(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

i was inquiring for a confinement nanny advert @ 88db.com - Mdm Tan, she finally replied my email - my charges are 25/per hour. wow!! lucrative..issin't it!


jules, the cocoa butter cream that i am using is not sticky at all. it is water based and it absorbs onto skin and gives smooth feel after. i bought bath & body works brand.

I'm also looking for confinement nanny... does anyone have any to recommend? Looking for someone who is able to help with breastfeeding and able to cook a variety of confinement food.

Carol, is Mdm Tan a day confinement lady? 25/hr is very very lucrative!!

this stretch mark thing is a pain. haha.. my cousin applied the cocoa butter religiously but a few marks still popped out when she was abt to deliver.

i applied diligently for no 1 but stopped for no 2. m such a lazy mummy.

re: clarins tonic oil

i used up 4 bottles for my #1. ended up still.. sigh... stretch marks all over.. i was putting on too much weight, cannot blame the cream/oil.

actually what are the job scopes of a confinement nanny? attend to all baby-related stuff? change diapers? feed? cook? while the mummies just sit back and rest? and the duration of contract? 1 month?

cactus, yes day nanny.

well this stretch mark thingie..am shy of mine seriously no matter what you say - look in the mirror and lines lines lines.. trick is, don't tan, keep the cream up and in time it will fade not totally but at least not oo bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks, can PM me? But having a maid den no need CL?

Re: Stretch mark creams

Oh i always cannot apply them religiously, so i got 2 bottles lying at home, den mine is a bit oil based so got a queasy feeling...

miracle_tiga, yah.. attend to baby. attend to baby. cook for mummy. Some will even do housework, and/or cook for the rest of the family for free or at extra cost. it is normally 28 days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wk 24 is 6 mths. oh no, have i miscalculated???

carol, this is my first trial for prenatal. i would think it will help to ease and soothe our tired muscles. prenatal doesn't need to be done everyday or wk.

the 2 CL i recommended not v knowledgeable abt bf but their cooking is sedap. i do know massage ladies have better knowledge than them. most CL i heard of prefer formula. some ML can help unblock ducts.

tiga, cactus is right. mine does everything for me and always tell me to go rest.

55, gimme a little time to dig for those numbers.

still can have CL when you have maid. it's just that i dun want to incur extra costs. my maid can cook and wash up for me. i will look after my baby.

i really hope the confinement nanny we confirmed is ok. I'm a clean freak and thinking of someone in my kitchen makes me freak OUT! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my MIL used to pop in late noon when i delivered my daughter, at 2pm ask me "you mop the floor? you washed the clothes? and etc..." OMG, held back every other day trying not to tell her off... "hello i wake at 5am to clean the house ya!" thanks for the support!

cactus.. i didn't add the other half of the sentence! "ayooo so poor thing (hubby) have to work, clean the house, bath the baby in the morning, do the laundry at night..ayooo" All these because hubby didn't want her to bother and said he was helping me to EVERYTHING! he only boils the water in the morning! This time, i'm getting help..too tiring to do everything on my own.

iluv, back then gang-ho... tot i didn't need help, my one baby and house work, not too bad right?! kekekeke - get help, rest would had been better.

Extra help always comes in handy... I didnt really get to rest much during confinement for my #1 either. MIL did it for me.. but it was hardly relaxing..

i really don't like puttin on the anti stretch mark cream.. it's very heavey and sticky.. i just tried last night. maybe i'll try again today and see how.

anybody still feeling tired and have MS? I don't know why still feeling v tired and MS all the way. I'm w13 now.. sigh! when will it go away??

my sis' toy poodle looks exactly like our friend's! hehe..

haven't seen her post for some days...or maybe i missed the post? sometimes i need to hurry thru all posting, super fast read thru what i missed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife, nylek went and her results was good.

joyful, my MS seems to gone already.. Ocassionally got this puking feeling but i wont puke... I used to sleep abt 8-9+.. Now i can stay up till 10+..

Elise, thanks for the update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope she's well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i din have a CL for the first time too cos my hubby said he can help when he comes hm fr work while in the afternoon, my fren's mom was helping. boy! it was a super stress experience. hence decided must get CL for no 2. however, we spent a bomb manz. pay CL, give ang pows to her and the groceries. i have never spent so much on groceries every wk b4. eyes nearly popped out. i did get the rest but super heartpain.

me no oscar. drawing blood for triple screen test in wk 16. good to know everybody's lil bao bei is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife - bath and body work selling in singapore? i saw it in new york.

Carol - im still thinking of sun tanning after my wedding leh. so long didnt tan ler. im colourless now. :p

Im using clarins tonic oil since week 7. i will get bumps after applying. start to get lazy already. didnt apply everyday hee...

hi all mummies... thanks for the concern... i'm here actually but been silent reader because i can't catch up with the topics [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u all are really really fast. I can't really follow-up because of my workload, so I occasionally refresh this page and read all post and keep myself update on things happening here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw do add me to FB [email protected]

hi carol... all of us has past our oscar with flying results, i'm sure u will too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha I never used any cream for my previous 2 preggies. Last time tummy itch like siao when bathing then I scratched like siao, woo soooo shiok. Then tummy looked like orange LOL. Now after inflating twice already, all the stretch marks established, this time round should have room for expansion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh...really envy all of u, load off your mind after the oscar test. Me still have to wait long long, going straight for amnio, now cannot do anything except pray hard hard everyday.


finally did my NT scan yesterday, after a week delay due to miscalculation.. officially i am 12 weeks and 2 days today..

Thanking God that everything is normal.. its 1.4 (isit mm or cm thick hor?).. baby was busy kicking and sucking his thumb.. had to cough, lie on my side, kana poke by that scanner thing to make baby turn a bit but yet baby nottily refuse to budge...

saw someting sticking out between the legs, the sonographer even mention "ooo its so obvious isit it??" but gynae assured me tat its too early to confirm so keep on praying its a girl.. haha..

the first ting hb said to me, wen first saw his baby was "Yang, lets make it 4"!!! *faint*

btw.. can i join the FB?? add me add me..

Teenoyl, thank God for good reading. Boy or girl is still a blessing though girl is a bonus. I am so hoping for a girl since I already have 2 boys but still a healthy normal baby is most impt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elise, I'm already 36 so gynae say chances of DS kid is 1 in 150!!! scary hor. Besides, I'm also interested in ruling out other chromosomal defects. Next visit on 29 Sept then gynae will measure neck thickness and nasal bone, hopefully good readings for these 2.

Elise, I think some doctors advise older mothers to go straight for amnio cos their age alone will tweak the risk ratio against them. so it's like, no point doing OSCAR, then worry cos it is a high risk result (but very possibility flawed due to the age of the mother, and not so much due to the NT measurement or blood test).


Last time I also have itchy stomach and then become like rashes, can still rem the scratch like siao feeling, haha!

All mummies went for the OSCAR and NT test, but i only did the weekly scan. What are all those tests ah? I blur, how come my doc never make me go for these tests? Or i forget?


U are a beach girl! U like to tan? Wah, cannot rem when was the last time wear swimwear since #1... Hee.

hi noscon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi jonjosh, jiayou!... though u have no choice but admire ur guts to go for amnio... i read about amnio when i was waiting for my oscar results. praying with u that ur amnio result will turn out fine too!

hmm... i haven't applied any stretch mark cream yet cos just gotten fren to help me buy from airport - dfs. Need get from her soon... cos my tummy starts to itch le... think it's starting to stretch more...

i realise i can't fit into most of my working skirt anymore too... need to get maternity clothes from my sis soon. So glad that my sis has one boy (3+) n one gal (1+) already. I can get almost everything from her... save alot of cost... I went taka bb fair last sat and realise bb things are so exp...

i can't decide on CL yet too... i have no place fr CL to stay. And my hubby keep on suggesting his relative to do day confinement for me and said that his aunt can cook very well, but I can't trust my hubby's taste because we have totally different likings in food. He's a meat-eater and i'm a vege-eater. I don't really like the idea too because i prefer my mum's cooked food. My mum is ok with cooking for me, but there's no one to deliver the food to me. total dilemma...

Cactus stay positive, like you said that there is really nothing u can do but hope for the best. besides, it's still within range. your bb big so everything big, it's only natural mah. (given your measurement, think ur bb is on the big side)

When I had my detailed scan for my #1, one of the ventricular tube,( somewhere in the bb head) was out of range, too big. It was an indication of abnormality so asked me to do amnio. Mind u I was only 27 then. worried me sick, cried like mad and wait for soooo long for results (1 mth) hellish for the whole entire month! after that turn out ok. Really thank GOd man. This time round, I've learnt to take it easy. more like numb already.

jonjosh/cactus, i see. You will be fine dun worry! We are all blessed...

55, i also havent start on my stretch marks cream.. My auntie is yelling at me say i shld start now.. But i am soo lazy...

Anyone going for pre-natal classes or book already? I am soo interested in the KKH aqua natal class..



whats amnio? how many wks are u why have to wait long? im 10wks have not been through oscar test too

whats recommended for stretch mark cream?

