(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


there is scout in paragon and suntec city toyrus when i went last wkend, the promotion is til 23 August 2010.

yup, i know comparing is never-ending but just worried and hope bb A is growing and developing normally. just got a lamaze worm for her to play for tummy time, also fr toyrus promotion, mirror is also a gd idea, think lamaze also has a pyramid mirror for tummy time.



thanks for sharing!

we got Sophie for her. She likes it alot but somehow Sophie failed to distract her.. haha.

Maybe i need to invest in a bigger and huggable toy...

cef, thanks. I will read up more first before increasing another feed. For now maybe just up the volume. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

timy, I sterilise the bowl and spoon cos they are sterilisable. haha...

ladyk, though I am a Christian but to put your mind at ease, maybe you can let Selene wear a hat when you are going home at night. My uncle once told me that will keep those 'dirty' things from kachiaoing the baby.


Scout is sooooooooo lovable!!

Anyone knows how much it cost locally huh?

tummy time:

Selene screams murder! Haven't really trained her on tummy-time.


oh wear hat! hehehehe

Actually... talking about that, there's quite a number of funeral wakes near our blocks or my mum's block... always got to make a detour etc.

I'm not exactly that pantang, but old folks are. And they tend to NAG non stop IF they find a loophole, be it valid or non valid, scientific or not.

It's back to that "I-have-raised-children-for-so-many-years-and-are-you-trying-teach-me"??

tsk tsk!


didn't choose to wake up at 5am but I start work at7.30 so just need to wake up by this time lor. Btw my office need to clock in so can't be late or else deduct pay...

Wat u say abt going to pump openly make sense but I try not to make it too obvious lor, can sneak I sneak lor. If pple see then I will tell lor.

Joelle, me also feel no time for mal due to pumping dats why I set a 6mth target lor.

1727, me wash mal clothes using machine but my mum does by hand... She still dun like machine. Hehe

Tummy time:

mal also hate tummy time. But we slowly train, now at least can lift up his head but same like 1727 baby, once he tired, he just sleep on his side or wail lor. His neck getting stronger but still ve not graduate from the "drunken kongfu master class". ie, still sway abit here n there when sitted upright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jmmabb, I started off wif the reduced pumping abt a mth before I go back to work. Initially ss dropped but then it came back also. I took 17 weeks off from work, so I ve the time to slowly get used to it.


understand wat u mean by bumbo seat is messy, but right now, the dinning table has become mal's milk prep area with all the sterlisezer n bottles, air pot n stuff. So now our meals r at coffee table. So thinking of bumbo lor. Well, still ve 2 mths for me to think... Hehe... Will see all yr input then I decide cos i think mal is one of the youngest among the mar bb n I only intend to wean him after 6mths.

Oh yes! Scout is so cute and lovable. Am tempting to get 1. Juz told hubby on msn tat will buy 1 for Lucas and he says OMG! Lol...


39.90, there is Violet for Selene.

tummy time,

same!! initially bb A cries non-stop once i put her on tummy time !!! maybe u can try to put Selene everyday for few mins til she gets used to it. slowly train her, she can do it !

i m the kiasi kind, since bb A birth, we will rush hm before sunset, now that 7mth is approaching, will still follow the same..... also bb A sleeps ard 8pm so need to go hm to bath her and feed her milk, wan to keep to her sleeping pattern.


hahaha i dont even bother to notify :p

He will just look into my shopping bags and go... "oh where u get it?"

When i buy the preloved around-we-go and jumperoo... and he took delivery for me...

He asked me "how come never show him pictures" when i wanna buy... i didnt bother to reply him :p

MUAHHAHAHAHA the power of financial independence!!!


heheheh okie, i shall check it out.

I work Suntec :p

Oh u can rush home b4 sunset huh?

I knocks off around 6pm, so by the time i reach mum place via train, it's close to 7pm... and i need another 40 minutes by train (or 20-30 min by cab) to reach home... hahaha no way i can reach home before sunset...

and hey! Selene sleeps around 8pm.


true!!! Hence if I wanna to buy toys and provide better for Lucas, I need to hang on and work! Otherwise no $ to buy him toys!! Hahaha...

You bought around we go? I intend to rent jumperoo for Lucas to play as I somehow sense that Lucas wont want to sit in there for long. Planning to get walker now.


ytd at suntec only saw scout, hope they bring in new stock for violet today so u can get for selene. i got mine at paragon.

i finish work at 5.30pm, can reach hm via train ard 6.15pm, my infant care is ard 15min walking distance fr hm so should be able to reach hm by 7pm, actually exceed 7pm a little for me ok as long sky not dark can le.....

how abt ur hubby, he knock off earlier or later than u ? can he fetch Selene back ?

ladyk, go check with ur mom on the hat thing. Anything better than being apart for 1 month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sometimes not pantang also cannot cos they insist. So we follow lor. Have to respect them as caregiver and also raising us. :D

1727, i went to get scout yesterday at Forum, left 3 only. hurry, get urs quick. Congrats wor, no need to pump liao. My ss also drop alot. From 4hrs yield 200ml to 5hrs yield 150 to 180ml.

ladyk, ur lamaze loots will be in a box too. sorry i dun have big plastic bags.

joyful, ok... no prob. next week ok.

cef, so envy. Im still considering if i wanna be a SAHM.

Mommies, don't worry about babies rejecting tummy time. I seldom give my gal tummy time and she is being pampered and cuddled by her grandparents all the time! But she suddenly keep trying to flip last week when her grandparents aren't around to 'rescue' her! At first she will flip halfway and keep wailing cos she dunno how to pull out her hand that was stuck.

Then we went to Elise's place on friday and Enzo did a demonstration and amazingly, the next day Heidi know how to flip and pull out her hand! So she will flip and enjoys being on her tummy for a while.

So don't fret, mommies. Babies are just so amazing. Just create the opportunity for them and they will learn all by themselves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Cenfide,

Aiyo! is not you MIA, is me la. I also MIA alot from forum =) I start work rarely come to forum.

Thanks mummies for all your feedback on high chair. I agree that getting one expensive one is not necessary. I think I will look see look see since babyl was saying taka fair is coming =)

Hi 1727,

Congrate on your graduation! I am joining u soon after my gal stop latching =)

isnt these cute??[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4282141.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4282142.gif]


The grey one looks like Gizmo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes yes. i bought Scout at Suntec S$39.95. They have many scouts left but no violet. Think i'll only bring him back next week to avoid nagging. It so cute!!! How to download songs ah?

jmm..yes i got the pyramid lamaze mirror too for Nic when he is on his tummy time.

Me too..very pantang when bringing Nic out at night. Always make him wear cap. Thanks for reminder of the 7th month. A good reason not to go inlaws place now..hahaha..bad DIL.

Hi mummies!

Winnie, Jules, Ladyk

Think I will be joining the 5am gang too. I'm starting work this wed. Oh feeling so bad... Dun feel like gg back to work. Sob.


Your new hairstyle is nice too! U look much younger, and still very pretty.

Btw, my office oso no nursing room, hav to pump in the toilet too. But how to do that huh? Toilet so small and we hav so much equipment?


Hey, it was nice chatting with you the last time too. I sms ur fren yest to chat and tot mayb we can meetup. When u starting work?

Sky, take care ya..

Chloe & sky, please persist on with bf-ing. Dont be like me. Can save a lot of $$ on FM leh. Then can buy more toys. Now my monthly expenses going to shoot up. *sighz*


wah.. u really follow the rules very strictly of not getting babies onto the streets b4 7pm huh... i only followed when before she reaches 2 mths... after that i buay tahan liao, cos it's not possible to reach home by 7pm if we get to go out.. then slowly slowly this ''rule'' has been out-ruled liao.


i've seen babies around me getting used to different environments.. all of them started with fussing, but after 2-3 mths time they are okie liao.


i will face the same problem when i go back to work too. parents volunteer to fetch me to-&-fro but i thought that it would be taxing for them eventually.... hunting for 2nd hand car to solve transportation problem. sigh... expenses again..


i wash all her clothes by hand.. cannot just dump her hankies into the washing machine leh.. milk stains all over..

Re: highchair

already decided to get an ikea 1 liao... need to get 2 sets so the cheaper the better... expenses will rise as they grow up... so now can save save... afterall, they are just sitting there for meals & not to sleep.


ya! hopefully emma will be guai guai when she grows up.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe!


hehe.. so u want e stage 3 green straw?


i'm also looking for a car.... coe is crazy now..!


wah! i posted the msg like weeks ago, now then u reply? haha..no la, i know u r bz w 2 kids! I think u can meet her at the west side. me going back to sch this fri alr, no time to meet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sad case.. today my hubby on leave, wanted to go paktor w me, i also declined. cos wanna stay at home w emma. end up, he went by himself to his favourite place - simlim square.. sigh! bought some useless things as usual! nobody to stop him! haha.. i think i'm e reverse.. always hubby stopping wife, now, it's wife stopping hubby.

Hihi, me just finished pumping. Pumping at work is very leh cher ...


now you are going back to work soon. the last time we were still talking about it! winnie and me return last week already


u so funny! Now ur new love is emma, hubby become no. 2 haha. He specially take leave to go out with u, so sweet!

i tink ur fren oso starting work soon.

Me start this wed, hav u prepared for gg back to work?


Gizmo is the character from a late 1980s/early 90s movie... Eh... Forgot the title, but the character looks like this little plush thing but it cannot get wet. If a drop of water falls on its back, its very naugthy siblings will pop out from its back and create all sorts of trouble.


I understand their gd intention. However, they always late leh. Am oso thinking of getting a car but like wat joyful says...COE sky high!


yah me v kaisi haha.....latest i reach hm is ard 7.30pm then my hubby hug bb A v close to him and we chiong home after alight the taxi!

we leave hm early then come home early but dinner time no chance enjoy outside, either early dinner outside or dapao.

actually 4mths onwards, this 'rule' can be lifted but i think i will keep to it cos i dun wan to disrupt her sleep time. gd for bb A to get her quality sleep and me to do housework and prepare for the next day.


what kind of cap to wear ?


ur office has any meeting room or store room for you to pump. if u pump in toilet, wun the milk be wasted if u throw away ? also the cubicle so small and no table.....


ya lor... even a 2nd hand car is a ''burden'' liao... what more a brand new 1.

being SAHM also cham, go back to workforce also cham.. SAHM- limited spending power. Going back to workforce also means incuring cost on transportation. ..use hard-earned $ to solve problem on transporting bb here and there...


if you have to pump in toilet, then are you using battery operated pump? be prepared for the batteries as they run out pretty fast. can only last for 2/3 pumps only. i tried pumping in handicap toilet before, as least the space is bigger. i bring single pump to work, so has 2 sets of funnels and bottles, need not sterilised in between. but everyday has to carry a big bag to work, including a fridge to go! you wont be discarding your bm already right? still remember the last time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If you pump at work, how do you store the BM and bring it home?

Do you put in bottles and leave in the fridge?

And for the pump, izzit ok to wash and reuse? Do we need to sterilise?

Seems like so much barang barang to bring to office... Sigh


there is always this dilemma. haha, work vs sahm.


actually if you take cab everyday i think it will still work out cheaper than owning a car. not forgetting about the ERP, roadtax, parking, petrol other than COE. the only thing is may not be able to get a cab during peak hours unless you call for one!

joyful, oh my hb same club as yours lei. E sls club! Hahas.. Scarli they ever brush shoulders there b4. But now he hooked to online game n also got control expenses a bit ever since have val, so dun go as often. Else there used to be our paktor place almost every week. Zzzz..

Reen, good to know that you are still pumping despite going back to work. Keep it up!

jmm, i nvr let Nic wear beanni since birth. My fav is the fisherman hat from Mothercare.


Yah i tot so too. But no nursing room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Toilet so small and no place to put all the things but dun wanna to throw away either.

Are u working or still on ML?


I am using single manual pump. But manual pump like always pump very little leh.

Wow, how big is ur fridge to go? How do u bring so many things? Cannot imagine...

Yes yes, this time no more throwing away, hee.

55, bottle or milk bag depends on if your ss is a lot. For me, i use Avent manual when at work. So i'll just leave it in the milk bottle as ss not alot. On the contrary, i get better yield from manual pump leh. You can try buying pigeon sterilising tablets.


work vs sahm: that's why i hesitate for a long time.. haha...

car vs cab: yes it's cheaper & dun ve to worry abt those additional costs.. but then again like what u've said,unless u call a cab, if not possibility of being late is there. always dun ve luck on cabs at my area...by the time those cabs reaches my area, all are occupied cos they come from SK.

see how la, easy come easy go.. brood so much also no point. haha... (machiam avoiding the problem like tat).


my ML ended already, now on leave, returning to work next monday. yes a lot of things to bring, i am preparing my stuff for next monday and realise so many things to bring, not forgetting the Pigeon fridge-to-go...


agrees with reenren. actually taking cab is so much cheaper, even if u take during peak hours or call cab is still cheaper, somemore now the price of cars is so rocket high, perhaps if really need/wan to buy a car, can try to wait a while more for the market to stabilise.....meanwhile take cab for the time being, got personal driver....hehee

re: solids

Am seriously contemplating starting val on solids when she's 5mths old. She's putting on weight so miserably! At 19weeks now yesterday weighed at home only 5.7kg. Think its cos of her low milk intake. She sleeps long hours at night, so daytime she only takes 5-6 feeds at 3hr interval. Not sure how much she takes when she latches, but thru e bottle once a day, only ave 100ml. Can't exactly dreamfeed her at night cos she'll end up not sleeping thru. Have been wanting to hold till 6mths cos she was born 2weeks early, n hb has slight eczema. Really at dilemma.. Tho so far she hasn't been showing interest in our food yet tho she sits beside us quite often at meals.

Btw, anyone noticed their babies sleeping more now? Val has been spending more hours a day sleeping. Longer n more naps (tho dunno is it cos weather cooling) during e day. But sometimes she naps too much, n ends up fussing more n longer at night b4 sleeping. All my sleep training back to square one. But sleeping later, she wakes up later in e morning also. Dan compromises her feed frequency..


Thanks! I'm oso using Avent manual but i haven tried electric pump b4 so dunno which one is better, but i tot manual pump suction is not so good.

But i'm tinking if leave it in the fridge, will other pple go and tamper it?

Like they go and see see what inside? Open our bottles and smell or taste? Eeeeee...


u can try to call cab and calculate ur cab expenses for a month and then decide if u wan to continue take cab or commit to buying a car.

i stay in SK and my place v hard to get cab as not main road so my hubby will call cab if we are bring bb A out, he dun wan bb A to suffer and wait in the sun.

he tells me he is addicted to calling cab, haha. he always tell me no car already save a lot, ask me not to sting on the call cab fee.

