(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


I'm flexi. I just try not to go for too long lunches.

Hee... I don't take train. I jalan one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


BabeE, i felt so disgusted and angry with that monster. I dunno what to say...I dun understand how can he get alone with those toddlers? Really sad for the victims... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

serendipity, when im preggy i have to drink HL everyday, if not i will be constipated. now, i can poo regularly if i drink daily.

BW, i like HL too.

Must have given some excuse to the parents I reckon. This maniac had been in practice at that town since 1990s. So-called "trusted" maybe.

I sent the article to my hubs. Telling him must be careful of who plays with E. I had an acquaintance who's tot was molested by a guy at a party. The guy (stranger to the child) had carried her and beneath that... I can't even say lor.

yes must castrate him!!! shred his brudder and feed to the crows!!!

BabeE, how did your acquaintance found out? So sick! my gawd...the poor gal...

PERVERTs everywhere - shud teach child from young age. Don't say girls, boys are as vulnerable these days - sickos out there.


Came back fr holiday and packed my yoalan for SIL - it's been in service for 16yrs!! So heart breaking - sent on LOAN

Only reason A sleeps there is for me to have extra hour or two for house keeping - now he sleeps regular for 2 naps, school holidays and sis(home) entertainment available :D! No need to leech onto me!!

Riley takes cereal at 8.15 then 9.30 270ml milk

11.30 to 12 lunch a bit more than a chinese rice bowl. 2.30pm 270 ml of milk , 4 pm snacks like biscuits n fruits. 5.30pm 270 ml milk n tiny portion of porridge and final feed at 7.30pm 270ml milk.


how much is LV? my hubs tell me i must be out of my mind to pay $1k for preschool. i ask him to go source for one HIMSELF!


i'm not lactose intolerant but there are just certain brands of milk i cannot take. dun understand why also but that's the dynamics of it. HL is actually made from powdered milk. i found that out last time when i went on school excursions to the farm.

seren, LV is about $780 wor. My MIL is asking me to consider the nearer CC. She said she can handle. I said they are all on waiting list leh. Haiz. How to handle a 4yr old, a 2yr old and a infant? Probably 1 or no help.

not much cheaper actually. i may end up sending him to church preschool. 4 year old take care of 2 year old and then MIL take care for the infant? :x

Another mother at the party noticed the person carrying the child and knew that he was a stranger to them. Then she noticed the way he was carrying the child was odd so she confronted the person. That's how it was found out.

Yes... paedophiles don't just target girls. They target boys too. Remember the Thailand case a few years back?

Real scums...

Mummies - I hv a Gain voucher to let go if anyone's interested. Pls PM me.

Validity until end June.

I keep forgetting to ask around. It's been in my wallet for ages... =P


"my hubs tell me i must be out of my mind to pay $1k for preschool. i ask him to go source for one HIMSELF!"

That's why my DH has no choice but to keep quiet and nod his head when i made up my mind for this IFC. LOL~

Joelle, the CC that closes at 8pm is juz below my house at Sengkang West area. BW is right, the Faith centre at Buangkok closes at 9pm when i checked out the centre last week.

Jmmabb, U referring to the Faith centre? I cant remember if there is 2nd dinner or bath but i know got TV time.

morning mummies


your boy seems to gian milk heheeee

i feed my girl dinner at around 6-6.30pm. teacher feed milk, she finishes(fr 180ml reduce to 120ml)ard 5pm then she cant finish her dinner. no choice, today i asked them to stop the 5pm milk feed. hope she can tahan til i feed her dinner...


pm u

Jmmabb, in FB or Email? I didnt receive leh...

CC, do u plan to give A cow's milk soon? I dunno when to start introduce...

BabeE, thanks for the warning. I m feeling sick imaginin what that bastard is doing to the poor gal. We really have to be alert at all times. Boys/girls all same.

Seren, 4yr old prone to meltdowns n I caught her trying to trip Heidi and pulled her hair before. It's either my SIL get a maid to help out my MIL or I just take care of my own baby. LV is like 400 cheaper than Mindchamp wor. I can save a lot.


i don't think there is a LV around boon keng. oh buggers, i better start putting some effort to bring him around to see which one he likes.


I really wanted to swap back in march... Then I got scared, maybe after finishing his 2nd stage and 1st batch 3rd stage isomil..6months along

Transition is 1scoop swap by week or weeks - really sounds like a long process for me. Will ask PD when I can.

Will update

BabeE, wow you walked! I'm so lazy...i will take mrt to Bugis from Cityhall, wuhahahaah! I'm alright with anyday except Tuesday next week, as my husband has a company event at Sentosa and i took leave to bring my boy along! Keke...hope it won't RAIN. Ok, that's a really sick article. But i really wonder how he gets to be alone with the kids.

chloe, my mum says HL is not real milk ^^ How she knows i also don't know lar...

serendipity, now i know! So HL is powdered milk. But powered milk also milk right? Wuhahahahaha!

toray, the only LV branch i've been to is the one at Biopolis. I was seriously considering that because at that time, we had no plan to move to Sengkang. But things happen and we had a change of plans and my boy had to go infantcare. Else i was pretty impressed with LV @Biopolis. The P seems quite steady and the place is very clean. Best of all, security is tight. Not any cat or dog can enter kind.

BabyL, i was desperately trying to get a cc in Sengkang or Punggol but to no avail. Either no vacancy or they ask me to call back (I enquired in Feb for admission in August). I ended up with only 3 choices. Sunflower @Hougang Mall, Cambridge and 1 more, can't rem the name, but a short walk from Hougang MRT. Even the newly opened PCF at Fernvale turned me down, saying their waiting list is so long that they feel there is no point to make me wait. The PCFs opening near Compassvale also. I call in Feb, they ask me to call back in June. I called in June, they say im too late, the waiting list is too long. I am so frustrated with them. So luckily i was quite pleased with Cambridge near St Anne's church at Rivervale and managed to secure the last vacancy. But to me, it's exp...no choice...

jmmabb, my boy nee gian! Last night i fed him at 9pm and forced him to sleep because i just feel sooo tired these days. Can doze off while standing that kind. End up i peng san first. When i woke up in shock at 10.30pm, he was asleep on my tummy, hehe. But 6am screamed like hell, he was super hungry. Gave him 220ml, he finished in 5mins. Scary....I actually put a piece of butter roll in a small ziplock bag in his school bag everyday. In case he refuses the snacks or breakfast, they can give him the bread, hehe. Maybe you can try. I'm not sure which is more filling, milk or a small piece of milk ^^

CC, I was thinking to swap when Lac reaches 1 year but GP was saying no hurry. I tried to give some cow's milk stuff before, her tummy came back. Anyway, her tummy is always bloated, dunno if its diet, eat too much or her naval issues. Sigh.... I guess I will still intro bit by bit and hopefully by 2 years I can switch fully to cow's milk. I usually go GP instead of PD so U update me if you have more information ya? Thanks!

BW, HL not real milk? I love HL too wor! After I was kinda lactose intolerance after birth, I rarely drink now... If I am putting Lac in SK, I might consider the one at my house or Kinderland at Rivervale but well, guess I might just put Lac at PIL's AMK area after discussing various issues. Will have to search for more options before I register her. Hope no waiting list! St Anne's church at Rivervale there got Kinderland, did you consider? Think $700+, not cheap...

Ser, no lah....its somewhere there. Coz when I spoke to the person from Kinderland at expo, she kept saying St Anne church, she said its near there. U want to consider there?


i still havnt decided on cc at boon keng or sengkang. if boon keng i only know of mindchamps. if sengkang i'm still very clueless. i only know st anne's lor. r u sending lach for playgroup at 18 months or 2 years?

babyL, AMK which area? I saw a hugh Cherie Hearts centre at AMK, hahaha! The $700+ is already after the $300 govt subsidy right? Kinderland is not cheap. If go kinderland, i rather go for the one at YCK. But if go until YCK, i rather go to Sunflower. Near St Anne's church got a few private centres like Character Montessori, Cambridge, Young Elites etc...also got a few PCF centres and My First Skools but sorry, all confirm full de lor.

serendipity, i don't know if Cambridge is considered at the corner but if walk from St Anne's, it's considered at the last spot, hahaha. You at Boon Keng why you want to look at cc in Sengkang?? Your mum lives at Sengkang ah? My parents live at the block next to Nan Chiau High School. I believe Boon Keng not alot of cc at the moment. I thought you rather not let Dyl go cc?? My strategy for getting cc at Sengkang is very simple. I shortlist down that have allows me to reach the place via direct public transport. Then by price. Then i call to ask about vacancy. Then i will view all. Then i decide. No point deciding which one if don't know the place has vacancy or not...I didn't know when i was doing cc searching in jurong and wasted so much of my time.

bw, i also am impressed by the LV here at CBP. The principal seems to know every child by name and the kids all greeted me happily! The wee ones or the big ones...they all seems really happy there. The playgrounds are rather nice too. Both indoor and outdoor de. Toys...arts and crafts...I am so relieved that LV got slot for Heidi in December.

Ser, you can try see see the area coz the lady told me near compasspoint n St Anne. I never go see though... I am actually planning to send her to CC/preschool (dunno the diff) at 18 mths preferably. Dont want to drag too long...at least she can learn something or play with other kids, instead of just watching VCD at home with MIL. That is my thought...

BW, I went to the one near AMK swimming pool, AMK ave 1? Its newly opened with their 1st branch at woodlands. Only thing I am sian is the area is not big...like 2 shop units only, upstairs is IFC. Then Friday is the only outdoor day to playground coz they need to cross a small road to the playground so the teacher only limit to 1 day. But otherwise, it is cheap at $400 after govt subsidy and has enrichment class from Kindermusik if we are keen by paying abit extras.


i try to take away her milk feed today then see she ok a not first. prefer her to finish her dinner then will give her the milk feed before she sleeps.

u also in SK ah ? it is really v v tough to get a cc place in SK, think too many babies here. actually a lot of cc in sk already...

which ifc your boy is in ? i tot in ifc then auto promoted to cc ?? lucky you secured a place in Cambridge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


there are quite a number of cc along SK East Way. kinderland is opp the petrol station. they expanded a few months ago.....

cambridge is at the corner, near to the condo...

Toray, that's great! It's a headache getting cc for our kids. Alot of factors to consider. What's most important is they can adjust and we don't have to switch centre. That would be my biggest nightmare...Hope your gal will be happy there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyL, sorry i have the worst sense of direction, i forever dont know where i am unless you are talking about MRT routes, lol. I can only rem when i bypass that Cherie Hearts branch, i THINK i was going to exit AMK ave 5 (or isit 9?) i really don't know. I was on my way to Junction 8 i think. The cheapest Cherie Hearts branch i've came across was the one at Chervons. Additional $100 off for parents who works in Mindef so my husband qualifies. But the place, omg. Bursting to the seams! FAINT. Kindermusik offers lessons to kids at My First Skool as well. I've heard that many kids enjoy them! But after bringing my boy to JWT, i know he is just not the type to follow and participate in a group. Or maybe he is not ready yet. You know the Cherie Hearts at Anchorvale CC? Cool place but also full. I called in year 2010 and they told me to call back in year 2012 *SCREAM*

jmmabb, my boy is now at PCF Sparkletots Nanyang ifc. At jurong west [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's not auto there as the childcare there has a super long waiting list. First come first serve based on child's birth month. So even if your Q no. is 1, the parent who is queueing behind you has an 'older' child and can admit first, they will let Q. no 2 parent register first. I'm moving to Sengkang soon so when my boy turns 18 months in August, he must attend a cc located at Sengkang. I agree there are already so many cc in Sengkang but i call until i so frustrated you know. Ventured to Punggol and Hougang too. At one time, i was even looking at the cc near Serangoon mrt. Very very lucky as i nearly gave up on Cambridge when i couldn't locate the P. The Sunflower cc at Hougang Mall was willing to take my boy in as well but the person-in-charge seems really unhappy that i have to visit her place on a Saturday and was more keen on me placing deposit than trying to understand my concerns. Very bad impression....Cambridge P told me if child has cough or cold, she will still allow parents to bring their kids here. I guess it's different from infantcare. But if like that jialat, i better be prepared...


oh..guess the pcf centre functions differently,don't want to reserve place, want to fill up places asap...

to my knowledge priority is given to kids moving on to the next level in the centre, siblings and transfer fr other branches. i think i better go chk if my girl centre can auto promoted at 18mths.

yup, i also went through what u did with regards to cc in SK.....really stressful...i also have centres rejecting to put name on waitlist.....


It's not that far for me lah... max 15min if I walk real slow.


It was sound advice given to me when I was preggy. E is also very social. I dun wanna suppress the grassroots leader in her but at the same time need to be cautious and keep a lookout for her. Kids are innocent and trusting, and nobody, absolutely nobody shd be allowed to take advantage of this and abuse them, regardless of gender, race or religion.


I am using the mycs to search but yield no results. Do you happen to have a list of CC in SK to send to me? My parents stay at rivervale crescent and my mum is still the main caretaker. She doesn't want Dyl to enter preschool at 1.5 years old so we negiotiate, about 2 to 2.5 years old. Did you buy a flat in SK? Anyway worst case I'll have a school bus to ferry him to and fro to those childcare in ulu punggol near the jetty.

I've just paid up the deposit and confirmed Heidi's slot in LV here~ had such a great time chatting with the staff about parenting that I didn't realise its already 3pm!!! Now I felt even more sure that I chose a centre suitable for my gal. :D

Hi mummies, I've a march 2010 baby too. Am thinking of setting up a class at Playdays at sunset way for 12-18 months old. I brought my elder child there but now they don't have any weekend classes so I'm hoping to set up one on Sat. Their facilities are much better than growing up gifted or Julia Gabriel and their lesson formats are similar with 1.5hr per lesson. Cost is approx $50 per lesson. Pls PM me if you are interested? Thanks! =)

Oh, forgot to mention. My elder son goes to mindchamps and he loves it there. If any of u need any feedback, do let me know?

serendipity, here goes!


I didn't buy a flat at Sengkang, my flat in Jurong expires in November. Im moving to my parents'...will be getting a BTO one in due course if we are lucky enough. I've been to Carpe Diem at the punggol end before. I like the place but my husband doesn't. He is afraid of dengue ^^ Diaoz!

Not sure if you'll be interested but I also noticed PCF centres are not listed in the link i've provided above. You will have to go http://www.pcf.org.sg/viewarticle.aspx?wfc=CHILDCAREMAIN

It's a headache getting a place for childcare. Another lady from PCF called (this one is so much nicer) and she actually advised parents to call ASAP to put the name down, even if the child is not born yet.

seren, i go kaypoh and select sengkang with bw's link. Got a lot of centers leh...got My First Skool, amazing Star Montessori, Agape Little Uni, Cambridge....quite a few PCF...

I can save the information to a document and email to you if you want.

serendpity, ya the link can work leh...why you can't see anything?? How to homeschool...i thought homeschool means having to submit curriculum to MOE for approval first? Heh. Don't despair! At least you have your mum as backup. I don't have, so die die die die must secure a centre for my boy.


do you think you can? i really dun understand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Up to N2 is not compulsary. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] K1 onwards then is compulsary.

seren, if ur mom can take care then let her care until Dyl is 3 yrs old. That was my initial plan before my SIL got pregnant.

serendipity, oic i thought N1 onwards must attend school already. But frankly, i would encourage nursery. No. 1, child gets 'priority' for admission to K1. No.2, K1 is actually where most kids' real learning and prep for P1 starts. No.3, if child cuts in at K1, where his peers have already gotten accustomed to the going school routine, he has to spend time & effort to adapt, instead of going straight into P1 prep. But having said that, if the kid is the adaptable kind (which i think dyl is, he seems pretty intelligent and not clingy), i think cutting in at K1 is fine. You able to view the centres at Sengkang??

hi, i am selling gifts from friends that do not fit my baby girl. mostly brand new baby girl clothes, shoes, towels, etc. including baby gap dress, camper baby shoes, oshkosh romper. also, some pre-loved & freebies. prices from $1 incl free normal postage. pls PM me if interested.





Torayme has sent me the list. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Well, which is why I started him on GUG a month ago. My real intention is to get him used to having structured lessons in a classroom environment. I think he learns more under my mum's care.


Thanks yar. Are you sending Elliot there?

