(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


Yes, impossible to follow the rules now with this hot weather.

I had to bath everyday.. once actually not enough but no choice. I on aircon and fan too.. else I keep sweating like crazy. 1 more week for me...


Hi all Mar MTBs and mothers

Congratulations to all who have popped and have progressed to the next stage (parenthood).

I'm new here. EDD 28 Mar. waiting for bb to come. This is my 2nd bb.

Anybody trying for a vbac this time?

icy, do u take the soup everyday?

ya, now taking to up ss. after tt, hope wun have to touch tt anymore. only heard of fenugreek w this preg. my ML said spinach also helps to increase ss.

joelle, for now yes. past 2 weeks, i only pump to give comfort to my breasts. now i pump after latch to stimulate and increase ss.

miracle, totally understand how u feel. my mom kept reminding me not to wash my hair until after 40 days. nearly fainted. i luckily than you in a way my mom doesn't come to do spot check.

joelle, u not bad, latch every 3hrs means baby eating enuf.

jzz, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] there's this mommy here who wanted VBAC and has succeeded.

nitez jenny.

i purposely bot shower gel for confinement to save hassle of boiling the herbs. shiok!! ut gotta bathe w rather warm water.

i seriously feel like murdering the person who came up with all these confinement rules. cannot touch water? pee and poo in public toilet dont wash hands meh?? cannot drink water?? sorry, but i cant survive without plain water! some are simply ridiculous.. wheres basic hygiene?? do we still live in the ice age era where we bathe by the river? i think these confinement rubbish will end with me.. i dont think i will wanna impose it on my daughter next time.. cook nutritious food yes.. drink nutritious drink yes.. dont overexert yes.. basic common sense.. those that dont make any logic, i will throw it out of the window!

hmm..think nd to call LC and ask what is the right way to increase my BM. I still cant figure out how to manage latching & pumping together when I latch my BB 3 hourly.

okie mummies...try to find time & chat tmr ya. Coz doing my son's full month tmr. Anyway, thanks all mummies who give support and advice. Gd nite.

Miracle- I also gave up.. Showered n wash hair today.. And quite immediately after bathe I took a hot drink n perspired!

Really nice to bathe n wash hair..

U now my gal not feelin so well, I tried to sleep but got nightmare! I can better understand how difficult it is bring a parent..

Hi mummies,

Thanks for the well-wishes..

The C-sect wound really hurts like hell now.. can hardly stand, walk or move.. I had a real difficult time Bf my BB because of the wound.. very painful.. my milk hasn't come in, only colostrum, but i couldn't even really feed him that thus i had to feed him formulae.. cos BB also can't really latch well and nipples hurts real bad.

Feel a bit depressed at the state im in: pain everywhere, when BB cries, I cant go to him cos i can hardly walk much.

Am i a lousy mother if i dun latch BB and just pump out for him? I feel really painful everywhere..

jazz, there are 2 mummies with successful vbac, cactus n muddypie.. U can check w them.... Lonely mommy, no u r a brave mommy! It's normal to have pain after csec and everyone goes thru it.. Yr bb is in good hands, meanwhile u rest well, get well soon and u can look after him then.. Tiga, yes I agree, this stupid confinement rules is rubbish! Cannot wash hands.. Change pads already dun wash hands then How??? I also strip naked n pump else soooo hot le.. My sweat keep dropping like no body business...

Hi pei,

thanks, will try the powder u say.

Hi babyl,

i think mine is lumpy but I think got some blocked ducts so thinking of Jules lc but hear that gyne can help to clear blocked duct also. Now my problem a bit tricky , I have milk but cannnot pump out ? Sigh!

Beside that, I can pump till i almost feel like fainting, any mummy here like that.

Hi timy,

You are a good mummy already dun be stress over the ss. I also like u, mine is only 30ml each breast for 1hr each. We can jia you together with joelle. Actually, I guess we all have good supply but not enough sleep maybe cause our ss decrease.

Hi Elise,

My bb Also will vomit milk, I guess is normal but too often then must take note. For mine, when my cl overfeed her or did not burp her well will happen.

Hi lonely mummy,

I understand that after c-sect is painful and I believe u rest well, everthing will settle down in place. Have your mum reach in time to do confinement for u?

Carol no sign? Give birth le?

hi mummies!

I've only posted once abt a month ago, so dun think you ladies can rem, but wanna congratulate all the ladies who have delivered their bundle of joy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm supp to be due on 20 mar. Other than bb being engaged n v low for weeks, no other prominent sign of impending labour. The wait is so tormenting ;p

Anyone who faced this? Hehe

skysilver, i woke up this morning also feeling breast has some blockage. I took out my manual pump and will try to see if it helps better than electric.. I just pump at 5am and now i feel my breast soo full but it is soft...

Hi shann, dun worry, i deliver on 40 weeks day 1.. baby been very low since week 37, engaged only 3/5 at week 39, no dilation... Show came exactly at week 40.

Hi skysilver,

be careful if u feel fainting. Do continue to take your prenatal vitamin or iron pills. Our bm is like our blood, also do drink some DOM. 2 tablespoons 3 times a day can liao!

Hi Elise,

Oic! You mean use mannuel to help to unblock the duct then u the electric? Ok, I will try it out later.

Hi Kellie,

I will take those muti-vitamin as I have stop talk taking them after birth. Thanks! Will try it out.


I am reporting in~!!

My baby is 5 days old now. Little milk monster.

I BF 25 mins and he still doesn't have enough!

This time round I am really hands off :p

Only during feeding then I hold on to baby. Think I hands off too much, sometimes the CL will ask me if can hold baby a while or not while she do other things :p wahahaha

(I making my CL's fee worth mah)

Had bad engorgement yesterday. Today feels better. Hopefully the engorgement won't set in again.

I am also taking fenugreek. But I didnt know cannot take too much. So far only taking 1 pill per day.

I have also processed my placenta into pills. So far dunno if got effect but is super super tired.

I can feel moody at times, but I keep telling myself its the hormone changes. So dun think too much.


I know what you are going through. I been through exactly the same when I had my no 1. Hang in there. I know its not easy but try your best. I know you can pull thru.

hi mummies, I'm suffering from a little engorgement. Left breast especially is rather hard till baby comes and relieves the blockage. I swear that they are the best breast pumps!

Joelle: To increase supply, pump out any remainder milk in your breasts (both sides) after baby has nursed. Also make sure that baby nurses on both sides when you feed him 3 hourly. That helped me alot in my first pregnancy and I managed to freeze 10 litres of breast milk in the fridge for my baby to use after I went back to work. Jia You!

Lonely Mummy: I too just had a C-Sect and its hurt quite a little initially too. Today is day 6 and I am able to manage with less pain meds. Don't give up. It will definitely get better.

As for the sore nipples, ask your hubby to buy some lanolin cream for you. I use Medela Purelan 100. Its a lifesaver for sore nipples. Mine are a little sore but I still latch on every 3 hours.


Maybe u're physcially tired that's why supply dropped. Try to rest, sorry dear, I don't know how to cheer u up, I think it's really not easy when there's no ss, feel very stressed as a mummy, but gotta try to relax and rest yar? If stress, ss maybe affected. Relax and pump and just do your best k? U can do it, hang in there!!! Btw, on the water part, I drink quite an ample supply of water. I stopped the red dates longan tea since early last week (1st wk of birth), because my whole body was so heaty that I felt flush and flu-ish, I am not good when I'm heaty, and even back also had little pimple popped out. The minute I stopped and replenish with plenty of water, the pimples stopped and I feel much better, like my immunity stronger. I think can drink water as in the amount that our body needs yar? Otherwise dehydrated also cannot produce milk.

My bb is entering wk3 now, she's more awake these days. I am slowly trying to phase her into gina ford's routine, which is to keep her more awake in the day time, so night time she can sleep thru for only 1 feed. She used to be on the 3hrly feed, then sleep pattern. Today is day one of the routine adjustment basically still more or less 3hrly feed, but daytime nap shorter and keep her awake, hope it runs smooth! I used to only pump in morning before my 7am feed, but today I started to follow gina's routines' instructions the 3 pumps timing. Apparently wk 3 there will be a growth spurt, so I have to express - attempt to follow her recommended 3 express times b4 feed in order to be prepared for this spurt. Hopefully her routine will be successful for me.

Elise, Miracle,

u gals are really guai, how u can stand without aircon and also not touch water or wash hair? I've been bathing bb everyday coz I'm alone with bb, it's impossible for me not to touch water. Somemore few days back also bath my dog. I express sitting in aircon room.

Lonely mummy

Get well soon gal. U'll recover really fast! Don't feel like a bad mummy lah, u need rest, a well rested mummy can care for bb better. Make full use of ur hospital time to get well, recharge then u can care for bb in full capacity once u have recuperated.


wow, today is day 3 of my binding 24/7, I follow ur instruction, attempt to be like u. But gosh, it's so hot and uncomfortable esp at night when sleeping. Argh, I must ren and be like u for beauty sake!!!

Hi Shann,

my EDD is next week too, no signs of nearing labour as well - per last Monday visit, i'm not dilated, cervix not prepared at all! kekekeke.

I'm going back gynae tmr afternoon to review... at most induce lor.

Yes the waiting is tormenting but... already waited so many months, what's a few days more.

Now i just hope to deliver her safe & sound and have a speedy recovery and smooth transition into motherhood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



hehehe really must bind 24/7 even sleeping, plus BF'ing, it helps to regain your pre preg figure v fast. i told skysilver to follow it, because my GF became even slimmer than pre preg after the 24/7 binding with BF'ing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mommies,

today is the 3rd day after birth and I'm still in the hospital. My nipples already cracked and bled [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so painful!! My bb is going under the light, PD say her jaundice sets in today and she wants to arrest the problem early before it escalates tomorrow and she can't go home with me. Hope the light will help. She doesn't have enough from me yet so I am supplementing with glucose water.

Just wanna share how amazing this pregnancy is for me. Though I'm a third time mom but was telling hb this morning that I am really "enjoying" my bb this time round. Previously, it's like too worried, uncertain and too caught up in what's the dos and dons so i can't really enjoy my boys. This time, perhaps its a lapse of 7 yrs and I'm more excited and ready for my girl.

Last night, post natal was so bad, though she was just next door in the nursery (she just got wheeled back barely half hr) I went to get her from the nursery and carried her and put her on my chest in my embrace for a full hr, really enjoying the bonding and the blissful moment. Once she stirred and cried, I'll cry too, motherhood is so amazing. So grateful that God gave me a last chance to relive the magical moment once again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The milk ss is really all in the mind, I hardly had colostrum but yesterday when i put on on my chest and just enjoying her, suddenly, both breasts have a small leak of colostrum!!

Kaitlyn at Day2


cefindre, i touch water! 1st 4 days used boiled water to wash hands, after that normal tap water.. how not to touch, after toilet, wash my breast pump etc.. Aircon i also on, fan i also on...

someone was asking abt carol earlier? she just came to see me yesterday, no she has not given birth haha but i think she will be inducing next wk, let her update us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


kaitlyn is v cute!!! hahaha, her cheeks are so chubby!!! Gd that bb get photo now, rather than to bring home then re-admit her, readmitting really breaks mummies' hearts. Hope her level goes down really quick.


how many days must I bind for 24/7?


pheew, I thought I was the only jialat one who has completely broken all rules. That day my cleaning lady came and nagged at me to wear socks, she's v sweet lah, she brought me her home cooked confinement food. But she nagged at how I swaddled bb too, said that cannot swaddle, but I know better coz hospital taught me well, I must swaddle!!! I was like wah lau, thank god I never get a CL, I can never get thru nagging like this!!!

jonjosh, my nipple also crack n bleed.. are u aware that u cannot feed baby with it incase she drinks the blood in? I didnt know and latch my boy and he puke with blood inside.. scare the hell out of me.. Till PD told me baby stomach cannot take foreign objects, thats why he puke.. PD told me to pump out, any trace of milk throw.. So far been doing fine.. nipple recovering after i stop latching since Friday..

cefindre, i think most of us broke the rules la.. especially for u all with no confinement lady.. How not to break the rules? I hardly lie down n rest.. i only sit down.. Sit till my stitches pain, now i am sitting on a float!!!

Cefindre, is this Gina Ford really good? Maybe I should read up about her too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My baby slept too much in the day and will fuss a bit at about 1am. But other than that she's fine. I still haven't latch her on. Fear is in the way so currently she's on 4 feedings of EBM and 4 feedings of FM.

I am going to seek help on Monday and praying hard that I can latch on successfully. My husband is supportive and my milk supply is sufficient.

I guess my biggest obstacle is fear of change of routine and fear of milk supply. haiz...

jonjosh, your description is so beautiful. Sometimes I will hold Heidi in my arms and just sing to her and gaze into her beautiful eyes...the world becomes so much softer after that.


u keep binding until you go back to your pre preg figure. my GF kept reducing the size of binder once she feels that the binder is "too big or loose" ... until the stage that she goes back to pre preg figure.


really!!?? I didn't know. My milk hasn't kicked in yet and it's only colostrum. I don think i can get anything if i pump as whatever that comes out will prob be stuck in all the plastic parts. That's why I am still thinking of latching her later. I miss her already boo hoo, getting so emotional, must be the post natal blues sian.....

Baby Enzo



must not overexert ok? Take care of the stitches, good u're sitting on float, helps to relieve the pain better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also dunno if Gina Ford is good, today is my day 1 of trying her routine. A few different gfs recommended me her routine, so I just try. But I take it wiht a pinch of salt, I dun think I can follow it to the exact, but so far what she said abt sleep patterns does reflect on my bb. For instance she did say this week my bb will be more awake for longer periods, which is true, so I try to put bb in a pattern, I hope to get her to sleep alot at night and less in the daytime.

I try already then I let u know whether it works, but I must try the routine for a few days. After that I update u k?

Don't be afraid, u know how abba works right? When we demand of him, he always over supplies. That's the same with our bb. That's how abba created our bbs, so that it is a reflection of his feeding style, when our bb demands, he will provide an oversupply thru us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just believe that and keep on having a positive expectation of good from abba. Later I'm going to the 230pm svce. Nxt time, when u start gg, let me know, maybe we will bump into each other in the nursing room! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jonjosh, i didnt know also.. Cos i ask the LC at TMC abt my bleeding nipple, she say can continue to latch... So when my boy puke blood out, i was scared stiff... Then that morning when i pump, the milk was with blood and nipple bleed soo badly then i realise the root of the problem....


baby Enzo is so sweet!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Looks like a little angel!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh, all the bbs in this mar thread are so cute.

Hi cefindre,

Jia you! Actually, i only slim my tummy but I still have about 10kg more to lose to my slim weight sigh! Now I weight about 65kg previous I weight only 54kg=[

hi Elise and icy,

I also bath everyday and sleep on air-con everyday and bf in nake.

ladyK, haha, i am a good photostating machine!!!

cefindre, yeah but i cant get to rest le.. maybe too happy abt the whole world thing..


yes BF'ing triggers uterus contractions - tts why it helps to keep your tummy flatter, flatter and gone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cefindre, actually while browsing facebook, i realise most of the babies do look similar in some photos!


it's normal that when u pump or bb suckle, your uterus will contract. When my bb suckles at my breast, my tummy will be painful. yesterday after latching her for half an hr, i went to the toilet and there was a huge chunck of blood clot which came out after i pee. Guess with that u can use it a s a check to gauge whether your bb is really suckle at your breasts.


bbies are really good at softening your heart don't they? :p

ladyk, oh! i thot so also.... Been experiencing it since day 1..

By the way, i try to put binder 24 hrs but i can tell u impossible.. i get rashes and it is soo itchy there.. i scratch till it bleeds... Need to air it...

skysilver, u bathe with herbs or just normal tap water?? Yr CL nvr nag?


Cefindre, thank you dear. Bumping into each other at the nursing room sounds great! I was thinking I will check Heidi into Champion Babes. Hehe...

You have fun at the service. Thank you again for reminding me of Abba's love and grace.

Do let me know if our pastor make any reference to Jack Neo's case. hehehe...

