths she was 5.3kg. Doc say is alright as long as her growth follows e curve on e growth chart. Dunno lor. Trying not to be impulsive, most important is she's healthy. Tho it gets on my nerves when mil keeps saying how small sized val is for a breastfed baby.

Joelle : *breathe in breathe out*. Paisay, can't remb if you are taking care of the baby alone? No help from MIL or mom?

Like what 55 suggested, need to have "Me time". Just put your baby with your hubby and date some gf out to vent your frusco or do some retail therapy. It will keep you sane.

Cef : how much is the spoon?? Does kiddy palace sells that?

Winnie : i've not change any parts of pumps yet. Cheapo mommy here. Guess the benefit of not much supply is no heavy investment. But then again, the benefits of BM is intangible lor.

Mommies, heres something to chase away monday blues.


An Arab student studying in Berlin wrote to his dad in Middle East.

Dear Dad

Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really like it here, but Dad, I am a bit ashamed to arrive at my college with my pure-gold Ferrari 599GTB when all my teachers and many fellow students travel by train.

Your son, Nasser

The next day, Nasser gets a reply to his e-mail from his dad:

My dear loving son

Twenty million US Dollar has just been transferred to your account. Please stop embarrassing us. Go and get yourself a train too.

Love, your Dad

cef, timy,

i wanted to get those cute munchkin snack dispenser and collapsable bowl too, but got "Tsk Tsk" look from hubby..LOL! gonna get them these days w/o him around "ai4 shou3 ai4 jiao3", hahaha! better get them before 20% sale went off

ladyk, 1727,

yup! scout is soooo cute!

haha! calling cabs!!! me too. i can spend few hundreds on cab expenses... lemme calculate.

2 morning delivery of EBM at 6am = 15 x 2 = $30.00

picking Selene up on Friday ard $25.00 during peak hrs.

Sending her back on Sunday and going back home on Sunday = $40.00

So my total expenses per week = 30 + 25 + 40 ard $100. So its easily $400 per month.

That excludes trips when we go out with Selene... tsk tsk!!!

I dont really sterilise my pump parts at work, just run them through hot water from airpot.

Storage wise, just park them in the fridge in one of the more ulu rooms.

pumping.. only 1 nursing room, shared by 3-4 mommies. else can go book meeting rooms to pump BUT have to tape up the "porthole" in the meeting room and lock the door!!

tash, ya, val's mommy has been napping more dis days too. Hehes.. No la, i know sleep is good for her, but just afraid she'll end up drinking lesser lor

eh i went Toysrus Suntec, no more Violet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my HB saw the collapsable bowl, he was so fascinated by it! but i didnt take interest in it so we didnt buy... now that you talk about it.. hmm...


u and HB small size? Sometimes its parents genes la. I know the comments from old folks is quite disturbing at times, but got to learn to ignore it lor. My MIL KEPT pestering me to give Selene solids because Selene still milk strike occasionally....

We already told MIL many times that Selene didnt want solids... but she still asked us if we let her tried solids... Then we had to repeat that Selene spits out baby cereals, baby food, si shen powder, etc etc. We had to literally list down ALL the stuffs we tried.

I'm like just 2 steps away from telling her "DONT FORCE anything into her mouth ANYMORE, or else she refuse to open her mouth and will just go into FASTING MODE!!!"


oh yah, i find that it's easier to dreamfeed Selene than feeding when's shes wide awake. SHES SOOOOOOO playful. Do you know she plays with milk, we will gaggle the milk at her throat by making the "rrRRRRrrRRr" sound? Terrible! I told her not to play with food and waste mommy's milk!!! Then she will grin at me.... i don't know to laugh or cry!

Bumbo seats - do note tt once yr bb learns to crawl, the bumbo can become a white elephant till yr next baby comes along.

bli55, so glad to see u. 2 more days left w ur 2 baobeis. me same some mummies here, starting next mon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lucky my office got nursing room n a fridge so i'll dump my pump parts into the fridge after pumping. lazy to sterilize or put tablets. i bot evenflo's glass bottles as they can keep milk cold longer. learnt fr colleague.

Heidi is already trying to edge out of her bumbo chair! She's been in it like only 5 times? When I have to use the nebuliser on her and when I am feeding her cereal. She don't like the chair at all. Lucky mine is a hand-me-down or money wasted.

Lady, no prob... But yes, as mentioned earlier by one mommy., I think bb will b able to adjust to new environment with time. My lil one is also going 3 different places every week, n I was rather worried abt his daytime naps.. But so far it's working out ok.. I m learning not to b too stressed out over fixed naptimes for him

re: wearing hat / keeping head covered at nite

ohhh... Now iknow why my mil insists we shd cover bb's head ;) I always thot it's to prevent bb fr catching a chill or something haha


I can explode at anytime also, esp when mal refuse to feed. It's like u do so much then it's not being appreciated. The work stress is not making life easy. Hang in there ok? We start work abt the same time so maybe we r not used to it yet. Give yrself sometime.

Torayme, I like yr calculation ... Hehe

bi55, the fridge is I inherited from one project by chance one.. So now come to good use. I only sharing it wif some close colleagues so I m not so worried that the milk got tempered cos it's my fridge.

think me really one bochap mummy cos we usu come home pretty late. sometimes can be after 10pm. then always forget the hats/caps. even w 7th mth, no change. maybe also cos we dun believe in it. hence, old pple always like to tell us when they see me w baby to wrap baby, wear cap, etc. oops... now gotta train ourselves to head home early cos mummy's starting work soon. no more afternoon naps! arghhh.. dread it cos m a sleepyhead n i can sleep anywhere.

Torayme, hence i nvr wanted a bumbo cos i dun see any use of it. my colleague believes in it so much tt she bot it as a gift to my gal. so now mikkel has the privilege to share it w his sister.

ah actually i also didnt know about wearing hat to "cover" them from those dirty stuffs.


how come your LO is going 3 different places?

Selene doesn't have problems with naps. It's always the sleeptime at night! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm worried because i observed that she fusses more and more as the weeks passes. I'm just scared, she doesn't want to sleep at her real home anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I hope what you and other mommies are right that she can adjust to different environments soon.

I feel bad about putting her to such drastic changes every week but i made the decision, thinking it would be the best for her. (Having my mother to take care of her... instead of engaging nanny or putting her at IFC)



hmm? You use it to feed her porridge?

Selene havent really started solids but i guess... i can buy and keep it! Shall go kiddy palace one of these days..


don't feel bad abt ur decision k.

You are her mummy, she will know that u want the best for her.. Having her grandmother taking care of her is a blessing for you & her.. not all grandmothers can take care of babies..@ least u know that she's in good hands when u are not around her.

These were my considerations before i decide on where to place my bb too, though knowing that this decision will increase my inconvenience in alot of ways.

I just dun feel good about leaving my bb with a stranger.. not knowing whether if they will treat her well and good or not..


is your mom feeding your girl other stuff now?? keke


can tap on your mommy expertise before you get back to work? Currently i'm introducing cereals to Nic.

1) So we must do it continuously for 4 days to detect if allergic to it?

2) If not allergic, then we continue feeding the same cereal but slowly increase the intake?

3) When can we intro another type of food (not cereal)? Roots? Fruits?

Pretty confused. Thanks

bb taken care by grandma,

i feel its the 2nd best arrangement. esp maternal grandmother, the best would be own mummy.....sad to say bb A doesnt have this privilege. i have to harden my heart to send her to infant care at such a young age.


Yeah, we love to enjoy some "me time", too bad they are so few and it's a luxury.


Thanks for sharing ur tips. Otherwise i blur blur.


Hihi!!! Yup we r gg back to work alrdy, so soon time really flies.

Miss all the gatherings, just gg out to chill out and shop!

hi 1727, i will try my best to ans [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) So we must do it continuously for 4 days to detect if allergic to it?

when you introduce a new food, feed tt food for 4 days to see if your baby has any allergic reaction to it.

2) If not allergic, then we continue feeding the same cereal but slowly increase the intake?

if no allergy, can continue and increase intake whenever u feel tt nic is ready for more. you can then introduce another new grain cereal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

3) When can we intro another type of food (not cereal)? Roots? Fruits?

u can introduce roots or fruits anytime once nic has est his eating skills. u can steam half an apple or carrots or potatoes or pumpkin and let him try. if no allergy, can proceed to mix them into the cereal to make the cereal more interesting. maybe after 2wks, can make the trying out session turn into half a meal, then one full meal? by 7mths, they can have their lunch prepared by you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for IFC, i usu will cook the lunch and give them cos their food may contain foods which i've not let my baby tasted yet.

Gosh, my kids' CC has 7 cases of HFMD!

i bot super baby food book and followed the food listed. not too bad.

6 months - single grained cereal like brown rice, millet, rolled oats, winter squashed, papaya, mango pears.

7 months - tofu, egg yolk, asparagus, carrot, green beans, peas, white potatoes, peaches, apple, grape, chicken, fish

ladyk, nope my hb n i are nowhere near petite. But i was a small baby tho.. I realised after looking at my baby pics yesterday, dat despite my mum's occasional abt val looking like she's lost weight, i was actually smaller sized dan her.


really? u'll be my 1st customer? haha, but dun think my husb wanna teach me. No faith in me.


understd ur worry. just brought my gal to Yu Guo baby tui na, hopefully can increase her appetite. sigh.. i'm still obessessed with her daily intake.


Arghh! Yest my MIL insist tt we bring home preloved home clothes meant for 7-8yrs old!!! We refuse but she insist & now my pissed husb got to bring them to the salvation army to donate. my bb is not even 7mths let alone 7yrs old!

RE: Caregiver

I envy u all with mothers or MIL who is capable of looking after ur bb. Pple who loves our bb not equals to pple who are capable/can look after them well. "Got the heart but no capabilities" Left lil tasha with my mum on sat while husb n i went to watch "Inception".In the end i was told Tasha was crying & my mum dun noe how to calm her down so in the end called her fren who lives a few floors down to come & help. Like that, how can we feel good leaving tasha with her for a week when we go japan in nov?sigh.


yeah, same considerations when i asked my mum to quit her job to help me look after Selene. She was kind enough to extend her help further to look after Selene through the weekdays night so that we can have couple time and i will have ample sleep. Both Selene and I are indeed blessed to have grandma, and mum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


paisei about just now.

I missed ur question about how many bottles... i usually pump 4-5 bottles at work. The only reason why i'm carrying a big coleman cooler bag is because i left my Medela cooler bag on cab last Friday and lost it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Z looks cute... actually he's quite obedient.

If i ever put Selene down like this, i bet you to the last dollar that she will wail the whole house down!!!


hey i caught Inception too! quite like it though i had to really focus to catch the gist of it!

Yah, guess Selene, HB and I should count our blessing. MIL and Mum can take care of Selene, though parenting style is somewhat different.

Selene's really lucky, all her gramps are still around... my paternal grandpa passes away long long ago, my mother didnt even get to meet him. tsk!


i guess she will catch up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

most importantly is that Val is healthy and not like UNDERweight. Selene also marginal growth because of her milk strike. We're still trying to "fatten" her up. heehhehe.


WOAH! You're really getting me excited with the list of solids...!

Egg yolk - how do we ensure that it's thoroughly cooked and yet "soft" enough for the babies? It can't be soft boiled eggs right?


I'm sure you made the decision to send her to IFC, after much considerations too. I would have send her to IFC instead of nanny too - afterall IFC is like... got trained personnels to take care of them, it's organised, they do logging of activities and feed...the only downside is the exposure to "viruses" lor...


u v cute le, u MIAed for so long..now so happy to see u back! but i think both of us will MIA once work starts.. ya, miss the gatherings and talking.. now when i think i have only 3 more days left, i keep packing the house, making sure that when I start work, everything is in order. It's like deja vu when i had severe nesting symptoms during my preg.

re car,

as much as cab is for more value for money than owning a car, I feel like i really need a car. Firstly and most importantly for safety. I can't be carrying around a carseat and trying to install each time i carry baby out. secondly, i don't like calling / waiting for cabs. i'm impatient by nature. last time, during paktor days, when i'm so tired, still have to wait 30mins for cab to come or just waiting on hold for a cab to come. i hate that experience. esp when i'm so tired. and i always find cab drivers not willing to take me to my destination, i dunno if i'm too sensitive.. just dun like sitting cabs. so, must save for my hyundai avante hehe..



ya same here! my mum also cannot handle emma. whenever emma cries, she'll just scold her and say cannot cry in a very fierce voice. sometimes so pissed at her. of course la, she only comes like once a fortnight or lesser to see emma, so emma treats her like a stranger what! before emma was born, she still say can leave it to her to babysit. when emma is born, she dare not offer anymore.

