(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hey gals.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my turn to get worried...

Juz had my first scan w Dr Adrian..

He speak so fast and the SK clinic so small.. a bit beyond my expectation.

But this is not the part i worried of coz.

I calculated, I shd be 7th week now leh. But during the scan.. there's nothing.. Dr Adrian scanned here n there, zoom in/out like cant find anytin. Then he tell me maybe coz too small ..5weeks only.then he measured sometin say 1.2cm..

then he got ask me hw long was my cycle, any bleedg or sharp pain or nt.

To me, i tot he doesnt sound confident.

i quite scare leh.issit my foetus are nt growing.

first day of my last menses was 6th Jun.

Shd be 7th week now rite?

Hubby asked me nt to think too mcuh... 2 weeks ltr go back, see hw lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

worried.. cant help but worried

hi all, im a newbie, too..

Shannen, i had my 1st scan yesterday at 5 weeks 5 days, i only saw a small dot..1st time..blur did not know anything.. so i did not wait till i am 6-7 weeks, cos so worried.

So did dr Adrian in the end find anything?

also anyone, i normally exercise everyday, now after finding out about pregnancy, dr say cannot exercise too much, now feel uncomfortable..anyone feel the same?

hi shannen,

correct me if i'm wrong, ur last menses date might not be ur concieve date ba. So do not worry too much...juz relax and go back to Dr adrian 2 weeks later ba.. wait for ur gd news then...anyway dr adrain told me to go back to him 2 weeks later too. anyway me at my 8th week my bb is only 1.69cm...so not too worry..

btw during my check-up with dr adrian i already expected him to tok 1st coz that's the common feedback fr all fr forum..but he kept on askin "any qns?" hee....

hi sapphiree..seems that ur n mine edd is the same...mayb we'll get to hv a chance to meet at TMC wor..hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cactus, for me, my mum is taking care of my sonny now. I'd calculated. By the time #2 arrives, he will not be 18mths yet. I'll prob just take care of him on my own during my ML. Til he is old enough to go to childcare. Well, if given a choice, I would rather he not go to CC. But my mum's hands will be tied cos my sis will be due 1wk before me. lol..

As for bf, i bf my sonny til 6.5mths. Due to irregular pumping at work, my milk supply slowly declined and dried up real fast! bleh.. I hope to bf longer for #2 though.

shannen, I think you don have to be unduly worried. For my #1, I went to my gynae at 5wks and worried myself sick for the following 2wks cos nothing could be detected at all! I felt better when Gynae did blood tests for me on 2 consecutive days to test for Hcg level and results showed that my HCG levels were increasing. I did so many virginal scans that I got so scared of it!

So don be unduly worried ;-)

baby is being naughty

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks ladies.. maybe i expecting too much from this.. Coz i tot i in 7th week mah... then shd be able to hear heartbeat..

i think i am frightened by the way Dr Adrian scan here n there , see nothing, then ask me got bleedg or nt.. he tryg to check possibility of m/c rite.. tat y i a bit stunned..

serlina, haa i was stunned n overwhelmed by him, i got a few frens w him, yup they told me he v fast n chop chop one.. but i din expect tat fast..even his sentences all glued together one..blah blah blah..then ask me any questions..i was like ..huh?..errmm no.. hahaha really lo... but i think i nid sometimes to get used to it la .hee ... but i believe he's v good..so many patients..

i wasnt given any edd leh ...maybe too small to know..

ya my hb oso ask me nt to worry too much. maybe it was too different compare to my 1st.. so a bit woried lo.. btw my 1st gynae (Dr Dolly Wee) speak v slow n sternly, like old prinicpal de.. v diff from Dr Adrian. haa...

i hope to get myself updated in the table soon, 2 more weeks..

waiting patiently.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gals.. all take good care eh ..

hi rebecca..to play safe, i oso suggest u don excerise too much , coz now in 1st tri oni, not so stable yet.. some of my frens even got spotting n order bed rest..

i think some light excerise is fine, but too strenous one..

for my #1 preggy, i played badm every sat, but my dad forbid me to play since i know i preggy..he say too dangerious , coz gotta exert a lot of arm strength.

tis kind of things better to be safe than to do sorry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shannen, is your gynea performed v-scan? dun worry too much, we are in very early stage. bb might be hiding up.

i thrown up yellow juice this AM. this was very awful.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

this thread move so fast... thanks for the tips cactus 79

lovinglife, did you visit any chinese physician to "an tai"

I'm getting so blur, headaches and sleepy now. but no other symptoms leh....scared


I think dr adrian is very chop chop. before i visit him, i will think up the questions i want to ask him...cos inside the room, he so quick, no time to think

So I guess everyone is watching what you eat right? Any food you are avoiding now that you used to love to eat?


yeah i have seen Dr Adrian Wenworth yesterday. He gave me some duphaston, prenat vit and folic. I guess the duphaston is the "an tai" med....

RE: An Tai medicine

Based on my personal experience, it is better not to just buy off the shelf an tai medicine from TMC medical hall.

Once my mil bought this korean ginseng for me to an tai as claimed by the boss there that it works, it only made things worse. I end up bleeding even more. It is only when i went to e TMC doc then I realised my body is not suitable for something so heaty. The pregnancy didnt work out finally, I cant really pinpt if the ginseng had made things worse.. but no matter what, it is better to be safe than sorry. :D

Now, i refuse to take any An Tai medicine until I am after first tri. I only take folic. :D

didn't get anything from gynae leh.. he only asked if i have folic acid and i said yes.. or is it that the nurse forgotten to give me??

noscon, i have 3 types of an tai med. my gynea says he prescribed me all liao, except hormones jab. 5 days to go before i seeing him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

icy, yah, don't anyhow take chinese med. we are not suppose to take chinese herbs in 1st trim.


Maybe u don't need the duphaston, if i am not wrong duphaston is given if you had some spottings. (correct me if I am wrong). My doc also only offer me folic acid. Then the fish oil will be given in 2nd tri.

BTW folic is cheaper at NTUC pharmacy.. $3-4 for 100 pills. :D

icy, i think duphaston is given to those who has spottings as well as have m/c experience. it is a pregesterone pill to maintain the pregnancy hormones. That's cheap to get folic from NTUC pharmacy leh!!

lovinglife: yellow juice?? thats before your breakfast?? yucks! so far, i only puke saliva.

I'm feeling very heaty now. Even my hubby commented that he can feel me radiating heat while near me. Sobz. Is this normal?

wow! folic from NTUC is really cheap. Does the brand matter for folic? You ladies started to take folic even before pregnancy? Now i'm worried cos i don't.

1727, i hv to rush to toilet the moment i woke up (no chance to lai chuang)... and puked all the yellow juice!! while i puke, i lao jio.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the force was too strong that i can't hold my urine, esp first morning urine is usually very full.. sob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

when we preg, our body has 2 temperatures (yourself & baby), thus it is more heaty than normal pple. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife, i fully understand the incapability to control the bladder. Don't talk about you puking, even when i am coughing hard..its like OMG! So no worry, lucky you are at home.


Shannen, don't worry too much. I think you may be only in week 6+. not week 7+. Cos my LMP is 1 June, and I'm only week 7+ now. If you ovulated late, or if you conceived late (sperm meets egg late), your fetus may be smaller than expected too.

On topic of "an tai", what's important is for us to eat carefully and have a well balanced diet. folic acid tablets are the only essential supplement now. The rest, is given only if doctor thinks it is necessary.

folic acid best is to take in 1st trimester. no need to really take before pregnancy, UNLESS you detect pregnancy really late. if you are constantly checking for pregnancy, it's okay to take it once you realise you are pregnant.

1727, don't worry about not taking folic acid only now. I also started only recently. About 5 weeks +, but it shl dbe okay. Same experience with my #1.

1727, it is normal for preggies to have higher body temp. It's the increased blood circulation around your body that causes it. It's very normal. in fact, alot of pple tracking pregnanct check their BBT regularly. If it dips after ovulation, it means not preggie. if it stays high, it means preggie.

murni: I dont know about you, but i tends to go for more savory stuff now esp the sour & salty. Nothing sweet appeals to me. Like what other MTB mentioned earlier, its all trial & error when coming to food.

Cactus: thanks. looks like i got lots to learn about pregnancy. Any recommendation of books to buy?

hi all...

i visited my gynae last week.. saw the sac, baby..and the heartbeat..then got a H1N1 scare..had hi-fever for 3 days straight...sent to kkh to do H1N1 test..thankfully..everything is well now...phew....

here is my info:

Nick: tiredkarin

Age: 28

Location: Whampoa

EDD: 3rd

Baby: #2

Gynae: Dr Jocelyn Wong

Hospital: TMC

1727, I don't think I read any one particular book during my pregnancy. I just borrowed whatever I could get my hands on from the library! Babycenter is a very good online resource though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi tired karin! Welcome to the thread!

Just wondering, is your #1 a boy or girl ah? For all of us, our 1st borns are boys. Teenoyl has 2 boys already!

almost all MTB went to check up..i think i'm e only person have not. my app on 4th aug..hmm should be 9 weeks by then.

babycactus can help to update mine?

I've not seen any gynae yet

Nick: zhuzhu

Age: 29

Location: Bukit Gombak

EDD: Not sure. Should be 30th

Baby: #2

Gynae: Dr Adrian Woody

Hospital: TMC

anyway, i add mine first though i duno edd hor.. heee

Nick: shannen

Age: 30

Location: Yishun

EDD: TBA (16th?)

Baby: #2

Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hospital: Mt A

hee..think i the only one opting Mt Alvernia.

My #1 is a boy, 2.5yrs+ ...oso from Mt A de..

oh zhuzhu! congrats! cactus, i can answer you on her behalf. her #1 is girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

