(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


hehehe oh i see.

thanks for info; me might be induced if she still wanna enjoy inside.. so i thinking dont know got strength to outlast the whole labour or not. hehehehe

Update sms - g00d news from serendipity. Her waterbag burst on 12th at 6plus am. She tried to go natural, from 1cm to 7cm in 2hrs, but bb dylan had fetal distress, n csec under ga at yesterday 11plus. Bb Dylan is 3.2kg and 50cm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Seren will logon n update later after noon.

Hi Elise or Poohgal,

Pls help Seren to update details in our table.


congrats n well done!!! brave mummy. Happy for u dylan!!! get well soon.

thanks cef for updating us!

congrats to seren and welcome Dylan!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow dilating from 1cm to 7cm in 2hrs is no joke!



haha gd morning! I'm pumping n typing with 1 hand. Multi task, leaking alot last nite, think pump n store bag n relieve hard lumps also.

reading back thread now.

mommies doing full month celebration,

any recommendations on caterers huh? hee hee.

since i "free" now, i might as well prepare then ask hubby follow up!

Hi Elise,

Your current ss wAs better than I am last time. That tine I use mannuel pump only manage to pump out 10ml from both breast but now better I can get 50-60ml from breast after latching. You will have more supply de. Jia you!

Re: confinement bath,

I use Chinese herb da feng chao to bath everyday and wash hair only I cannot stand then got wash.

I also sleep in air con room about 25-26 degree

Like to ask any mummy here got heat rashes? Cause my back all have=[

Hi lady,

I am thinking for my full month to cater from lemon grads or Bali thai but i am still looking around.

For cakes, I have decide to use sweetest moment I think carol's lobang. I forgot is it her but I remember some mummy post that website.


oh i see, how many guests you inviting huh?

as i count and count, i scared my house not big enuff to house so many pple like that. then end up the guests have to stand like that...

Skysilver- my slight heat rash at neck area.. My back severely attacked by the resurgence of white spots.

For catering, am getting elsie kitchen cos got halal n vegeterian option.

Well done serependity - ur wishe finally came true- bb in ur arms - speedy recovery!

Hi lady,

I did not try to apply the powder cause I scared sticky feeling. Maybe I will try that. Now I bath, I will secreatly use dettol cool body wash to bath to cool the heat rash


oh i see.. hehehe good luck!!!


hahaha secret bath.. hmmm think weather too hot and our body too hot! tts why kena heat rashes man.


oh i see.... hmmm think my guest no halal and vegetarians... so still okie.. hehehe i go see their website..

Hi lady,

mine I think about 50-80 ba but I divide then into slot time of like 4 batches and buffer I will order 2 session=]

Hi wf,

Oic! The white spot u have is it also heat rashes?

I need some help on pumping my milk, I have milk in my breast but whenever I pump I cannot get it out is it because I dunno how to use the pump? I have borrow a electric medala pump but is single de. I need about 2 hour then can empty almost the two breast is it, I use the pump wrongly.


oh i see.. wahhhh 2 sessions in one day ah? very tiring hor. then you still going to order birthday cake for "cake cutting" session?


can try using warm towel to massage your breast before pumping? then also, as you pump, you can try massaging or squeezing the "corners" of your breast to "smoothen" the "milk traffic".

Hi lady,

Haha! Cause one of Fren of mine told me that u wipe your body take a longer time. That mean expose to more wind so she say u chop chop bath faster. Haha! So I do that=]

Hi bebechan,

all the best to u! Update us=]

Hi lady,

I got Try the above method u mention=] but still the same=[ dunno what wrong

Hi lady,

Thanks! Will take a look=] at the website u mentioned.=] thanks.

Any sign for you? Have all your stuff prepare ok le ma?

Hi lady,

I went to read up the website you found=] thanks. I feel better as the article say that 1/2-2oz of milk is normal=] so my supply is normal. Got so worried=] thanks for your help. You really good=] I guess is I lazy to find website to read. Really appreaciate.

re: breastmilk

i managed to yield 60-70ml per session now (3-4 hours). ytd brought Maeve to PD for 1st check up and was asked to send to TMC for blood test on jaundice level because she started yellow. luckily result was at borderline so she is ok to go home with us, thankfully. PD also said we have underfed her!! she is at the bigger frame and her intake should be 60-90ml. OMG!! my breastmilk just OK to catch up nia. really need to up the ss soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: wound

my wound suddenly felt so painful since ytd.. can feel the pain even when asleep.. had a long episiotomy cut again all the way till anus. haiz.

congrats seren!

Lovinglife, like u, my wound hurts yday! I think cos it's recovering... Serenidity, Congrats! Yr dilation really fast!! So 30ml is normal at 2nd day of milk... my boy drinks 60ml every 2 hr... Me can nvr catch up to meet his demand...

hmmm does it mean that, baby babies have bigger appetite huh? bcoz both Enzo and Maeve are considered bigger babies at birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no problem! hee hee.


i prepared liao, just waiting for her to come out. no signs also hahaha. EDD is next week.. nvm lor.. i wait until sian. don wan stress myself also, just let nature takes its own course.

ladyK, I think soo... Initially I Thot babies only drink every 3 hrs but my boy was fussing to drink every 1.5 to 2 hrs... Now I just fed him w ebm, I think will only last 1 hr cos bm is very diluted.

Strawberryz, my doc ask me to admit at 11.30pm. Dunno wat time pill will be inserted. But no matter wat means tonight dun need sleep liao..

Thanks ladyk! Busy wif last min setting up of bb's room now tho.. Later need catch up wif rest. Dunno is it been busy since morn, didn't really feel alot bb movements.. Hope i'm not scaring myself..

Congrats, seren, n all other mummies who popped yesterday!


oh! hehehe then it's Enzo the little milk monster! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the downside is you will not be able to catch enuff rest unless you willing to complement with FM. the good thing is, it boost your BM supply and you will lose weight v fast if you keep up the BF'ing routine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm after inserting the pill, you can sleep but just that you will be too gan chiong to sleep hehehe. guess the unbearable contractions will kick in ard 3-4hrs later (depending on how fast your cervix is softened and dilation rate).

good luck!... look forward to your good news tmr!! hehehe..


oh yah, when is your gynae visit huh?

hee hee, i remembered that you're in the waiting game like me.. i got no concrete signs, so i also bochup liao! hahaha. leave it to fate.

managed to pump out 60ml in 1 hr just now from both breasts. manual pump works better for me. using Avent pump. at least all my ducts are cleared, no more hard lumps.


oh i see. so if nothing happens by next Wed, yr gynae will induce u bah... you not dilated at all also?


hehe thats good. yah some mommies works better with manual pump...

Xynn, u pump so long? For me i only pump max 15-20mins.. Are u using dual pump or?

Ladyk, ya he is a big cc drinker! My infant formula 400g, less than 5 days half tin gone... If i dun have bm, i think i need to spend $80-$100 a mth based on current intake...


At first she want to induced me on next Friday, then i ask can see her again next week before Friday, then she agree to see me on wed.. Hopefully will induce on Wed if nth happen yet.

Baby not engaged and not dilated yet last visit on thursday.


oh i see.. is this your first baby?

It's my first baby... hehehe dont know what they doing inside also, like don wan to come out hahaha.

So we both should enjoy the "last" weekend with our hubbies as couple... enjoy the "er ren shi jie"!!


will you feel like your womb is "dropping" out? esp when pee-ing, poo-ing, all the pressure being pulled down. my womb very sore ytd too. we really cannot sit/stand for too long. all the graviti pulls the womb down. hmm.. yah my Maeve also drink like 2 hourly 60ml.


my PD said bigger baby more intake. i was relief she has gained ard 150gm since discharged [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i hv freestyle double pump as well as avent single electric pump. when i use freestyle, i only need to pump 10mins the max. but when i use avent single, the max is 30mins. i will use avent when i hv more time to pump, i still find it the best and very gentle to my breasts and best can yield better and clear ducts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


when you use avent single pump to empty one side... wouldn't another breast be leaking as well? kekekeke... then heartpain as the BM leaks.


yes, the other side sure leak and can see droplets one follow by another. it's the let down effect. i let it be although i hv breast shield to collect the milk but din use it. direct latching also the same, the other side will leak too. i do direct latching on daytime, and pump after latched. nite time strictly pump. Maeve on bottle feed on nite time. so far no nipples confusion for her. she sucks really well on both. oh yah saw you ordering funegreek from BP, no trying mother's tea? i ordered 3 boxes to try. hopefully it works lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife, nope i do not feel my womb dropping.. but when i clear my bowels i feel the strain on the sitches...

hmm. me also using freestyle.. i got a harmony manual pump, maybe i shld take it out n try...

yar, take 1 hr using the avent manual pump, 30mins each for both breasts. my bb having jaundice, so the PD said i might be having blocked ducts. didnt realised the hard lumps are actually blocked ducts! first time mummy so blur.... the manual pump can convert to electric pump, but i realised the yield is poor when i use electric pump.


pls update for me:

Induced natural with epi, ADD:9 mar

thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got extra bottle of fenugreek. Whoever needs it can get from me. Can quote me a price but dun tegan me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



friso is good. My sis experimented with quite alot of FM, Feedback is friso bb's suffer less from constipation or other FM side effects.

