(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Heyz Fairie, its Ban Choon Chan, or Ban Chan Choon, cant rem clearly hehe. Its located at Blk 81, Marine Parade Central, opposite Police Post. There's two TCM there, do rem to go to Mr Ban :p

Saw gynae this morning already, still cannot detect heartbeat so gynae is worried. Took another HCG test, praying that my HCG level is still rising.

Meanwhile, I saw something in the sac, at 0.23cm. Anyone know wat is tt? Gynae didn't explain and we only saw it on the scanned picture later. Doesn't look like yolk to me...

Anyone at 8th week no heartbeat yet?


cactus, hb then.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tinking back, it was funny la.. but during the time when u hv just finished fighting wif your dear life.. it seemed so insensitive then hehehe...

micsarsam, i hv to agree wif you.. its the same when your kids are growing up.. i rather they active and notti cos once they are quiet or behave like a good boi, i knew someting is not right..

chloe>> "my friend's friend was admitted to hospital after she got a severe pain on her adominal, she didnt know she was pregnant, and the baby died inside. she got no symptom at all."

your fren didnt know shes pregnant..? oh my.. sorry to hear abt that..how many weeks was the pregnancy then?

hey steph.. i hope you & bb gonna be fine.. but on the scanned pic, still can see the sac? & ya, when going back to see doc?

Irma, is my friend's friend. ya... she didnt know she was pregnant. I didnt ask much when my friend told me abt it. Feel so upsetting for her.

hi ladies,

just to share my beanie cub at 6 weeks 4 days on 25 July 09. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can someone please add me to the list? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

age: 31

edd: 16th march

baby #1

gynae: Dr LC Cheng

hosp: TMC

location: east


I had no ms for both my 1st and 2nd. in fact i was eating very well. but comes to this 3rd one, having a bad one esp towards the evening. can't sleep at night with the nauseating feeling plus headache. wonder if tt comes with age.. ha..

TeeNoyL, haha... i always complain my boy very notti but many of my frens say that would i rather him active or quiet quiet. we can be conflicting.

hey steph.. i hope you & bb gonna be fine..

doc didnt say anything abt the 0.23cm?

maybe its the size of the sac?

hi cactus, pls add me in =)

age: 29

edd: 28th march

baby #2

gynae: Dr C Khi

hosp: TMC

location: Bishan

my nxt appt is 3 weeks later n i hope can hear heartbeat by thn!

miracle- so nice to show ur scan pic =D can hear bb heartbeat le?

Hi MicSarsam, Chloe, sorry for the late reply. I was out for lunch. Yah, I never say anything about sharp pain on stomach. But I think I said before some cramping feeling is normal cos uterus is trying to enlarge. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Steph, the sac is an oval like structure, dark on the inside if there is no yolk sac/fetal pole yet. If it measures 0.23cm, it means it is 23mm in diameter. I hope things work out for you. Did you only see a sac? nothing else?

Rebecca, I've not vommitted out yet, but come quite close to it.. will cough out instead of vomit. in the middle of the night, I will wake up from nausea now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then still the same food aversions, and some smells really put me off.

Miracle tiga, your little one is so cute! Is that a yolk sac or fetal pole? did your doctor tell you?

ooppss.sorry double entry there.. -_-

chloe.. ic.. tot its your fren.. hope shes gonna be alright. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

miracle_tiga: congrats! its 6.4mm!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ting, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah, heard the heartbeat at 137 bpm. praying hard that this one will go smooth. had 2 previous miscarriages before.

this time also late ovulation of almost 11 days, first scan only saw an empty sac, was freaking out then.

I read in another thread saying that the 1st scan if sac is round, it will be a girl, if sac is long like cucumber, den its a boy.

hi cactus_79 and Irma, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


this was the 'empty' sac 11 days prior to the earlier scan, measuring 5 weeks 3 days, sac was 7mm.

ever since my past 2 m/cs, i've been studying sonograms and reading up like crazy. also checking my toilet paper like crazy for any spotting. think i'm quite qualified to do my own ultrasound liao! wanted to record the blinking light with my camera, but was too shaken and crying with happiness when i saw the blinking light. will remember to record it 'live' next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies, do go to youtube and google for 'ultrasounds at 7 weeks', very interesting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey miracle: your first scan was at how many weeks then? ehe~ very curious.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

miracle_tiga, I also had empty sac last Thursday... sac was 6mm, corresponded to pregnancy at 5 weeks, when I was supposed to be 7.5weeks pregnant by LMP. Keeping fingers so tightly crossed for my next scan. Hopefully I ovulated late also, like you.

hmm..mine only grew abt less than 2mm within 2 weeks.. hmmm..

cactus: how many weeks are you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey cactus, keep your hopes up. i'm sure its a late O.

my LMP was 29th May, so by date, i'm supposed to be 8 weeks plus. but beanie is only about 7 weeks now. although its slow, but i'm encouraged by its growth so far and i'm just taking it slow and praying hard that all goes well.

i cant believe that i ovulated so late cuz i'm always pretty regular at 28 days cycle. but i guess our body is not like clockwork, it does vary.

so all the best! stay happy and healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chloe.. i've read.. so i believe whats important now is to know if the embryo is growing & that we can see the foetus.. *cross fingers* -prayer to everyone in here- [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe, yah! I saw there before. but I think in those cases, it is more to do with the wrong dating of pregnancy based on LMP. But if the sac is too large, but still no heartbeat, then something could be wrong. the size of the sac determines the pregnancy duration.

Irma, based on LMP, I was 7.5weeks last thursday, but based on sac, I was 5 weeks. my doctor suspects I'm late ovulator. cos size of sac says my pregnancy is only 5 weeks.

miracle_tiga, no point looking at LMP. you are confirmed a late ovulator. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you should look at the size of the sac and corresponding size of the fetal pole.

miracle_tiga, can I ask when you tested positive for pregnancy? when you FIRST tested positive? And whether you had any negative tests before this positive test? and if so, whenwere the negative test dates?

I also saw empty sac on Tue...

Last Wed night I saw nothing at all.

So u see 1 week can have miracles

I think next Tue I will see a yolk sac

hi cactus,

for my previous 2 pregnancies, i was able to test for a positive on the date my period was due, on day 28, using CLEARBLUE

for this time round, as i didnt want to get to get my hopes up, i used the cheap internet test stick on day 28. it was NEGATIVE. i tried again, 2 days later, still NEGATIVE. so i waited and waited, so darn sure that my period was going to come, then after 7 days of missing period, i buay tahan, took CLEARBLUE to test, and it was POSITIVE! although the lines were quite faint.

so i dont really know how to pinpoint the First Date of positive. but on the 7th day after i tested positive, i used the cheap internet test again and it showed up, very faint. i used the cheap one again for the next few days (kiasu) and the lines got darker and darker.

this time round, i feel more discomfort. not really puking, but gagging and more sensitive to smells. appetite also not as good. for my previous 2 pregs, NO feeling at all.. so in my own way, i conclude that having morning sickness is BETTER. i dont mind suffering as long as the baby is ok..

zhuzhu, I must learn to think more positive, like you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for sharing, miracle_tiga. I really hope you are right about having MS is better...


can u see the lines slowly darkening?

i think these were tested starting from 7 days after my period was due.


be positive

all preggie mothers must be +ve!

my #1 cd was long

So I tested late too.

1 week of diff can see heartbeat too!


aft reading Miracle's post, i feel better!

i also agree,i dun mind having the MS as long as baby is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so cactus, good luck to you (oops! sorry overlooked, when is your next scan?)

mine is this Mon, 3 Aug.. by then i shd be in my 7w3d..

Hi Irma

My case was a little like yours, @ 6 weeks sac was too small and doctor was concerned of unhealthy pregnancy. Today's sac was bigger, but she's still worried its unhealthy as no heartbeat.

thks cactus =)

miracle- tat was exactly wat i saw at my 1st chkup at 5weeks plus. a sac niah! my LMP was 25 jul n i tot i was 8wks plus too. but cos my af is not regular n i guess i O late too n hence only 5wks plus nw.


sometimes gynae talk too much..

mine told me mine was 99% confirmed pregnancy when he saw empty sac

he say it would be 100% confirmed once he see the yolk sac

In a way, I like the way my gynae phrased his words

Hi Catus...nope, it wasn't the sac. I had a shock when i saw 0.23cm, cos my sac's last measurement was 0.61cm and today's sac was alot bigger then previous pics. The nurse clarified that the 0.26cm in inside the sac, but I dunno wat is it. *Puzzled Look*

I am 8wk 3days based on LMP and don't have MS. I feel so normal and so not pregnant (let's not talk about expanding waistline). Am not sensitive to smells either. I can still go to zoo on weekends and walk for 4-5hrs (still have quite some energy).

Previous pregnancy also no MS (tho once or twice only feel like puking but did not puke). Both pregnancies, I experience spotting.

My 1st pregnancy which ended, also no MS leh.

So can you find any correlation? :D *scratch head*

steph, it's probably the yolk sac or fetal pole... whatever it is, it is very good news.

Don't know why it seems like alot of us here have spotting or dating issues.

zhuzhu- were u in 2ww thread b4? hee... i was there for qte a while cos took nearly a year to conceive my no. 1. nw this is reali a surprise cos not planned at all.

i feel so reassured aft hearin wat ur gynae said too. i saw the yolk sac n waterbag! hehe



My gynae saw the preg sac and told me "You are confirmed pregnant". And then he said "Now let's zoom in to find the "baby"."

Missed period, got preg sac, means pregnant lah. But whether the "baby" is visible or not, got heartbeat or not, that's another matter altogether.

I read something from some place and quite agreed with what they say. They say people who experienced blighted ovum (ie. fetal pole not detected) should not go away upset, thinking that they were never pregnant. They were pregnant cos there was conception, just that it never developed into something big enough to be visible by the ultrasound.

