(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


I personally don't like the bumbo much. I find it tiring to sit on the floor to feed the baby, which I've been doing, being so low also seems to create more mess. I prefer her to be at table level. so I can put things further away from her. It's quite a disaster to put the cereal bowl near the bb, coz they try to grab it. I dunno, phaps this is my individual preference.

I also used to start pump at 5am, coz I want to reach office at 8am, but then as the weeks go by, I am so exhausted, I start going to work later and later, and I just don't care anymore. Take my hat off to mummies who can be at work so early and on time.

Babe, just openly go and pump! I also first week very conscious, but now, I really dun care anymore. My workload keeps increasing, what difference does it make if I go and pump or not, the workload still falls on me! U just openly go and pump, dun care anymore abt what the bosses think.


dun be impulsive first. BM yield now not so impt, they already reaching 6mths soon and we've hit target according to WHO requirements. Dun stress yet k? As to being SAHM , need to think thru and talk to ur hubby. For me, it is a relieve to come to this decision, but money wise, it is tightening of belt.



dont be too stressed abt BM supply la.

Once Lucas reaches 6 months and start abit of solids, you can wean off 1-2 feeds already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I feel that, it's the teamwork and the sharing of same objectives that makes the decision of SAHM work. I mean, HB might agree to take on ALL the financial burdens of being a sole breadwinner (which is taxing enough) BUT, if he's insensitive and not willing to share out your burden as a SAHM, it will still break apart. It could be things like, HB harping on undone household chores, uncooked meals, etc etc.... these are not financial burdens... these are just behaviour of a non teamplayer; bluntly - selfishness.


after i saw ur Easy seat link, I suddenly realise how duuh I am! I could have put the bumbo on a chair to boost the baby to table level! Gosh, I am so duhh! Okok, i will go home and try and see how the height feels.

Mommies, i've officially "hung up" my pumps. No more BM for Nic. Started him on solid yesterday. He seems receptive and wanted more.

For mommies who are still pumping, keep up the good work and jia you!

Oh yes, are you washing LO's clothes via washing machine or by hand?

Cef, good point about the baby chair. Think I will settle for a nice and cheap one too. I was trying to feed Heidi in the stroller and now that she's more interested, its gotten more messy as she will try to grab the spoon and the bowl and argghh...

How many times of cereal are you feeding Emma? Breakfast? I am only give 1 tablespoon of Organix mixed with bm. She enjoys it, so maybe I will give her a bit more later. But I have no idea whats the next step to weaning...1 more meal of cereal perhaps?


"attas" highchair nice to have but bad for the purse leh..so i shall stick to my passed down ikea chair and bumbo :) but the lucky baby one with 15% of $179 is a good buy if u r looking to get one ;-)

izit QQ or strawberryz who fed bb with water in spoon? thanks for sharing that! I tried that yesterday and rei took it well! better than feeding water in bottle which he will spit it out! :)


so shiok! finally counting down and i guess your mood is so much better!;-)


what did you do?? you slimmed down a lot and FLAT TUMMY!! alamak! must share with me leh...my tum tum still big and ugly! yuck!


congrats on no more pumping!!! So shiok!

washing machine. Been like that since day 1, in fact, her clothes are even mixed with mine for a full load. I also use adult laundry detergent since ages ago. Has no impact on her.

Btw, I have also been washing Emma's milk bottles with adult dishwashing detergents. No impact on her at all. sometimes come to think of it, I think all the companies launch baby detergents to rip us off!


Hee... Idea huh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me also wanna do the same with Eva when I get my hands on the Bumbo


Washing by hand...


hmm ah.... ok need to take a look at the real thing. I'm just concerned of the spacing around thigh areas... that's the only reason why i can't rely on bumbo seat when the time comes... her thighs would have outgrown the bumbo..!


congrats! u will have much more time to play with Nic! ;-) btw, how you stop huh? just suddenly dun pump?

i throw everything in washing machine! i lazy one, sometimes i also dun steam my pump then used liao! so far still ok for rei! my hubby will b the one nagging at me! but then! "dirty eat dirty grow up" loh!


what pump are you using huh?

Cause my GF is interested in getting a pump... wanna sell? hehehehe.

I use washing machine to wash la! but i do separate load using her baby's detergent. I only combine her laundry and ours for dryer... hehehehe

1727, keke graduate liao.. I also hope to graduate soon but then when i pump got some supply i dun feel like giving up.. many times say give up but next day pump again....

I cant wait to start enzo on solids!! hope he likes it also..

Enzo clothes since young is wash by washing machine.. No time to hand wash...


Emma's taking one cereal feed per day (but only on weekends). I'm not willing to let IFC feed her solids. My plan is, feed her one cereal feed/day on weekends, until i am a SAHM, she will be 6mths by then. Then I will intro new menus once a day. So one solid feed per day, followed by milk. Yes u are rite, slowly up the intake to 2 solid meals per day, but that's only when u see their ability to take solids increase, otherwise, they will still need to rely on milk as the primary food source. Once they can consume larger amounts of solids, u can slowly replace the milk with solids. This will take up to 1yr b4 they fully go on solids and take less milk. Even after 12mths, they still need milk as a snack.


yes my mood damned good now! I'm in ORD mode. This whole morning, I've been doing my own surfing and reading pleasure, goodness. After lunch, I plan to do real work. :p

RE: sterilising bowls n spoons

btw mummies feeding babies with cereal, do u all sterilise the bowls n spoons??

Tash, good to feed water by spoon. i did that for Nic since he is 2 mth old. So its very easy to feed him solid. He will just open his mouth when he sees the spoon coming. And i'm using the Mcflurry spoon!!! Guess its time to dig out his weaning spoons. Still thinking if i should give him the mag mag now that he can do spoon so well.

Poohgirl, i'm also doing hand wash. But dun think i can wash everyday after i shift back home. Hmm..maybe i shd learn from Cef..

Cef, you are one brave mommy! Please dont tell me you are not sterilising the bottles already.


Carrefour sells it but no open sample. I'm going down to KidzLoft this Sat to take a look.


babyl lost weight? Good grief, I also want to learn the secret!!!!


I forgot to mention, I read in the what to expect in first yr book: on deciding which meal to replace with solids, pick the meal where bb is usually hungry yet in a good mood. They should not be overhungry, coz too grumpy and frustrated, may just splatter solids all over.


i went to buy the ikea highchair in the end.. but i splurge on feeding bowls spoons n cups. spend 60 just for a set of bowl, spoon n cup! bought this brand beaba found at taka. the spoon is silicone

I drop pumping because i can only provide 2 feeds for Nic. Also, mainly because i feel that i wont have time to pump when i'm home alone with Nic when i move back from my mom's place. So might as well.

Tash, i actually consulted Jon. You just have to drag the time to pump longer each time and dont pump out all.. so slowly your ss will drop and viola!

Timy, i'm not sterilising leh. Just rinse with boiled water b4 i use. haha.

Cef, Ladyk,

Yes, understands on the financial issue. So am hanging on and see how it goes.


Congratz! No need to bring pump along and more time for Nic.

Re: Laundry

Sometimes i still handwash if its not a lot. But too many, dump them into the machine to wash liao.


Yupz. That's how I stopped BF as well. But the funniest thing is... I kaypo one evening whilst showering. Pressed my breasts and still got milk leh! Was so tempted to start pumping again. Hahahaha...


no lah, I still sterilize the milk bottles. Thats why I think it's unnecc to use baby dishwasher detergents, coz ultimately if we wash properly and sterilize, with that high temperature, there shouldn't be anything harmful remaining to the bb. But if we dun wash the bottles properly and leave detergents in the bottle, I think no matter baby detergent or adult detergent, it is gonna be harmful to consume! Erm, that's just my own thinking k?


I'm letting go but mine is Medela Swing (i.e. single electric). Damn new lor, just need to change the tube, funnel. I hv spare set of membranes and warranty never submitted so in effect, still can apply for 1-yr warranty. Hehehehe


I like beaba! that's the french brand! I almost bought their food steamer n blender back then when i was still preggie! it was $200plus i think! heehee! spent so much on feeding set leh you..;-) yest i bought the munchkin feeding travel bowls for $16plus, but no cutlery, so sourcing for good spoons now.


oh yes! babyL came to pick up lamaze and i was amazed by her tight fitting top that reveal flat tum tum loh! I told her izit becos of work! haha! i so envy, must lose weight!


oic! i dragged 3x pumps per day only, yup! supply dropped till can only provide 2 feeds...so going to stop till he's 6mth n i can graduate liao! :)

Lady, i'm using PIS and Avent. But paisay, i dont intend to sell. Haha.

Pooh, i know. Now i can still a bit full after 24 hours.

Cef, same thought. Thats y i feel safer using vegetables wash. They should not be that harmful but still able to remove the traces of oil.


wow u have flat tum now! u no need exercise already.. i can only achieve flat tum when i lie down zzz!


go buy beaba spoon lah! its very good, can act as teether too!

Tash, Timy,

I use tommee tippee spoons, they can change colour when it's too hot! Erm, I am a tommee tippee fan lah. Everything I also like tommee tippee, I plan to get the suction bowls. The ones that will stick to the table, so Emma can't swat it and make a mess.


Babyl so slim? ARGH! jealous, I also want to lose weight!!!! but u know, when I am at home, i lose weight fast, when i'm back at work, i actually put on! All the sitting doesn't help! The wk b4 I came back to work, I lost an extra kg, then come back to work, put it back on!

Anyone also looking for a preloved Bumbo seat? I contacted 2 sellers, both available and willing to let go @ $30 (without tray). One of them I hv pics. The other I waiting for her to send me pics tonite.

timy, cef,

i saw the tommee tippee feeding stuff and wanted to get the bowls n spoons too. But end up bought the munchkin bowls )which also got suction plate with 3 different sizes bowls w lids) cos got 20% off n i can use my isetan voucher. :) beaba spoon how much?

yahlah! back work more hungry these days and snack snack! doesn't help when colleagues keep stuffing me with their food, hahaha! we r a dept of junkie food lovers! ;p


so heartpain to hear that u throw 70 bags of BM. back to work, no more naps, i think i will also concuss through the night too..hahaaa!!

i bottle feed at home to monitor her intake and only latch on outside cos too lazy to bring all the hot water, fridge-to-go and pump.....since i m going back to work, planning to latch her at hm also(lazy to pump, wash bottles, sterilise and save time!), will she reject bottle after some time ?? she is using NUK latex teats now .....

recognising places and pple, agrees with xihui14, bbies are highly adaptable, dont worry is just transition period, Selene needs some time to adjust.


2 aug is my hubby bday, actually suppose to start work 2 weeks ago, extend my leave for 2 more weeks as my hubby has to go ICT and i m alone taking care of bb A, afraid i cant manage and got stay in too.

yes, 7mth starts on 10 August, must go hm early everyday.


envy u and ladyk, can maintain same yield with lesser pumps, i m looking forward for this too....so tiring to pump so frequently, somemore need to wash and sterilise, a lot of work, cant imagine i did that for the last 4 mths !! problem now is last week with 7-8 pumps, my supply dropped !! so now worrying that it will drop further with reduced pumps, but i think no choice liao cos start work already cant pump so often.....i also cant bear to stop pumping as put in a lot of effort in my bfeeding career, although my yield not v high but at least enough for bb A. she has been tbf since birth and i v happy of my achievement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will try my best to bfeed her to 1 yrs if i can.

high chair,

got the bumbo seat concept fr infant care centre. i saw fisherprice has booster seat too, more keen in these 2 as easier to keep.....my hse is small no place for a high chair already....


You have the Bumbo already? If not, are you interested in getting a pre-loved one?


hope you and xihui is right.

Selene has to go through the same process every weekend! So heartpain to see her cry so badly and not being able to sleep! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Talking abt 7th month,

AIYAH! My mum wanted Selene to stay in with her whole month instead of shuffling up and down. She scared Selene kena disturbed by "wandering spirits" etc... coz Selene is quite pantang.. We ever encountered once.

My biggest worry is that she wont be able to adjust well at our place, after 1 month! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh yah, about reducing pumps.

When you drop 1 pump, the milk SS will drop; just need to take some supplements to bump in up again. The trick is to empty as much as possible when you pump... it's hard to do it at work. So i always spend additional time for my final pump and first pump in the morning to clear it thoroughly...


beaba spoon si 12.50.


tommee tippee bowls r good? will go mothercare later to check..

RE: snacks

i dun think i will be able to lose weight. i have been eating cornetto mcfluffy! last time couldnt eat when i was preggy.. now like making up for it! so yummy!!


my Scout took a flight from US n arrived today! My good cousin got it for me at US$17 only from Amazon! so excited for Scout to meet rei and have a chat! haha!


got a bumbo with tray as full mth pressie, thanks!

bb A at 16 weeks only 5.8kg, PD say her weight is ok, but looking at other bb outside & in her infant care, she looks so small compared to others.....she also haven flipped yet and she hates tummy time initially, will cry once on her tummy, after training now better, she cries after some time.....


my BB is on the small size too. He was weighing only 5.6kg at 18 weeks. PD ask me not to worry too much coz maybe me and hubby also petite and so long he meets the milestone.

lady, does Selene have any dummy for sleeping, eg. beanie pillow/ blanket/ soft toy? perhaps she'll adjust better back to ur own plc as long as the dummy is wif her

Tash, so good. Dying to buy one for Nic. i'm gg to toyrus later to check out Scout. Hopefully there's stock.

jmm, dont compare babies..its never ending. A lot of babies here dont like tummy time. You just have to distract her by giving her some toys or even placing a mirror in front of her so that she can see herself when she flip. I did that and Nic will coo & smile at his reflection. He is one vain baby.

haha..talking about tummy time. Lucas is 1 that doesnt like it and hence his neck not able to support his head even when he's much older than the babies here. Then hubby went to train him on that, started with 5 mins and slowly increase the duration. Now he can go on tummy for about 20 mins.

Joelle, does Lucas know how to flip back? Can he flip both side? Mine doesnt. So when he is tired on his tummy, he'll wail or he'll just rest his head one side.


i agree with ur mum to let Selene stay in, r u able to fetch her home earlier if not better not to risk..... dun worry abt not being able to adjust after 1 mth, may need more effort but definitely better than risking~i sound so pantang...like old woman...heheee

yah, think will get frenugreek and spend more time pumping to empty breast.


u got a gd buy at US$17!

eyed for so long, finally got sale at toyrus $39.90, like v much hehee, can personalise and sing song of bb A name. am sure rei will like scout too !!


Lucas can flip both side but prefer flipping to the left. Wonder is it becoz I always flip him tat side to latch him on at night. He haven really do a full flip unless he throw temper and uses all his mighty strength. Seen it only a few times.

