(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


I called pigeon Singapore - there's no more stk for baby shoe. Maybe you can try combi, the last warehouse sale, the shoes were $10 per pair - drop dead price ;p! Maybe this yr id be lucky and able to grab a pair of combi shoes ;)


Jmmabb, dun worry too much abt ur gal k? I remember a quote from one of our mar mom, that someone great (think albert einstein) didn't utter a word till he was 4 or 5 when he suddenly spoke in complete sentences. Ur gal looks very alert to me other than being so happy and jovial, she's definitely learning, waiting to surprise u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It was Pigeon sale... $8/pair.

Eva wears Pigeon. She can't really talk either but she's very expressive so roughly you get the idea. And everytime we'll Q&A with her. She'll nod or shake her head so we get the idea too.

We were @ airport on Sunday. Airport's nice. Plenty space for the lil ones to frolick around. She met this very friendly kor-kor (who's a mth older) and 2 of them sorta played together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Counting down to my annual leave at looooooooooong last!!!

No time to read thread in details, just brush thru.

I hv one pigeon shoes bought at the last taka fair at $29.90 or $39.90, can't remember. Also just bought 2 pairs of seekairun with 2nd at 50% off - one shoes n one sandal. Promo should be still on. Children shoes are so ex. Also don't know which brand is good. Seekairun I tried to buy slightly bigger so can wear longer hopefully.

Oh yes, the leather on pigeon shoes peel quite easily. Just less than 5 times wearing already peeling. Not sure is my boy too rough or the quality not good. But in terms of cushioning, I think pigeon is quite good.


Ayden is wearing his sister's pigeon shoe now - it's 5yrs old and well worn, bought suede uppersole. Still think it looks as good as new, even after ayden's trashing. Now I'm not so free, then I bought suede cleaner - now I dump into washer ;p!

It's an obvious difference if toddler is walking and wearing comfortable shoes ;)


Wah.. You good memory ;) I didn't buy the shoe during the warehouse sale

kids shoe alone rack up a good lum sum of dough!!! $$$$!!!


thks, i will speak to pd to get some assurance..


i guess i am giving myself too much pressure. hb and i are taking care of her without parents or in law's help after ifc hours, i feel v stressful in the sense we are responsible for her esp we chose the ifc route. i just hope everything goes well for her. thanks for your kind words to my lil girl.....

My boy is still talking baby language too. Never really hear him calling us or whatever yet. Mum said he did say bye bye twice but we hv not heard it.

Jmmabb, I told the mar mum in FB I am still waiting for my Einstein. So don't worry about yours too much.

I think the play yard really helps mine in walking.

CC, how to make noise? They may just say wear n tear. Haiz.


frozen and refrigerated teethers work for dyl. z very fast. dyl only has his first 4. i was so stunned when i saw another 6 cutting through. he has such bloated tummy.

Reen, you are not alone. Mine blabbers n the only word he speaks is "ball". Praying for einstein as well.

Seren, Nic is having 4 lower cutting thru. i see e bump i also feel pain. More weight loss to come.

Hey mummies, want to check with anyone of u on MMRV jab for little ones. Understood last time there were few threads rgds to this topic. I hv pulled my gal out Fr poly jab for MMR and chicken pox, any mummies already send little ones to MMRV ?


I opt out too from poly for mmr. It's time saving and cost to do mmrv - provided there's no adverse reports in this few months. Mmrv is scheduled at 15months.

morning mommies!

currently there are 3 types of balance bikes going on in BP! not sure which to choose.

inclined to get this cuz can convert to a normal bike, then no need to buy another peddle bike




yoko's kettler bike (almost got this one previously)


how ar? anyone has any comments to share?


lets all hold hands and wait for our Einstein [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i m using maclaren volo as light weight stroller, served us well so far..


I will send Crystal to MMRV, her bro had done so 2 yrs back so it would be the same for her. Her MMRV will be at 18 mths.


ditto on the weight loss. sadddd. dyl also so sam pi po.

Dyl gg for his MMRV at 18 months too. I was told it provide some resistance against HFM virus strains cos it is some mutated pox strain.


Me using combi well comfort, 4.2 kg, or you may like to try combi quickkidz,3.9 kg same as volo but can open and close with 1 hand.

Or if you don't mind not reclining the seat, see if noscon can help with 1 which is a mini stroller at 2.9 kg. I ve ordered 1 but not here yet.

hello mummies!

hope everyone is doing great with our growing LOs. Speedy recovery to those who are unwell. Shifting house is busy busy work! there's just too much to be done and it doesn't seem to end. Ahhh.


can't wait to hear your birthday surprise! =)


Eh? Shifting house? Where to?

On a happy note, we're gonna sign for our flat soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yay!!!

Seren, Dyl might not be chubby but he is definitely nourish in his brain. He is so smart!

WF & BabeE, congrats! Nothing beats having own nest.

Thanks CC & Icy, I will book MMRV for her, save time with 1 jab less 1 pain too 

Rgds to walking my gal also not walking yet she prefers to crawl hold her hand and only walking few steps then she bump onto floor again to crawl.

serendipity, hopes dyl will feel much better soon, it's really very painful...my boy has 8 teeth now and still drooling like mad. For him, 2 teeth appear at the same time everytime...really had to endure his crankiness for quite some time...

MT, she will walk when she is ready, trust me...and please, even when she knows how to walk, she will want to be carried as well. My boy also 11kg plus, every morning i carry him and walk to his centre 15mins. After work fetch him, he clings to me like koala bear. Still carry carry carry...Know how to walk also no use!

Xihui, Bata has nice shoes for kids but the sizes are quite limited. But more variety for gals...Now my boy wearing sandals bought from bata, cos i have yet to buy new covered shoes for him. His current bata covered shoes cannot wear liao. At least the sandals are more flexible, still can fit :p

Joelle, think our LOs can be friends. I've whacked my boy don't know how many times already. Until his buttocks red red. You might wish to read up on handling tantrums and difficult children. I nearly cried when i read the article sent to me from my bestie. Cos really no one will understand what it's like to face a difficult child day in day out unless they kenna before also. We have to stay calm but i know it can be really difficult...A few times, i was totally blinded by anger i took his bolster and whacked his buttocks nonstop for quite a few minutes until he started to choke on his tears. That's when i knew i needed to seek help...Talking to friends help, at least for me. Everytime after a hard whacking session, my boy will be so tired from crying he will fall asleep and i will break down and cry. Maybe you can PM me your email. I can send a link to you, for reading...

jmmabb, actually my boy doesn't really pronounce words very well either. My mum said i didn't utter a single sound until i turned 2 and she didn't bother also lar, cos she just gave birth to my younger brother so she no time to monitor my progress :p My boy is in ifc too but i feel him being in ifc helps. He's really into music nowadays, thou he's not so kiang like the rest. He still didnt attempt to call ah kong or ah ma as well. Only daddy or mama. Don't worry ok? You could ask the PD when she goes for the jab at 15 months...same as you, i take care of my boy after ifc hours. No help at all. It's really very tiring and i don't have the energy to do much else after bathing and feeding him. I try to read to him but most of the time, we just sort of keep each other company or me trying to keep him from destroying the house. I have no time nor energy to flash cards at him, teach him don't know what sign language etc. I like giving him mahjong paper and highlighters. A few times, i pour baby power into bowls, give him spoon and he can play with that for quite long, like 20mins. Till now, he still prefers to tear books than flip it :p No worries about her being 'slow'...Alot of people say gals develop faster but i don't think it's true, it all depends because all kids are different. As long as your gal is healthy, can understand you, respond to you, shows interest, she is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pris, my boy is going for his MMR & chicken pox in 3 weeks' time. I will give him, no choice...he goes ifc he must take.

WF, you moving to punggol??! Aiyah, envy envy! Which part? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabeE, you also moving??! I can only start to apply for flats from Nov onwards. Sian~

1727, totally agree. hectic days ahead, there's still remains much to do.. =)

BW, am staying near treelodge- hmm, not exactly near to the mrt, though you can actually walk but SG weather makes it really unappealing. So, there's a LRT, i tink that's one stop away. I guess most of the new btos that's upcoming are near soo teck LRT, the other side of punggol from where i live. =)

Seren, Ell is sprouting 4 teeth, that makes a total of 12.. cranky baby and has got a fever 2 days back. (never once he's gotten fever for teething) guess this must be a really big teeth. heh..


awww *dylan kisses auntie E* thanks for saying something so sweet. when people says why so small size..my mum will say he is small but his brain is good. then they keep quiet liao. on a side note, do you know i have always been impressed with nic's motor skills and mobility? he's really good man.


Try flour instead. After he is sick of flour, add water to become goo and add some food coloring for kick. They can spend really long seeing the goo dribble down their little fingers. I do it in the bathroom by the way.


Seems like Dyl is a late teething bloomer. Hehe. I tried an old remedy of mashing chives and rubbing against gums to aid the cutting. It seems to work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WF, cool! Near Coralinus? Sheng Xiong? I always go there for crabs. Agree it's not exactly near to the mrt but the plot of lands next to the mrt are still empty for now. Am curious to know exactly where are the Punggol Water Terraces are...

serendipity, i use baby powder because i have alot at home! Flour i don't use because my husband doesn't like him to play with food. But the food colouring is a good idea! Wah lao, bathroom...should i have him sit naked inside? But if naked and he pee all over while sitting, oh man...! Eh, i wished my boy doesn't have teeth too early. The earlier they have teeth, the earlier they'll have tooth decay! Heh. Dyl small size meh? I find him alright...healthy can already. And easier to carry also. Plus more potential to grow...how to put a child on diet if he is overweight right :p

my mom use chives (but not mashed though) to rub on her gums when she was at 4months... myth says will prevent drooling too...


Like me lor. I started having teeth at 4 months old and I had decay in earlier primary! Dyl is in his diapers when he plays with it. I'm no longer fussing about his weight. No way am I going into a depression cos of his weight ever again. JJ was with me during the period and I think no one in the right mind can tahan me complaining so often. Hur hur.


Raw. I just hit it with the back of the knife to release the onion like smell and then rub. Can only do once I heard.

Not moving so soon... It'll be another 2-3yrs wait, but yea... nothing beats having our own place.

Will be moving over to SK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Counting down to holiday! Just 1 more working day!!!

BW, that area is not that bad- though quiet and so many units unoccupied- means lots of drilling and hacking sounds to be heard down the road. Ahh... there goes my bb's sleep.

Babee, SK is nice. 2-3 years goes by really fast. =)

Wish, congrats on the gender! how are u feeling with the bump and taking care of your girl?

WF- tks tks. Quite the same as previous. My gal ok. I teach her inside the bump is baby.. She when she sees the tummy, she goes pat pat and says 'baby' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U must be busy with the Reno n shifting ya?? Excited?

Wish, that's really nice.. their age gap isn't that far apart which is good. Though, it would be really tiring for the adults. Have u thought of a name yet? reno almost done, now the shift and the items in the house. hehe

it's really exciting to read mommies going thru pregnancy, milestone after milestone ;)

Mt, bday wish around the corner!!

When browsing at Isetan gap baby&kids clearance - so many many 0-3months for baby girls. When to get aydens cloths ended with more sisters clothes ;p! Buy 5pcs less 10% buy 10pcs less 20% - lol, still manage to squeez few hundred $!!! So over shopped .. bla bla bla

Anyways, it's the final countdown to GE - wishing everyone a smooth and collected voting, onwards Singapore!


i forgot to add. you should rub when u see a white bump. i waited very long for the first 2. then after that the rest came out fast and furious!


be the last few to move in..at least the reno works wouldn't affect the kid. that is what i am doing. it's exciting to design a todd's room isn't it?

Happy Mothers Day everyone!!

Been very busy with my little rascal!! He actually slept thru 2 days before i went for my KL holiday without him! But after i came back, back to 2 feeds a night again!!! Wondering if he is training me till Oct!!

CC, yes I just went GAP as well!! Got 12 pcs.. Manage to get Enzo's underwear too.. Miserable 3 pcs..


Heeheeee... Enzo can smell mommy - just being mommy and no1 priority to little Enzo, lots of hugs.

Ayden used to wake but I'd let him be in his bed or if I can't bear it I'd put him in my bed. No milk what so ever till 6am. Took some time but he knows now and will fall back to sleep.

Gap sales - nothing for ayden ;( and I think it's gonna be a long while before he wears underpants too. I'm too lazy to even think of potty training... Maybe he'd wake one day and know how to wee ;p!

Seren- tks for d tip.

Hope all who have not voted, pls vote before 8pm today.

Anticipating the results eagerly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy Mother's Day, everyone! Any good meal for celebration?

Who's still up watching GE results? I never felt so excited watching this b4.

