(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

I know what you mean, zhuzhu. I hate it also. that's what we are here for right? this thread. this forum. to give support and share info.

1st trimester is really a period of emotional ups and downs. I was feeling very sad this morning.. thank God for Elise popping by and cheeering me up.. there's nothing I can do for my pregnancy, so the least I can do is to be happy. stay happy and positive.


i thought spotting is usually brownish??

Cactus, why do you have to do V-scan? I havent done any so far and am curious to know under what situtation do you have to do V-scan or is a tummy scan suffice.

1727, there are 4 types of colour for spotting.

light brown and light pink are the most common and the most harmless. light pink is possibly from broken blood vessels. light brown is old light pink discharge that comes out at a later date. then there is red discharge, a possible sign of m/c. and dark brown, which is old red discharge that comes out late.

v-scan is done usually in early pregnancy, if cannot see clearly through tummy. normally before 8 weeks, v-scan is used.

yup come to think of it, after i climb on a roller chair to get stationary in my office, my light brown spotting came on and off (that time still din know preggy)...

1727, for all my 3 scans doc also went straight for v-scan for me even when i was supposedly to be in my 7th and 8th weeks...did not use tummy scan at all...

zhuzhu, mine not clear at week 5.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] with my #1 pregnancy, I did V-scan until week 8 day 4. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After that, then tummy scan. but for my #1 preg, I only saw doctor 3 times in 1st trimester. once at about week 5. then once at week 8 day 4. then once for DS test at week 12+.

hi ladies, i had spotting 2 days ago and then got blood clots coming out. i panic and went down to my gynae and was hospitalised for 2 days. Luckily after bedrest, injections and medicine all is ok. I was discharged today. I just want to let you all know if you think there's something not right, better seek your gynae's advise immediately... i'm so happy to see my bb's heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

miracle, i read in the internet that having dog is still ok but try not to handle your kitty's litter pan. Cat has this donno what microplasma thingy which is not good for development of baby. even my gos's pee pan, i asked my sons to change the pee pad or remove her poo poo whenever they are around.

hi jonjosh, have got 2 dogs when i delivered my 2 kids. one of them just passed away and there's still one now. my boy asked me to get another friend for the dog but i tried to put it off cos dun think i've got energy to train another at this moment.

no prob abt pets so long as you keep them clean. try to trim their fur short so the fur will not fly ard to irritate the young ones.

I din opt for Oscar cos i wanted to save $. looking at my age, my hubby and i felt there's no need to spend that $ so we'll just do the triple test will do. that will be when i'm in my 4th mth. As my gynae's clinic is not in TMC, i will go to TMC to do my full fetal assessment when i'm 20wks. my gynae said if baby cooperates well, sometimes at 12 weeks, you can see gender. by then the baby has been fully formed. he always try to gauge when i'm abt 4 mths.

Cactus is right. boy very obvious. girl tougher. my tummy was pretty neat when i had my girl. pple thot it was a boy. they started scaring me by telling me stories abt how last time doc told them it's a girl. after delivery turned out to be a boy. aiyo... i was so sad that everytime i see the gynae i'll ask him to be sure it's a girl. then i conclude these pple's last time means old type of machine. not like ours now, more advance hee... so much for self-consolation but it helps ;P

ya training them to do their biz properly is stressful. sure glad that mine is trained b4 i am pregnant!!!

i heard of triple test but never heard of oscar. but i am under high risk so my gynae wants me to do the amnio fluid test. still contemplating.

my cousin was tot to be a girl but turn out on day of delivery, a boy. that was 26 yrs ago hahah...btw i am going to her gynae, yup, my gynae is that old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]his machine also gagagaga....

Hi Ladies,

Can I join? Have been reading silently for the past few days, have been resisting from posting till I have positive news. But now really buay tahan, cos was worried sick for the past 1 wk.

My story goes like this. Had my 1st scan last week at 6+ weeks. Saw the pregnancy sac, abt 23 mm. But did not see anything inside. (Btw, what is the correct term for that 'thing' inside? Embryo? Saw the term yolk & fetal pole in some of the postings but dunno what these are?) Dr assured me that it is alright, told me to come back in 2 wks time and we should be able to see it and hopefully can see the heartbeat too. But I'm still worried lah, cos I couldn't see anything yet. And I began to worry more when I read abt blighted ovum and also how some of you gals can already see the heartbeat at 6+ weeks.

Feel that you gals on this thread are very supportive of one another. I really need some emotional support and do wish me luck when I go for my 2nd scan next week.

Hi Maple, since ur gynae already assure u that it's alright should not hv any issue ba...as a MTB try to stay positive and dun think so much...most commonly heartbeat is detected around 7-8weeks...so till u go for ur next scan...stay positive ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi maple, my second preg is like yours. went for 1st scan. only saw sac and nothing inside. gynae said maybe still early and told me to return 3 wks later. (my gynae dun do v-scan)true enuf, the little embryo grew and was very clear on the scan, including the hb.

dun worry too much. talk to little one inside to draw strength. like what serlina encouraged - stay optimistic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Afternoon mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just came back from Hospital. Went back for another injection. Jonjosh, did u require any injections?

no idea, i gave up counting, esp since I ovulate late. How r u? Still spotting? Betw,i rem u were pretty worries previously, all ok already?

sigh... i also don't know. very little spotting. cramp on and off. the colour of the spotting is light brown. don't know whether is spotting or just discharge. super sian everyday, don't feel like moving

your hcg level increasing at the correct amount? as long as that is correct everything shopuld be fine la

my last mc, my hcg not right (i also don't know the actual amt, gynae just told me not enough) plus heavy bleeding and size of sac not right. That's why i went thru d/c

for ur case, should be fine right?

my lmp was 1st June. Me too, i whole day rest in bed with my laptop as entertainment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

HCG is ok. Last check @ 12K so gynae's happy. Now just waitin to detect heartbeat. Was hopin to catch a movie tonight, think better rest in bed. I read before that resting in bed can make a world of difference to miscarriage. Are u over the risk category?

what do u mean by over the risk catergory?

i also put the laptop on my tummy and lie down all day

wonder got radiation or not?

based on your lmp u are 8 wks now say u o late by a wk u should be abt7, ok if cannot see hb now la but your next scan will be critcal lor, must see already. can see yolk sac and fetal pole? know how big is your gestation sac at last scan?

ooh, me put on bed, slanted then type with one finger. Also scared of radiation ma. Has ur gynae put u on the healthy pregnancy category? Mine still carry some risk as bebe seems to be developing slowly.

no category yet la coz i saw him early, can't tell yet coz can't see anything except the gestation sac

first scan say i m 5 wks (based on LMP i should be 5wks 3dys) sac is 7mm. 6 days later my sac is 13mm which is right coz 7mm plus 1mm a day so 7+6=13 and can see yolk sac. then my next scan will be 12 aug and gynae want to see hb and fetal pole. at the meantime he just want to make sure i got no more bleeding else i'll have to go in early to c him. so my conclusion will be on 12 aug.

hi everyone........wanted to ask around that once you find out that you are pregnant, when did you or will be telling your family, friends and colleagues about this? I am around 6.5 weeks and so far only my mil and sil besides hubby of cos knows. mil and sil knew cos of hubby's big mouth la.

if u are the "bun-tang" kind then don't telltill pregnancy stabalise at 14 wks lor old pp say baby shy if tell too early....but if u don't believe in such thing then proclaim to the "whole world" afterall it's a happy thing and baby will feel acceptance. that's my own opinion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am here too.. rather quiet on weekends..

Do you all have morning sickness everyday?

For me, it seems that weekends i am okay!

Hi Jonjosh, are u arnd? I just woke up from my afternoon snooze hehe. Can see fetal pole at last scan already at 0.23cm. Because can see fetal pole, gynae will only measure fetal pole. No need to measure sac liaoz. But we did notice sac grew alot in a week.

then u shouldn't worry liao, seems like u are going to be just fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how i envy u, no ms. mine seems getting worse everyday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mummies to be who are anxious to see sth during next gynae visit, I would like to share my experience with you cos i just went thru a similar anxiety recently. Hopefully it will bring some encouragement to you!

My LMP was 6june. strictly speaking I shld be on my 8th week today.

7th july -tested neg with preg kit

10th july - very very faint positive

16th july - absolute positive but started spotting/slight bleeding. rushed to gynae to get a jab and oral medication. spotting stopped within a day. sac can be seen via ultrasound during visit. gynae said next visit wic is 10 days later shld be able to see n hear heartbeat.

27th july - can see sac and fetal pole/ embryo but no heartbeat and gynae commented the size is small..may nt be a gd sign..but give benefit of doubt. see me again 5 days later. that was an agonising 5 days mann!

1 aug - heartbeart seen and heard. according to the size it is only 6w5d...but based on LMP shld be 8th week.. some may say i ovulated late but i used o kit and ovulated ard 23/24june..so wasn't that late rite..maybe took it a long while to travel down, maybe took it a long time to implant.. just too many maybesss..

My gynae did mention that as long as preg symptoms are there or growing stronger, it is a good sign..during that agonising 5 days of waiting i developed morning sickness and my sore breasts was still there. No matter wat your situation is, i just want to say..mummies, hang on there ya!!!

miraclebb! I love u to bits!!!!! You just gave me timely encouragement. Gynae is still cautioning me on unhealthy pregnancy, slow development...blah blah

i'm glad to know that you are encouraged by my experience. sometimes there are just too many things that cannot be explained.. it's possible things may deviate from textbook and still go perfectly well .. that's wat i will call as "miracle"... ;) at times it may be better not to know so much or think so much.. but i know it's tough cos we are humans afterall..


Just wondering, why do you say pregnancy stabilise at 14 wk? I thought it's like after 1st tri, ie. after week 12 is over?

hi ladies

miraclebb: well said there.. i think most of us in here need all that..

steph: how are you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think the others go pak toh w hubby la.thats y abit quiet.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


op, gynae say 14 wks stabalise and not 12wks.

my guess, since we calculate base on LMP that means once discover pregnant, thou egg fertilised 2wks but already considered 4 wks so prob 12wks +2 wks lor. sounds logical? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

