(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


diffeent bb drinks different amt. no worries as long as bb grows,poos,pees! will ahve sufficient ss, urs can't be that bad as mine. so i can do it, u can too!



thanks! i hope so! but already past one mth.. ss increaing is getting slimmer i believe. since ss suppose to stablise already. let see how long i can last.. or rather how long my ss can last

timy, i dont quite get u how u latch and cupfed at the same time?

mummies, really need advice on this.. ss going down.. Once i latch my boy for half hr, shld i continue with pump right after? i tried this b4 but pump out not much.

timy, i salute u too! i def cant rely on ebm purely. sure not enough. plus i had sore and bleeding nipples.. i HAD to let them rest.. din even dare let bb latch.. now nip recovering liao, feel much more confident..

Timy, icic...i think ur bb is really drinking alot now. So far my bb is taking 60-80ml but now more frequent till my nipples abit sore, finally giving way. Hubby still asked me I should just stop pumping n latching, relying on my frozen ones now. Me just scared of engorgement if didnt let out.

I also hope taking bb is easy so really hope i can cope once CL left..


i latch first. she finished with latching then she will cry cos she will spit out nipple and my breast will be super dry. then i cupfeed her my ebm


For my morning feed, I actually pump for 10mins first b4 I latch bb. Coz I want her to drink the hind milk rather than the fore milk. So I wake up earlier to pump for 10mins, then after than I will wake bb up to latch her.

Jiayou timy and Joelle,

don't give up. Keep on pumping, I think the regular pumping at intervals will relaly hlep to increase the supply.

Timy and Cef, yes yes...wait till SK mummies settle down and we can meet up!

Joelle, I will pump around 1 hr later after latching.


bb can have gowth spruts.. maybe u dun put max power for pump/ and pump a but less often but ensure no engorgement. u just need to know how to bath bb, then change diaper (i follow parentcraft's method else i also dunno how). the basics.. slowly learn, sure can do it. u must be steady, bb can feel if u not confident.


do shoutout here or email ro watever when u all ready to meet up with bbies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i feel i got no life, everyday talk to bb only, no adult to talk to..


I also v bad water retention. Started today. Cos didn't get to rest much. Went TMC to give EBM, then gynae clinic to settle some receipt matters. Last night also walked a lot at home, cos doing a lot of things myself. Think I over-walk cos c-sect wound sharp pain.

Am propping my feet up whenever I can, plus drink more fluid. Hopefully better tmr. Now really like elephant legs/ankles.

Actually I'm sort of following gina ford's routines, her routine is to pump b4 the feed. I don't know what is this logic, but I tried this and I find it works better than if I pump after I latch bb. Initially I used to pump only after bb latched and finished feeding, then I find that my breast doesn't seem very well regulated, keep on having flunctuation, let down thru out the day and sometimes one side more than the other side. But when I did the 10mins express b4 feed like she recommend, it seems I have just nice amount of supply for bb. But I follow her routine with a pinch of salt, I alter according to my own needs lah.

Timy, i also think bb having growth spurts now. Today went to PD to check her jaundice which is cleared and she increased 250g from last wk visit, so happy! i usually use half power for pump coz i think the "funnel" size for my pump is just nice for my nips so thats why they feel so sore now. If increase power, scared the nips cant take it. I am thinking to get a bigger funnel spare to use.

I think change diaper i still can do. Just scared of bathing and bb's crying!


got go out or not? Bring bb out!!!! I've been going out with hubby and bb to eat. It makes me v happy. But okay, don't worry, I think we can meet up v soon k!

ryne, pls take care of urself first, dont overwork urself. i know of a mommy who ruptured her csec wound cuz she overexerted herself. scary siah! try not to let emotions run high also.. which i did earlier.. oh well..


u going taka fair? Wah so nice. I also feel like going. Pls come back and tell us if there's good buys k? nite nite! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

k, think I'm gonna feed bb soon too, then go to sleep. nite nite mummies!


i also prefer to hang around at hosp to latch bb. But unfortunately can't cos c-sect wound still hurt. Plus my older girl to take care of. He's under phototherapy as precaution cos PD afraid his G6PD deficiency will make jaundice level shoot up. Lucky under control, but still got to monitor till at least Mon, when he's 1wk old.

Any mummies w experience in G6PD deficiency? Trying to find more info. Thks!


dont over-exert yourself.

u didnt engage CL? you went thru csect right? - suggest that you get binder for ab support, and refrain standing, walking, squatting too much - best is bed rest as much as possible.


rupture csec wound?? Ouch! Sounds scary! Hope I didn't leh... I also hv a bit of cough n it's excruciating when I cough. Will definitely minimise movements now, w means not seeing bb tmr. Will get Hubby to deliver the EBM.


i havent brought bb out for awhile. i dun have sling and the stroller and diaper bag quite bulky for me to handle alone. so must wait for hubby. can only go down walk walk with bb then come up.


congrats! ur bb cleared of jaundice! my bb still have slight jaundice.. hope will clear soon. u follow parentcraft mehtd of bathing, quite easy. i can write down steps if u wanna. u going taka fair? i might go too if nothing to do. see if we will meet.


no CL. Yes wearing binder 24/7. Feels a lot better w it. Lucky colleague lent me hers so I can alternate.

Me HG mummy, close enough to SK, haha! Let me know if got meetup k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but not so soon... Can't wait till body heals n mobility returns.


u wearing the binder? helps for me. i also ahve cough n sneeze cos i fell sick. binder helps then. btw, i was wheeled ard hosp cos i couldnt walk. if u dun mind can borrow wheelchair then ask hubby to wheel u ard the hosp

joelle, my ss has also dropped super drastically [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i was soooo upset as this has nvr happened to me.

My LC and friends said it could be cos i was tired. i dun know. after 3 hrs, managed to squeeze out 40ml per breast, only to have my girl spill 20ml. i really cried. this is the first time i cried over spilled milk. think gg bongus.

so glad decided to come in to forum cos wanted to ask some of you how many of you are taking GNC fenugreek. guess it's fated cos u gals are talking abt it. saw on label - 1-2 capsules a day. dun seem to work leh. so after reading, it's ok then to take 2 capsules each for morn, afternoon and night?


dun worry, ur ss will come back. pls relax! if my pathetic ss can make it, urs will! i only manage to pump 40ml max per breast, still manage to feed my gal bm, no FM all at all to date. n she drinks 140ml now. u wanna try those nursing milk tea too?

now i latched baby to breasts, then feed ebm, then pump to get the breasts engine gg. nw when i'm doing this, my boy can sleep 3hr s he has been underfed. i just dun want him to be dehydrated and then jaundice goes up again.

i am so confused and can't explain the sudden drop. i used to be able to yield 300ml, now pathetic. hmmm... breasts so soft all the time.

timy, i bot GNC fenugreek and thot i'll try it first.

When you ladies pump for 40ml, i presume there is a resting period in btw?

Xynn, my baby was admitted to TMC a wk ago. level, too, was 23. was telling the ladies here how i teared when i saw his skinny exposed body on the therapy bed.

thanks babyl,

only have a simple celebration at home. Hb buy a cake and pressie for me.. while my boy sing bday song.. :D


I am the one who result in side effect in my liver when i had #1. So I dun dare to take anymore. Anyway I didnt take everyday, only take when my ss is low.


I dunno if my ss become lower, my ger wanna latch a few times today within 2 hrs.. I am super tired. Today din drink enough water.. never feel my breast engorged for 2 days already.. sigh must tell myself to drink more.

hi ladies...

if u wanna increase ur supply...do have lots of rest and drink more water...also pump regularly (preferably every 3hrs) to stimulate ur brain that bb needs milk every 3hrs...

ur brain does most of the job...

and do pump ard 12am (b4 sleep) and 6am....

if can wake up 3am will be good too...i do it for the first one week without failed...then subsequent from 2nd week till now, i only express at 12 and then 6, then every 3hrly...

got to be hardworking to have milk...it's ur choice...

hope this helps...

icy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope not too late to wish you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tt's what i noticed w my boy 2 days ago. initially thot growth spurt but then abit too much. last nite, after 3 hrs, my breasts still soft when in the past it would be quite full. hence un know is it cos not enuf fluid, rest, or any of the herbs i'm taking tt's affecting ss. alot of suspicious thots.

hi jules,

LC from KK is refering to the one from GNC, i'm not sure the mg for other brands...if the same, should be ok.

anyway fenugreek is make up of herbs...

one side effect that pple may have if over consume is loose stools or LS...

if u encounter this, pls reduce or stop taking.

btw, if u not in hurry to get fenugreek, u may consider to buy from spree

it cost ard SGD$20 including shipping for a GNC fenugreek of 200 capsules.

it will cost you SGD$29.90 if u buy from Singapore GNC 100 capsules. or at least $20 for members.

has ur bb's umbilical cord fallen off? mine fell off on fri, day 7 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks! I was hoping my ger would pop only today.. but she cant wait.

You ever try taking green papaya with fish bone soup, works quite well for me. I even ate the green papaya.


My liver inflamed and all. Anyway if cont for 10-20 yrs then will harden. Anyway varies between people bah. Although it is herb, some TCM stuff like roots and all also have some toxic when some of our liver cant clear and not good for long term.

jules, mom wants me to dong 40 days leh.. sianz.. but i dunno hwo many rules i've broken already.. :p just got scolding earlier for pumping naked.. so pissed off.. how to pump wiht clothes on rite?? aircon was on, but not blowing at me directly.. just to cool room down only.. she say next time i ache here ache there dun tell her. i wont lor.. grr.. so frustrating, all these confinement bullshit.. kinda doing it just to make her happy.. of cuz i know she only means well for me.. but its super irritating!!! and in singapore's sweltering heat?! its insane!

hi joelle

u can start pumping after u give birth to stimulate...

i gave birth on thur afternoon, i start pumping after i got discharged on fri afternoon.

