(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Happy Mother's Day!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I only stayed up til 12.... Lotsa drama this GE.. Not v satisfied with the results... Pple that deserve to b in r out

Hi mommies, anyone still interested in the JWT trial class? I extract this list from previous thread and trying to see if the mommies listed below still interested and is there any other moms who are keen.

Waiting list as in order: (hope I didn't miss anyone - or miss added)

1. Sky

2. Joelle

3. Serendipity

4. jmmabb

5. babybear


If 12pax is possible, I'd try to arrange for a 2nd trial. As for price, i can't confirm it will be $18 as they waived GST. Only Sat 1-2pm slot applies.

Hi everyone! Here I am posting from Las Vegas! It's pretty cold here n even colder in San Francisco...

Went to the factory outlets today. Couldn't complete so we are going back tmrw for 2nd round!

babeE, enjoy!! i admire your courage to go all the way there!!!! Thumbs up for u!!!

Morning all- lazy week it has been ya??

So many going for holidays. I think given my condition will just opt for a staycation.

Now. Thinking hard which hotel to stay.. Headache [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everyone is 'enjoying' in this hot hot summer.

serendipity, i am still guilty of patting Heidi to sleep at night. Can't put her in her cot and wait for her to go to sleep on her own. She will just get up and walk around the cot non-stop. So I have to put her on our bed...pat her then when she's sound asleep then will I transfer her to her cot.

--- On Tue, 10/5/11, Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) <[email protected]>

Subject: Outings for the Underprivileged Children

To: "Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network)" <[email protected]>

Date: Tuesday, 10 May, 2011, 11:22

Dear all

We are still short of sponsors and volunteers for the outings arranged for the Underprivileged children, below is the updated numbers :

No. of Children Sponsor : 12

No. of Volunteers : 6

We hope to have about 45 children and 35 volunteers to come along for this Ice Cream Making Workshop, for those who can help, do get back to me by 15 May 2011 so we will have sufficient time to send out the flyers to the children.

In the event we are unable to get sufficient sponsors, we will cancel the outing and will refund those who have sponsored so you can use the funds to reach out to others instead.

Thank you


Charles Tan

Volunteer Resource Network

Email : [email protected]

URL : www.vrnetwork.org

From: Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, 5 May, 2011 11:09 AM

Subject: June Holiday Programme for the Children

Dear all

We will be resuming our outings for the children from the low income family this June after taking a break last Dec. This coming June, we plan to bring the kids to downtown east for an Ice Cream Making Workshop and have Ice Cream Buffet there as well, below are the details :

Event : Ice Cream Making Workshop + Ice Cream Buffet

Date : 18 June 2011 (Saturday)

Time : 10am to 2pm (Tentative)

Venue : Downtown East

Meeting point : Daybreak Family Service Centre

Blk 855 Yishun Ring Road Training Wing

(5 mins walk from Khatib MRT Station )

Targeted number of Children : 45

Volunteers required : 25

The cost for each child is about $35.00 which will cover the cost of the event, including lunch and cookie packs for each child. We hope each of you can sponsor at least one child for the trip, we will also need some volunteers to join us for the trip to take care of the children and help them out during the ice cream making workshop when we are there.

For those who would like to sponsor, you can mail a cheque payable to “Maple Lifestyle”, indicate “VRN June” and mail it to :

Maple Lifestyle

195 Pearl’s Hill Terrace


Singapore 168976

Please let us know the details of your cheque such as bank, cheque number and amount via email if you are sending by cheque.

For those who preferred to funds transfer, please do email me separately for the account number to transfer.

Do remember me to update me so I can consolidate the sponsored funds, we will stop accepting funds once we have enough as per our usual practice.

And for those who are keen to volunteer, do provide me with the following particulars :

1) Name


3) Contact Number

4) Email address

The cost for each volunteer is $38.00, we will likely be getting McDonald Lunch for everyone, if you are a vegetarian, do inform us and we will pack lunch separately for you.

We hope to be able to get your support to sponsor up to a max of 45 children from the low income family group for this trip.


Charles Tan

Volunteer Resource Network

Email : [email protected]

URL : www.vrnetwork.org



Am posting for information as they are short of sponsors and volunteers for the event. Pls liaise with the organiser directly if you are interested in helping out..

Thanks a mil! =)


same here! I'm guilty as well.

Thanks to MIL who carried, pat her to sleep and even stroke her head.

It's really hard when we are not the exclusive caregiver for the LO.

ladyk, haha...I suspected my MIL of still rocking Heidi to sleep. But she refuse to let me rock her at night. I want to cuddle her a bit more she also dun let me. Just want to roll on to the big bed. :D

as in...Heidi refuses. Not my MIL. haha...ok lah. our babies good life. Got grannies to sayang them. I see really open nowadays. especially now that she's so much stronger and bigger. I don't worry so much already. :D


U sign up for term 4 as well? They told me can also try in the middle of the term once Crystal turn 18mths but i thought start from the start of the term would be better. :D

Icy, I m not sure. I think as soon as they have a slot I will bring Heidi to class already. She's only managed to attend a My Gym trial and Aquaduck trial so far. Other trials always kana postponed cos of flu and etc. I m quite eager to start her on something soon.

Pris, MMR+V is two separate jab? or both in one? im sending z for this soon. if its two jab, den i will opt out V. cant bear to have him go for two jabs at one go.

Priscillia, am giving my boy MMR and chicken pox, 2 separate jabs. No choice because he is in infantcare and he does mix with the older kids. No need heartpain, the 2 jabs will go into each thigh at the same time :p KKH private suite nurses are superb, very swift when it comes to injections. I will prefer to give chicken pox now because when he turns 18 months old, he'll be getting the 5-in-1 booster. I can opt to give him the 5-in-1 booster together with chicken pox but i rather not, as he'll be going to a new centre when he turns 18 months. New centre = new environment = new virus, i rather he is vaccinated against chicken pox by then. If your gal is home all the time, you can give 1 jab at a time. MMR is compulsory right? Maybe can delay the chicken pox. There is even a Hep A jab but i'm not too sure about this....

I thought mmrv is One jab? Caitlyn only took one jab last month so why two jabs?

I know govt hospitals and poly don't have the combine mmrv. Doing this private, really don't need to give 2 jabs these days if we have an option.

Hello mommies.

Thread is so quiet. I'm guilty of patting Nic to bed as well. Read baby whisperer also like never read. Never seem to practise the good teachings.

Anyway, saw 6 pearlies cutting through.. 4 bottom 2 on top.. Drool & bite like mad. My mom said too much calcium. *lol*

morning mummies,

Anyone interested in taking over the JWT gym trial on 21st May? afraid have to keep Mal off public grounds for at least a week as he is not in good health to let him have more rest and at the same time keep the bugs and viruses off from the public as well.

Torayme, is it you who bring Heidi to TCM in Jurong East? Can give post the address for the clinic? lost the address list. Will be bringing Mal for TCM to strengthen him up after he finish his course of "Western" medicine.

Very heart ache to see baby sick. Lost so much weight that I have to downsized his diaper. Very very bad...........

Hi Winnie, yep Heidi is on her like 6 course of TCM now. You can follow this link for the clinics


Heidi is seeing Dr Lee Kian Ming of Jurong East branch. I preferred him cos he's friendly n is Singaporean. Felt safer...

Very heartache to hear that Mal down diaper size. Hope the TCM helps him too.

Hi Winnie,

Actually I am next in line of waiting list but I can't cause Michelle will be on injection that day. Maybe I think a few mummies here are keen.

Hope your boy will recover soon. Understand how u feel, jia you!

I wanna ask how is the stools texture of yr babies now?

Enzo still paste like and watery sometimes..

when dyl poops into the potty its one nice firm but soft strand. when he poops in his diaper cos he sits and crush it, it gets paste like. i think teething tend to make the stool softer.

z's recently has been pooing ard 2 to 3 times. once will be paste like, the rest watery like diarrhoe.

anyone like me, has 4 different kind of wet tissue. anti bateria, hand n mouth, pacifier wipe and normal wet tissue.

z has been seeing doc frequently since he stop breast milk. i put in so much effort to give him breast milk for a year, but it seems like it doesnt make him any heathier. haiz... feel so depress.

wish... jus started giving z the childlife colostrum last sat, hope dat will help to build his immunue system. *praying: Amen, Alah, Amituofuo, nam mio hor ring gei gyo" im thinking of giving childlife vitamin C also. Do u think it will be too much, maybe alternate days?

Hi hi everyone! I am back!!!

Our trip was a blast! Came back with luggage that twice as heavy as we departed.

Chloe- vit c can try alternate ba. Prefer from fruits- guava., kiwi(golden) ??

Wet wipes- only use kodomo for bum bum, n hands minimal). I kinda believe in la sum jia, la sum dua-- build immune system.

BabeE- welcome back!


chill lah. teething brings a lot of onset problems. and i really mean a lot! i took him to sinseh this morning for check up and she told me that. she says during this period poo will not be "nice". it will either me too hard or too soft. and kids tend to have nasal and throat discomfort during this period but it doesn't mean they are sick. they will also have this tendency to be heaty. she advises drink more water and stick to porridge for most of the time. she tell me the cheese i gave dyl yesterday gave him phelgm and heatiness. i think some kids simply do not do well on milk powder and cheese. i'm going to transit him to fresh milk once he finishes the 6 tins of dumex.

the sinseh says ways to soothe the teething process is to use pearl powder to rub onto the gums 2 times a day. this is especially useful after it cut out from the gum. it will help bring down the heatiness too. note that boys cannot have this done daily.

OH YES! MUMS! How many ML of water does your kid drink in a day? Dyl drinks about 150ml a day but sinseh says he needs to drink MORE.

the elders say somehow the kids must ""da bing"" one time for them to grow up. Dyl was very sick for 2-3 weeks in april but so far *TOUCHWOOD* he's all good, stronger and growing better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you!

Chloe, pls don't be too hard on urself. Breastmilk is the best but z got sick cos of other factors such as:

1. Bad weather

2. lousier environment - air n food

3. Stronger viruses. They've evolved n mutated.

The above 3 points are what I used to battle off my parents remark that I m too paranoid and etc. Cough if not dealt w early on will kana infections of lungs n throat...not like our time...air so fresh, food all organic one..water also cleaner.

Serendipity, almost the same as what Heidi's physician said...baby heaty due to weather n teething. He advised more water and to dilute the milk. Glucolin can be given too. I only given when Heidi sweats a lot. And Fei Zai shui if she got bak sai or her lips r very red. All are signs of heatiness.


wow! 500ml of water a day? ok..i'll try to give more.


ya if cough is not handled properly, it becomes bronchitis. lesson learnt well from april's incident. i'm intending to start glucolin. but it's very sweet right?


my bb on full bm for 1 yr but she has been having cough and flu on off non-stop since last dec. v depressed too. haiz. really dont know what i can do to get rid of the stupid virus !!

any bbies on singulair presribed by pd ?


huh?500ml? i think mine is not drinking more than 120-150ml a day ahh... but if she drink so much, will she have stomach for her meals?

