(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

chloe, maternal milk powder will help put on weight if that's your intention. I'm not drinking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

55, location - where you stay.


yeah.. thinking of starting to drink also.. got a free milk powder when i signed up with the First Born Incentive with TMC.. quite an interesting goodie bag. is it too early to start drinking?

chloe, i am not drinking maternal milk powder either becos too fatty liao. my gynea wants me to replace with fresh soya bean milk. you can afford lah, saw you so slim.

oooooo... so we jus drink those low fat milk from supermarket will do right? hw many glasses do we have to do per day? im not given any calcium pills. anyone still taking folic acid with obimin (multi vit). cos i see the content of obimin, folic acid is only 1mcg, we are suppose to have 6mcg during pregnancy right?


noted. i already identified u on the group page. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also intend to buy some prenatal yoga/exercise dvd from amazon to exercise on my own... they have a lot of reviews there...

miracle tiga

how did u sign up? u mail them the form?

traveller wife

yeah looks good but its at phuket?


There is also a discussion corner on the FB group page. I guess we can use that for specific topics so that all conversation focusing on 1 topic is under 1 thread ie we can have 1 topic on confinement ladies etc and we can list down all contacts there for easy reference. We can use sporemotherhood for general discussion like what we are doing now... what do u think?

I also need another pax who is able to be online a lot to help with the FB group. Actually I was thinking of cactus but not sure whether she wants or not.... cactus u want?

noscon, i signed up on the spot (ground floor information counter) just before paying for my OSCAR on 1sep..we'll get 10% off OSCAR bill also. we will get a piece of paper as a temp 'card' before our real card arrives.. i even got a 10% off my 'auntie' shoes bought from the pharmacy/dispensary.. lucky hubby ask me to ask, otherwise lugi 10% [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

55, nope i'm not on FB. Contemplating now to join.. hmm..should i??

Wah!! i also didnt noe maternal milk will put on weight and i've been drinking! So if i switch to normal milk, is the nutrients sufficient?


my doc gave me B6 pills with Folic Acid 5mg.

On my own, i super kiasu, taking calcium, vit c, b-complex. tink my doctor will give me obimin in the later stages.


Agree with you for FB. Can start getting it kicking! Hee ;)

lovinglife, iluvbli55.. im very short 1.51m only leh. and my wedding is another 3 weeks time. gosh... still dun have the courage to choose gown. FB photos are before putting on 4.3kg. hmmm... soya bean milk ah, makes me bloated leh, anyone encounter dat?

cactus, thks for the info. ya, im not gog to drink dat too.

my SIL told me maternal milk powder will put on weight easily.. so I abstained from it when was preggie with #1. Thank God! Fresh milk is ok.. cos calcium, but not a substitute for other nutrients. So if not eating well balanced meals, shld take multi vit or maternal milk powder. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

noscon, I can't access FB during office hours leh! Sorry gal!

ok.. me logging off! going home already! "See" you tomorrow! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


clubmed have 2nd person stay free. U can take a look. Heard some say good offer.

chloe, soya milk will give u a bloated feeling esp if your stomach is not good. I used to have gastric and soya milk can make it worse.


Congrats on your wedding! Beautiful bride definitely!


I wish I has my #1 and #2 even younger so I got energy to cope with pregnancy and playing with my gal. Kids!!! They have so much enegy!

noscon- The Racha is on Racha Yai Island about 35 mins away from Phuket by speedboat. my galfriend was raving abt it...

icy- thanks.. will take a look at ClubMed... thanks.

i'm amazed by the speed of responses today at the short span of time when i was in meeting...

FB... add me pls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][email protected]

On dogs, nice to hear abt yr doggies. i miss mine terribly. my female one passed on end may. the male followed 3mths later. m v sad as they have been with me for more than a decade [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wanted to sign up for the clubmed but then by the time i go, doubt i can travel. can only go in dec.

My nose is sooooo BLOCKED. Arghhh...

elise, did you book pre-natal massage too? Mdm Ida called me to confirm both my pre and post natal massages. so happy to have settled the massage part.

Confinement lady - the last CL i had was very gd. she does everything, fr baby stuff to our stuff. she even helped me with my elder boy. As a token, i gave her extra monies. she also told me that i have to give her an ang pow on the first and last day. then i found out it's for gd luck and it is a practice. my CL very smart. she'll tell immigration officer she visit her son in singapore, so she din have problem on the length of stay.

55, me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm usually in office by 8am. I can't join the FB group yet, this weekend i will join!

Chole, hope your wedding will be a beautiful one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm in the midst of preparing for mine (but feel very lazy).

Morning butterwaffles!

Congrats on your wedding! U oso preparing to be a beautiful bride? So many "xi shi". Double blessings!

Yeah me too! I'm oso in office by 8. Now it's getting so tough to wake up early and crawl out of my bed. Are you still in the "very tired" phase?

55, thanks! I feel like cancelling mine thou. By then, i'll more than 6 months preggie. I feel damn lazy. I still feel tired but i think i'm not as tired as before. I'm over 14 weeks now so i think the 'tiredness' is lifting. But if ask me to go out and shop, i don't feel up to it even thou it used to be my favourite activity. Have you joined the FB group? When i join, i'll be able to know who is who right?? :p

mornign everyone. received an adv last night. There is a Closing Special @Plaza Singapura, Spring Maternity (4th to 8th Sept) Anyone up to it and near there can pop by to cc look look.


Oh when i type your nick, i feel hungry for waffles, hee.

I still got the shopping mood leh, cuz I realised in the coming months, we will have lesser choices in our wardrobe, and we will be wearing the same stuff over and over again.

Last time, I saw on TV, there is a shop that rents VERY VERY nice maternity. It's really very nice. But i forgot the shop name.

Yeah, you can link nicks to faces or pixs when you join FB.

morning everyone!!!

I'm in office about 8am too, so surprise to see so many posting this AM.

Jules, yup i book Mdm Ida as well.

hi everyone, m in the office at 7am but thot not many will be ard so early so usu come in later.

It's Friday again! planning what i can do over the weekends but always feel that i get more exhausted over the weekends than when i'm working.

ooooh... elise, i can't wait to start my massage in june.

now when i'm shopping, i go to usual shops to see anything nice for preggie me. dun really like maternity wear except the bottoms (no choice) cos they can look very 'ah soh' unless those real expensive ones. then i'll ask myself too if i can still wear and feed after i have delivered. so many to things to think of just to buy one piece. aiyo... i used to just splurge. now must think of children.

hi 55, nope, havent tried them.. abit heartpain to rent and not get to keep but then too ex to keep.. heh.. charbor very mafan..

but seems like they've got the belly loop and bella band stuff.. good for our expanding waistline!

this AM my hb was asking me, when you want to start apply stretch marks cream? i lift up my top and asked him, do you think i still need it?? how can be worst from now? *sad*

haha.. thanks lovinglife. see the state of mind alr. mind thinking abt 6months when in dec. can't wait to start the massage in dec.

i have this craving to eat nasi Lemak.. sigh...need to go all the way to United Square, Katong LAksa Stall...nvm, a bowl of cereal will be better.

cocoa butter...yummy smell but i cant apply those, i tend to get moles growing, or extra skin poppin up.. need to find a solution for that soon - Mustella maybe..

some mummies i heard use clarin's tonic oil or something like tt. my colleague had a bad case of eczema when she applied cocoa butter.


I also feel the same, more tired after the weekends than weekdays. Do you know any other good confinement ladies to recommend? I didnt take any CL for #1.


stretch marks from #1?

My gf recommended me to use Johnson & Johnson baby oil light for stretch marks. She n her frens used it and she say touch wood so far it works well for them!


55, have got one if you are interested. had her for oct last yr. she quoted me $1.8k. have got another one. she's my fren's aunt. she did it for many of my colleagues. i din have one for my son too then when i had my no 2, i booked her. not having any for this one cos hv got maid. if u r interested, i can PM the contacts to you.

elise, i'm 14wks now. i calculate that i can only start early dec.

