(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


I haven't gone to my 1st appointment also. Hope everythings is fine. My appointment will be next fri. By that time, I'm 9wk.

Hey, my 1st one is a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cactus can add me too :

Name: CT

EDD: 08 March 2010

Gynae: Nair Shamini

Hospital : KKH

Location: Bukit Batok St 11

Cactus can add me too :

Name: CT

EDD: 08 March 2010

Gynae: Nair Shamini

Hospital : KKH

Location: Bukit Batok St 11

Baby NO: 3 ( 2 boys age 9 & 5 yrs )

The more the Merrier .. THANKS cactus for your help .... By the way with this 3rd bb, i dont feel like eating much.. I crave of Indian Rojak .. 1 week 1 time sure have to eat .. No morning sickness from 1st to 3rd bb... 3rd BB Only sleepy and frequent urine ..

no worries, siti! I just had Chicken rice for lunch. so sleepy now! I also feel my joints becoming more painful. relaxin at work. it's happening much earlier this pregnancy though..


If u have enough leave, why not?

I am a SAHM, phew, I can actually now sleep with my boy for few hours and still feel sleepy. I still remember I sleep throughout the first tri when I had him. Nvr went out at all.

Cactus our due dates are the same .. But i think my bb will pop out earlier cause my 2nd bb due date was on 06.04.2004, due to water bag not enough and Dr Judy Wong worried bb would be big , I was induced on 25 March , Danial was delivered on 26 March 2004 wif a weight 3.45kg

My 1st BB Rayhan was a full term baby Born 26 April 2001 weight 3.75kg. I hope the 3rd will be on 26 March 2010 and a smaller version for easy delivery ..

lovinglife, try to take leave? You should try to have some rest when you are tired. I think it's our body's way of telling us to rest.

Icy, I am more tired at home with my boy, than at work! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He saps too much of my energy. Wondering, is that the problem with boys? I can't bear to leave him to the maid when I'm at home, cos I'm a very possesive mom.. so in the end, I get all tired out.. my hb always scold me because of this!

Siti, wow! Your kids are quite big. Do they take after you or your husband? My #1 was 3.05kg, at 40 + 2 days. I'm hoping for successful VBAC for #2. First was c-section. If this time need to be planned c-section, I may deliver at week 38. keeping fingers very tightly crossed that I can try VBAC.

zhuzhu, better check with your doctor. unlikely to be major problem but best is to check.

cactus my appt is next tue

anyway now too early to see anything yet

I dun hv severe cramps just light ones..

the dc is very super little

confirm no GD no danggui

I think is ok

Usually red or pink spots reckons for more attention?

Mine is like light light brown and very little.

Anyone knows if bb is around 7 weeks plus, the scan will be those abdominal kind or vaginal kind?? I'm not super afraid of vaginal scans because i've did a number of times of colposcopies before but i just want to be mentally prepared *gulp*

grace82, my first gynae visit will be tomorrow as well, same as cactus and you. For the spotting thing, usually it's harmless i think. Quite a number of my ex-colleagues and neighbours have that. I think important thing is whether you have sharp abdominal pains or if your bleeding is what they call, fresh blood stains. I personally experienced some light brownish mucus-like discharge as well. If you google more about it, you will realise most of the times, should be harmless de *hugz* I know how you feel, i was pretty worried too but i decided no point worrying, tomorrow will know liao *fingers crossed*

shannen, Dr Adrian Woodworth did the termination of my first pregnancy a few years ago. He is indeed a very fast speaker, everything also fast fast. First time i saw him was at the Sengkang clinic, second time i saw him was at TMC operation theatre already. I felt that he was quite bochap in the clinic but when i met him again at TMC, he was very very gentle and reassuring, very professional gynae IMHO. He's quite stern with the nurses thou :p The first day of my last menses is 31 May and from what i've calculated, now is my 7th week. If yours is 6th June, you are definitely lesser than 7th week so no worries ya? Also, if you are lesser than 7th week and if you ovulated late, your bb will be even smaller. I'm sure everything will be fine, stay positive! As long as you are under him, if you fall sick or what, i think he doesn't charge you even if you go to see him for normal illnesses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rebecca, i swim regularly too and so far, i've not stopped. I still swim leh. But i think swimming is fine. Best not to run? Or those that requires you to exert alot of force/strength, better don't strain the little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife, i puked brownish liquid. Very bitter and foul-smelling kind. I know how it feels, it sucks. But i have to say, i always feel better after puking. It's the moments before puking that i find it hard to tolerate, especially if i'm in the mrt or working on some urgent matter. I don't know but it feels like my health is on the rocks that kind of feeling. And frankly, i feel rather useless...

icy, thanks for sharing! My husband was still asking his mother last night about brewing don't know what nutritious soups for me because i'm not eating much. She said she will ask the medical hall and my husband asked her to buy rock sugar and bird's nest to cook for me. But i don't feel like eating any of that and i don't know if i can take those or not!

zhuzhu, congrats! Do you remember me from the 2010 TTC thread?

tiredkarin, so scary! Do take care of yourself...glad to know your bb can hear heartbeat already, everything should be ok le, keke...

Siti, no morning sickness is good. Else how to work? Will feel very miserable. My MIL told me last night that when she had her 4 sons, totally no morning sickness and she ate like pig for 9 months. But i know my mum had morning sickness for 9 months straight so i'm praying i won't be so unlucky.

Wah, all these talk about puking and the color of puke (yellow!? brownish!?) and the things being puked out (raisins!?) make me feel like puking too! And it's not because I have MS, but because all your descriptions are so graphic and it's so disgusting when I can't help but IMAGINE it! *faint*


I think icy is right. Duphaston is given to those who have spotting, as well as previous miscarriage (multiple). If you previously have a m/c (not multiple) but your subsequent pregnancy resulted in a life birth, then chances are your gynae will not prescribe an-tai medicine for this round. This is my experience thus far.

zhuzhu, I think better to at least call the doctor to let him know lah. normally spotting (even pink) is okay as long as no cramping. If have cramping, even if little, should let doctor know. my suggestion lah.

butterwaffles, my suspcion is they will try tummy scan, if cannot, then vaginal scan. At about 8 weeks for my #1 pregnancy, I did vaginal scan. tummy scan can see but not clear. doctor wanted to try detect heartbeat.

Hi ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i just went for my 1st appt yesterday. The baby is tiny at just 1.5cm but I felt so emo as I've been thru lots of hurdles to come tis far :D Please include me in the list. Thanks.

Nickname: Josephyn

EDD: 4th

Baby #: 1

Gynae: Dr Joycelyn Wong

Hospital: TMC

cactus, thanks! Ok...then at least i know what to expect. Can i know how the vaginal scan is like? Will the equipment be stuck up there for a few minutes that kind of thing? Because when i do colposcopies, they insert a metallic kind of thing in me and they will move the apparatus inside me. Thou i've been through that, i cannot say i'm totally not afraid of it, still abit scared *gulp*

butterwaffles, I went for 1appt yesterday @ 7wks 5 days. Dr told mr will do tummy scan 1st n if can't see then will do vaginal scan. In the end just did tummy scan cos can see bb clearly n see the heart beating too.

just got diarrhea today and the nurse at gynae asked me to see GP asap. GP said that maybe due to the food i ate not clean she said should be fine. Was quite worried about it..

Josephyn, thanks! I should be 7 weeks 4 days tomorrow when i see my gynae but also not sure if it's really 7 weeks plus. Hopefully no need vaginal scan. Congrats to you, now must focus on taking care of yourself & your bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


im also at 4 wks. no spotting for me. just very light cramping and very tired. the gynae did tell me to see him immed if I have any spottings.... you may want to get more opinions on that. have u seen a gynae yet?

butterwaffles, for tummy scan in early pregnancy, try to drink more water. I forget the rational, but it is easier to see if you drink lots of water.


the colon checkup is different from the Vscan. Of course they enter through different "holes" Sorry if TMI.. :p

But their "ends" are generally round and lubricated so I guess their "uncomfortableness" is about the same....

zhuzhu, being poked...it gives a rather graphic image in my brain, haha!

cactus, really?? First time i hear such thing. Thanks for the tip, you always share very useful information, haha! I'll remember to drink more water tomorrow morning....

noscon, colon?? I mean, i used to do colposcopies, due to a negative pap smear result [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Still enter via the vagina, always the legs on stirrups, really hated doing that because the legs must be spread soo wide. Can't imagine going through the colon one!!!!

cactus, yes for tummy scan you have to come with full bladder to get clearer picture.

yes agree, the v scan was very uncomfy..

butterwaffles, during my 1st trimester, I was told to drink lots of water before my tummy scan, so that can see more clearly. but if it is vaginal scan, must empty bladder first hor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I do have red streaks of blood with discharge and light cramping at week 4, i think perhaps it is due to implantation. That is also how I sense that I am pregnant.


I am a posessive mum too, that why I am still looking after him on my own. heehee I think depends on the personality of ur baby too. My boy is active, but i think he is on the quiet and shy side. He is consider a easy baby, now i am worry that #2 will be totally opposite.


I think bidnest is ok.. but normally they say first tri eat birdnest is for mummy, 2nd tri then for baby.

My Gynae give me virginal scan till I was 13 weeks pregnant. I think because virginal scan is clearer.

Icy, my #1 was a nightmare as an infant. He was colicky, cannot put down, must carry throughout the day and mostly during the nights. His teeth erupts all at one time! at least 4 at a go. now, all 6 premolars are erupting at the same time. luckily so far never fall sick or anything yet.. if not more cranky.

By drinking more water u fill up ur bladder n the water in bladder acts as a medium for sound wave to travel n thus giving a clearer image.

I remembered i did health screening before my marriage. Was ordered to have full bladder before the tummy scan. Didnt know i must go poo before that so my stools blocked some of the view. So paisay. Hahaha...

Alamak...so if normal scan cannot make it, i must ask gynae to wait, i go pee first. Vaginal scan + full bladder do not sound good at all!

icy, actually i think my husband is more worried that because i'm not eating much, HIS bb's growth will be affected. If i'm not pregnant, want to wait for him to buy bird's nest for me, wait long long.

zhuzhu, now i think of it, i had a few days of cramps at 5th week with no spotting. It's like those menstrual cramps. Neighbour told me it's due to the expanding uterus. As long as it's not sharp abdominal pain, should be okay de, don't stress yourself over it ya?

butterwaffles, don't worry about not eating much. in the 1st trimester, you should not worry about eating alot. baby is not putting on weight at this stage. instead, you should eat food high in nutrition. That's the reason why doctors will give supplements if mothers are vomitting or no appetite.

:p ya butterwaffles i calculated again, i think i calculated wrongly la.. if i countbased on conception hor, really oni 5th week nia..

Dr Adrian is rite ..hee...

Actually i v nt used to Dr Adrian, i asked my hb shd i change... he say see hw lo.. yup, my frens told me his pkg is one of the cheapest, but he's gd, chop n fast.. haa to me super fast ..haaa

zhuzhu, take gd care eh ... v scare de if got discharge..duno wat wrong w lil darling inside..

wah siti, ya babies are so big.. u natural? phew u r gd..

my #1 boy was 3.42kg..i cant imagine bigger than tat..*faint*..haa i was natural de..

swimming is fine, infact the best amongst the excerise, of coz if u warm up b4 tat..else leg cramps then jialet *touchwood*

i planning to go swimmming soon too w my #1, he love it.. but i lazy seldom bring him to swim. coz v mafan..haaa..big pack small pack ..i v aunty de.. hahaa

i am still in the office LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for my both pregnancies, my gynea performed V-scan throughout 1st trimester.


i heard v-scan v scary n painful one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my fren was tramautised by it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

