(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

1727, yah old fashion way.. got measuring tape somemore hehehe despite he has high tech scanning machine.. i just curious lor why he old fashion but he drives porche with GTI wing!! LOL most gyneas measure bb's weight from 2nd trim onwards..

lovinglife, did u ask him why he does things this way? hm, wonder if he'll get offended as if we're questioning his ability.

wah, how u know what car he drives? heh

1727, no lah, i only 8weeks nia. oscar will most likely in 1st week of sept liao. from my 1st pregnancy, Oscar cannot confirm my bb's gender. i only found out (confirmed) during my detailed scan which was 5 mths preggy.. my gynea not keen to check bb's gender too. he says not impt.

tiga, i am with him long enuf to know him so well lor LOL.. i even know wat car his dad is driving hahaa i am too boh liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worry, he will explain to you why he uses old fashion way and not measuring bb's weight. i simply think he is a great gynea. charming too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heh i just measured my navel to the peaches below, its 8 inches, supposedly coincides with my date now?? is it done this way? haha..

my widest circumference at the belly is 35inches now.. fat man.. are u ladies still fitting into ur current clothes? i know my jeans are bursting for sure..

i need to get that b-buckles thing la..

tiga, practice makes perfect. i used to measure myself at home too for my 1st. i not sure if we can measure by using this method in 1st trim? i looked like 4-5 mths preg leh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I will take a look at the post on the OSCARS....

BTW, at which stage then will need to get a bigger size of the bottom ah ??

i am wearing babydoll dress to work nowadays. i know some collis are speculating that i am preg but i hack care lah. most importantly i am comfortable. weekends i wear maternity shorts plus hb's oversized t shirt.

hey ladies,

just to check when do we start wearing maternity clothes? i also feel my clothes getting tighter... and i'm moving on to my 11th week on sat... =D

i think it's either i'm better at coping with my ms or my ms have subsided abit cos i'm able to eat more (recently able to finish my lunch) and i only feel nauseous when i'm hungry or at night... but i still puke food 1-2 times per day la...

pardon my ignorance... this is my #1 =) very looking forward...

Huh..my tummy still quite flat leh.. still able to fit into current clothes and still wear heels wor..

What buckle thingy? U mean extension for pants? where to get?

Wah!! Lim Kay Tong look alike gynae?

I like!!! maybe i shd switch my gynae and will definitely be looking forward to every trip.

hello ladies,

my tummy also bloated. The other time I went for scan, was told by my gynae that i had lotsa stools which she show on da scan...which is common for pregnant ladies.... Thats why many of us feel rather bloated. And eversince eating Obimin multi-vits, my bloating seems worse bcause very constipated....any remedies u guys have tried? are laxatives ok to down for now?

hi blue_y, i'm also taking obimin.... what i did was to eat more fruits... after lunch i usually buy 1 kiwi & 2 slices of honeydew... also drink more beverage... i drink 2 cups of hot green tea cos i can't swallow water... somehow it helps clear my bowels... i go poo almost everyday with this diet...

nylek, its been two days i stop poo-poo. so scared and feels so not good...even thought of stopping obimin for a while..aniwae will take more fruits now...hope to poo-poo soon....

suddenly feel like eating sashimi... but cannot.. waah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mtbs...

long time nvr log in... BZ with packing, moving house then now unpacking.. will be having a prayer tis Sat at new place.. very very TIRED!! help...

Tiga, dun mentioned!! arghhh.. i LOVE sashimi.. yummy..

Blue_y, try eating prunes.. sure go wan! hehe..

BTW, i noticed most of you have been seeing your gynae for at least 2 or 3 times now.. I've met him once and the next appt will only be end of Aug.. Do i need to worry??


wa... your 8 weeks and u already wearing baby doll dress.... ?

actually my stomach v bloated especially after lunchtime leh.... scare will soon have to wear looser clothes liao le....

Btw, did u take up First Child Born incentive at Thomson?


Woah u take Obimin multi-vits already. I remember that I will get giddy after taking Obimin multi-vits so i kind of stop taking and just watch my diet. That was when I had #1.

TeeNoyL, thankx for your recommendation...will go buy some prunes to munch on..can't tahan already....few days meal inside and still havent out yet... Aniwae I have also went for only one appt, heard that if everything goes ok, no bleeding extreme pain or cramps, its ok...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] End of Aug is like a few weeks away..I cant wait for mine too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

icy, yah..my gynae recommended that on first visit so been taking it but it causes me constipation...so stopped for a while now hopefully until my bowel movement's back to normal...wouldnt want my doc to keep showing me.."that's your stools rite there" instead of my baby..:p

Anyone see Cactus post about her visit to gynae?Maybe I missed cactus' post. I think her apointment is tomorrow ler...She has not post for a while already....

some colleague knows , especially lunch partners.. cannot hide..

as for clothing, still fine with Top but not bottom as I feel uncomfortable with zip and buttons. so mostly i wear dress. but look like i have tummy ! still no one guess is preg.

went in to a maternity shop, the salegirl dun even bother to come to me.. haha

hi ladies, I am not a Mar MTB. Can I ask if you are drinking milk for mothers already? Anyone know which brand is good? When is a good time to start drinking?

dreamababy, boh bian leh.. tum tum big wor, got to wear dresses to hide.. i already applied for SBI. this is my #2 leh.

coffeedrinker, welcome! our edd might be same or quite close? i am on the 18th.

lilybud, my wifey is mar mtb, she's taking anmum materna. 650g pack cost ard S18 at ntuc, avail in regular and choc flavour. btw i usually purchase frm jb ard S13.


Is the SBI useful anot ??? So can have discounts for all the checkups? I abit lost on the programme leh.... can you advise me? And when should I sign up?


i'm still feeling light cramp as and when now .... I asked my gynae and he says it's still consider normal to have cramps at times as long as no bleeding or spotting....

dreamababy, yours will be under FBI (first born incentive). it is cheaper to sign because our gynea is TMC gynea mah. all scans will entitle for certain disc. just for oscar & detailed scan, you will get back what you will be paying for FBI fee liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you can sign up during your oscar review appt which is 11-13 weeks.

zhuzhu, light cramping is common because our uterus is expanding mah. as long as it is mild, it should be fine. relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh ic .... thank you for your advice.... then I will sign up during the oscar review appt..... hee...

not only that

I feel I'm having so much transparent discharge... wet~~?

everytime I feel as if something is flowing out I tot I'm spotting..

lovinglife...for the FBI card is it worth applyin for it..am still considerin to apply anot..coz as per dr adrain his advise is that it's not really worth it..

dreamababy, you will get a lot of freebies when signing up FBI.. i got 1 tin 900gm Similac Mama milk powder, a shoulder baby bag, plus some vouchers & samples..

coffeedrinker, oh i see! then our dates really quite near [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zhuzhu, mine also over expanded liao LOL but i dont really feel cramps. only occasionally. dunno izit becos yours thru csect leh.. my discharge has been creamy/sticky/clear/slightly yellowish and tonnes.

serlina, mine is a TMC gynea thus it is beneficial to apply for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



my dc also abit like urs minus the light brown little spotting.

do u know if i din sign up for FBI can sign up for SBI anot

