(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

1727, I'm not sure cos this is my first time using her as my gynae. Have you met her? Heard that she friendly and alot of good comments abt her


Butterwaffles : i definitely won't mind the smell of medicated oil now. Certainly a relief to my neusea. U mean even i eat sweet before i board the MRT also cannot?? Guess got to do it discretely then.

tsk : Oh, I thought you would have use her for your 1st. Yes, i met her beginning of the week as i'm worried cos i'm overaged mom and its my first pregnancy. So far so good. My fren intro her to me. She put me on Folic & Duphaston now.

yalor, tsk. i also forget the pain the moment i saw my baby hahahaa.. i think pregnancy & labour are still ok, but the confinement part is really nightmare.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi ladies, i went for my 2nd scan today...only see the pregnancy sac growing bigger and there is a yolk sac but cannot see the foetal pole [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i'm supposedly to be in my 7 weeks and still no sight of baby...beginning to worry now...doc has asked me to go back for the next scan in 10 days' time..got to pray really hard...


Just got back from my 1st scan at 6wk 5day. From the scan, can see a pulsating dot. CRL at 5mm with a visible heartbeat. Can finally heave a lil sigh of relief (tho still not complete relief) for now.

Thinking back, I'm quite surprised at how cool I was - neither excited nor emotional. All the time when gynae was doing the scan, I was simply studying what was on the screen, first to see if there's a fetal pole, next to see if there are signs of heartbeat (supposed to see some wave form on the screen if there's heartbeat). Since this is my 3rd time, I kinda know what to expect.

Anyway, 10min and $99.30 later, it's all over. Next appointment is in 4 weeks time (hopefully I'll only need to see the gynae in 4 weeks time :p). EDD is 1st week of Mar. Gynae didn't even tell me until I ask. He also didn't give an exact date and I also can't be bothered to ask why. :p


Can add me to listing? thk!

Nick: Stileto

Age: 34

EDD: 22th March 2010(to confirm again)

Baby: #2

Gynae: Dr Sim Lee Ngor

Hospital: TMC

Hi Ladies,

I am new to this forum.. Am Mar2010 Mummy to be.

Just went for scanning last few days, can see bb heart beat, in the 6 weeks + now.

Hi ladies,

I just went to see the gynae again. I am about 7weeks pregnant. We saw the heartbeat of the baby and its growing at a good rate. The feeling is undescribable... the first signs of life.

Lets all have a smooth pregancy!

Does anyone has any comments abt the First Child Incentive program from TMC?

Lovinglife, can you pls add me to the listing?

Nick: Sapphiree

Age: 34

EDD: 1 March 2010

Baby: 1st

Gynae: TC Chang

Hospital: TMC

Hi Mummy ET, good to know that we are in the same LMP [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i envy that you have seen your bb heart beat, i have not even spotted a fetal pole...sigh... i have been recommended to go for a 2nd opinion in KK, what do you all think?

Mummy ET,

congrats! I can imagine your joys....I'm looking forward to my lst gynae visit next friday to confirm pregnancy....


you either ovulate late hence in much early pregnancy week than you calculated, give it 2 more weeks or so....or it could be blighted ovum (empty sac w/o baby)...This happened to me and I started have spotting at 8th week......go seek 2nd opinion early if yoou want to make yourself more at ease...

Gd evening ladies,

Wow..it seems that more have gone for gynae scan appts already......congratulations on taking the first impt step...hehe

Il be going for mine around end of next week so hopefully by then i can share with u guys the feeling of seeing and hearing the heartbeats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My take is that there is no need to seek 2nd opinion... not for this type of case. If I go to gynae A today and don't see anything, I won't see anything with gynae B or C on the same day either.

I understand it is agonizing to have to wait, since I've had my fair share of it. Give it 10 more days. 10 more days is a good length of time for anything to develop, so you may just see something *cross fingers*. I honestly think your gynae knows what he/she is doing. Since this is my 3rd pregnancy, I've observed how they go about things at the initial stages and can pretty much can guess the rationale.

Take it easy for now. Good or bad, don't feel too much attachment.

Mummy ET: If i'm going to 2nd opinion, it will be 21 July 09.

Stileto: without baby, is the sac still able to have yolk sac and continue growing?

Optimus Prime: my hubby felt the same way...he too feels that i should give it another 10 days..and has asked me to take it easy whatever the outcome is...

i'm trying my very best to take it easy too..but as you know...it's rather difficult... thanks for your advice, dear ladies...

Hi Leia,

Thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I read this part: During the scan, the sonographer measures the pregnancy sac and look for evidence of a yolk sac or an embryo. If the pregnancy sac measures more than 20mm, with no evidence of a yolk sac or embryo, then a diagnosis of blighted ovum will be made.

Dr did find a yolk sac in my pregnancy sac, thus does it mean mine might not be a blighted ovum? *keeps fingers crossed*

Optimus Prime: Thanks for the link... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just have to patiently wait for the next 10 days before my next scan..and pray hard that i'm able to see my baby heart then...

Thanks ladies...

Fairie, you should seek a 2nd opinion. Give yourself another week or so before making an appt. Try not to worry unneccessary.

Good luck!

Hi lovinglife,

pls add me to the listing:

Nick: gyantan

Age: 33

Location: Seng Kang

EDD: 4th (Got it from the website will advise after my appointment with gyane end of this month)

Baby: #1

Gynae: Dr SH Teoh

Hospital: Mt. E

Hi fairie: Do keep us updated of your results. We would be waiting too you know. All the best!!

Yeah lovinglife, we stay near indeed. haha, that why I thinking about TMC->One bus stop away.

Hi everyone

Been missing as have been feeling super lazy, lerthargic and having terrible morning sickness.

Cactus - my MIl is 56 this year, I think. She has in total 2 grandchildren, 1 eldest granddaughter then followed by my son.

My grandmother should be happy gua but when all the little toddlers gather at her house, i think she is very tired. It's a joy to see children playing but it gets terrible when all of them make so much noises. These days, I can't stand noise...

For this 2nd pregnancy, I have no desire to eat at all. I get hungry and try to eat a bit but then when I see the food, I can just sit down there and stare into it for a very long time till my son or hubby come to wake me up from it... :p

Then just yesterday alone, I vomitted 5 times.

I believe it's going to be like my 1st pregnancy whereby I can eat 8 meals and throw up countless times for the next 10 months..

This is making me weak already. my hubby is very encouraging and supportative towards my condition. He is very ONZ in helping me overcome the vomiting, etc..and very ONZ in helping me pack food again and again...and most importantly, taking care of my firstborn.

Hi lovinglife/cactus

pls add me to the listing:

Nick: MicSarSam

Age: 32

EDD: TBA - should be mid march

Baby: #2

Gynae: Dr Foong

Hospital: Gleneagles

hey ladies..

wah, tabulating the list liao.. i got nothing from my side yet.. tmr is my 1st scan, keeping my fingers crossed..

so excited.. think I cant slp tonite.. :p

fairie, all the best to u eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and take care all ladies ..

Happy Monday!

Hi lovinglife/cactus

Pls add me to the listing:

Nick: grace82(danger82)

Age: 27

EDD: 7 Mar (TBA)

Baby: #1

Gynae: Dr Kelly Loi

Hospital: KKH

i have my 1st thrown up this morning.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

been feeling not well since sunday.. i think my ms started.. looks like i can't escape.

Hi lovinglife

Does feel better after throwing up right? I feel better after throwing up else feel very congested at tummy area!

But at the same time, dont really like to be a merlion all the time so am sucking on sweets, sweets and more sweets!

Hang on there!

samuelboy, yes throwing up does feel better after but i trying very best not to puke because i don't want my medication gone into toilet bowl. sigh.. today is a bad day..

hi ladies...i still feel nauseous a few times a day and still need to go toilet quite often to pee...but no sore and tender breasts like i used to have in the beginning...are the symptoms going away slowly?

Hi Sapphire: I have decided to postpone my appt from tomorrow to early August at KK. Will depend on the scan result i get from my current gynae next Monday.

Hi JTML : I will, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Shannen: Thanks for the wishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks ladies for all your concern

Hi ladies,

Juz came back fr my 1st scan today. Am in my 8th week now. So interestin to see the little light blinkin in the scan....finally can relieve upon seeing that little heart beating...

Btw lovinglife, could u include me in the listin as well?

Nick: kayden

Age: 27

Location: Bt Panjang

EDD: 01 Mar

Baby: #1

Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hospital: TMC

Hi Lovinglife, please add me too...

Would love to share more pregnancy tips with all mummies here...

Nick: TeeNoyL

Age: 34

Location: Yishun

EDD: 15 Mar

Baby: #3

Gynae: Dr James Lee

Hospital: NUH

i still as ever nothing yet except missed period n eat a lot :p

no other symptons.. but gg to see gynea tmr liao ;)

lookg forward.

kayden i oso Dr Adrian Woodworth leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i suppose u visiting his CCK clinic.. i be gg for his SK's .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i furnish my detail on wed..hee...

my edd shd be 16th mar..i calculate myself one.. haa

hi shannen

ya...juz went to his cck clinic today

the est. waitin time for him guess is around an hour ba...he's more of 1st come 1st basis so if u wish u can go earlier de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for ur edd, he will advise u when is it 1...it'll be printed on ur scan pic also...so interestin with the length of ur bb as well..hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I am reporting here. :D This is my #2 baby, my #1 is a boy, he is 18mths now, very sticky to me now, seemed like he can sense competition.

I just went for a gynae check today at 6 weeks (due to multiple m/c before #1). I can hear the bb heartbeat. :D This time round, my MS seemed to be worse cos I actually vomit.. previously #1, I just have no appetite and lose 2-3kg.. Let's hope for the best

Hi lovinglife, here's my info

Nick: icy

Age: 30

Location: Pasir Ris

EDD: 10 Mar

Baby: #2

Gynae: Dr Yeoh S.C.

Hospital: Mt E

Hi ladies..I cant wait to add myself to the tabulated data....hehe..but haiz...i have to wait a little longer...

Aniwae I think I might have gotten a little morning sickness liow......no puking...but very nauseous. And super sensitive to all smells lor.... Go sheng siong, smell live seafood...buay tahan... smell food centre also buay tahan...seems the medicated oil can never be far from my nose....sian..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And very tired easily nowadays....feel so weak I cant take it.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lovinglife, thanks so much for updating the info for us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm only see my gynae this Thursday, hope all will be well too. My MS is getting worse. Now every morning i step into the office, i cheong to the toilet first. First few days, puke nothing out but the feeling is very bad. It feels like a hangover? Like i've drunk too much alcohol the night before and the stomach is churning like mad. This morning, i really puke but it's some digusting foul smelling brown liquid. But really feel better after puking something out....

I've also had some light brownish mucus-like discharge yesterday....shucks. I hope everything will be ok....

i have another session of thrown up today again.. i guess this gonna be my daily routine.. getting more & more mtb has gone for 1st scan. when is my turn?

blue_y... sama-sama... dun say go market, i cant even smell perfume, deodorant and even body powder... i no puking just feeling nauseous.. but i noticed i only felt nauseous when on empty stomach.. so i declare:

1) medicated oil

2) packets of biscuits

3) beverages

as my new bestfren...

Icy, if your boy sticky with you, for mly we believe its the opposite, you will be expecting a girl.. hehehe... Before preggie, I always help to feed my 3 mths old niece but recently she will cry whenever i try to carry her. She dun even bother to laugh when I make funny faces. Hopefully i am carrying a girl cos I already have 2 very notti bois..

My appetite gone haywire.. Cant even force to put rice in my mouth.. Just soup... But yet my clothes getting tighter.. Hmmmmmmm....

1st visit to gynae this Saturday.. Since my last visit for pap in Dec08, we target to see him again in 6mths time with "new case", so proud to meet our deadline [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh, that is a good news to me! I hope that I will get a girl this time then I can close my factory. :D

I have gestational diabetes in my previous pregnancy, this time round I had to watch my diet.

Morning!! I was missing from action cos not around the computer past few days!

Loving life, thanks for helping us update the chart! Can you email me the updated document? We can share the workload together? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Icy, I also hope to have girl this time round. My boy is quite sticky to me now too. He is turning 13 mths soon...

lovinglife, when is your first appointment with your gynae?

cactus, it really seems like most of your #1s are boys! But most of my ex-colleagues and my husband's colleagues have girls. If this time your #2 is a girl, maybe can let me know boy or girl easier to discipline, haha!

Hi ladies, I am here to join all of you.

Just had my gynae appt last friday and I was able to see heartbeat at 7wks +.

This will be my #2. #1 is 10.5 months old nia.

And I see a couple of you with Dr LN Sim. I'm with her too!


Hi crayonshinchan! Welcome to the thread!

My #1 is 2 mths older than yours. I'm rather apprehensive on whether I'm able to cope. I'm a full time working mom and hope to continue working. I also want to breastfeed my #2, as I did for my #1... for as long as possible. ( I had to stop nursing my #1 when I realised I was preggie cos worried about miscarrying... better safe than sorry - my mentality). I feel that all these pose challenges. Do you have any plans on how to cope? Perhaps we can share pointers here?

My #1 is a boy. He is very spirited and demanding. Is yours a boy too?

