(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Good morning mommies,


ya i agree wif u... we are their mommies... our natural mother instinct will tell us what to do... but hor, we are also our mommies' babies... then they will tell u, they also have natural

realise that after becoming a mommy, we also ''promoted'' ourselves to PR manager liao... must know how to handle different people tactfully (though they are our family members).


it's abit too early to start with egg yolk now, esp 1/2 cooked ones.. they are being exposed to not 1 but 2 risks leh- allergy & bacteria.


morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladyk, egg yolk??! pei fu you that you didn't snap at ur mum.. if it's me.. i will be super angry lor.. older pple always think that they know best.. sometimes maybe they do. the irritating thing is.. they rather believe in other aunties's words than to believe in PD's words. i don't care if other aunties already have dozen of kids and granchildren who all grow up to be bodybuilders.. i'm the child's mother!


I'm aware of that. I told my mum many times, i'm clueless why she tried to feed Selene with that. Either she is forgetful or she's trying her luck! ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Jules : thanks. your reply is very informative. I shall plan Nic's diet along your guidelines.

LadyK : no lah..those egg yolk at kopitiam not safe for baby. Should tell your mom a strict NO NO.

Frankly, we are brought up "that" way by the elderies, so can't blame them on using the same style on our babies. I'm sure they want the best for them just that they didn't evolve with modern society and of cos the new viruses that our babies are expose to.

Nothing beats leaving our baby with parents lor esp the convenience.


Told MANY times.

Don't know what went wrong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I agree with your last statement until yesterday! hahahaha. i really don't know who to trust anymore.


understands your problem. Tat's what i was facing earlier on. Now much better but soon will be having arguements with my parents again over solid food. My mum also kept saying she started us with solid when we are 4 months old and Lucas is alrdy 5 months and I'm not starting. Anyway, hv gave her the green light to start. Even pass her a box of brown rice that I got from signing up the motherhood magazine. However, she had yet to start but keep telling me will cook porridge for Lucas. I wonder is it right to start him with porridge or those cereal 1st? I'm going to do some read up.

No mood for work but lots of things to clear. My pet rabbit is dying and I'm so emotional now and needed to make a decision for him. Am rushing back to mum place during Lunch time to take a look at my rabbit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


sian right? My mum kept reminding me that we're the parents so we need to be responsible for the decisions we make for her... I'm like "So why are you making decisions for my baby now?"

I tell you, when they start porridge, they going to throw things that you can never imagine! Just like fishes, which shouldn't be started until much later~!


you hit the jackpot!!! Even before I give that box of brown rice to my mum, she is telling me she going to cook porridge with fish etc. I was like fainting lor. Was even telling me that she will steam the potato and smash it to feed Lucas. That was I eat when I was BB. I know..and i turn out to be super chubby lor. I'm not against it but not now la. So I ever posted in the forum that not only IL will give prob, own parents also! That is why I really wanted to take care of Lucas myself.

Joelle, i'm also contemplating to start Nic on porridge. Feel that its more nutritional than just commercial powder cereals. Maybe i belong to their era. But don't think i have time to cook for Nic lor..cant' be storing it in baby cubes rite? How i wish i can be a SAHM.

lady, cos proteins can b passed on to bb via BM... so my diet could b one of the triggers for his eczema... was kinda depressed for a bit cos if its really a food allergy, that means there"s a whole list of foods tt i must cut fr my diet including wheat, nuts, shellfish etc.... i oredi cut off shellfish , nuts n berries....

wheat exists in almost everything, including soy sauce, oyster sauce, bread, noodles, cakes,,, anything wif wheat flour.

so yeap... was a bit depressed n wondered if i shd juz stop BF.... but i also wanna find out what is the trigger... contemplating sending bb for blood test



Selene this age can eat egg yolk meh???


What time you going to baby fair on 4th? I'll be going the same day cos just nice coming back from JB. Baby Enzo & my botak can make friends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I absolutely agree with you. Times are different. What may have worked in the 70s/80s does not necessarily work now.


IF you cut out the food in your diet, and BF for 3-4 days and the Eczema doesnt improve or clear out - then it's not that particular food lor?

When i BF hor, my diet v boring. I have to eat fishes like Salmon and Cod fish, rice, vegetables, fruit juice, etc. I avoid other seafood and other snacks. muhahahaha v boring right?


depending on what u throw inside the porridge to increase the nutritional value...


I'm okie with steamed potatoes later on BUT not NOW please... I mean, i just want BM as main until 6 months and if really want, just single grain cereal as recommended by wholesome food website.


BUAY SAI LA! wa kaoz eh!

Already bought brown rice powder plus frisocreme which Selene rejected la!

Then my mum lor! She having BF at kopitiam and wanna intro egg yolks to Selene!!!

Wa liews! i broke into cold sweat when she told me via phone. LUCKILY LUCKILY, Selene didnt eat.

How can eat eggs now? Let alone half boiled eggs!!!

Then i talked to my mum this morning when i delivered BM that, not to give her eggs.. etc.

Then my mum retorted that "Your daughter is going to be very slow in accepting solids!"

Aiyah, SO BE IT LOR... i don't have a problem with her taking her time to adjust and accept solids. I don't know whats her problem too... same as my MIL la, kept asking me got eat bb cereal, bb food or not... else no nutrition.

BM where got no nutrition???? dohz!!!

I had to go on and tell her "doctor says no eggs"

Then she like buay gam wan and said "doctors might be wrong! I started you all with eggs at 3-4 months"... in my heart i was like "ORH, no wonder i kena gastric and tummy problems la~"

At the end, i tried to close the case by explaining to her that EGGS are manufactured differently now... last time eggs maybe no allergy, now eggs will cause allergy... dont know she buy the idea or not la... dohz!

Thursday lunch, you wanna go Swensens? 1 for 1? LOL!!


Yah I thought I remember no eggs for quite some time, but can't remember clearly. Aiyo... Last time I grow up kampung and rear my own eggs but now HDB flat I buy eggs from NTUC... Where got same...

Swensons - On lah!!! Hehehehe... Jamie/1727... lunch again? =P


ya la...dun mind steam potato but LATER la...not NOW!! sometime its vy difficult to put words into their ears...they juz go auto shut off. But thankfully, mum still quite accomodating, hopefully its goes on like tat and we try to compromise la.

I remember seeing a food chart in PD clinic stating what are the food to begin with which is less likely to cause allergy to food which likely cause allergy. Need to find out where the chart. Remember that egg yolk and seafood should be the last to introduce.


all the old folks eager to start bb on solid!!!


OMG! Egg yolk from kopitiam!!! This is indeed classic man! Even if she wants also must be hard boil la, half boil egg is No No man!!

starting soild,

I started heeding the advice of some mommies here who began feeding bb with water by spoon. Oh my! Kaitlyn scream murder man. When the spoon touches her mouth only, she blink and turn and hands and feet all come as if she has touched "poison". Her expression is sooooo comical, almost like she was rudely awakedn from a deep sleep with water. Then she cried and cried like mad tsk tsk tsk, gotta keep trying till she is receptive before I can start my solid sigh........

ladyk, feed hard boiled egg yolk to selene. smash it up. if too powdery, can add water/milk. usu by the time i intro egg yolk, i'll just put into the porridge. no white pls b4 12mths cos baby will break out in spots. happened to my #1. no runny eggs cos of the bacteria. like hoe we shld eat thoroughly cooked eggs wen we r preg.

joelle, can start w plain porridge instead of cereal. just really really ensure tt it's smooth. just tt, pple have tendency of adding ingredients cos it looks so plain.

strawberryz, my #2 and #3 also having eczema. both hb and i dun hv. came to a conclusion tt it cld be due to the bird's nest i took when i was preggy cos my #1 din hv and i din take any. the animal protein. tho our BM has proteins, the other type of milk will have proteins too. even if u stop giving BM, wld babies have the similar reaction to animal proteins in FM unless it's soy? my PD said the eczema will improve in time when they grow older which is pretty true in my gal's case. juz have to diligently apply calendula cream regularly.


oh no! how come ur mum is not cooperating!

Actually, if Selene is rejecting, she may just not be interested in solids yet. Should just continue the milk. Ur mum isn't right, in fact, most of their nutrition comes from milk still, solids just introduce iron, but primary food source is really milk even up till 1yr old. The amounts of solid they take won't be enough at all to cover their main nutrition.

and EGG! Egg is one of the highest allergy risks! How can she intro EGG? omg.... I will be very angry!!!

Hard boiled egg, and mash, if u want to intro fully cooked egg. But then, at 6mths, egg? No lah, this is v risky. Eggs, peanuts and honey are high potential allergy risks. It's really not a good idea.


have u ordered the bottles?

My #1 can whack anything, either he has not tastebuds or he is easy on food. He will vacuum up hehe. My #2 super picky and stomach also super weak. Even teething biscuit at abt 8-9mth he also vomit. It's allergy to wheat! Then by 12 mth gave him half boil egg also cannot, must be the egg white. Tk God he is not allergic to wheat and eggs now but he is allergic to nuts!

yes joelle. wld u rather give food made naturally or commercially? it's just tt i dun want to take the touble of cooking so lil porridge as babies dun really take so much in the beginning. can u imagine the work of cooking the rice till v v lan and then pound till v v fine only to find baby taking 10-20 small spoonfeeds? aiyo...

cef's right. milk is still baby's main food tho solids have been intro. egg yolk's ok but not the white. white is a strict no no.


i got the pigeon magmag with spout, tot of changing to the NUK latex teat she uses as it fits. bb A is tbf can introduce water or feed her with bmilk using magmag ?

wah ahma getting so excited to cook for their grandchildren !!

i m at a total loss of how to introduce solids, only know cereal.....i think porridge is later ard 7-8mths ??


cool down!!! do talk to your mum and explain to her ur concerns, m sure that she will understand and listen to u. parenting now is so different from the times we were brought up.

i always tell my mum, bbies now are brought up different fr our times.

Jules, what about ikan bilis? can introduce earlier? I always like the idea of porridge with grinded ikan bilis. Sedap!

yes yes!!!

Thanks jon, jules and cefindre, for your inputs.

yah la.. all the gramps eager to feed! Selene aint ready for solids, she will spill everything out. She's not spoontrained anyway.

Like jon, i intend to spoonfeed her water first then start her on solids.

Hope my mum or MIL doesn't give me such surprises again... else i cant work in peace!

I think, old folks feel that, at 4th month, babies should start porridge etc, else they will be too "weak"!

OH MAN! Who is more kiasu now? tsk tsk!

Ya lor.. cannot soft boiled eggs... sighs, i didnt even eat soft boiled eggs when i was preggy!

poohgirl, the fair is on 4th aug or 4th september huh? i think i will go cos i need to get high chair there and of course some other misc stuff haha.. lunch of course can.. nxt week onwards i no work so i can bring my girl along..

1727, i got store porridge in babycubes leh.. cos it's very impractical to cook just enough for one or two feed. tiny bit of rice can cook a number of feeds for a baby. but i dun keep in freezer.. i keep in fridge for 2 days max. so every time i cook it's 3 days worth of porridge lor. i also dun like powder type dunno why haha.


do continue bfeeding, maybe not due to the food to eat, could be other factors. just to play safe is gd to try to identify what foods ur bb is sensitive too.....hope ur bb eczema goes away soon !!!

i think i also better take note of my diet, i have been anyhow eating since post-delivery.....

my last day is in aug, and yet I'm planning for a jan 2010 workshop and some other workshops beyond Aug. Does this make any sense??? Any sense at all? I don't know why we have so many newbies if the work just falls on me. Nothing makes any sense! FUMING MAD! They kp doing this to me, when I was few days pre delivery and now yet again. It's good riddance to this damned place!

bbdust, yup... eczema... at first i refused to believe it cld b food allergy, n juz dismissed it as reaction to heat/ environment... heat does play a part cos on hotter days, the redness will b worse, n cool days, redness subsides... but the folds on arms n legs nt getting any better... as i read up more, i believe he cld b allergic to certain food(s).

jules, i know,,.... PD also said it'll go away... juz gotta keep areas clean n moisturise, moisturise moisturise... but i feel v sad everytime he gets a bad outbreak... then i feel like juz zooming in n finding out what exactly is the trigger... but its nt easy loh... n it takes time


I saw the rashes on his limbs during the last gathering. Did u ever apply steroid?? Wonder if the rashes are itchy hor? When Kaitlyn's tummy was filled with disgusting looking rashes 2 applications of the steroid is all it takes. Then when they clear, I just use cataphil to moisturize the skin.

Pd told me that some stubborn ones just need a few more applications in order to clear. I'm still applying the steroid into her navel.

Though most of us are reluctant to apply steroid but sometimes it is really necessary to help clear the rashes coz the rashes actually spreads yucks!!


alternatively, socked the ikan bilis overnight or something to get rid of the salt. then dry and toast (in an oven) grind into fine powder then store. Spinkle into porridge or cook tog also can.

1727, i usu wait a while longer for ikan bilis cos of salt content. i usu will soak the ikan bilis for several times, dry them, fry them and then blend till powder.

jmmabb, yup ..think i/ll stick to PD's advice to exclusively BF at least til 6 mths

jon, yup, applied steroid thinly...n it cleared up...but then after a few days, came back again. the steroid cream thins skin, so i'm not comfortable to keep using it

bbdust..yea, i read somewhere vaseline n petroleum jelly works.. but sounds really oily... i'm gonna try out either cetaphil or QV first. thx for concern =)

Jon/ jules: thanks for the tips on ikan bilis.

Taka sale: i'm on leave on 04 aug too!! maybe can meet some mommies there.

Poohgirl / jamie : paisay, can't do lunch this thurs. Got prior appt already.

Cef : cool down. My previous job ask me to do forecast for the next year when i'm leaving. So absurd too! Really wonder how come they can be top management with such cow sense.


pd gave me zaricort and fucicort (mix then apply)

I think fucicort is stronger coz she ask me to apply on her tummy. Her rashes there was really disgusting!! Her mild rash on her neck, just Zaricort.

Petroluem jelly is very very oily. I need tat whenever my lips cracked, very effective!

jmmabb, my baby is also on tbf. Actually on tbf dun need give water. For me is cos hb listen to e older folks n is super worried val will reject water next time, so i compromised wif him dat i will intro water to val when she turns 4mth. Dat is y i only give max twice a day n only a few sips at a time. N while i'm at it, i thot might as well teach her how to use cup. I'm not too sure abt letting baby use e cup for bm now tho. I read somewhere abt baby's need to suck until at least 6mth. I may be wrong tho..

ladyk, u're really very tolerant. I'd have argued wif my mum long ago if she was so stubborn (no offence). I'm also very worried wat mil will intro to val when i go back to work. Am contemplating taking another 2weeks leave after my npl so that i'll be e one intro porridge to val n i can set e pace. Sian to think abt all dis. Haiz..

jon...yeap...i used zaricort too... effective, bbut the thinning of skin v obvious... hmm.. will resort to petroleum jelly if he gets really dry skin again

=) thx dear

k, i gotta go get ready...bringing bb out wif mom for a bit of retail therapy.


True tat total bf bb doesn't need water but I do agree tat the introduction of water is necessary so bb won't reject in future. My nephew hates water and my sis is soooooo stressed up coz without water, he constipate very often. she has to give alternatives like more fruits or juice....but I really wouldn't want my kids to grow up not liking water and only quench thirst with juices and soft drinks lor.


yeah, water is very impt to our good health!! Only drink with 0 calories and beneficial to us! fruit juices and soft drinks has lotsa sugar whether natural or artificial. Really must let our bb get used to tastless water!!

jon, i havent start on the jap sling le.. maybe will do it this weekend..

pooh, me taking half day so maybe reach abt 1... but see got good buys anot, if got i take full day n i got no intention to bring enzo there! kekekek

Hi Jon,

I remembered u post abt purchasing the Potty Training Ladder Step Toilet Seat or something similar quite sometime ago...can i check with u how much did u buy for the set? Do u have a link to show the pic of the set?


i don wan to burn bridges mah, and somemore she's my mother. Later she will tell me to find another caregiver... dohz! got to close one eye until she comes up with something new to surprise me again!


yeah lor, drink diamond water :p

No wonder Ms Kaitlyn so pretty neh!

I LOVE diamond water now :p


Is it better for babies to suck on pacifier or their thumb/fingers? Selene gave up her pacifier and suck on her thumbs/fingers. I'm thinking which is easier to wean off?

1727, better dun give ikan bilis. its salty. i jus called my baby sitter to stop cleaning his tounge with salt water. Joyful told me, bb's kidney is still developing, salt is no good for them.

ladyk, after u left i was thinking if you ans me. with dat little guy wailing, i cant concentrate at all. forgot to tell u, the purse set is poohgirl's. hee... aiyo.. u lost ur medela, got milk inside?

elise, i wanna go! i wanna go!

winnie, can excuse urself from the meeting, say u wanna go "da bian" den pump lah. WHY? DA BIAN CANNOT HUH? hee...

