(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi Irma, I'm ok. Actually my experience in the beginning mirrored yours. I pumped myself with DIY Chicken Essence, and thats when the development speed up. U too, hang in there yah!

Funny I dun get morning sickness, but I get breathless and dizzy spells at night, making it difficult to sleep.


Actually how do you calculate when you conceive? My menses are irregular. Lmp is 10 may. Hubby away overseas till back on 18 jun. Tested end jun, negative. Tested again on 10 jul. Positive. Went to see gynea that weekend and she said mine should be around 5 weeks then. Scan only show sac. Seeing her again next mon. Hopefully can see a dot and or hear heartbeat. Cos still don't really feel pregnant. And becos I'm in the high risk group due to age and a long term illness, I don't want to tell anyone else yet until all the+necessary+tests+are+done.+Worried+la,+even+though+this+will+be+my+third+child.

Hi everyone

I am starting to have a little sore throat and slight running nose.

Wondering whether I should see the doctor and sure hope it's not H1N1.

How would the doctors know whether it's common flu or H1N1? This is what is putting me off from seeing a doctor.

But i read papers yesterday that pregnant women is still safe to take Tamiflu!

samuelboy, my gynea don't recommend Tamiflu for preg women. it is less blood circulation in womb. he suggested use another kind of med but i forgot what's the name liao hehe.. check with your GP pls..

steph, when are you taking chix essence? 1st thing in the AM? i took one bottle but puked half bottle in 30mins later.. together with gastric juice.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ms is really unbearable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning everyone, still quiet this morning. monday blues plus morning sickness is keeping everyone sian sian i supposed.

samuelboy, better go see doc asap.

hi samuelboy, i was tested positive for H1N1 and was given tamiflu. tamiflu is safe for preg ladies as it is meant to treat the mother and will not have any effect on the foetus, as said in the newspaper. I was told of this by the the gynae in NUH as he came into A&E to look at me.

The bad thing abt tamiflu is that the side effect is nauseauness hence if you have ms, it kinda double the effect. i was very miserable during the 5 days which i've to take. tamiflu is an anitbiotics so has to finish the whole course.

was busy curbing my nausea over the weekend. so horrible.

b4 eat, want to vomit. when eating, ok but cannot finish. after eating, want to vomit. aiyo the cycle goes on and on and on.

Morning everyone!

Hi Lovinglife, I drink the DIY essence, which taste more like chicken soup, not the bottled type. Usually take in the evening, cos it takes 2 hours to boil ma, so I consume arnd 7pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya, jules, my morning sickness is that bad too. I feel weekends is the worst. Sometimes I just dread the weekends cos I puke much more.

I am wondering how do they know whether we are H1N1 positive or not?

Zhuzhu - they take swab but before that, they give normal flu medicine?

yes i agree w some.. saying envy MS, coz w MS, it's a strong sign tat u r really preggy..

i oso no MS.. n feelig quite scare ...

i seeing gynea as 2nd visit tmr.. really wanna cross my fingers... to see at least sometin tmr.. if dun hv.. then likely [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi steph, can you tell me the receipe for DIY chicken soup and what is it good for?

tks lots

Hi Lynn..recipe is to use 1 chicken (preferably fr market), boil chicken (remove skin & fats, neck, feet and wings) boil in a double-boiler or pot(covered) for abt 2hrs (no water or herb or seasoning added). Can smash the chicken b4 putting into the pot so that more juice can come out later.

Usually can extract half a bowl out ba. One serving is equavalent to 7 bottles of brands

Erhm, in my first scanning, gynae was not optimistic as sac was too small and hcg was low. We started taking the DIY chicken essence to pu. HCG began to increase in a faster speed, and sac grew much bigger too. In my scan last week, the fetal pole has developed. Now waiting for hb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

samuelboy, i was given flu medicine and 2 days' mc. however, was still having fever hence returned back to gp.

nowadays, flu are more likely to be H1N1 Influenza A. tt's y u dun need to be diagnosed to have H1N1 to take tamiflu. it is up to the discretion of the doc. MOH advised to visit clinics that have the 'H1N1 ready' logo or polyclinics.

the more i am not allowed to consume something, the more i crave for it. Arghhh.. so torturous... haha...

i wanted to drink chin chow. hubby said NO. i waited to eat ching ting. hubby said NOOO. Alamak!

Hi Ladies, i just went to GP today as well to test for H1N1 as i've been having persistent cough & running nose for the past 1.5 weeks. She also don't advise taking Tamiflu unless really necessary. I've been given MC till tomolo and need to see her again on Wed.

Does anyone experience hair loss during this early stage of pregnancy? I am suffering from it and wonder if its temperory?

jules, so good of you to have appetite. I am now eating for the sake of eating. No craving at all and can hardly eat.

Can anyone share what are you eating for breakfast, lunch & dinner??

hi jonjosh, i shd be week 8 now, i calculated based on conception date, when i cal based on LMP, like not acurate bah.. I went to Gynea 2 weeks b4, see absolutely nothing. Gynea juz tell me to come back 2 weeks later... say maybe too small to be seen.. Hmm .. i oso duno..

Typically for flu, gynea will gv flu medi oso, my gyea gv me oso.. wont gv tamiflu bah.. sound quite strong tat medi...i oso try to avoid taking medi if possible..

hair loss? i dun hv .. but aft my #1 delivery i got, ard 5th mth lidat, was quite bad.. heng my hair v thick.. still cant tell .. i heard it was norm aft delivery... some hormone change bah , maybe even for u now, 1727..

I only heard of chin chow can't take cos very "liang". Cheng Ting thought is ok.

Shannen, ya..i heard of people losing hair post delivery but not pre leh.. so getting worried.

oh. the gynae told me I can eat anything I like.. so I've been trying all sort of food that won't make me feel like vomitting.

I just hate plain water now.. and my saliva got a weird taste also..

Hi everyone

I just tested this morning a faint HPT using clearblue. The cross is one thick line and one faint line...hope it's true... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then can join in this thread.

I am worried if preg and with H1N1 now...

Hi steph,

what is the DIY chicken essence good for? thanks for your receipe.

1727 - I am like you. Eating just for the sake of eating. Good food cán't even tempt me now. Eat a few bites and I just feel like giving up!

I am experiencing bad hair loss too. It started to fall even before I knew I was pregnant. I just started noticing that I have my hair falling all over my house's tiles and then I decided to try testing for pregnancy and there, confirmed!


How many weeks now? I think I am only about 4 weeks.

Anyone tested faint line before? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All Mummies,

I'm new here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Does anybody go for OSCAR scan?

blue blue, when i tested the 2nd day i missed period, the line was so faint i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I was in a mall's toilet and i hide the clearblue in my big bag, went out into the open where there was bright sunlight and peep countless times into the bag to make sure that there was indeed a line. thinking back it was so funny. a wk later i tested again and this time the line was much stronger.

hey shannen, i also can't see much last wed. (5wks6dys) gynae wants to see me again next wed. he expects to see hb and fetal pole....so nervous.


yr descriptn on reading the clear blue is exactly like me when i checked for my DD last time. i thought i was imagining a blue line! it was only darker after about 1 wk lata .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes fairie, will still test for positive. there is a gestation sac but it's empty inside, strictly speaking still pregnant so hormone still there.

hi saggitarius i will not be going for OSCAR as i will keep my baby no matter what.. my gynae also says that as long as we believe that a child is a gift from God, no matter what you will keep the child..

hi jonjosh, dun worry ya cos my 1st visit was supposed to be 6weeks but see nothing too.. the next round i went, i manage to see the sac and even hear the heartbeat... i'm at my 9th week liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi fairie: not sure on that but should be positive since you first tested pregnant.. why not check w your gynae?


I can understand ur description. So funny. hiding the clearblue in the bag. I went to buy the clearblue stick at pharmacy. There is a 20% discount storewide if purchase $30 and above yest. The cashier asked me want to buy more to get 20%. Buy more la if u need to use them often.

I told her NO...hee. in my heart I am thinking..I hope I buy this time good enough if I am lucky...Thank God!!! it's a faint line. I will test tomorrow again since I got the twin pack. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I read that once u are late into ur pregnancy ur HCG levels are not good for checking pregnancy anymore.

Useful would be scanning

No need to buy those expensive test kits. Can just buy the pregnancy test strips online instead (just do a google search and you can find plenty). Cheap cheap, 1 piece only 70-80ct. My 4 tests for this pregnancy cost me <$4 in total, and I tested positive using the strips 1 day before my period is due, so those stuff are accurate. :D

jonjon, zhuzhu, fangfang, steph, coz the last time i checked with i think i was supposedly to be in my 7th week, no foetus...tmr going to KK for 2nd opinion, if confirm nothing, then im prepared liao...so just asking if i were to test now (rather late into pregnancy already), if positive still got hope or not haha..guess not..thanks for your replies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi steph,

what the reason to take DIY chicken essence? appreciate ur reply. tks.

lynn some of us here feels that chicken essence helps to stop spotting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Ladies,

Hope to have your advices....

I am abit lost.... How do u gals judge/calculate how many weeks?

And when should be the right time to see the gynae for the 1st time?

