(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

wow... ur lil ones drink so much water! i dont even think isaac finishes 150ml a day. he only drinks a lot when it's really hot and he's sweating buckets

anyway, talking abt heatiness, he had like 3 ulcers last week, ard his lips. we were so worried it's HFMD that we brought him to the doc's. ended up it's juz normal ulcers. doc says prob he fell or something n his teeth knocked against the lips. for 3 days, he refused to eat any porridge... so glad they've healed


Serendipity Glucolin not v sweet. I preferred it to del rosa. U can try take some urself. It's something I really can't li ve without cos I v easy heaty de. I preferred the original flavor to the raspberry and orange.

Happy holiday everyone!!

Nic down about 400ml of water a day as well. I m using water bottle now when goes out. Mag mag for home use. He perspire a lot even when walking ard the house.

Anyone interested in mother garden kitchn set ah?? I thinking to do a One time spree for march 2010 mommies only but I need to find who is the supplier first.


U got tempted after seeing heidi playing with it?hee. If price is not too ex i am keen too...ve no idea how much a set cost..

Hi hi sorry decided to get from Bp since got free ice cream set. I got it at 160. Wish I hope the bps one is not fake...

If u gals need help to get at 160, can pm me.. I pass u her contact Can try SMS her and see if she can sell at that price too.

1727, ney i think it's alright to pat our kids to sleep. I don't do it but that's because patting doesn't work on my boy. For months, i trained my boy to fall asleep on his own. However, he must be tired then can. If he really is not sleepy, no matter what i do also no use de lor....

winnie, sounds serious! Hope Mal gets well soon! Mummies are also very tired out when their kids are sick, so hope you take care of yourself as well...I'm so paranoid now, everything i hear my boy cough, immediately give him ventolin ^^

elise, my boy's poo no standard texture one leh. Sometimes pasty and watery, sometimes dry, sometimes hard, sometimes like lao sai! As long as the stools are not those small small ji liap ji liap type, it's fine i think.

chloe, personally i really take my hats off you for giving him BM for soooo long. I express one month only i surrender liao. Frankly, mummies who give 100% BM must be super duper strict with their own diet. Really cannot anyhow eat. If not strict with own diet, i personally think the babies are better off with FM. Seriously, BM is best but we cannot expect miracles ah because babies are human afterall [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sure will fall sick de and it's through falling sick and getting well, then their immune system starts to work mah. And i always hear people say kids who go centres sure fall sick all the time but i can tell you, i've seen many others who are home with nannies or grandparents and they too fall sick...every child is different. There is this female baby in my boy's class, she hardly falls sick! Ever since my boy attended ifc in Nov last year, i've not seen her miss a day! Power or not? Now she can sit up on her own liao. Every child is different and for you to be able to give BM for such a freaking long time, you should give yourself a pat on the back instead! I give my boy Childlife Colostrum for more than half a year already but i always stop when he is ill. Now, i've just started him on cod liver oil strawberry flavour :p I don't intend to give vit C yet....why vit C all orange flavour ah? I don't like oranges and grapes!

babeE, welcome home!!! How is it like there?? My husband going San Fran in 2 weeks...

serendipity, it's true that dairy products can contribute to phlegm man. Last Sat i brought my boy to Yu Guo again. Liu yishi is much better than Xu Yishi. But too bad everytime i go, it's Xu yishi. Now my boy on goat's milk and i find that it's much much better. I've totally stopped giving him puffs as well. I think it's the freaking weather too. I myself feel damn pek cek so i can imagine how the kids feel. So hot until i get headaches. I never monitor how much water he drinks per day leh. The normal mag mag sippy cup, i think in centre he finishes 3 at most? At home maybe 2? Yesterday brought him to Vivocity and he went mad at the water fountains and he drank my coffee bean ice blended double chocolate *oops* Now hoping he won't fall sick ^^ I agree with Toray about glucolin. I give glucolin to my boy sometimes as well. If you've noticed, hospitals give glucolin to dehydrated patients. I remember when my boy never poo when he was a newborn, the polyclinic doctor told me to try giving abit of glucolin water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jmmabb, my boy was on singulair when he had bronchitis the last round. It's EXPENSIVE.


pd prescribe singulair for her prolonged cough, she doesnt have bronchitis.

effective for your boy ?

i read online it is for asthma. wondering if it is ok to continue.

yes so ex, given 2 weeks supply.

toray, BW... thanks. i think both of u are right. but i realise z start falling sick when i introduce FM to him in oct and nov the 1st time he went to hospital cos of high fever, b4 dat i told my gf proudly dat he never fall sick. ya... im guilty, i anyhow eat when im bfing. heee...

BW y do u have to stop colostrum when he is not well? i feel like buying the whole range, all look so good for them. the sale gal in GNC said to give Echinacea when they are not well, will help to recover faster.

jmmabb, i don't know how effective singulair is because the last round when my boy had bronchitis, he was taking a few other medications as well. My colleague told me, it's more for prevention, not to cure the cough...He had a week's supply but he didn't finish the course because a couple of times, he refused the milk and i already added the singulair into his milk lor. Now my boy's cough has gone 90%. Occasionally he will cough but i feel he is sooo much better now. He was given ventolin as well and i find it good. And vasican for phlegm but i find this so-so only. His PD says singulair is very good, she recommends it.

Chole, kids will fall sick de, sooner or later :p Don't blame yourself ok...i really do think it's coincidence. Or maybe it's the switch of milk? Even change in brands of FM may cause some kids to feel unwell right? This is what i've heard lor...Oh, because i thought supplements are 'heaty' and i'm not sure how the supplements will affect the effectiveness of his medication...i scared will overload if give everything at one go ^^ Eh don't buy from GNC so expensive man! Buy from iherb? Heh. My friend gives her 8 month old baby gal vitamic C. But anything orange or grape flavour, i don't like...so far i haven't given my boy vitamic C. Now i cut off cheese and biscuits totally. I try not to give fish or chicken during dinner as well. No egg whites too. All potential contributors to cough & phlegm. The chinese physician tells me, if easily heaty, 菊花茶 is the best. Green bean is too cooling and barley is more for hydrating purposes. And only add rock sugar AFTER 菊花茶 is cooked. If cook both together, the 菊花茶 becomes heaty! I also take my boy's temperature every morning and evening. If i find his body temperature going up abit or his urine yellowish, immediately give glucolin or 菊花茶. Sometimes he just rejects and refused to drink at all....but i try my best. So maybe you can try...monitor Z closely and try to 'prevent'...

chloe, mik hasn't recovered from his last bronchitis and it's been a month. he's still on puff and dosage has to be increased when he caught cough and runny nose from his sister. now he's having a fever. Guess what! he's still on BM and i'm sad thinking that it cld be my BM tt's preventing him from recovering. of cos, as usual i din look after my diet. then i've mastitis thrice in 2 months. i tell you, i wanna 'kill' myself cos i'll have high fever and shivers. my hb freaked out when he saw the shivers. then i began to think if i shld stop BM altogether and let Mik take FM. Maybe my BM lacked the nutrients he needs as an active and growing tod. My doc also advised that after 1 yo can stop cos after that mummy has to compensate alot more on calcium.

i'll start to think back and compare with my other children. my gal started on FM when she was ard 8 mth old cos i was preg. her health seems better than my 2 boys ard this age leh... hence i 'concluded' - it's my BM!!! heh...

i am in a dilemma. want to stop but dun know how to cos scared pain. dun want to stop cos i still got ss. aiya... y i make my life so difficult?

My eldest used to have respiratory problems with loads of phlegm. then a fren said it could be due to the brand of FM. when i switched brands, his problem improved. now with his younger siblings taking turns falling sick, he seems unfazed by it. still gg strong.

bw, ya... i got the colostrum from a spree. jus go GNC to get more info. :p i never give z anything else beside porridge n milk, cos i know nothing abt TCM. brot z to eu yan sang at sembawang branch on mon night, cos he got rash on his thight n nanny suspect is "snake", the CP gave him 10packs of med. its so bitter, i didnt give him, cos i know he wont take. ur child take chinese med? hey thks for the info, maybe i will give him crysanthemum tea once awhile. i find drinking FM heaty also.

Jules, u are such great mother. u persist even when u have mastitis, ouch!! i almost gave up when i had white bleb. must be hard on u. ya.. i heard from elise abt mik, so ker lian. dun take med to stop ur ss ok, i heard will make ur "mimi" small. u are well endowed :D~~

Jules n Chloe, good job to both of you for persisting w bf. It's not ur fault that z n mik fall sick. There's a viral bug going around and almost all the babies I know, not in contact with each other, got lung infection or bronchitis. My friend's cat even passed away from lung infections! That's how bad! Even my boss de son in Msia also kana. His wife is still breastfeeding.

Haha so many mommies tempted! Jmmabb, yes there was a branch at vivo but it wrapped up. I really like their stuffs.

Haha..torayme,I will not get so 'gian' if she is not interested in cooking.... but now everyday she is cooking for us to eat...

Is the whole set steady? Hopefully will not ve sharp edges which in the end will be a hazard to them..

torayme, i went gaga over yr pics when u posted!! And luckily got boy set else hubby wont allow me to buy it. It is sooo cute!! I hope the safari set is nice...

Xihui, Heidi also stirring and cooking and feeding us a lot too. :) she actually hugged me halfway through her playing of the kitchen. I am so touched.

Elise, the safari set is very nice too. Boys can also play cooking. All the famous chefs of the world are guys.

Do watch out for small parts. I just confiscated a piece cos Heidi nearly stuffed the whole thing into her mouth. Also not sure if the paints are safe or not so don't let them chew. The finishing quite good so not that sharp of edges.

geee... Heidi is so sweet...

im contemplating whether to buy the kitchen set for Z. always feel very niang for boys to play dat. my coll said they will learn words and its fun. hmmmmm... wanna buy in bulk? see if we can get a better price.

Timy, quite a few reseller on BP. Advise to get from them cos the set quite big and heavy. Lucky the sellers are offering free deliveries and freebies so it's quite worth to get from them.

Chloe, MMRV only 1 jab bt only can jab at pd. So busy hvnt even go time to make booking. Sorry Fr replying so late, thumbs up to u, bf is the best for our little ones jia you ok 

jules, kowtow to you...i 1 child only i still cannot make it when it comes to giving BM. And you have 3. Sometimes i ask myself, what excuse do i have??? None! Sigh...Eh, could be because your eldest has passed that 'keep-falling-sick' stage? Your friend is right, sometimes it's the FM which is why i've switched my boy to goat's milk! But Serendipity mentioned fresh milk...i haven't considered the possibility of giving fresh milk. Might work and it's cheaper than goat's milk ^^ I stopped expressing by gradually delaying the timings of my moo-ing. Every 3 hour becomes very 4 hour. Slowly reduce. But i can tell you, it's painful...but i was too tired to think about the pain. I think you have high tolerance level for pain, so should be ok hehe. Chrysanthemum can cook of cos! What i meant is, don't cook together with rock sugar heh. Just boil chrysanthemum with water first. When it's done, switch off fire and quickly add rock sugar. Cos i find that if i wait, the rock sugar takes quite a while to melt ^^

chloe, i read your post, so funny lar! Hahahahha! I agree with you that Jules shouldnt take med to stop supply, heh. Maybe Jules can stop gradually...slowly but surely, i'm sure can be done! Same here, my boy will NEVER take bitter med. Even sweet western med he doesn't take already. What i do is request the chinese physician for Yao Bao (药包). They give me a piece of cloth where there is this small pouch attached to this cloth (it's like a mini cloth binder) where i can slot the Yao Bao in and wrap it around my boy's tummy. The Yao Bao will be covering his belly button. Heng thing is, my boy never hands itchy and try to remove the yao bao. Every yao bao use 24 hours. I find his breathing alot smoother now, after going for 6 sessions of tui na! You might wish to give it a try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Toray, i'm just being kiasu ^^ His centre is pretty strict, if he is unwell there is no way they will let him in and i seriously cannot be taking leave or mc all the time, later kenna sacked lor. Partly also because when he is ill, it's very painful for me. Cos damn tired lar!!!! So better monitor his health closely. Your gal is so affectionate, lucky you! Mine keeps biting my backside.

Hey Mums,

Dropping in for a quick one. I'm thinking of making a rainbow bulk purchase. The sales agent is making me an attractive offer. If you are keen, please PM me. Offer valid till 22 May. Thanks!


singulair is for after bronchitis/prolonged cough care. cos airway sensitive after all the coughing so it aids in recovery. do you want to buy over my 7 packs of singulair? i got it from the kid's clinic. i stopped giving to my boy midcourse. PM me if u r keen.


don't sterotype girls and boys toy leh. hehe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] da bing once will grow up stronger. don't worry.


thanks for the tip! i tried it and it did help me.

Hi mummies! I am mummy of a 28 month old girl and an 8 month old boy. I would like to share with you an awesome website to buy vitamins and organic baby items. The website is (http://www.iherb.com/?rcode=EBI116). Worldwide shipping is only US$4 and the savings I have made from buying from this site is huge! Here are some of my favourite buys:

1) Prenatal DHA http://www.iherb.com/Nordic-Naturals-Prenatal-DHA-500-mg-90-Soft-Gels/22736?at=0 only costs US$24.61 for 45 days worth of pills. And the DHA per day is 450mg, higher than the ones that my gynae sold me for SG$55! I’m still taking them so that my boy can get DHA from my breastmilk.

2) Organic Fernugreek to help breastfeeding http://www.iherb.com/Fenugreek-Organic-2-fl-oz-60-ml/2925?at=0 only US$12 a bottle and it helped me to increase my supply by almost double! The taste is not strong and quite pleasant!

3) Sugar-free toddler vitamins http://www.iherb.com/Nature-s-Plus-Source-of-Life-Animal-Parade-Children-s-Chewable-Sugar-Free-Natural-Grape-Flavor-90-Animals/25894?at=0 US$14.03 My girl loves these!

4) Happy Baby brand organic baby food http://www.iherb.com/Search?kw=happy+baby is so natural and wholesome! It’s much cheaper than Singapore! My girl loves the organic yoghurt snacks and my boy loves the organic baby food!

5) Avalon organics baby items http://www.iherb.com/Search?kw=avalon+organics+baby They work so well for my boy with Eczema and smell great too!

If you are a first time buyer, please feel free to use my referral code EBI116 to get US$5 off your first purchase! Happy Shopping!

Also selling the following:

1. Quinny Buzz Shopping Basket $40

2. Mendala PISA Pump $300

3. Baby Swimming Pool & Musical Neck Float ($50)

4. MIM Baby Sling $20

5. Hanamugari Japanese Baby Carrier $10

6. Avent DECT Baby Monitor SCD525 $100

7. Babylook Baby View Mirror $20

- Bought in Germany, not available in Singapore

- Large panorama mirror (19.5 x 10 cm)

- Can be used in almost every car. Just attach the mirror to the headrest of the set in which the car seat is in with the TÜV tested velcro attachment system

Collect at Nanyang Crescent (Jurong West) or Turf City (Tues, Thurs, Fri 930am or 5pm)

Pls PM if interested. Thanks!


SFO is pretty cool - in the high 10s degree celsius. Not sure if it'll warm up by the time your hub goes there.

Didn't really do much in SFO. Went to the Golden Gate Bridge, Ferry Marketplace and Pier 39. And that was all we did there cos effectively we only had 1 day in SFO.

Loved IHop pancakes though! So yummy!

And I found out that Starbucks here is also having the week-long 1/2 price frappe @ tea time! We chanced upon the same thing in USA.

BW, where's you boy doing his tui na? think u might have mentioned it before but i forgot. in my mind, TCM = EYS.

I asked abt the chrysanthamum can cook anot cos my hb said cannot cook. can only pour boiled water over it. hence i asked.


icic..yes she has prolonged cough on and off..hope singulair really helps, so expensive !!

dr lim prescribed her with 2 wks then go back review, will let u know if i need. thanks for your offer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

your boy is now seeing tcm for cough instead ? i m so guilty of feeding her so much 'poison' and still not get well...haiz


You can try Caroline Teo @ 9680-6422.


Thanks for the notice! Can go buy lightbulbs & Avent bottles!

We just went to sign the agreement for lease with HDB. Happy happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee... Only now am I going thru the backdated posts from last week...

The long haul flight turned out to be better than we expected. About a week or so before the day we already informed the lil one to anticipate for this. In retrospect what we shd hv done was also to forewarn her about the limited space on the plane and in the bassinet. The bulk of our problems on the outbound flight did not come from the pressure in the ear, but rather she not used to the little amount of space she got to sleep. This then resulted in severe lack of sleep for her initially. The air pressure part was okay because we told her she needed to suck continuously on her pacifier to prevent her ears from aching. The takeoff & landing she really behaved very well. Kudos to her. I remembered my own first flight did not go down as well.

The lil one didn't quite like the food in Vegas as well. I guess it's because it's a tat too salty most of the time. Where possible we'd get rice/udon for her. The last night in Vegas we got her udon soup and she ate with relish!

It was a good trip for many reasons, and one of them was that during the trip she put on a fair amount of weight and grew taller! We started with some space in the bassinet and by the time we went home, the same bassinet couldn't quite fit her already!


Basing on the Baby Whisperer, we just took that they don't like surprises, so big trips like these must pre-empt them to ensure they are mentally prepared for it.


Aiyo this time round I didn't manage to take many photos of our haul.

NDP is open!

Applicants may also call the NDP ticketing hotlines, 1900-1124551 for the preview show, and 1900-1124559 for the actual parade.

Those applying can also do so through SMS by keying in "NDP" to 93952855, or through AXS and SAM machines or online at www.ndp.org.sg.

Tickets are not for sale, and all children and infants will require a ticket to enter the parade grounds.


serene, maybe my hub influence me. hahahaha... he will freak out when z touched BARBIE. hahahaha

hey mummies, z moght not be able to attend JWT tml. anyone interested can jus go for it, dun have to pay me lah. he is having diarrhoe. according to nanny, doc said might be sensitive to FM. i never change FM leh, been drinking so long hw come now den sensitive?

