(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Jon, u r rite.. at our age, we just pray that baby is well and healthy.. to hv a girl is a BIG BONUS hehehe..

is there any other options besides going straight for the amnio?

Cactus, my gynae mentioned that the bell will ring shd reading reach 3-4.. but again, my risk is still 1:350 until my blood test result confirm otherwise...

55, i scratch my tummy until my eyes all roll out.. Syiok ah! hahaha...


hi cactus, yeah i think & type slow, so hiding behind screen to read only for past few days... actually sometimes i'm so busy at work that i can only logon to SMH to read after work.

hi teelyon, waaa so bb so cute, sucking thumb. I can't tell what my bb is doing during the scan. looks like sleeping n having dream thus waving arms & legs.

hi 55, how many weeks are u now?

chloe, bath & body works only avail. in US. you can order from overseas spree. clarins tonic oil is good enuf. it smells nice too!

noscon, can do amnio is done any time between 17-20 wks. It's done with ultra sound whereby gynae poked a needle into tummy and draw out fluid (yang sui) making sure that needle doesn't poke bb (that's why must do with U/S) result takes 1 mth to be out and it tests out 46 or is it 42 pairs of chromosomes. Think DS is the 21th pair. It carries some risk though.

nylek, i guess its becos i just hd my lunch half hr earlier before scanning so maybe tats why baby is awake and very active... tis baby of mine, one minute he was kicking his legs high another minute he straightened the legs.. but the thumb never leave the mouth...

cactus, i duno hehehe.. too excited to see baby that i forgot to kinda see the 'lil details such as measurements & heartbeat.. bt will find the measurement from the scan pix and let u noe! hehe..

cactus, i think yrs is fine.. me at 12 weeks 6 days, bb is 69mm. We are only a few days apart..

if you have time, let me know ok? I'm anxious that my bb is big! I'm hoping for bb to be under 3kg.actually, there is little reason for her/him to be big.. cos I'n not eating much.


Hey KKH got aqua natal class? I usually go to the AMK branch cuz nearer to where I stay. Like I said earlier, cant rem when was the last time i wore swimwear, so paiseh. My belly buttton already protuding out!!!


Hi! I'm new to the thread, hee.

I'm just about 12 weeks, only doing weekly scan, maybe the blood test a bit later izzit?


So cute,can see baby sucking thumb? Cool!

Cactus & Jonjosh,

Jiayou! Let's hope all our babies will be healthy and pass all the tests.

We must stay positive and always hope for the best.

cactus, if i cn rmbr correctly, i tink mine is same like lovinglife 5.55 cos i just saw it at a glance... bt u mentioned that ur first one is also on the big side.. but hei, my first boi was 3.2kg but the 2nd was only 2.8kg.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

55, i only hd yong tau foo le, if KFC, confirmed its finger licking good.. hahaha...

my #1 wasn't on the big side. He was born at week 40 day 2, 3.05kg....he had always been 50th percentile for all his measurements.... this #2 sounds big loh... my #1 only became big after he was born. from week 3.

my first was 3,675kg, sencond 3.575kg Big hor? Since both c-sec not so bad else cannot imagine the cut , go all the way to anus WAhahha!!

nylek, good to hear from you!!

i just finish a very sinful mcD lunch ...muahahahaha - NICE! (not mentioning anything about MS - touch wood!)

hei joyful sama-sama.. me too 1.4.. thank you God!!

jon no leh.. during our first initial appt, my gynae only suggested OSCAR.. den we proceed from there.. tat is why i asked u earlier if there is any other option rather than go for the amnio direct.. as i hv a previous history of M/C, my gynae too did not want to take that higher risk..

lovinglife, how u sit after tat?? sooo painful le... or is the cut big cos u push before full dilation? hehehe....


see i told you my hubby would join! didn't even ask me whether can then wen and join our FB group! sorry gals, he is one of those really auntie type..kei poh!

teenoyl, sitting was not an issue. cos our anus there got space in between mah. so it wont touch on the surface. i just worried till death that the stitches will open if i do big biz. cos need to push abit usually.. i waited till 5 days then poo poo.. so agony! i hv full dilation before start pushing. bb's head just too hard & big..


i like husbands like that... concern mah.... my husband would be like "join for what?" attitude though he is also caring but sometimes clueless leh...

yes... yesterday we were discussing about the breast pump on FB chat, he accidentally cut and paste the Breast Pump link to an associate which he was discussing work matters, he said...omg! delete! delete!! no no no!! *laughs* "err..sorry, my wife was looking for a gift for her friend" and the person said "oh! I tot you expecting another child" - like top secret mission lei!

55, KKH got.. but class suspended due to H1N1...

I going to call and see when they re-open, really very interested.


does anyone here have bad ms, ie vomit so often that have to go to hospital for drip?

I was ok in the 1st month and was participating in this thread for awhile then suddenly the ms got so bad, I ended up going for drip several times and feel so ill and lethargic all the time.

Feel so sian and lousy, just crawl to work everyday and back, don't feel like going out or checking email or doing anything else except absolutely necessary.

I'm going on to 12 weeks next week and will be going for OSCAR next week.

Does anyone have any recommendation for confinement nanny? Has anyone tried a day time one that doesn't stay?

snowy, sorry to hear about that. But think on a positive side, bad MS means bb is growing well. For me i vomitted max 6 times a day and on average 2-3times but i did not go hospital for any drip.

Hang in there.. i am at week 13 day 5, MS almost gone.

Re: confinement nanny

Can anyone share what to look out for when choosing a confinement nanny?

Any particular questions to ask?

cactus, based on what i know, this are the common questions other than the norms.

1. Cook for hubby?

2. Do housework for us?

3. How many days of stay?

4. Encourage breast feeding?

5. Good at cooking confinement food?

6. Mind if house got pets?

THanks hor, elise.

as for deposit, how shld payment be made? I've heard of stories where nanny no show... run away... don't admit taking deposit, give false name. how do I protect myself?

cactus, i book mine but she did not ask for any deposit.

I got mine thru recommendation from friends.

If you are afraid, can look for those agents.. so that they will arrange another backup for you incase the original one fly kite.

cactus, i dunno le.. but i was told sometimes customs only give them 14 days stay.. some got 28 days.. but if they get 14 days, then i will get hubby to personally fetch her in and out.

And i will only pay after she completes the job.

Also i hear a good luck ang bao must be given when she start n end her job.

ok... I sms-ed several confinement nannies recommended on forums.. but only 2 have replied. I've only spoken to one. thinking which one to confirm...

Good to hear the results turned out good for those of us who have taken either the Oscar or NT test.

Cactus, CL not showing up on the day is also one of my concern, so i rather take fren's recommendations. Its still a risk, but lower.

What is the rate so far you've receive?

my friend recomended me a CL, but I was told another friend cldn't stand her and terminated her within a week.. so I also dun know how.

Jonjosh & Lovinglife,

All the talk about the cut brings back fresh memories... Oh no, gg to kena cut again in Mar. Sigh.


Let me know if you do call them, mayb I oso interested.


I oso haven book CL, tink to book one too. do you know wat's the standard rate?

Congrats Joyful! Glad everything is fine.

Hmm.. thats about the standard rate i guess. I wonder how much is it to hire Singaporean. Very tempted to call those agency & enquire.

I'm told some of the CL if you dont give them a good ang pow b4 start work, they will swop your herbs with inferior quality one.. very scared.


Mommies, just wondering if you all still take folic acid regularly? it seems it is the one causing my MS...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

