(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

oops really, tmc is "zhong yi" not "xi yi" is it?

this is enlightening, before this i didn't even know that u can deliver in sgh. tot no one will deliver in sgh. u are the first one i have heard of going there and with such good feedback!


Thanks Jules!

TeeNoyL, which clinic are u at? I'm wif Emerald Clinic.

Heex, even as I'm fretting bout good / bad new tmr, I'm still happy that I'm with NUH, and my gynae. My first scan was at 6th week, but sac was only 5 weeks 3 days, and small. My gynae didn simply send me home to rest and come back two weeks later for another scan. Immediately, I took my first HCG test, and two more thereafter to ensure that it is rising. I first started spotting on Sat, so he came back and check that all in order. Even as he told us he is less optismistic, he also maintained we should not rush into decisions, and gave me MC, Injections...

For tmr, my gynae is away, so he arranged for Mary Raoff to see me. At least we feel that we are in safe hands always [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jonjosh, sorry, I don't really know your question? Zhong yi? Xi yi? I fyou are talking about Thomson Medical Centre, that's the one I'm talking about... it's been around for a very long time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's around NOvena area. The room rates are a bit more expensive than Mt A. but nicer room. I think all rooms come with LCD tv,wall mounted! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Alot of doctors deliver at both TMC and Mt A. Cos very convenient to travel between both hospitals.

yupyup! It's cos very few pple know SGH have labour ward, alot of pple don't go there.. so in the end, SGH midwives very free, not stressed, and also very nice cos they have more time with every patient. When I was in labour, they asked me to choose my food for lunch and dinner... haha! They gave me the menu to look at when I said I didn't want to choose from the tv. They asked me from time to time if I wanted water or milo to drink. A nurse also offered to teach me how to use laughing gas very early on and she taught me how to use it so well I only relied on gas throughout labour. When it was the time to push, I had 3 nurses/midwives with me. My doctor came to see me 4 times in 5 hours. He stayed with me for about 10 to 20 minutes each time. I was offered epidural about twice or 3 times until I told them not to ask me anymore.. haha! Cos I was keen to try without epi.

oh.. then after my c-section (emergency under GA), I was given a patient controlled system to control the painrelief drug. I could press a button each time I felt pain. This allowed me to control the pain adequately without overdosing unnecessarily. Very few hospitals have this machine cos it's not cheap. but SGH has it upon request. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] most of the time, post-csection, it is a constant dripping in of painrelieving drugs which the mother cannot control thruogh the epidural line or IV line.

hei hei.. i'm at Emerald's too... actually am very proud of Emerald.. Last Sat, my sis who never accompanied me before, joined me.. She was shocked cos the clinic is on par (even better) than other private clinic..

Blue Y, NUH Antennal packages starts from 22nd week, $600 for consultant, $700 for senior Consultant and $870 for Senior Consultant (List 1).

Then, for Inpatient Delivery, starts from $1190 for 4 bedder, $1620 for 1 Bedder and $1900 for Deluxe Suite.

Hee, I liked KK for its environment. Very Pro Kids. And, I like the mothercare and MacDonald...hehe..

steph, if you ask me abt shopping, KKH wins hands down!!! No other hospitals can beat them..

I guess ur gynae is Senior Consultant (List 1) ya?

I have friends who choose to deliver at KKH for the same reasons - cos KKH have expertise in paedeatrics which they think will come in handy if the child has some serious complications upon delivery.

Having an experienced gynae is important too. Perhaps not so critical when the delivery is a smooth and hassle free one. It is during emergency situations where an experienced gynae will make the most difference. But we won't know if the delivery will be smooth or not, right? So better find someone whom you can trust you and your child's life with. :p


You mean you have 20 student docs with you in the delivery ward? Like that how to give birth!? :D

actually msot complications can be picked up when the fetus is about 20 weeks old. If really have complications, ask for transfer to KKH. That's my game plan. If not, I prefer to stay put. KKH is really good for exerptise, but I think the way they treat mothers-to-be/new mothers, is left to be desired. I think their staff is too busy. Unless you are in deluxe room, you are largely treated badly.. even if you are private class patient. It's like, if you are in KKH but normal outpatient clinic, not that good. But the service at The Private Suite is really good.

I had a friend, who had twin boys. She was seeing a private doctor, Dr Ann Tan, Mt E clinic, but delivered by Dr Tan HK at SGH. reason is that twin bbs have to delivered earlier, pre-maturely. And their ICU care is very expensive. SGH is cheaper. Dr Ann Tan used to be head of O&G at SGH. She suggested going to Dr Tan HK for the delivery. Everything worked out well for my friend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Her boys are 14 months now.

TeeNoyL, Yupz, I'm very comfy @ Emerald, all the Nurses are very friendly! Yah, my gynae from List 1. I've actually been trying to conceive since last year, and we managed to get preggie with the current gynae help, so sticking wif him for pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

optimus prime (transformers.. robot in disguise).. kekeke..cant help it..

yup. it was my 1st.. firstly, if im not wrong, there will be at least 1 student doctor in the room wif your gynae (they will ask permission from you first la)

i rmbred, it was a very difficult labour.. was a very busy nite, cos i kept hearing babies wailing from other rooms... it was nearly 2 hours and my gynae suggested "vacuum forcep".. even vacuum forcep need to push ma.. i was so tired, i dont even hv a teeny weeny bit of energy left to push.. so i guess since all other mothers have already given birth and left me alone, the other student doctors decided to pay me a visit.. i was at my last energy, i guess my dignity all "gone" and when they ask to stay in my delivery ward, i just yell "OK".. end up 20 or more students crowding me.. hehehe.. actually gd la, cos every one was like "push, push, push, push" it was chaotic.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woah, so much info on hospital.

Well, I had to deliver in Mt E because my gynae only deliver there, and i like her a lot and she knows all my historical records. Must say that the nurses at the labour ward is much better than the nursing ward. I still remember staying in a 2 bedded. I suddenly realised that my neighbour let her hubby stayed over! (which is not allow) and her hb snore real loud! I complain and then the nurses say they are asleep and could only chase the hb away the next day. *faint* I have to keep my mp3 on to the loudest volume. Plus it feels werid to have a man ard, when we are BF on and off .. and at first din even know that the guy bunk in.

Wanted to stay in 1 bedded this time but the cost is much higher.

actually, when in labour, we just lose our senses to some extent. I consider myself extremely modest. I will blush if I have to undress for a female. haha! and even now, for vaginal scan, I still try to adjust the drap in a way to preserve as much modesty as possible...but during the pushing stage, there was my doctor, and 3 other nurses/midwives. Last time, I told my husband when I'm naked from waist down, I only want my doctor around. no other person, including female! haha!

by the way, do you all suffer from coke craving? I never liked plain water, and am a fan of coke light. Then when I got preggie, no more coke, so I resorted to Ribena. Then, the Chinese Sinseh say no Ribena, now stuck with Plain Water. I'm also not allowed Ice-Cream, Durians, Fries...etc

*Hungry Steph*

Icy, wow! I'm surprised hospital allow a man to stay over in a female type ward! Gosh! They sohuld have asked security to ask them to remove the man!

Yah. the cost of 1 bedder is very very expensive. esp at Raffles and Mt E. The other private hospitals not so . I think cheapest is East Shore?!

hi ladies, seems quite a few like NUH. May i know when you call for appointment, do you specify which doctor you want? or the nurse will assign one for you?

I don't really like plain water now also.. so I drink lemon juice in water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


During first tri I am quite control. after that, I eat everything i want, hahaha.. I had cravings for ice-cream, and French fries.. even sashimi (but that in japan, cos I am pregnant there till 7 mths). I come back, diagnose with diabetes and end up cant eat anything. I actually drink a lot of ginger ale cos it is gassy and "suppose" to be better than coke.


Yes, that's very terrible. The lady also very inconsiderate. At least the next day, her hb din stay over, but she show me some black face.

I couldn't sleep properly the first night, still remember that I sms hb and told him, I want to transfer to 1 bedded the next day cos I totally fed up. The nurses there never checks.

Hi Xynn, the nurses will start by asking any preferred doctor, if not, they will reccomend u someone. Because I was trying to conceive, straightaway they recommended Prof Wong, so I blur blur, ok ok, follow thru [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The other famous gynae @ NUH is Mary Raoff. I guess depending on if u prefer male or female gynae? I wanted a male gynae cos I heard stories of Female Gynaes taking your pain for granted blah blah..

TeeNoy, how did u find Dr James? Recommendation too?

Icy, I suspect the nurses also dun want trouble. I think these pple quite awful.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] shouldn't stay over loh. should consider your privacy. What if you need to use the toilet at the same time?

Step, you are right about female doctors! I saw a female doctor at KKH TPS before transferring to SGH, guy doctor. it was better! NOt labour pain lah.. but other types of pain. I suspect guys think it's no point bearing with labour pain. My husband for instance is supporter of epidural. like my doctor!

hi Jules, i used to have super irregular period. my gynae gave me 6mths of contraceptive pills, and after which, my menses is regular. maybe u can try this after ur delivery.

My baby was made in US. when we came back i went for the H1N1 test which consist of xray. b4 dat i did ask them to test if im pregnant b4 gog for the xray, but it was negative. think it was too early to detect. gynae say will not effect the baby, but i feel he doesnt sound confident.

xynn.. will highly recommended Dr James if you just wish to see a normal consultant.. Dr James is a very patient, very soft spoken, very open, very young, very hansome.. opppss.. he never rushes you, you felt like he have the whole day just for you... his assistant is super good too.. maybe cos working under him is very calming..

I rmbered the 2nd time, i told him my fear of pushing, after the uproar of the 1st.. so during labour, he put his finger at my blind spot and ask if I felt his finger there.. When i said yes, he said OK, from now on, you just concentrate on this spot.. and i did.. it was very fast, he dun even have time to change his hawaiian shirt.. (its a sunday!)

any comment on Mt A? im considering between TMC and Mt A. i wanted to go Mt A initially cos its a catholic hospital *HEE*, but my friends said TMC is more like a maternity hospital.

i dunno y my gynae keep reminding me to drink water, and mention even cooling drinks, gasy drinks also can, just drink.

we are not suppose to eat raw food right? even sashimi, undone beef and even half boiled egg.

oh tcm stands for thomson medical hahaha i really mong cha cha, tot it's some chinese hospital, got abit confused with some other zong yi terms. hee hee. thanks for clearing the air for me cactus. woo coke is a no no, my ex colleague drank coke throughout pregnancy and baby turned out very very very colic (is it the correct spelling?)

pls icy no more mention of sashimi....making me drool.....


You still have the energy to say OK! I think I'll be so pek chek esp if it has been a long labour and ask them to get lost. So many people how to concentrate to push! :p

Must be an amazing experience! But can treat it as national service. They may be so inspired and will go on to specialise in gynacology, and will go on to deliver your grandchildren! :D

hi ladies,

i jus got BFP last week and most prob delivering in 03/2010..still deciding on gynae to deliver in TMC, any good recommendation?


I delivered my boy at Mt A in 2006, mostly cos it's a Catholic hospital. Stayed in 2 bedder. Delivery ward has toilet, but it's 1 toilet:2 delivery ward. The nurses and midwife at the delivery ward are pretty ok. No -ve experience with them. My HB's ex-colleague's mom works there as a midwife and we got plenty of tips from her as to who is a good epidurist, baby doc, etc. Generally, it's quite no frills comparing with all the candlelight dinner and stuff that other hospitals are providing. But I will go back there again if I have the chance to.

Chloe, think i quite bo chap abt the irregularity since m gg to be a mother of 3 soon. however, i must say these 3 pregnancies have been indeed diff with this 3rd one very difficult to bear with the constant vomitting.

TeeNoyL, totally can visualise tt tarzan part. I've to handle a 5 yr old and a crawling 9mth old. Thank goodness the oldest goes to school. if not, sure go gila.

i've long gone 'shameless' when i started breastfeeding my no 1 years ago. initially when i had to call the nurse in to help bf, she will just grab my areola and push it into my bb's mouth. i was like WHAT!!! after tt, not shy anymore, just wanna get as much help as i can b4 i discharged. haha... talkng abt exposure..

cactus, jules

i still shy infront of hb, wat more strangers kekeke..

i dont wear pants when i went for check up. just in case, gynae need to check.. if i wear a dress or a skirt, i dun hv to go bare mah, just lift up.. and last sat, when he said need to do a V-scan, i was like "urghhh.. now?" and told him, unless its really necessary, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/nono.gif] poke poke..

OP, can we choose our epidurist? im quite reluctant to use ep, some of my friends got side effects. But den again i dunno if i can withstand the pain.

Dear Fairie

In that case since ur cycle is not regular, why not wait a while longer?

Sometimes in a week, miracles happen

Another thing is to seek 2nd opinion

Mary Rauff's a very busy lady. When my colleague delivered, almost the whole floor of deluxe wards, 5/6 mommies are under her. v hard to get an appt with her esp if you are new.

Another colleague delivered b4 Mary Rauff arrived. Couldn't wait for her alr as she was still with another mommy. forgot to ask if she was charged since midwife delivered though Mary Rauff stitched her up.

Chloe, so far after 5 years, me no effects fr epi. i had epi for both my births cos both had to be induced out. induction's too painful to bear. the only side effect i got was immediate - i shivered when i was delivering no 1 and vomitted when I delivered my no 2.

refering to earlier postings, i just remembered that in NUH delivery suite, there would be 1 gynae, 1 paed, 1 midwife and 1 student doctor...

hi hi all it's been a while since i came back to this forum... it took me a while to read all the posts...



EDD:8 March 2010

Baby # :1

Gynae: Dr Kek Lee Pin

Hospital: Mt E

Location: Town

just went to see my gynae today and BB is now 8 weeks old and i can hear the heartbeat... hubby is super happy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Fairie, you might also wanna give tt Chinese Sinseh a try, see if he can feel baby pulse? Sometimes it can be too small to be detected by ultrasound but pulse can be heard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fairie, I think it's best to adopt a wait and see approach. Don't be too anxious (I know easier said than done) --- I'm terribly nervous myself!

Hi Catus.. Morning :D eh... Think there's a typo error in my gynae's name. It's Joycelyn Wong. Hee.. Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning ladies...

im new here. this thread is sooo long. very active! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway, im supposed to be in my 6w5days today.

went for a scan last week 25th July, cant see foetus & also the hb.. was sad..i certainly hope this coming mon when i meet my gynae can see the foetus & hb..

coz upon scanning, doc say it might be an unhealthy pregnancy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yes, you can choose epidurist and baby doc. Can't rem the name of my epidurist (need to check) but he's so swift and precise and it's all over in a while. I mean, if the midwife recommend him, he must be good. Since midwife is around most of the time to witness the works of the epidurist. Anyway, no side effects like backache for me. After delivery, I was shivering big time and that was the only side effect. Went off after a while. When I asked my gynae for his opinion on epidural to manage pain, he said why not cos no point to suffer.

Btw, if anyone of you is staying at Bishan and wants a gynae recommendation, can try Dr Henry Cheng from The Women's Specialist Centre at Blk 502 Bishan St 11.


cactus and steph, chicken essence works wonder! staining really stop by evening yesterday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

