(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

btw, i checked with pd before. he mentioned teething will not cause diarrhoea...but my mother and mother in law insisted it will....

Morning mummies! I heard teething may cause flu also....but when I asked doc, he said its not true. But Lac been having running nose for more than a week...

Morning mummies

According to the PD and doctors at KKH,teething does not cause diarrhoea but some babies may have softer stools than usual which maybe mistaken as diarrhoea.

Jmmabb, sigh...so sad. I happen to come across MFS somewhere near my PIL's house and even nearer to the private one we shortlisted. But its full! Then I called the general enquiry, i was boiling! I just merely asking roughly how long is the waiting period so I can plan to either enrol in private 1st or just wait. She said I only enrolled last wk, ppl enrolled last yr still havent got a place... must she suan me like that? Angry! So I guess might sign up the private one first lor...no choice... =(

haha..dont get angry, not gd for health..think is quite common to cc being full. yup maybe u try the private cc first. there is a branch of mfs in sk, doesnt even want to let me queue for waitlist. say definitely no chance dont waste time. i ask her how she know those pple in waitlist confirm want the space ? she can answer me, yes they want, they waited very long already. i was pissed by her reply and didnt bother to talk to her anymore.

So ya ya right.....guess NTUC all like that one? Really irritated and offended. Ya, will just go to the private one or continue searching...


Long time no chat. Any recommendations for songs/music classes? Any idea when can we sign up for musical instrument classes?? Thanks.

MMR- juz gave my gal her jab plus 1st dose of pneumoccocal..

Maybe chicken pox later.. After joining CC in a few months' time.

Still monitoring her performance after jabs. Fingers crossed.

PD told us to monitor for fever a week later...Heidi had her MMRV last thursday. Today will end the week...still praying for no fever no flu no cough! she has a tad of nappy rash at her thigh/butt area but thats about it. I just bought purple desitin so I hope it will soothe the rash.

BabeE, wahh...thanks for posting that. I nearly recommend that RWS deal to my MIL.


anyone here give pedisure? i just try out the bottle type. Wanna replace one milk with pediasure, i give 60ml but my boy only drinks 30ml...wonder if i can keep the remaining 30ml in fridge or got to throw within an hr?


there is a leapfrog toy for Gain iQ900g at abt 34+. if u guys want the toy. comes in train or aeroplane. one is counting numbers, the other letters

Hi Timy!!! How are you and V? Seems like quite a couple have brought LOs for MMRV or MMR, i havent leh... still thinking to go for V or later. Which is recommended btw?

Hi Timy, how are you and V? Where to buy the Gain IQ with leapfrog toy?

Babyl, I have brought Lucas for MMR too. Am opting out V.

Hi all

I am looking to organize this free 1/2 hr trial based on this program.

Musikgarten program (babies to toddlers): http://tskymusic.com

Location is at home studio near pioneer mrt. Tentatively, proposing these dates (time from 2.30pm).

Proposed Dates











Other slots/preferences please indicate.

hello babyl n joelle!!

hope kids n adults doing fine!! hmm i dunno which is better - mmrv or mmr. i just ask pd n she suggested mmrv if i want chix pox protection so i just go for it. i never read or do research... and i even did it at 15mths. so its been a mth since the jab. so far so good..


the gainiq with leapfrog can be found at guardian. i went ntuc, they dun have it for now. btw its a small toy which they claim cost 19.90. u turn it on and it will sing fr "a to z". anyway i just buy since need the powder anyway


This thing called teething is driving me up the wall. I seem to have lost the Dylan I knew for a year. It's especially bad this time. I've no idea what's popping. He seems a bit fluish. He has bloated tummy with runny stools. He refuses to eat or drink! Keep spitting out or refuse to swallow even at the first spoonful. He is so frustrated he keeps screaming. He's cranky during waking hour. And extremely tempremental. Small little thing only kick up a fuss. And he cries first thing when he wakes up -something that never happens. This is the worst ever. My mum don't allow me to rub pearl powder daily so we having been rubbing a bit of manuka honey but it only helps for a short while. At night we apply dentinox but it wears off after a few hours. I duno what more to do or what elses to feed.

Oh dear Seren. I don't know how to comfort you either. It does seem that his teething is making him super uncomfy. Did you try chilling his teething toys and then giving to him? Pigeon has one of those liquid teething rings that can put in the fridge and helps relieve the pain.

If all else fails and you dunno what to do liao, perhaps a trip to the PD or sinseh for solutions?

The 900g Gain IQ with leapfrog toy cost $34.70 per tin. 2 design. One is the frog on the train called Counting Choo Choo and the other is Scout on airplane called Alphabet Airlines. So far only spotted it at Guardian. Never saw at NTUC or Watson as Timy mentioned.

Sheng siong sell cheapest for 1.8kg Gain IQ at $58 plus but valid till Sunday only.

For 900g, some Guardian have twin pack promo at $66.40 but doesn't come with free toy. I only saw this at certain Guardian. But for the one with leapfrog toy. Saw it at most stores.

Took some photos of the one with leapfrog toy. Will try upload later cos can't seems to do so with iphone

i am told by 1 of the nurse from kkh, if your are ttc or already preggie, better not to give V(chicken pox) to your toddler cos no gd to the bb inside u. any doubts best to check wif you doc 1st before giving the injection.


Can elaborate slightly on your post?

You mean getting the vaccination(chicken pix) for an adult female who is ttc or already pregnant is dangerous for the fetus?


Giving the vaccine(chicken pox) to a toddler while the mother is ttc or already pregnant dangerous for the fetus?


Oh! Found and understand what you mean - chicken pox n measles are live virus vaccine and chances of vaccine virus is possible hence the danger to ttc or pregnant mothers.

Thanks ;)!


Oh dear, poor Dyl must be in great amount of discomfort. Did u try the aloe vera jorubi gel? Like some of the others have mentioned, ice cold things might help. Also, could he want to try out adult food already? or perhaps feed himself? I mean, like rice with gravy, etc.. Whenever ell doesn't feed well, it's probably these two reasons.. Ell had his cranky days too, with the molars. Now that they're out, he's back to normal. Hang in there! it'd be over soon.. =)


You can try camilia teething remedy. Works for ayden but I don't give often and Dylan shud be taking 2tubes if you start. It's holistic so dossage intervals is up to you. No side effects as far as ayden has been taking since 4months. Hope it helps.


Totally agree, i dun think those yamaha style classes is suitable. Bloom is set up by the founder of kindermusik & the style of classes is similar to kindermusik. Sing songs, shake rattles, play with sticks/balls/drums kind.

Hi wish,

I am keen if at Pionner =] . Any date should be fine for me.

Re: GOing to School

I went to the little skool house open house n was not very impressed n have to decide to give a miss in putting her In. Babyl, I suggest u go n take alook at the environment 1st then put her in. I am thinking of putting Michelle On weekend class instead.

Hi wInnie,

Hope Mal is well n good n u are coping well with your new role.

Re: injection on mmr

I give Michelle mmr n chicken pox cause polyclinic dun advice mmrv. I guess as long as our child is healthy either one is good!

Hope everyone have a good weekend=]

Hi CC and sky,

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] both Mal & I are fine. Still long way to learn as a SAHM but it gets better as days go by. Witness lots of his first milestone. Tiring but rewarding.


PD in KKH recommend MMRV. She mentioned that her kids are on MMRV once it was available.

Hmmm... Can't seems to upload the photo for the gain iq with leapfrog toy promo. But mal prefer the alphabet airline than counting choo choo. Probably he is more familiar with Scout rather than Frog (not sure of it's name!)


i enquired at carpe diem in punggol. guess what? they want me to put a deposit of unrefundable $150 just to be in the waiting list! i was so turned off. if any case i cant find a playgroup for him at 2+ years old then i'll send him to weekend classess too.


camilia is not dyl's constitutional homeo med so homeopatist ain't giving that to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


spot on. he wants to eat rice, fried bee hoon, fried mee swa and it's likes. i tried to cook rice, steam cod fish with tomato and then cook mince pork veg egg soup. he ate it all! is this aloe vera jorubi gel the transparent bottle with green prints and white cap? i didnt know it can be applied to gums too!

Thanks ladyk and babee! I hope it pass in good time. GASP.

Timy, other than butt, is there other rashes? There was some slight feverish on Heidi last 2 nights but she's fine. No need for paracentamol. But rashes on her back, butt n arms. spotted the rashes on her Tummy too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Camilia teething relief - bairon, It's available online or supernature.com.Sg

I screen every options thru our PD, not received an unfavorable comment. Well, goggle will help explain more if you are reading up the product.

Hang in there!


i didnt see any other rashes. the jab is 'live so the pd said usu the rashes will develop a week after the jab. so not to worry. unless it is super major rash..


give pedisure? cold pedisure. yummy n cold..

CC, thanks for checking! I was puzzled when i read YY's post too coz am ttc-ing. Argh...sad ah! I failed another cycle! *bang wall*

Timy, now I dunno to go for MMR or MMRV now since am ttc-ing. Hubby prefers MMR coz he dislikes jabs with "everything", he wants to spread out. Good that it went well for V. I kept postponing Lac's jabs coz of her persistent running nose. Hopefully can go for her jab soon.

Sky, I wanna go for My First Skool but both IFC and CC are full! Guess I really have to opt for the smaller private CC liao. Am going to see if got alternatives tonight before I finally confirm it. Then this wkend going to GUG for trial. If its gd, will sign. If not will go Neutro Tree something which my friend recommended.

E also developed rashes after the MMR jab too. Little spots on the right thigh. They look more like pimples tho. First day a bit pain when you touch it. Subsequently subsided after applying the aloe vera cream

