(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

mine is also a TMC gynea...n i hv check b4 he's in the list of gynae with disc also for TMC..

but my scan..dr adrian only choose a 200+ package for both my down syndrome n detail scan..that's y he say not much disc...that's y after wat he say it makes me abit wonder n consider to apply or not to


yes zhuzhu. you can sign up SBI even without FBI.

serlina, if you are delivering in TMC too, think it is worth to get it lah. somemore if you are going for 3D or 4D scan at later stage, you will get huge disc too becos all these detailed scan are not cheap.

lovinglife, my gynae hv already choosen a package for me le...they told me total is only around $232...dunno why so cheap..is it not that accurate?

serlina, you will also get some discount on your hospital stay when you deliver.

it is pretty worth it as the amt you pay, you get back the amt more than what you have paid for, like discounts on stay, detailed scan, OSCAR, gynae fees, pediatric fees, etc. Will be gd to check if yr gynae or ped is under the FBI/SBI. detailed scan is alr $100+. can't remember exact amt. think got 10% off. not sure how much is OSCAR cos i've nvr done this. i chose the triple test which can be done at my gynae's clinic instead of TMC

i'm so terrible w the pill-popping. kept forgetting to eat my folic acid.

my tum tum so big at night. dun believe i'm only 10 wks! haha..

jules...same here same here...haha...

i also keep on forgettin to take my vitamin n folic...

jurongwest..normal birth is juz natural bith lor..mayb with some laughin gas to assist...but assisted birth is with help of machine to draw the bb..normally use only if the bb is stuck or difficulty gettin out (if i'm not wrong)..hahaha...


$232 for 13th DST and 20th Detail scan at TMC, y so cheap?

I will be doing my oscar scan end of the mth, the clinic assistant told me $400+ package with the detail scan.

Hello happy holidays Ladies!!

1 week wait is really long man... phew..

Oh ya jwest, my #1 was at Mt Alvernia.

I quite like it there... older facilities though but the nurses are very kind , patient n nice .. i enjoyed my stay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi just an update, my staining got worse on wed evening, thursday became red. i tot this time sure goner, my 3rd mc in a row, maybe not destined to have another one. this morning went for checkup and was prepared for the worse. gynae say baby is fine, yolk sac fetal pole and even hb is in place. phew what a relief for me but i still have to rest in bed. gynae say some of his cases stain up to 5 mths! I hope i'm not one of them.


luckily u are alright.....


Like tat u better rest alot alot..... So dont post anymore messages until u feel better okie ???

Rest well ya!

Congrats JonJosh... happy to hear that, pls rest well and don't move around okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tat's great jonjosh!! Congratulations!! and take good rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So happy for u

congrats jonjosh! I've been a silent reader all these while, really happy that your baby is safe and sound!

To all MTBs here, let's all work hard and have healthy babies in March!

I'm 8 weeks today, last Friday went for scan and doctor wrote on the scan CRL=1cm

Hopefully everything will be ok until next scan..

Sigh.. Having a baby is so expensive. All the scans and tests and doctor visits is going to burn a hole in my pocket.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tsk, 1727

me also not too sure leh...coz when i called up tmc to check they told me it that price only leh...can't confirm the package name now..muz get home then can see..

if i'm not wrong it's juz a simple scan for both..let me get back to u all when i get home at nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shannen: May I know if you took the maternity package at Mt.A?

I think the price is lower than TMC right?

Also when they say claim up to a $2600, does it mean if I spent only $2200 for the ward/delivery, I don't need to pay any extra? This exclude the doctor's fee. Can doctor's fee also be claimed with medisave?


:p June, sorry i cant rembr much, was 3 yrs agao.

yup, i took the package, natural w epi.. i think the bill came up to 2k lidat. I rembr the pakg price nt cheaper than TMC, it's comparable.


i tink if u sign up the TMC card then there is discount on the OSCAR & scans i believe

they have the FBI or the SBI card

Hi, any ladies taking metformin during 1st trimester? I am so confused.... when I went to the govt hospital, they told me to continue. When I seek 2nd opinion at a private gynae he told me to stop. the nurse mentioned that there are 2 schools of thoughts...young doctors believe that it's ok and it's popular in USA. However the older doctors believe that pregnancy should stop all medication. Super confuse!

Rest well jon. good to hear baby is doing great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your baby's a strong one.

Hi Ladies,

I'm so happy today. Went for my 2nd scan, all is well, can now see the baby and the heartbeat (compared to 2 wks ago where I can only see the empty sac). Baby (at 8 wks + now) is abt 2.2cm big, heartbeat at 176 bpm, can even see the little hands and legs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haven't been reading this thread recently, hope all is well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Serlina, Jules,

Thanks for your encouragement.

Hi Miraclebb,

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Even though the gynae told me that any over the counter medicine like panadol, etc is safe, but my mom still advise me not to take any just in case.

So even when I have a headache last night, I have to just bear with it.. Sigh...

I think I will bear with it now, rather then later get the "I told you so" look from my mother!

june, know what you mean. my mother kept wanting me to drink those tonic wine when i was doing my confinement. dun like cos i find them too strong as i turn v hot and red. however, i must ensure i take care of myself so that she wun have any excuse to "see, what happens when you dun listen".

Congrats Maple [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's exactly how i felt when i saw my little baby at 8 wks, with that head, body and legs.

Hmm, I guess the machine my gynae has must be very lousy. Even after zooming in, only see 1 longish blob.. I don't even know where is the head or bottom.. I think my hb and I was too excited to see the little flickering light, which the gynae say is the heartbeat.. and we forgot to ask.. haha..

Hopefully I can see more details during the next scan..

june, i wouldn't know too if my gynae had not pointed it out to me. hee... i always cannot make out any head or tail with the scans unless guided by gynae

But it's really amazing to see the little heartbeat so early lor! I think my hubby face nearly split into half, his grin was from ear to ear..

Somehow I don't feel as excited as my hb.. I keep blaming him for making me feel so sick at night.. every night feel so bloated and cannot sleep well..

hi june, i guess we're the ones feeling the horrible ms, hence not so excited ba...

i feel lidat too... was rather moody past few weeks when ms kicks in and i just can't cope with the bloatnessed n wanting to puke... it comes with some adjustment time for me to feel better n now i'm trying to feel happy n excited too... afterall bb will be happy if i'm happy. =D

Hi all mummies...i've disappeared for a long time due to bad MS. Was hospitalised for dehydration. Someone please tell me this MS will end for sure...

butterwaffles, take care of yourself! I know water taste yucky but still have to drink lots of water, especially in this hot weather.. maybe you can try taking fruit juice instead..

hate ms, never had ms so bad as what i am having now. whole person cannot function properly, so weak and feel so yucky. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

butterwaffles, do take care. i also find it hard to swallow water too. want to puke once i drink. however, if i down sweet drinks, it's a diff story. hope you are feeling better. MS will go away but i can't say when it will be... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My MS comes bad by evening time. shouldn't be called MORNING sickness manz...

luckily hubby has been very accomodating and tries to make me feel comfy but just feels bad when i snap at him over very petty stuff. oops...

hi ladies...juz check my detail slip for my scanning package...it;s 11-14weeks Nuchal Translucency (down's syndrome risk assessment)+ FA Scan-Obstertric both without doppler...

so what u all think...will it be accurate or shld i ask my gynae for more better package?

Hi Ladies,

Pop by Marina Square for Maternity Exchange's National Day Treats - 8 and 9 August only! They're offering 10% off purchases of maternity and nursing wear and swimwear, extra rental with any rental package and Loyalty card with just $200 spend (U.P $500)

Also, check out their online offers (http://www.shop.maternityexchange.sg) on those two days! There's free shipping!

See you!

P.S Don't worry about traffic. Raffles Boulevard, the main road leading to Marina Square, is FULLY accessible at all times. More info on their facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Maternity-Exchange/50687767530)

June, thou i'm still puking alot now, i'm actually much better compared to last week. I suspect MS is worst around week 9. I'm now 10 weeks plus....I try to drink chilled plain water as i'm worried about diabetes. Thanks for your suggestion on fruit juice, i now also try drinking abit of orange juice. The problem with me now is my super low energy level. Vomitting part, now i can accept already. I don't care anymore...vomit so be it. I no longer try to lun4, if you know what i mean....

jon01josh03, i understand how it feels. It's like your health is on the rocks. Important thing is not to let yourself be dehydrated. I had to be put on drip and i can tell you it's no fun. Try to eat & drink often. If you feel like vomitting, just let yourself vomit...try drinking abit of chilled isotonic drinks. Take care ya?

Jules, mine is worst in the mornings. Nighttime will come back. I wake up every morning retching in the toilet before dragging myself to work. When i reach mrt, i need to go toilet puke again. If you don't have MS in the mornings, at least you don't have to battle it first thing in the morning. It's very demoralising....Since your MS comes in the evening, try not to eat too much at one go before 'puking time'. Else you will vomit everything out and you will start to fear food seriously. Have small bites...how many weeks are you now?? I'm really hoping everything will be better after 12 weeks. Will be seeing my gynae for the 2nd time next Thursday. I've opted for the cheapest (blood test only) for the Down Syndrome test. Around $160+...

Cactus, are you around? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My EDD is now 4th March, not 7th March already. Thou only a few days' difference, i'm somehow now a week more than i thought i am...Weird.

Lynn, i'm not taking metformin wor. If i'm not wrong, it's more to 'prevent' diabetes? I know it's possible to get diabetes during the first trimester and i remember my cousin took it as well. I remember she told me her gynae said something about her being overweight & stuff and that's something like an anti-diabetic drug. Her boy ok leh....nothing wrong.

miracle_tiga, thts really inspiring and beautiful......thank you for sharing...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi butterwaffle, tks for ur reply....can u help me check with your cousin which week she start taking and when did she stop? I am not overweight rather because of PCOS and i do have high sugar...i am worried abt side effects...Keep praying all will be fine.

Thanks for sharing miracle_tiga. it's very beautiful. it's amazing how fast the little one grows. by 8 wks, their form seems so complete. reminds me of my own scan 1.5wks ago.

butterwaffles, eat small bites but not in many meals. my ms is getting better. not as jia lat as the initial. however, by 4pm my whole system doesn't feel right. maybe you are right. lucky it's not in the morning as it can kinda spoil your day to kick start with the merlion's act. M 10wks alr. maybe i shld try the chilled water instead of relying too much on sweetened drinks.

Hi ladies,

Im 10 weeks now, and my tummy is kindda big now. Morning can be quite flat, afternoon and nite will grow big, issit normal? I've started using Clarin's tonic oil (to prevent stretchmark), issit safe to use now?

I will be gog for my Oscar scan 2 weeks later.

Miracle_tiga, wow you can take video during scan? Yours very clear...i had a 2nd scan at 9 weeks, i totally cannot make out which part is which. It looks more like a banana to me but yours i can really see the form! Take care of yourself and congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn, my cousin took it for the whole of her first trimester. After 12 weeks, she just stop taking le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No worries ya?

Jules, i know how you feel *pat pat* You just don't feel well. You take mrt home in the evenings after work? Must be careful...I'm close to 11 weeks and still puking. I hope the MS will go away soon. Yes yes, try to drink more plain water, chilled is ok. My gynae tells me anything and everything also can drink, as long as in moderation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love chilled soya bean drink but it leaves a terrible after-taste in my mouth...


thanks Blue_y, jon, jules and butterwaffles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah, my hubby was holding the camera to film the screen. the gynae was very nice to help us adjust the screen contrast and he explained where the arms and legs were.. i was so amazed at the growth.. never come this far before.. really hope to go all the way this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

