(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

yah..... you should have kept him longer with you, lovinglife. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shannen, it's really not that bad. just have to be relaxed. don't worry too much about it. keep on reminding yourself to relax.


so far me not much symptons. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i rembr for my #1, 11am start i will yell hungry, then ard 2pm+ i need to walk a bit , else i drop dead slpg at my desk..haa v tough to get by the time.. haa

For those who already got kids, will you opt for C-sect or natural birth if given a choice? I hearsay nb will affect your sexual life leh.. true?

1727, I will definately opt for natural birth. really hope for nb this time round.... keeping fingers tightly crossed. c-section recovery is very slow... and alot of possible complications. I had post surg infection.

oh really poor cactus..

1727, me oso def natural!

during my #1, my boy is in breech position until 37th week, my gynea told me i might need to c-sect. iwas quite upset coz i really hope for natural..n i scare c-sect implication, coz i always got sensitive skin n my skin heals v slowly.. but heng my boy turned!

affect ml or nt... well..duno maybe will a lil bit..Coz aft newborn no time for ml la..haa then if got, i feel v painful... i don enjoy it liao lo..

hi all,

i am expecting baby number 3 (BIG ACCIDENT) but not sure exact date yet. Did a scan last Tuesday but still cannot see anything. So going back to see gynae on 1st Aug. Hopefully will be able to see something by than.

chillipaddy, u same as me cant see anytin..but no, mine not accident.hee

it's a blessing perhaps... hv fun w #3 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My is big accident cos' number 2 is only 9 mths now. I feel bad for emma cos' I won't have spend as much time with her as i would like to. My number 1 gal megan is 5 years old. I was very "pai sei" when I went to see my gynae.... hahaha

shannen, alot of pple c-section cos cervix never dilate.. my case a bit unfortunate cos dilated very quickly, no epidural too. push like crazy for hours, still no bb. in the end, bb was found to have rotated wrongly, so got stuck. can't come out!

wow! Chilipadi, there's another mom-to-be here. Her #1 is only 10.5mths now. I can't recall who, but about the same situation. my #1 is coming 13 mths. So the age gaps will be quite close... can share pointers on how to cope. I'm really quite anxious about this!

I'm goin gto see my doctor tomorrow. a bit worried what he will say, cos he told me not to get preggie within 1 year of my #1;s birth. now, it's just nice, 1 year apart.. haha!

1727, Natural definitely!! my #1 @ 4.05kg already opted natural. I guess I have nothing to afraid for #2 about the size? partly because my gynea is very pro natural too. I don't think it affects ml much lah. Do more pelvic exercise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm just thinking, if my doctor doesn't encourage natural, I may change doctor last minute for the delivery. like, at week 37... I very much prefer SGH, cos it's very near my office, and my husband works there, so no need to pack hospital bag to bring around, and confirm husband will be with me during delivery. If at another hospital, husband may not be so familar with the staff and procedure, and he won't be allowed into OT for emerg c-section. last time, during #1's birth, he was with us, although I was under GA and it was an emerg...

wah, u all baby all so big de... saluate! phew!

Ya unless got health prob or due to baby, for myself i def natural.. but i got some frens coz of dates wanna c-sect de.. they go caluculate for a auspicious date lo.. hee

Ok la..i got a fren who bfdg somemore, #1 gal oni 8mth + alredy pregy.. heee they say 1st yr v productive de.. i think ok to hv bb 1yr lidat apart la.. my MIL oso de.. do-re-mi.. haa

all boys some more... faint

shannen, don't know if you subscribe to this belief - c-section dates not accurate. cos bb didn't plan to be born at this time. baby birth times in the past all natural. but I heard there are some pple can calculate birth times good for bb by c-section, not sure how accurate. take all these with pinch of salt. best is, I feel, don't take bb out before it's time. not worth it lah. unless natural will engender you or bb, as you put it nicely. So far, my cousins born by c-section, calculated timing, not accurate. My 2 nephews also not accurate.

gynea plays big role on deciding natural or c-sec. some gyneas prefer fast fast chop chop and don't want to wait with you. my gynea discussed method of birth & episiotomy (correct spelling?) with me when i was abt 37wks..

lovinglife, what I meant is that some pple want to choose auspicious timing for bb's birth, and consult shifu, so shifu give auspicious timing for the birth for hte couple to choose. but after the bb is born, years later, the prediction never come true. Like some couples choose a timing that will give bb smooth sailing life, or will be very good in studies, but not true.

that's why if want to believe, should believe but only with a pinch of salt. shld still "invest" time, effort and money in a child, and don't put too much faith in auspicious timing of birth. 5 people I know - all not true. all born with timing chosen from 3 well known shifus. in the end, the conclusion one of the parents drew is only natural birth is accurate.

Also, some pple say that timing of birth is only one factor. must look at the person's looks (fortune telling from face thingy), or even the spouse the person eventually marries. all these matter.

oh oh! some pple also believe that the name we give a child also affects the child's life in the future.

so I don't think it's only the time of birth.

i see.. very chim. anyway, c-sec is out for me unless i got no choice lah. let the baby decides when he/she wants to arrive. they decide their life. we are the supporter and provider LOL


also had yellow discharge at 4 weeks for 2-3 days then come back again now at 7 weeks.. Been wondering if it is some yeast infection..


I think its okie, my appetite also nvr been good for my #1,cos always neusea, always end up giving up my portion to my hb. Hb was the one turning fat! I had craving for Sin Sin chili and have to add on to everything I eat with it.. else I just cant eat. Things get better when pregnancy progress.

Baby Size

Woah, lots of big baby here. My boy was only 3.1kg.. and I am the one having GD.. my gynae keep me really under control to my diet.. plus I am on the smaller build.

lovinglife, yah, let the child decide. better for you also. unless really no choice (touch wood ) then c-section..

every parent wants the best for the child, so naturally also want auspicious timing for even c-section birth, but I just wanted to share that that alone is NOT everything. must see the facial features of the bb, the name and the time, effort and money invested by the parents and caregivers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya cactus, i oso not v supportive to c-sect coz of asuspicious time de...

If got health reasons, must c-sect then shun bian go shifu n calculate timing, then ok lo..anyway gotta c-sect

n u all know or nt, tis kind of arrangement nid extra $$ de.. one of my colic, schedule c-sect this mth yr hor, gotta pay 1k+ to the hospital and another 1k+ to the gynea , altogether 2k+ juz to arange specially, n hor, it's nt special timing, it a weekday daytime nia..

tat time my #1, contractions not regular..then gynea ask me wanna go in n induced or nt, i don wan, coz i want as natural as possible... but still irregular aft waitin for 6hrs+, then i admit myself n was on drip...dilated 2 cm only since morning 8+am until 6+pm.. lidat i duno i consider induced or nt eh?

shannen, I think it's considered induction. Cos if you check online or ask doctor, medical induction of labour includes putting drip or breaking waterbag.

actually these days, alot of us also need induction of sorts. for my #1, my waterbag was burst, to establish contractions also. contractions still irregular 9 hours after show. but I didnt have drip. cos fully dilated after 4 hours after water bag burst.

shannen, i think yours consider induced birth. still natural. hehe.. mine really natural. water bag burst, no choice got to admit.

oh then lidat i am..coz my waterbag did not break..my gynea break it for me de, n it was soiled liao..my baby was stressed, i was so scare then, i keep looking the reader tat monitor my foetus 's heartbeat.. phew..heng everytin was fine.

i got show oni, no waterbag burst n irregular contractions..my boy to full term de.. i have "show" on the edd itslf, but 1 day ltr then he willing to come out la..haa

shannen, your experience quite like mine, except that you successfully had natural.. and I ended up c-section. I didn't have drip though, and when I admitted to hospital. I was about 3 minutes apart and 5cm already. labour progressed very fast.

good leh u all got all the normal typical symptons.. haa

coz :p don scold me eh..those w MS.. :p

i don hv MS at all for my #1, then my waterbag not burst by itself then i admit to hospital de..so diff from TV ..haa actually i do hope i got some MS.. ok i know some of u gotta say i siao. but haha i hope i can expereince everytin mah.the natural procedure.. :p

oh cactus..so u actually natural but emerg c-sect in the end..wat happen eh?

sorry if i hv missed your story :p

mine like no dilation then, when 6pm+ i go into mt a, the nurse say i oni 1cm + dialted i was like Huh oni 1cm!! i waited almost 10hrs at home leh. haa but the drip really help me to dilate lo

it's rather unusual to have waterbag bursting before contractions. cos most of the time, waterbag bursts closer to point of delivery, after contractions are established, because it is the force of contractions that cause waterbag to burst. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's why if contractions are irregular, doctor will normally burst it artificially.

that was why i hv long labour lor. my body was not ready to give birth yet. baby only 1/3 engaged. head still high up!! alamak!!

the plug can be lost up to a week before true labour starts. my doctor told me to go hopsital only if contractions are 10 minutes apart.

I delivered my #1 on EDD too.

My waterbag bust, went on drip.. there is contraction.. But no dilation. Gynae insist epi after 8 hrs... and i only deliver after a total of 15 hrs.. including 2 hrs of pushing.. Nearly went c-sec. Gynae was threatening me if I still cant get the baby out in this last 5 mins, i will be wheel to the OT. That kind of give me strength.. hahaha

those hv natural birth, did your gynea perform episiotomy cut? i had mine all the way up above anus.. it was abt 7cm long.. boh bian, bb too big..

For my 1st pregnancy, we had emergency c-sect at 37.5 wks as mt placenta was detaching from the uterus.

2nd pregnancy, resulted with ectopic so had surgery to clean up the burst fallopian tube

3rd pregnancy, c-sec at 36 wk cos' blood pressure high and had pre-term contractions at 34 wks. Was on hospital leave for 2 wks before gyane decided time to get baby out

Now 4th pregnancy, risk involved due to previous 3 surgery. so have to manage the risk now... don't think can opt for natural...

icy, I think 2 hours of pushing is quite normal for #1... I push 4 hours, nothing leh... :p

for subsequent births, can be as short as 30 minutes!

Chilipadi, yah.. I think can't opt for natural... I'm also a touch and go case. cos my c-section was 1 year ago. for VBAC, should be at least 2 years or 2.5 years...


for emma i actually wanted to try for natural but b'cos of the surgery 1 year before and my blood pressure, gynae recommended c-sec. but for this c-sec, i took the epidual c-sec vs my ectopic and 1st pregnancy, i went under GA. I felt that the epidual c-sec was much better for me. I cld managed the pain better and was walking normally after 5 days. Stop taking painkillers after 6 days only took it at night for better sleep. Only problem was that my incision wound kept bleeding for a month. only one small area. had to go to hospital for dressing. after that gyane asked if hubby can clean for me than we did it at home. Finally the day before celebrating emma's 1st mth, the bleeding stopped. so it was a relief...

Chilipadi, I think your c-section under GA involved a bigger incision.. that's why recovery was slower. Mine was also an emergency.. my recovery was very very slow. very painful.


i think it's oso the skill of the gynaes. the 1st 2 was an older gyane while number 3 is s younger gyane

stitching methods are different so recovery for 3rd was better... that's what i think...


So ladies i need to asked 1 qns ..

My Blood pressure is always high for these 3rd pregnancy, do you all think i will also have a c section?

