(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi Elise, thanks for the massage contact.

Have u signed package with your gynae yet? Is the FBI card eligible for discount for package too??


hi jehovarapha, all the sites and books i read up on stated we can feel the movement at 16th week. But you probably can feel it earlier if you aren't a first-time mom.

I am also hoping to coax some movement from my baby...my scan is next next week and it seems so far away...

1727, ny gynae package only starts from week 20.

No discount for package, only delivery fees.

baby_pink, i felt the bb's movement once. I'm now in my 15th week, going to be 16 weeks in a few days' time. To me, it's quite obvious...but that was the only time when i felt it, when i was working [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

skysilver, thou i'm approaching 4months, i still vomit every morning without fail. But appetite is improving and feel stronger too. On & off will still feel very nauseous but it sure beats the kind of MS I had when i was 9weeks or so.

Hi gals

jus curious, at which mth you start to wear maternity clothes to work especially for 2nd time mum? Heard tummy will be obvious very soon.. I worry if wear too early, pp will say me ks.. So asks u gals for opinion...thankie...

any mummies here will feel they have sort of tummyache and find it hard to sleep at night? I was having this nagging pain in my abdomen and can't sleep for the whole of last night. when morning comes, my MS is here again... but now the tummyache is gone.

anyone ordered confinement food catering before? is the portion big ? can 2 persons share?

my mum will be helping me with confinment, so thinking of catering, at least take some load off her shoulders..

morning mommies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was thinking of our MS and Rebecca(2010) also mentioned - maybe it's the folic asid we're taking?

well i did some reading as i mom said the same too when i told her my MS was bad.

so mommies out there that would like to try, you might want to swap your morning rituals of medication for folic to evening before bed. or maybe on a full tummy after lunch. or maybe get a different drug maker for the folic asid from the local pharmacy.

Hi Xynn, i've tried confinement catering and the food portion was fairly generous then(2006). The problem was i couldn't stomach the type to dishes and it was pretty expensive to cater. weblink below



you could call to inquire with their rates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

otherwise, you can see my earlier posting which includes daily menu's during confinement period


I ordered confinement food from Natal Essentials 3 years back. I ordered lunch only and the portions are big, with leftovers for dinner.. Not very appropriate for your mum to eat your confinement food cos it is very heaty.. My hubby was greedy and kept eating my food until he got nose bleed.. My MIL helped during the confinement. For dinner, just add a simple veg stirfried.. And sometimes complemented by soup or vinegared pork from my mom..

thanks Carol / Yve, thanks for the info. i will see how. Coz i'm thinking of catering for 2 wks.. I have a friend who said her portion is enough for 3 persons. but the hubby and mil got sick of the food after a few days. :p

nylek, GA is general anaesthesia. whole person unconscious. Cos my first delivery was c-section ,if I want to try natural now, cannot use epidural in case I don't know when the uterus ruptures. uterus rupturing is a risk that I will face if trying natural/

re: bb movement

i need to sit down, concentrate, then i will be able to feel it. the kicking are very mild. not all the time.

bw, saw your fb. you are young, slim & pretty!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my doctor told my husband to call him... my stupid husband is busy with work. have not called him yet. Grrr!!! I'm so anxious!


Catering definitely helps a lot as less cleaning up. This time, I will cater again, but don't know to cater from other companies anot..

Good morning.

Sorry to interrupt:

I am letting go of the following. All items are BN/unopened. =)


Approx price of bundle:

Pampers NB 4pcs x 2 packs ~ $3.20

Lucky Baby Moses Basket (610 x 610 x 530mm)~ $42

Anmum Materna Chocolate Milk Powder (exp 06/10) ~ $18.20

Anmum Materna Chcocolate milk power 3 sachets

Complan Strawberry milk power (for pregnant ladies)

Pur milk bottle (colic prevention)

Musical box for soothing newborns $7.90

Total estimate cost ~ >$71.30

Selling price: $55 + giving away 3pcs BN silicone Pigeon teats (M size ~ 3mths)!!


I also have other items like BM bags, nappy liners and a pre-loved Ameda breast pump in good condition.

Please pm me for fast deal.

For those who have hired CL before, does the CL cook for your hubby as well? Does she eat the same food as you or she cook something different for herself?

my husband called me. my doctor's asked the nurse to compute my results.. but the blood test results are better than with my #1. GOSH! I"m so ANXIOUS!!! cos the NT measurement and my age are worse this time round.

I'm a first time mum, thinking of ordering confinement food, cos CL is very expensive. But den again i have to take care and bath the BB myself. Dunno if i can cope.

on top of the CL service fee, roughly how much do we have to pay for the confinement food for a month?

Carol: i've swapped the entire medication (folic and multivits) to the evening before i go to bed. I guessed it helps. My MS is noticeably reduce.

chloe, confinement food is very expensive. It's also time consuming to cook and not good for us to touch unboiled water during confinement. the laternative to ordering confinement food is to get someone to cook for you? a relative? a maid? a neighbour? taking care of bb is okay. bathing bb is also quite easy (just 1 bathe a day). at most, wipe body with damp cloth another time in the day.

cactus, i know i know.. i was like you.

but think on a brighter side.. better blood test results rather than worse than no 1 right..

Also age.. that time 27, now 31? not alot of diff.

I will most likely go for cater too. Nowadays, CL very spoilt, some will ask u whether u have maid at home first then they don't have to do so much.

I enjoyed bathing bb, will put the tub on the dining table and bath bb there so I don't have to bend. However my super "bandang" mil say don't put bb on table. Actually I don bother abt the reason.

Cactus-r u saying that you have "passed" your oscar ? If so super congrats!!

lovinglife- Totally agree with u abt bw's wedding photo, told her that she looked like joanne peh.

elise, 2 years difference, I think matters. cos I'll be 31 at EDD. 30, if bb decides to arrive at week 37, but unlikely lah.even then, they take my age at EDD to compute.

GOSH! WHy is that nurse taking SO LONG!!!

jonjosh, don't congratulate me yet please! Cos my NT measurement is worse this time round. And i'm also 2 years older than last time. still waiting for the nurse to compute the risk for me.

I'm just hoping that my blood test results will off-set the bad NT measurement and my older age.

At week 12 day 5, with my #1, 2 years ago, the NT measurement was 1.5. My risk without blood test was 1:7000+ But when the blood test came back, my risk was 1:297... High risk.

At week 12, now, 2 years later, NT measurement is already 2.1! (the bb is smaller, yet the measurement is bigger!). So I'm sure with only these 2 factors, my risk is higher than 1:7000+. Just hope the blood test result can off-set this "higher" risk.

Cactus, don't worry lah.. i'm much older than you and my results are ok. Somemore this is my first.

Jon, if i got experience in handling baby, i also don't mind not hiring CL. So ex and hearsay at times must see their "face color". Too bad, both my MIL & my mom are old..so can't help much.

oic, no wonder u mentioned earlier that with my age input, already put me in high risk. My gynae already say my baseline risk is 1:150 without doing the test haha. aiyo now I'm so worried , taking the measurements next visit which is soooo long away, 29 this month. By by then I'll be close to 14 wks.

I also want to tell myself not to worry, but it's my bad experience with my 1st pregnancy that makes me worried.. and my SIL also.. her risk was 1:147. Did amnio. not downs but another disorder. in the end, she aborted. she was preggie when I was preggie with my #1. It was her #3 pregnancy. When she was pregnant with her #4, her doctor told her to go straight for amnio.. although he refused to say whether there is any increased risk due to abnormal bb previous time round.. my SIL and I same age.. she's in fact 9 months younger than me.

1727, do u have a maid? I never hired CL for both my preggies. My #1. I got a maid and my 80+ grandma to help. She need not do much, just instruct maid to do lor.

I have not decided what to do this time round. Don have a maid this time, will most likely have to employ one later and cater the food. anyway will all depend on my scanning results.

wow cactus your sil is one brave woman! so I presume her 4th is normal? I am also determined to keep bb only if he/she is normal. Some of u prob can't agree with me but I know I don't have the courage and strength to handle an abnormal child. So what's left for me to do now is to pray that GOd is gracious to give me a healthy normal child. So scared also ......

Yes! Thank God her 4th is normal. I suspect there is some genetic issue for her.. cos she also miscarried her #1 at week 9. no heartbeat..

#1 m/c, #2 normal. #3 abort. #4 normal.

cactus & jonjosh, keep the spirits up! Your bbs will be strong n healthy..

Cactus and Jonjosh,

Hope that everything will go well for all mummies here.

Yup, the most impt thing is to havae a healthy child, I'm always praying that everything will go smoothly. Let's keep the faith, mummies!

Let us know soon, Cactus!

Jon, i don't have a maid. We are staying far away from my parents and my MIL is working in the am till early pm. So i'm also in a dilemma what to do with my baby after my confinement. Thinking of putting my little one straight into infant childcare..but its a cost afterall.

jonjosh, sigh.. that's why I worry for myself also. cos my husband's side, a cousin was born abnormal also.. it was the 1st child of an aunt. This aunt had the child very young.. like 23 years old.. but still abnormal. my husband's family also have a string of thalessmia.. 2 pple are major.. others are either okay or minors.

1727, i also have problems what to do with my baby after confinement but i'm really reluctant to leave the little one in infantcare.

I feel there wouldnt be "personalised" care for the baby.....

My current options are to leave the baby with parents during weekdays or to find a nanny near my house.


Ladies, i read that during 2nd trimester, MS will slowly fade but we will experience occassional heartburn. What is heartburn? how does it feel like?

