(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi Butterwaffles,

Yup yup, It's John Tee. He is really good!

I made the switch to SGH cos my husband works there. and I work at Raffles PLace. and I planned to work up till delivery. As for why KKH initially, cos I wanted evening appointments, at least for the 1st trimester, when I wasn't prepared to tell my boss I was preggie yet.. so went to TPS.

Actually, 50th percentile is a healthy weight for a baby. It is about 3kg for a boy, and just under 3kg for a girl. But these days, mothers tend to be older, or have gestational diabetes, or are overweight themselves, or they take maternal formula to supplement their food intake, so their bbs tend to be bigger sized. Babies over 3.4kg are considered overweight, and there is a medical term for very overweight bbs (I think it's over 4kg).

I think there are many reasons for c-section, the most common being failure to progress (cervix cannot dilate). In my case, I had already dilated to 10cm, and was pushing for 4 hours, but bb could not come out. It was later found out that bb rotated wrongly, a medical emergency called deep transverse arrest. If I had forced myself to push him out, or if the doctor used forceps, my bb would have died, or suffered permenant brain damage cos his shoulder was impacted against my pelvis. Anyway, it was quite an experience for me.. cos I had been expected a smooth delivery (I was pushing 4 hours after admission to hospital... I was 5cm upon admission) and I only used laughing gas for pain relief.. so had to go under GA for the c-section cos it was an emergency. my boy was taken out in 7 minutes after I entered OT...


On miscarriage...

Mine happened in 2005 around CNY. Gynae termed it as a missed abortion (delayed miscarriage), ie. the embryo has died, but a miscarriage has not yet occurred. In any case, it didn't look good since the 2nd scan though I tried to be optimistic about it. I don't even recall if there was already a fetal pole detected (so long already, forgot liao). On the day I was supposed to do a D&C, the gynae did a final scan and still no heartbeat. Naturally, I was upset for a while (first few weeks/months). It is very important to grieve properly cos it allows you to move on from there. In any case, the pregnancy wasn't planned, but I had grown strangely attached to it. But after a while, life goes on. If it's not meant to be, then there's no point forcing it. Let alone, in such situations, how to force even if you want to force?

And I still remember what the gynae said, that it's better that it happen now than when the hands and legs and everything else start forming and you can see the shape and form and all as it'll be even more heart pain and tragic then. Sounds very heartless of my gynae to say things like that, right? But it's true lah. :D

When I detected that I was pregnant the 2nd time about 9mths later (gynae say to recuperate for 6mths first), again in another unplanned pregnancy, I adopted a cautious attitude without feeling overly upbeat about it. The first scan at 6.5wk detected a heartbeat. On and off during the 1st tri, experienced some bleeding. And my boy was born. :D

With my previous experience, if it happened again this time round, I believe I'm more prepared to deal with it than the last time when I naively thought that once I get pregnant, it'd be all the way. And I also don't start forming attachment of sorts to this pregnancy.

Ultimately, if it is in the divine plan that it should be, then it will be. Nothing to be kan cheong about. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My first scan will be this coming Friday 6pm at 6wk 5day based on LMP. So let's see if I bring good news, or bad news. :D


Been on MC at home yesterday and today bcos of flu (don't think it's H1N1). Nothing to contribute/comment on, so just be the silent reader on this thread. :p Take care!

cactus: yup, no worries. jus disappointed la. will work harder. lol. on hindsight, i still get to eat my fave half-boil eggs n sashimi! ;)

everyone, have a smooth pregnancy!!!

optimus: yep...in His time...His will be done. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, i'm new here and is a first time old mommy to be. Very excited about the new life. Hope to learn from all of you here.

Gd afternun everybody!

Wow..Havent been logging in for four days and Ive missed so much..hehe.

Been on a short holiday trip via flight. Was a little sceptical abt going on flight during first trimester. Read that it will endanger the pregnancy at this stage but since it was way planned before....no choice. On flight, felt crampy while taking off and landing. So scared. But after going toilet to check signs of spotting etc...I was so relieved to find none...

But since up till now with no ms in view, I can only pray and see for other signs daily.. like poking to see if im still having sore breast...bloating....all these makes me feel a little relieved....haha..

Well, wish me luck that in two weeks time my visit to the gynae will give me the result i wana see!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

today so quiet..

1727, welcome and congrats!

juliet, your turn will come soon :p

josephyn, my m/c experience was still so raw. let's take each day at a time until "judgement day".. when are you seeing gynea? mine on 27th.

fangfang, you are the only one here seen heartbeat. so happy for you! the rest of us still waiting..

miracle tiga, have faith. your baby will be fine!

blue y, i am same like you. not much symptoms and always wondering if i still preg? i don't have sore boobs. the only very significant symptom i have is fatigue!

miracle_tiga, have faith...we'll all cross fingers for one another here!

Fangfang, what made you visit a gynae so early?? Why were you expecting an empty sac? But i've read on babycenter that actually heartbeat starts at 5th week ;p Your next gynae visit will be in another 2 weeks' time? That's quite soon right...i've always thought for first few months, only need to see gynae at most once per month, heh.

cactus, thanks for sharing! I've always thought the normal weight for newborns should be around 2.5kg thereabouts. Maybe that's during my mother's time...Such a scary experience, your husband must have been worried sick that time!

optimus, i agree with you...doesn't mean once we get pregnant, will be pregnant all the way. Which is why i secretly worry about mine too. I guess all mummies-to-be have similar fears and insecurities. Good luck to you this Friday! Hope to hear good news from you!

1727, hello! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blue_Y, i had no symptom too until last weekend...morning sickness started and i got a rude shock when i woke up on Sat morning. Then i read on babycenter that usually morning sickness starts around 6th week. Which is accurate for me sia....

lovinglife, don't say too fast...you wait another week, you might start feeling sick already. That's what happened to me. Thou feel abit relieved at least i'm experiencing MS but i can tell you, it's no joke....

lovinglife, yah..i know how it feels....very uncertain rite..maybe for each individuals, the symtoms varies..same like ms... and i tend to be sleepy at any time of the day....even thou I have a full night rest...

butterwaffles, I do hope i wont get that kinda shock immediately..hope its more subtle..hehe

1727, congrats...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

butterwaffles, will be waiting LOL! i have bad bad ms from my previous pregnancies started at 5th week and i know it's no joke!

blue y, if it comes, it will be out of sudden type! hahaa.. then you will be start wondering why yesterday still ok and today so cham already?

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. =)

First visited the gynae when i'm in my 6th week and the ultrasound could show the sac & the fetus. Due to go back 2 weeks later for heartbeat check.

Like everyone else, i'm very uncertain and keep checking for symptoms.

hello ladies ...

hv been busy busy workg week for me.. but hee hope time passes quickly..my 1st scan next tues at 7th week..hee

Optimus,best of luck on this fri.. bet be good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] rembr to share

1727, hello..... nt only FTM be nervous la.. i 2nd time mum.. oso as nervous.. but prayg for the best.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i hv no symptons at all ..except missed periods for so long liao..

1727: hello welcome! oh hmmm sometimes really no symptons one... my sis got none but she gave birth to a healthy baby boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Optimus: oh i see... you take care and pop Vit C and drink lotsa water! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

butterwaffles: oh cos i missed my menses for abt 1 week plus then realise i am preggie.. i counted and i should be in my 5th or 6th week then.. so when i see my gynae, she could only see the lining.. then i very sad.. but after 2 weeks, manage to see embryo and hear heartbeat! Eh i tot first trimester must see every 2 weeks cos it's still unstable? i dunno leh cos this is my 1st pregnancy...

Blue_Y: God bless on your gynae check up.. hope to hear good news! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone, I got +ve yesterday but I don't want ask colleagues or family yet. ANy good gynae with resonable pricing for delivery fee?

hi everyone,

I am a mother of a 5 year old and 9mth old gals. Tested positive over the wkend. Saw Gynae on Tueday but only saw a very small dot which they cannot confirm. Going back to see gynae on Aug 1. This wld be my 4th pregnancy. 2nd pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy which resulted in a burst fallopian tube and emergency surgery. If this pregnancy is successful, there will be risk involve as both gals were c-sec and even ,my ectopic surgery cut was the same surgery cut. So if I go for c-sec again, it will be my 4th cut.

Catus79, saw ur post that u may switch to SGH. I am seeing my gynae in SGH. Dr Tan Hak Koon. Very good doc. I switched to him after my ectopic incident. Took very good care of me and my baby. You can consider him if your really decide to go to SGH.

JTML, I think most doctors charge about the same. The difference is in the package details. Some include basic scans, most exclude supplements.

If you plan to go restructured hospital, it's even more straight forward. Packages start from 16 weeks. Charges differ depending whether you are subsidized class or private class. The difference is KKH's TPS. that is at a premium.

Eventually, you may want to think about going to a doctor with a short waiting time (meaning, he doesn't not overpack his patients), deliver at a hospital of your choice (ie. NUH and TMC/Mt A offer water births). Think about travel time to and from the clinic, esp when you are likely to be very tired in late pregnancy.

delivery cost depends. My #1 was 8 hours in labour ward, end up emergency c-section under GA. Stayed in hopsital for 6 days cos post-surg infection. I was seen by consultant at SGH, stayed 1 bedder, total cost all in for myself (excluding bb's bill) was $8k.

Hi Chilipadi, thanks for your recommendation. I've already switched to SGH during my 1st trimester for my #1. I saw Dr Dev. I'll be going back to him for my #2. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will you be joining Dr Tan's Sat AM clinics?

Blue_Y, i think for most preggie ladies, MS sort of slowly creeps up on them. You will definitely be able to tell...i don't know, it sort of feels like your health is on the rocks. Abit kua zhang i know, heh...I went to my GP to get anti-nausea medicine, i cannot take it already. I'm only seeing my gynae next Thursday & i feel i cannot wait another week ah. I still need to work...

lovinglife, want to ask you also...since your previous pregnancies you've experienced bad MS, you are not scared? I don't know but i feel bad MS may even discourage me from trying for #2. Very weak hor me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

1727, i'm sure everyone feels very 'unsafe' unless our gynaes can really confirm the heartbeat & stuff, haha...I personally tested 4 times using HPT. Very kua zhang!

Fangfang, meaning your bb's heartbeat was detected at 7th week? Since your first visit to gynae should be at your 5th or 6th week? Actually, i also don't know how frequently we should see the gynae for the first few months...If every 2 weeks also must see gynae, i don't know how to explain to my boss as i don't wish to say anything yet. I just got promoted and have added responsibilities now, plus i have night classes...i get cold sweat just thinking about it...

JTML, congrats! So far, i never thought about delivery fees. My gynae is Dr Benjamin Tham from KKH TPS. I don't know how much he charges for delivery ah. I'm just trying to take things one step at a time first, not thinking so far yet. I think in order to decide on a gynae, you have to decide where you want to deliver first? Certain gynaes only deliver at certain hospitals. For example, i think Dr Adrian Woodworth & Dr Lawrence Ang delivers at TMC & Mount Alvernia. Not too sure about Mount Alvernia anymore due to the H1N1. I think their delivery charges (natural w/o epi) is around $800? My GP recommended Prof Mary Rauff from NUH. Most of my husband's colleagues are under Dr Yeap Min Li from KKH TPS. Some of my colleagues are under Dr John Tee from KKH TPS. Where do you live?

Cactus, i agree with you on the short waiting time. I personally get very tired even when i wait longer than 15mins to see my GP for normal illnesses. Any longer than 15mins, i feel quite drained. Your bill really amounted to quite abit! But i think it's understandable, your case really got complications involved. I've always thought if i set aside cash of around 5K, should be more than enough. Thanks to you sharing your experiences, we all know that when it comes to delivery, anything can happen so we should be prepared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My next appt with Dr Tan is Aug 1st. He was very nice. The admin wanted to charge me $85 buck for his consultation as they view this as a new case but he canceled it and told the nurse to charge me as followup. so in the end only paid $41 for his consultation excluding the scans.

butterwaffles, you will forget the pain once you see your baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i got the anti-nauseous pills too but it didn't help.

butterwaffles, I think my case was one of the most expensive it can get in a restructured hospital. :p

Chilipadi, that's nice of Dr Tan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] May I ask what scans you did? I thought the scans can be done in the consultation room? Cos Dr Dev does the scans for me, except for the ones at the Ultrasound suite - the more specific ones.

TOtally agree with you, lovinglife. I'm actually looking foward to my new baby.. and if possible, I would opt for natural w/o epi.


Went to do scans at the Ultrasound suite as dr tan could not see anything. My hospital bill for my 2nd one is abt $5.6K. I stayed 4 nites and c-sec oso. $5.6K is inclusive of baby's bill. For my 1st pregnancy, i stayed at Mt A. Oso 4 nites and c-sec. Bill was abt $7.5K. Same when I had the ectopic surgery.

cactus, i was hoping w/o epi too but my cervix too stubborn liao. only 1cm dilated when waterbag burst. admitted (6pm) and hv 2 pills inserted, further 1cm dilated, total 2cm. all the way till next day 6am!! by then, i was really exhausted and in intense pain every 5-10mins... i gave up and had epi done before 7am. i was a suay one because epi only worked on my left side!! i still in great pain on my right side for every contractions striked!! i was half dead all the way till evening 7pm. finally dilated to 8-9cm and nurses wanted me to start pushing.. baby was born after 1 hour+. total of 27 hours long labour!

this time round, i am hoping for natural w/o epi because they don't seem works on me!!

Oh I see! I will be seeing Dr Dev when I am week 7 day 4. Hopefully can see something!

lovinglife, I got up to 10cm.. w/o epi. Then pushed for 4 hours. but bb can't come out. so emergency c-section. GA.. cos no time to set up epi line.27 hours!! Wow!! At least your bb was born safely! And you were fine. Honestly, I wish I had birthed naturally. c-section recovery was soo slow! So hard to breast feed.

Oh.. the pain when I was pushed from labour ward to OT.. was intense!! I don't know how the older generations menaged labouring without any form of pain relief. I remembered asking the staff for laughing gas when I was in transit! :p

lovinglife, your threshold for pain very high leh.. 27 labour hours, think i would have fainted.

My friend wanted to do natural, but in the end doc said pelvis too narrow, cannot.. have to do c-sec instead. So end up paying for 2 ops. ard $10k.

I'm currently experiencing slight m/s. Had to suck on a sour plum when taking public transportion.. Also, don't want to break the news to colleagues and bosses now but dont know how to hide... Dilemma

Cactus.. u so funny, asked for laughing gas.

BTW, anyone knows if i can take birdnest during the initial stage of pregnancy? I'm ard 6 weeks.

cactus, natural birth definitely faster in recovery. massage can be started after a week too. i will take note on laughing gas. maybe can give it a try hehe. i had 3 bottles of epi due to long labour. don't know izit because too many epi administered, i hv backache for a yr. luckily now no more :p

1727, pain mah! haha! I knew cannot have laughing gas, cos not in labour ward, but I just asked for fun. try my luck mah. I didn't have massage post-delivery... cos my bb was colicky and I had no mood... but I lost my weight very fast. due to stress, lack of sleep and nursing. pre-preg was 49kg. peak of preg was 66.9kg. at full month, was 54kg. At 6 weeks, 44kg.. and stayed at 44kg, until 5 months later. now back to 47kg.

Thanks Lovinglife. My hubby bought some birdnest..guess got to storage it for now. So whats best to eat now beside the supplements given by the gynae? I havent even tell my mom yet..

Cactus, envy you leh. I hope i can be like you go back to my normal weight fast but i dont want to put on so much weight till 66.9kg. I'm short, probably will look like dumpling if i do.

so good leh cactus! i lost my weight very fast too but somehow, there is 2kg forever can't get rid!! *angry* my pre-preg was 47kg. put on total of 22kg LOL. at full month, i was able to fit in into my skinny jeans!! *proud*

Hi everyone

I have very very bad morning sickness. My firstborn's morning sickness started on 6th week. Puke all the way for the next 10 months as baby was overdued by a few days.

Also tried to birth naturally but failed and then had emergency c-section. Cost me about $13k in total.

This time round, morning sickness set in on the 5th week. Doctor's appointment in another 2 weeks' time and if I guess correctly, it should be the 8th week by then...

I feel so TIRED all the time. From the moment I wake, I can feel all my lazy bones telling me to fall back into bed..

cactus - me like you. dropped back to my pre-pregnancy weight super fast. within a few months only. Due to stress, carrying of heavy things, lack of sleep as well as breastfeeding...tiring..not sure how I can do this now with my noisy toddler in tow..

1727, don't worry too mu ch about supplements. what is really important now is folic acid cos normally our asian diet doesnt' have enough of it. Take vit C, rest well and drink water to ward off infections.

1727, lovinglife, don't envy my weight loss. I was very very strressed with my #1. I can say I've gone through hell. Survived and come back!

samuelboy, how old will your #1 be when your #2 is born? I think I'm about the same timeline as you. I'm 7 weeks next week. not seen doctor yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My #1 will be under 21 months when his younger sibling arrives.

cactus - he should be 2.5 years old by then. wow, yours is still quite young. he is still breastfeeding and always like to lie on my tummy and I feel so uncomfortable each time he does that.

I don't think I have the energy for my hyperactive boy and a new baby and might get a maid if I really need to...though getting a maid would be the last alternative.

Right now, need to send my boy to a childcare first.

samuelboy, wow! You are still breastfeeding ah?! My milk supply dropped alot when I discovered i was pregnant again.... stopped nursing over the weekend. I'm a full time working mom, so have a maid... and my dad helps supervise when I'm at work.

ya, am still breastfeeding but seriously don't think i have much milk left for him. I just need to seriously try to wean him off. He nurses to bed so I really need to start training him but after work, I am just too tired each day.

You can just stop nursing like that? Your son won't ask for it?

I am FTWM and no maid at home. MIL takes care of him during the day. We bring him home at night and then bring him back the next morning.

So lucky Cactus. I wonder who will help me to look after when i give birth. MIL working and my mom stayed too far away.

samuelboy, I've never latched him on directly cos of post-delivery complications on my side and his side. We were separated for about 1 week after his birth (advised not to have skin to skin contact). I found it hard to latch on . so had been expressing all his feeds... up to recently, have to intro formula.

1727, just to share, my hb and I bought a place when I was preggie, with extra bedrooms. the intention was to give my parents one bedroom so that my dad can help us during the day. in the end, my mom (who works full time still) and my dad will help us on alternate nights to look after our son in our home. So it's better. Although it is added expense, marketing, electricity/water bills, a bigger home, I feel better knowing that my maid is supervised during the day. more at ease. I prefer my boy to be close to a relative than a maid.

hi samuelboy, welcome and congrats! we are the surviving mothers here LOL. my #1 will be 27 months when his sibling comes. i tried sending my son to half day childcare but failed after a week. he had nightmares everynight and cried big time when we left him to baby sitter (baby sitter sent him to childcare) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyway, it was heartpain to see him like this and we have just decided to withdraw him yesterday. he is now a happy & chirpy boy again haha!


1727, you can engage a trustworthy baby sitter staying nearby you. to save your journey to & fro. if we can do it, you can too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

