(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

tiredkarin, same here...worst smell for me so far is fried noodles. Sometimes, i will smell porridge in the mrt too but that's not so bad. But the fried noodles really...made me whip out my medicated oil. I know some people can't stand the smell of medicated oil but i have no choice....

lovinglife, i have a couple of close colleagues & they know already...for the rest, not planning to say anything until i feel like it. I'm feeling jialat enough, trying to stay awake, damn sleepy in office lor.

nylek, really feel for you...i can't say i have MS all the time but now...it feels like it's starting. I'll start to feel nauseous whenever i'm hungry or when i eat too full i think...sometimes, it hits me for no reason, like at night when i'm lying on the bed. Now hor, i keep feeling like drinking hot chicken soup! Or tomyam soup *slurp* Dry stuff like biscuits, very turned off....

Do you gals get paranoid & use HTP to test again? I don't know why i'm so worried...tested again last night. I think in total, i tested 4 times already....somehow can't seem to convince myself that i'm pregnant! Silly i know...

Lynn *hugz* Please do a mini confinement ya? Build up your health....Just to let you know that my cousin miscarried at 9th week or so. After 2 months, she striked again. Now, her boy is turning 2 years ago soon. Take care of yourself!

Josephyn, i'll be seeing my gynae around 7 weeks plus. At first seeing my gynae next week (around 6 weeks plus) as my husband cannot make it on other weeks. But now due to change in schedule of his work, he can make it later already so i decided to delay another week as i'm worried if go too early & cannot hear heartbeat, i will worry myself plus, its a waste of $ too. Guess you can book your gynae soon since you are 6 weeks liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shannen, i think my colleagues all are old birds lor. Some of them commented my face had lost colour, so asked if i got good news liao, haha! I'm hoping the MS will not worsen, that as long as i eat regularly, it will stay away...else i don't know how to survive at work....

Hi ladies,

I'm so nervous and excited! I have faint +ve (not as dark as control line) on HCG test strip!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is DPO13...GOD please let me rejoice this very miracle....

I have no pregnancy signs at all - cramps, sore breast etc.....I am worried cos I had miscarriage back in Jan08 (empty sac), similarly there was no signs except missed period...

i really hope to join you girls!!I waited so so long...I hope GOD answers my prayer this very time....GOD bless....

hi mummies ,

im selling off

1) MEDELA MINI ELECTRIC (single breast pump)

-only bought in mid FEB, only used once, sterilised and back on box. selling at $130

pls pm if interested-

self collection at mrt station (sembwg, admiralty, woodlands, sengkang(to arrange))

morning all mtbs..

seems like everyone had a busy weekend..

nylek, i try not to take the anti-vommitting pills..cos it makes me sleepy.. going to see my gynae on wed.. prob will ask for the non-drowsy ones..

fangfang, ermmz.. i don have difficulties sleeping at nite.. but i can't sleep well and through.. i sleep at abt 9 and wakes up at abt 5? so quite tiring.. tried to delay my sleep time..so tat i don wake up in the middle...

hi josephyn..welcome..u can try booking an appt to see ur gynae liao..

butterwaffles, i m using axe brand.. then the ruyi oil.. also.. i think tat is good for bloated tummmies...

hi stileto...welcome.. and God will answer prayers..just be patient..=)

hello morning all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i oso no signs of MS ... but different from last mth, i am gettg sleepless nites recently..


stileto.. good luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] check it out soon, i oso faint line on T window same as u..

Seeing your post about the empty sac.. i start to get scare.. coz i oso no symptons at all except missed period.. hope this week passed quickly.. i only seeing my gynea next week.. hope everytin is good.

hihi afternoon to all,

shannen, yeah v hard to hide... i just had my lunch n couldn't finish up my plate of food which i usually can. My colleagues all thought i have sudden loss of appetite. They might somewhat guess something if things goes on like this. I'm also usually super chatty, but now i keep up with chatting so much anymore, my energy lvl is low and i can't concentrate. I think mabbe yours is still early so u dun get the MS symptom yet. Enjoy b4 u get the symptoms.

butterwaffles, haha u v silly leh to test 4 times... dun worry la... i think pregnant = pregnant le... plus ur symptoms are showing too...

karin, actually i stopped taking the anti-nausea medication since saturday because realise it didn't really help much after all and it really makes me even more sleepier only. Only eating regularly e.g. every 1 hr helps. For whole of last week, i only tried to restrain myself for puking, now i just head to the toilet to puke if i cannot withstand anymore and it makes me feel better after that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife, jiayou... eat lesser in a meal & eat more regularly helps.

nylek, yea.. i think vomitting out makes me feel better too.. then there are times..which u feel u want to vomit but nothing comes out..then very discomfy... i will try to make myself vomit it out..then i feel better...

shannen, don't scare yourself. try to stay relax.

nylek, hope you are coping well with ms. my appetite is still good but can't eat too full because i will feel sick after. eat just half full also not shiok, sigh! tired & sleepy all the time. the moment i woke up in the AM, i feel sleepy again..

Hey all MTB

It's seems like all of u have been having this pukin symptoms....but for me I only feel bloated and I only tend to blur out gas...is it normal? Will only be goin for my gynae nxt mon...so am a little worried as this is my 1st time preggy...so scared that the doc will tell me that it's juz a empty sac

Hi Hi everyone!!

Anyone have any comments about Dr Sim Lee Ngor or Dr Adelina Wong? How their stitiching skill?

Intend to see the gynae by end of the month, think by that time I'm 8wks.

anyone AF due yesterday tested +ve?

my af due yesterday, tested yesterday morning but -ve. till now still no sign of AF. hopefully can join this thread! argh.

Thanks for the infor...shall make an appt soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] had been feeling terrible these past weeks...hungry but can't eat much...tired during the days and can't sleepat night...but i am glad to hv these symptoms as it give me the assurance tat i'm still preggy...kekkekkekkek....


I just tested positive on HPT. Will be seeing doctor next Thursday. It's going to be my #2. Rather excited cos was hoping for a new baby soon! I stopped nursing my #1 over the weekend cos milk supply kept dipping, and didn't want to risk the present pregnancy by continuing.

Does anyone have anything to share about expecting a tiger baby? I heard some pple say that 2010 CNY is a Tiger year, and tiger babies are not good?!

opps, forgot to share, that my LMP is 1 June, so I think my EDD should be between 8 to 11 March, but will have to see doctor to confirm pregnancy. Keeping fingers crossed that everything will be all right!

so far so good! me started ttc-ing in june too...LMP was June 14. AF should be due yesterday but still no sign...tested yesterday morning (sibeh kancheong mah) but -ve. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

When did u tested a +ve?

since my #1 was born, I had been a 28 to 33 day cycle. This cycle, I tested negative at day 34, but tested positive at day 38. Started feeling MS on and off from day 40 onwards. It's stronger today. Whilst I don't like feeling ill, I feel very relived that it is a sign that the pregnancy is going ok up till now.. (still keeping fingers very tightly crossed). I remember learning from my 1st pregnancy that risk of m/c drops alot once heartbeat is detected... so I'm hoping to see doctor next Thursday.. should be week 7.5 by then.. hopefully can detect. I think by week 6.5 can detect already. On the days that I don't feel much MS, I just test with HPT again, to see if the test line is darker or lighter. Me very gan chiong too.

me all the way 28 day cycle, pre- & post-preggy...today is D30 liao. I remember #1 i tested 3 or 5 days after AF due date but this time, super gancheong, keep testing leh! n of cos, kept getting -ve...sian diao lor.

yesterday AF due, keep having the AF feeling but nothing came except for discharge. oddly, i keep hving discharge this mth after O and also slight cramps for a wk or so after O. No other telltale signs of Preggy thou. sianz...

Dun worry, sure ok de...spirits up!

With my #1, I had PMS-like cramping all the way up until I tested positive. So hang in there k. I actually went to see GP when tested negative at day 34. I was worried I didn't ovulate this cycle..! but GP said to return if 10 days overdue, and if AF not arrive and if still test negative. I think you may want to wait (I know it's so hard!) 8 days more!

Try to distract yourself by planning activities after work, and over the weekends. Keep your mind off it. It helps. These days, I'm keeping my mind off the time.. at least, until I manage to see or hear the heart beat..

cactus & josephyn, congrats!!

my hb went down to my gynea to collect medicines for me. this are what i need to take daily..

- 1 Cardiprin tablet

- 2 Duphaston tablet

- 2 Progynova tablet

- 2 Folic Acid

i am so glad that my gynea concerns abt my last m/c thus he rather preventing by presribing them to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks, lovinglife! I think all of us are hoping for the best now.... at least until the heart beat is detected... and maybe even until we hit 2nd trimester. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cactus, yes you are right! for those who have gone through m/c, it isn't easy to stay positive. i will only "relief" a little when i pass my 12 weeks.. (i lost my baby at 12 weeks in may)

cactus, yaloh! LOL. i conceived again on 1st normal cycle after d&c. which is 37 days later. this was a monitored cycle by my gynea. had few scans done before ttc again. i guess women are most fertile after the m/c. who knows?

nylek, i can't help being paranoid, haha. I think i will only feel better after confirm got heartbeat. For now, i have to say i never really puke anything out but the puking feeling gets worse and worse towards mealtimes. It's the worst when i'm hungry i think...i know should eat regularly, prevent stomach empty but seriously, there is nothing much i feel like eating....If this is considered MS, i guess i can console myself at least i'm experiencing MS since got MS means its better?....

cactus79, hey our dates very close...i'm seeing my gynae next Thursday, should be around 7 weeks 4 days by then. Actually made an appointment for coming Thurs but decided to postpone another week. I also use HPT to test a number of times wor...when i feel abit insecure for whatever reasons. Are you going back to the same gynae for your #1?

lovinglife, my cousin conceived 2 months after her m/c [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Everything went very well and her son is now very cute and lively...

Lovinglife , thanks. I can' t wait to see my gynae next wk. Ahhh...it's going to b a long wk till then... I dun feel very secure until I my gynae tells me I'm confirm I'm preg...as I've had 3 m/c previously n a whole lot of health issue...

hey Karin take care ya... i also cant sleep thruout.. guess it's normal...

hey lovinglife: take good care... hmmm they say eat lemon or sour plum does help... you can try... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey juliet: jiayou! hope to hear good news from you soon!

i just went to see my gynae today and i can see the embryo and hear the heart beat.. i'm in my 5th week liao... so excited! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my LMP was 09/07/09 (earlier than you) but ovulated later this cycle around CD18-20. I tested +ve on sunday CD34 or DPO13. Maybe you ovulated late this month as well? Wait a few more days.....


Sorry to make you worry about your pregnancy... didn't mean to scare, not all pregnancy are complicated, stay positive......I'm planning to see gynae next week too for confirmation i.e 5th week....when is your LMP?


Why are you taking so many meds? What are they for beside the folic acid? I'm had previous miscarriage too...I am concern now which week I should visit gynae to stablise pregnancy if need to....


I'm with Dr Sim, she is a professional gynae - friendly enough, experienced enough...I had mine #1 with her in 2007, nothing to complain about her stitching, why are you concern? me curious....

Fangfang, wow you 5th week can hear heartbeat liao! Congrats leh, means your pregnancy is progressing well, keke....Good to hear that! Hope i can hear mine next week too....

morning ladies,

a big welcome to all who are new..!

i m going to see my gynae tomorrow..so excited..hopefully can hear heartbeat and hear good news tat baby is growing well!

anyone feel like vomitting when lying down??last nite i was feeling so uncomfy..keep wanting to vomit when i want to sleep.. haiiz..

fangfang, congrats!!!..can hear heartbeat is very good news...

hi tiredkarin, sometimes when i dont have morning sickness on the day, i will also feel very nauseous before sleeping.

i'm only seeing my gynae in the 8th wk, so would be end of this month. still a long wait to go...

wow a lot of mtb seeing gynea next week hor!? i am only seeing mine next next monday ahhh!

stileto, my #1 born in 2007 too! hehe.. duphaston is so call an tai medicine to up the progesterone (pregnancy) hormones. progynova is an estrogen pill to thicken womb lining and make it stronger. cadiprin pill is to increase blood circulation. very complicated hor? LOL

butterwaffles, thanks! i will look forward and stay positive & healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fang fang, congrats on seeing heartbeat liao! you must be on cloud 9 now hehe

lovinglife: so hard to relax sia...skali AF late cos too stress hoping for BFP??! LOL.

Fangfang: thanks. today is 2nd day late liao..hopefully dun see any red this week...

stileto: don't think i ovulate late leh. coz when O will hv those milky discharge? it came v. zun leh. anyway, me not so hardworking n didn't plot all these CD or DPO (actually, er, dun really know what these r?)..try to 'be natural'...maybe i should start doing these...

josephyn, call up to your gynea clinic and inform them you have tested +ve. ask them if you need to go down to collect some medicine or having a jab before appt? i did not see my gynea until next next monday but my gynea asked my hb to go down to colllect medicine for me.

lovinglife: i hope so too! my #1 was 'natural', didn't purposely BD to get P, neither did we avoid la..so it kinda came as a surprise..

this time, we really wanna get P, didn't know the wait can be soooo agonizing! salute all of you hardworking ones...

Hi Butterwaffles!

Yes! Seems like our dates are very close! Like you, my husband wanted me to see doctor this Thursday, but I told him worried can't detect heartbeat by then. Cos I was still nursing my #1 when I conceived, so not sure if my cycle length/ovulation date shifted... so we eventually decided to wait one more week.

Yes! I'm going back to the doctor who delivered my #1.


My #1 gynae stitching skill not tat good as i felt pain after 1 week. So this round want to find a gynae who has a good stiching skill and friendly who able to give morale support. hehe.

Actually want to see Dr Yvonne Chan but she is fully booked.

My LMP is 28 May 2009. So now abt 6 to 7wks

tsk, I also felt pain after my c-section, but my husband told me my doctor had spent 1.5 hours stitching me up very very carefully. my scar is very nice and almost can't be seen unless I stare at myself in the mirror... I suspect the pain may not be caused by poor stitching, but other factors like how large the incision was and whether the nerve endings/ muscles were damaged by the incision.... even till now.. I experience itch around the scar area from time to time. the pain only went away completely about 6 months...

wow wow wow..think this thread is getting so exciting esp for the next few weeks..

Sorry din get to read up all the posts.. too many ..hee

Fang fang, so 5th week can listen to heartbeat liao.. good for u..congrats!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tiredkarin.. must be excited rite?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I same as butterwaffles.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i gg for my first appt next week .. shd be 7th week then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Butterwaffles, u first or 2nd visit?

Stileto.. no la..i juz being paranoid :p hee

as long as hvnt go see gynea, i still feelg scare de.. nevermind 1 more week of anxiety for me to go only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my LMP is 6th June [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynea's stitchg skill v impt de.. my #1, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maybe I v unlucky.. my stitching is quite bad.. i took abt 2 weeks to heal.. i feel the immense pain when i walk, i was in Mt A, i couldnt even walk to the baby ward to see my boy..it juz hurt so much tat i don dare to pee until 2nd day when the nurse forced me to :p

hence find a gynea w good stitchg .. i mean from recomm of some mummies to play safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone seeing Dr Adrian at Seng kang de?

till now, i only take folic acid ..start to take some calcium oso.. for iron pill i will take from my gynea n fish oil.. i think these are all rite? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

been watchg my diet, i refrain from kopi aledy..hee oni drink once in a blue blue moon.. i terrifically happy on my #2 pregnancy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hee hope my #1 can share my joy, he still cant undstd i think.. hee


My #1 is normal delivery,it take more than 1 week to heal.

Hehe, i also dare not pee that time, so scare of pain. The nurse said she will only left until i pee.

Feel very nauseous, how i wish i can take 1 month unpaid leave. Stay at home and sleep ZZzzZz.

Have called and booked an appt with Dr Sim end of this mth. Hope everything is fine.

