(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Speaking of childcare, I think I will start to send my #1 to lessons when he is about 4 or 4.5years old. I think he does better at home. And I think boys tend to learn to socialise later than girls. Hopefully I can send my #1 and #2 to lessons together next time!


lovinglife - ya, am still surviving, just feel older and weaker each day..haha

I know initial hiccups will definitely be there but ultimately it's all for his own good. I want him to socialise and learn more things in school, he won't learn much staying with my MIL although I know he is in good hands. But while he is there, he plays and plays and sleep alot during the day and end up, back home, he refused to sleep till like 12am? I get very fed up as I have been lacking in sleep since day 1 as he is not the type of child who loves sleeping since he was born.

cactus - 4 to 5 years old a bit too late, no?

Oh ya, loving life, my firstborn is a boy!

samuelboy, 4 to 5 years old sounds really late as alot of parents are sending their kids to lessons as young as 18 months, but I think I would prefer my boy to just enjoy his childhood a little longer. My dad teaches him alot at home, and there are kids in the estate around his age. about 5 of them are +/- 5 months his age.

My dad stimulates my boy alot during the day, and also ensures that he gets his required naps during the day. HE sleeps about 2 to 2.5 hours during the day (over 2 naps) and about 11 hours at night (730pm to 630am). On our part, we sing alot to him, read alot to him, and play flashcards with him. I think his development is ahead of his peers. He takes the initiative to make friends with the neighbours by his body language and babbling. He can say many words and can identify about 40 objects now. So quite pleased with my dad's efforts, and so don't plan to put him in a school yet. Unless I'm convinced that a school is better than my dad, or that my dad is tired out by all this.

actually, I don't know what's the basis for me saying this, but I just feel that baby boys, more than baby girls, should be exposed to family warmth for longer after their birth. because boys have a tendency to want to be independent and since formative years are so important and are such a foundation to their later years, I feel it's better to have closer ties with boys than girls. Girls, when they grow up, will more often have loving relationships with their parents, more so than boys, when they are brought up the same way. So I feel, for boys, more effort needs to be given. I believe in this, so as long as my boy learns more at home than in a school, I would prefer him to stay at home longer...

cactus - yah, your boy is really ahead of his peers, and ahead of my boy too. My boy don't know a lot of words and kinda slow in everything.

My MIL don't teach him much and she feels that it's good that he go to school early too. Better for his development. Wanna put half day but don't think MIL is too keen to shutter to and fro to pick him so full day childcare is the only alternative.

samuelboy, I think it depends on the comfort level of every grandparent. My SIL felt that my MIL cannot really teach her son either, so bought DVDs to let him watch. That's an alternative (but I don't encourage tv cos have their problems). My nephew started attending zoophonics when he was 2.5 years old. Then 4 years old, attend N2 at a kindy.

I think at the end of the day, if the grandparent is able to to stimulate the child, then may be better to stay at home. But must create opportnities for the child to make friends outside of the home (like with neighbours), if not the child may not know what is expected of him (don't know how to share, wait for others, play with others, etc) when the child goes to school at 4 or 5 years old.

actually, one reason I trust my dad so much is because I remember how my parents looked after me and stimulated me when I was a pre-schooler. I also see photos of me when I was a toddler, with flashcards and typewriter print outs stuck on the furniture, naming objects. I showed them to my husband, and we had a chat with my dad. and we were satisfied that my dad was able to teach our boy the way we wanted him to .. meaning the way I was taught.... I grew up very happy as a child

For my case, my MIL is not able to help stimulate my child in academic wise but she teaches him the other daily things, those more common-sense things. Which is also good.

Socialising wise - my son have 9 cousins. All within the ages of 15 months to 5 years old and my boy will get to meet about 3 or 4 cousins like almost everyday as we always go to my grandma's place for dinner and that's where everyone gathers around.

lovinglife, how to post table ah?

I'm thinking of adding more heads of info.. then as our pregnancies progress, we just delete the LMP. At the moment, estimated weight should still be empty

the reason why i intend to send my son to childcare earlier because he is practically eat & sleep at baby sitter's. not much thing to do esp he is now cut down on his naps frequency. i am not worry about his making friends because he has been into enrichment programme since 7 months old (once a week). my target is to send him to full day child care by 2yo.

wow! it's good that you still go to your grandma's place every day! It's very rare now! your grandma must be very very happy to be surrounded by so many great grandchildren!

cactus, see the formula as follows:

\table { Nick,EDD,xxx,xxx,xxxx,



eliminate spacing between bracket. add closing bracket after last data

opps. okay! Will rearrange!

Lovinglife, shall we both volunteer to update this chart? I think 2 people is better than one, just in case one of us don't come online for an extended period - holiday, work commitments, sick, etc. If you ok with it, I PM you the updated formula?

i am ok. we can save the file in excel form. so everytime just copy & paste and post here. i PM you my email now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup! replied you LOL.

waiting for more members to report! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think i'll have to send my kid to infant care or childcare as both parents in law & my parents are not academically knowledgable. Also, there's no other near age cousins to play with.

Cactus, you are real blessed.

1727, I'm lucky... I keep reminding myself of it. It is not easy to live with parents loh.. alot of tolerance.. on both sides. just have to appreciate them now. when they are still around.

Not sure too. I just tested +ve 2 nights ago. I,ve been reading some forums all these while and learning since first time mum to be. I read that TMC have hospital tours. Comparing pics of KKH and TMC. Seems like TMC looks better. Still deciding...

Hi cactus, thanks for your feedback, yeah, most probably I prefer a doc with less waiting time and most mums would not be so concerned about price. Seems after reading many ppl spend about 6-8K. So all roughly the same. Guess most of march 10 mums are steady. I am feeling nervous most time. Read too much about the blighted ovum and such-like... My preference will be TMC since I am staying very near TMC, staying at toa payoh. I heard many feedbacks that TMC nurse very nice. So very inclined to TMC now.

Hi JTML, we are staying so near! i also at toa payoh and going to deliver at TMC too since my gynea is there. i hv been under his care since #1. the nurses there are very nice! double thumbs up!

lovinglife, i didn't know being a mum is so tough. As in, haven't give birth already tired, gave birth already lagi tired. I've just started taking the anti-nausea medicine last night..I can't tell if it's working because i think i feel like puking whenever my stomach is empty so if it works, i shouldn't feel like puking at all right? ZzzZz...when will this go away? I hope i'm not one of the suay ones who has MS all the way. I read your birth experience i cold sweat already. Kowtow to you wor...Your stamina is amazing. Can i know if it's possible to faint from the pain?

1727, i believe your MS will get worse ah. I pity those who stand near me in mrt, i apply medicated oil de lor. But no choice...Oh and my husband yesterday very angry after he read the evening papers. He said now even suck sweet or drink mineral water from bottle on mrt will get fined. No exception made even for elderly, young children or pregnant ladies. He was like wtf??! By the way, i did consider TMC and Mount Alvernia too. I think TMC has very limited parking space but there is valet parking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Heard that confinement food is very yummy. I stayed there before, was handled by 2 nurses. 1 was very caring and gentle. The other one treated me very roughly. I think it depends on luck. A colleague of mine commented that TMC nurses take a pretty long time to bring the baby to the mother, can take more than half a day after delivery. But i'm not very sure what she meant by that too. Mount Alvernia i heard, the nurses there are more motivated to take care of patients. This, i heard from a friend of mine, whose younger sister interns there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But if you read the threads, you will realise quite a number of mummies who booked single bedded ward ended up in 4-bedded due to lack of space. I think Mount Alvernia is pretty small. But i've also heard that they have expanded, now should have more single bedded wards. Since your gynae can go to either, there is no need to decide now bah...can slowly think about it :p

Talking about folic acid, i made a big mistake, hope someone here can share her knowledge! I've started taking Blackmores folic acid (500mcg), thinking that's the dosage i should take. So when i conceived mid June, i happily thought heng ah, got take folic acid all along. Yesterday i read that preggie ladies should take a daily dose of 5000mcg! What should i do?? All along, i took the Blackmores 500mcg one. Will my bb be in trouble? Quite worried now, haiz....

cactus, i think what you and your dad are doing is very similar to my colleague! She has a timetable for her boy (her MIL takes care of her son) and even specific meals (her son only eats brown rice!) and specific classical music for his napping times (!!!!!). At first i find her siao on leh but after i met her boy, i was sold. Her son is around 1.5 years old only but he's amazing....can recognise any alphabet from A to Z, simple things like, if i say nose, he can point at his own nose. Hahaha! I found that amazing because my own nephew who is older than him, does not really display any of that yet & because i'm not a mum, i don't know how to tell if a kid is progressing normally..both physically and mentally.

Hey, my info:

Nick: Butterwaffles

Age: 26

Location: Jurong West

EDD: 7th

Baby: #1

Gynae: Dr Benjamin Tham

Hospital: KKH

1727, take your time to decide which hospital you wanna deliver. TMC is offering hospital tour so you may want to check it out. i don't know about others because my gynea only delivers in TMC so no point checking others LOL

butterwaffles, noted on your details. all mothers are weida not only me whom went through long labour haha.. i don't know if pple will faint from pain or not but definitely not me lah haha.. oh yah, you can increase your falic acid intake now and hope all will be fine. don't worry too much. i am taking double dosage which is 10,000mcg. it is water soluble base so any excess will be expelled out by our body.

lovinglife, thanks for the updates! I read that it is important that folic acid is taken before conception because development is rapid and the fetus's neural tubes close during the first four weeks of pregnancy. Sigh~ Why are you taking double dosage? To be on the safe side? Keke...

butterwaffles, the more the merrier LOL! no lah, my gynea wants me to take double after tested +ve. before preg, i was taken 5,000mcg.

lovinglife - is there any side effect to taking double dosage? Cos im still taking a single tab daily...Will it really be better?

Hi cactus & lovinglife: So envious both of you able to slim down so fast. I still have 8kg with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope able to slim down after this one.

My 1st on is natural w/o epid, i still remember after giving birth i told my hubby that 1 is enough cos is v painful. But the next day i forget all the pain.Hehe

Nick: tsk

Age: 32

Location: Whampoa drive

EDD: 3th (Got it from the website will advise after my appointment with gyane end of this month)

Baby: #2

Gynae: Dr Dr Sim Lee Ngor

Hospital: TMC

Hello ladies,

There is a fantastic promotion going on tomorrow at Maternity Exchange at Marina Square. They call it Nation Building Saturday and it goes on every Sat till Aug 9th, National Day.

Enjoy discounts off maternity, nursing wear and swimwear, free rentals, and a goodie bag with free maternity items! Visit http://www.maternityexchange.sg for more details!

Hi ladies

Sorry to intrude. I have 2 tins of Frisomum to let go at $8 each. Exp date: may 2010

Interested, PM me. Thanks.


tsk,we share the same gynae. Heard Dr Sim is very pro natural. True? So does that mean she is not good at C-sect?

