(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Thanks mommies on the vitamins info... but childlife can can onli be bought thru spree... anything that i can get on the racks in pharmacies too?

Wah,serious ahh..buying ipad for them... i am restricting c to only tv and occasionally laptop.... once in a blue moon use her yiyi's ipad and that's it... i see too many kids glues on technology than parents nowdays...scared....


I dun even hv time to play games... Hahaha... but buy ipad still must jailbreak the thing.

Actually my brother gave me his old touch. Must go find it...

Morning mommies,

Anyone know where can I get stroller toys which are secured by velcro tape and what brand? I ve gotten the combi steering wheel but it is secured by strap which I find it difficult to remove.

Carol, jmmabb, really?? You all interested is it? If so, i will ask my husband heh. He's gg San Francisco late May. Heh. Wah i didnt know iPad is sooo exp!!!! Hmmm. Heartpain leh like that.

BabeE, ya MT is right, actually alot of games leh. My boy is quite transfixed on the Sing Sing Along app. Can stare at the screen for quite long, like 20 mins. Heh. Eh must jailbreak ah?? For iPad?!

Xihui, my boy now exposed to tv and iphone. Laptop don't have because my husband refuses to let him touch his laptop. My boy will bang the keyboard with his fists and try to remove the screen lor. He's a destroyer so alot of things we don't allow him to touch. For tv, quite jialat because my husband is a tv addict. I don't mind him watching tv now but im worried he will get myopia...By the way, for the childlife colostrum, there are always overseas sprees for it. I usually only buy 1 at a time because of the expiry dates. When its half finished, then i order 1 more bottle again to standby. Quite alright. I pay around $21 per bottle.


thanks!!! wah really big difference in price in gnc vs spree wor... do u ve the links of which spree u join? can pm me?


thanks for the offer, have sponsor already so will politely decline [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


PM-ed u

Carol, am not joking leh! If you really want i can ask my husband, he's ok. Now he's preparing his shopping list! Waaaay early now if you ask me.

xihui, i either order straight from iherb under Leng Leng or buy from mummy olwen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leng Leng




Nowadays, when i order Happy Belly stuff esp puffs and melts, i also get from the two above. iherb shipping is very reasonable and both Leng Leng and Olwen don't add on handling fees. Very nice mummies to buy from. You can try either one, see which mummy has collection points more convenient for you!

mommies, anyone know where I can get saline wash or saline drop? Heidi's got a running nose...grr...will this never end? but its getting better finally this morning. But I think I should get the saline drop just in case. Though our PD did prescribed a salt water nasal spray which she absolutely hate...wonder if I can ask them for alternative...hmmm


i share the same concern as u on what to let them eat during travel too... c will be going for her 1st trip in a couple of months' time.. so i thought cereal might be used to replace her usual porridge throughout the trip.. planning to get her try some baby food prior the trip too, if she takes it well, then will get some along.. then the rest, will just have to go there and see what's in our meal and she have little of share here & there lor..

Amnio to confirm.. Tks babes.

I ask for faster results will know by next wed on d test results.

Side track- MIL going to look after this 2nd one... A bit reluctant coa they are more go with d flow, hopefully dun spoil d kid else I would have a hard time to discipline.

Hi Mums!

I just came back from lunch at Marche and saw a group of mummies having gathering. They were sitting in the same long table as us. Only difference was all their kids are in high chair instead of prams and slings. How time flies! And how I miss those times...

Thank you, Chloe!

Congratulations WISH! one boy one gal~~~~ :D

babybear, where are you going? I be bringing Heidi to Penang in May. Think I will just give her chee cheong fun, porridge, kuei tiao and etc and pray that everything sits well with her tum-tum. Will bring milk and cereal too.

xihui, no problem! Wow...if i bring my boy for trip now also no problem. Whatever sai he also eat one. I had duck rice yesterday and he kept snatching my rice. I'm still too tired juggling him to go for trips. My bestie sent me a few links yesterday and i finally know i'm not the only one facing a difficult child. My boy gets me so down at times thou i love him very much.

skysilver, i just ordered some stuff from Leng Leng again last night hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wish0upon0star, congrats!!!! Were you aiming for a boy boy? Heh. Close shop after this one or cheong #3?? Wuhahahhaah, you haven't deliver #2 i already ask you want #3 or not :p Wish you a smooth and steady pregnancy hor...Since you have 1 after and another, it's bobian to enlist the help of relatives de. How to cope with 2 when they age gap is so close on your own? Mission impossible unless your #1 always sit one corner do her own things.

MT, how about you?? Any scans coming up?

serendipity, have a #2 then you can experience those sling and prams moments again! Hehe...how are you feeling now? Better?

carol, thanks for the update!

toray, nasal spray works faster but all kids hate it. Try it on yourself and you will know why! Hahaha! Any saline solution will do. Can use as many time as necessary.

Actually, we march mums can organise a iherb spree too! Then meet up for collection and playdate.

BW..#2, i must think very very hard! yeh, tcm saved me. i adore this sinseh in serangoon north. she never fails to help me bounce back and her meds are in very easy to take capsules.

Seren- is the doc d female Sinseh at Chong Poh??

BW- this one not planned, it's a surprise gift. But better now then later, no more energy Liao.

Torayme- u also jiayou!

Just finish test- wait so long!!

Wish - YES! Pauline Sinseh at Chong Poh. When I had flu during preg and during bf-ing, she was the one who cured me with just a few days med. And congrats on having a boy. Dylan was a surprise too, or rather accident. He never fails to surprise me daily. Haha. How's the little girl? We should org a swim session soon!

wish, i dun want liao. close shop le. hahaha...

thanks bw. Weather very worrisome for little ones lately. my friend's gal was warded for chest infection. really must avoid enclosed areas for the time being. Go park go zoo better bah...

serendipity, don't i know about the think very hard part! I'm still thinking. At the rate i'm going think 35 liao still ding dong here and there, heh. Iherb spree?? But it will take time and effort to organise a spree, not easy leh...heh. Anyone interested in pediped as well? *oops*

Wish, but how you going to cope with 2 ah? The fetching, feeding, bathing and all? And if 1 or both fall sick how you going to bring them see PD ah? I keep thinking about these i don't know how leh. I went on pill long time ago, i won't have surprise gift this time, hehe. Unless i have 4 pairs of hands....But yes, agree have kids younger better. Really need tons of energy to keep up! You have any MS? How to take care of #1 if have MS ah? Are you frequently carrying your #1?

toray, not easy when they fall sick, i totally understand...tomorrow im bringing my boy for tui na again. Every week will bring him already, hopefully in the long term, can see improvement in his overall health. He's quite prone to runny nose (due to sinus) and cough.


going to koala's home, in replacement of japan.. hope that she co-operates throughout the trip.


haha.. i haven't really expose mine to adult's food.. due to the sodium and sugar content... still giving her food as natural as possible... but she not ''stupid'' though.. 2 days back, i had 3 bowls on the table. 1 with her porridge with frog leg, 1 with tofu cubes, 1 with my smoked salmon salad. at 1st she wanted the tofu & didn't wanna take her porridge, then after a while, she pointed to the salmon & bo chap both her porridge and tofu.. feeding her now is a nightmare.it only started recently, dunno where she learn from..she stand/sit/stand/sit when i put her in the highchair..if she wana get out of the chair & escape fr the dining area, she will not get any food, i don't have the patience to chase all over the house ahh...


Same here. I just started pill 3 months ago. Scared. I got IHERB account so if want to consolidate to save on shipping I can do it. I need to get Dyl another pediped! He's outgrowing. Need Vpost or direct shipping?


I have to resort to youtube to get him to sit down! Those little rascals!

BW- u keen ah?? #1 will go Childcare. She will want me to carry at times. I still do, but less frequent.

I weekend mum so #2 will come back only on fri nites. Only thing to consider is how to bring BM to #2 at woodlands n come back to see #1 in d evening..


i can't exactly tell what c is interested in during meal-time.. varies all the time... but if she gets hooked with something that interests her, her mouth also stop,don't chew, don't swallow...

oh pediped, i was just browsing around ytd too.. i haven't got any for her yet and i intend to too! i duno how to buy shoes fr kiddy palace, either too heavy or not nice...

BW, my next detailed scan is on 2 June, on my birthday! guess knowing the gender will be a gift to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not really wishing for either gender... if u really must ask me, i would prefer another girl.. hee. then the girls can have all their girltalk and be really close.

i'm still carrying belle alot. day in, day out, bathing her, feeding her and stuff.. really cant wait to see her reaction when she first meets her sibling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup, i havent exposed belle to any adult food too. think it may be too heavy-going for her. its still fish porridge, with carrot and veg bits for now.

xihui, i cook for my boy everyday but he still eats my husband's and my dinner..started when he turned 1. Out of a sudden, he started taking a keen interest in what WE are eating. Whatever we eat sure nicer than his own food, that's his logic! I don't have to chase (yet). I will just say Jude sit, mum mum. He will plonk himself down on the floor. I feed him dinner as we watch Leapfrog together on tv, heh. I think can slowly expose her to adult food else how to go out with her...My boy takes udon and salmon when we eat out at jap restuarants. Kiddy Palace shoes not nice...Buy from Bata. Bubble Gummers are nice and cute but they don't cater to larger sizes.

serendipity, how you show youtube to him? Iphone or laptop? I've tried but cannot because my boy will start banging the laptop or playing with the iphone, he won't just guai guai stare at the screen de. I'm on the pill for 13 months liao, heh. Actually, ask me to try now i also don't know i'm up to it or not. Can't open my eyes for a long time already, wuhahahahah. Oh you have iherb account! But it will take time to organise a spree. I've not bought pediped before! Am only considering this brand as i cannot find any nice ones already that are also soft enough for my boy. Don't wish to buy from mummy rach as well as her shipping is quite high.

Wish, i'm considering...is that considered keen? Part of the reason is because my husband's retirement age is lower than most people so he wants #2 as early as possible. But i am so tired...My boy is koala bear. So i feel its better to wait till he is 4 or 5. But by then, i want to concentrate on preparing him for Pri 1 already so i don't know how.


Dylan behaves same as Jude when we take dinner. He will want to hold my spoon and feed me, then take another spoonful for himself. The other day my mum pan fry pomfret fish. She mix it with rice into small rice balls and my boy had 6 of it. He drinks tablespoons of soup daily which means no salt can be added cos soup for him and bak kut for the dogs. I connect external keyboard to laptop. He does bang but he has figured out certain buttons get him somewhere. In fact he can now scroll up and down a page using the mouse. Let them explore lor.

Mums who are keen in iherb spree can state name here then i'll take it up in FB.

serendipity, your boy is luckier, i'm not too sure about the infantcare centre's food :p I cook dinner as often as i can but there are days when i wake up late in the mornings, not in time to cook so after work, i buy porridge then go back home to put down all my stuff first before going to the centre to fetch him. He takes and throw. I can't see how throwing the laptop is considered as exploring, really headache. If he manages to scoop stuff on his spoon, he will throw the spoon backwards then go step on the food or spread them with his hands. Takes ages for me to clean the place and him. Tired tired tired. There was once it got to a point of me dreading to go home after work because i got to face my boy's stunts again. Now i feel better already....

it's not that i want to restrict her to adult food, but she eats like tweety bird, litte bit little bit...so i gotta make sure that she gets good nutrients from that little bit of food during mealtime.. her dad kept asking her: when can mommy let u eat bwa kwa ahh?

BW, HCF always the best. He don't know how lucky he is. His porridge is cooked using japanese rice and fresh unpolished rice! Always using bak kut broth. It's delicious. And my mum whips up pasta, mash potato, pancakes and other variations when she can. They are kids afterall. Hand need something to meddle with. For my boy, when mouse and keyboard fails, I resort to other things like calculator, pen, etc. He will even doddle on paper using a pen! I know I'm spoiling him but so long I get peace and cleanliness during his mealtime, so be it. You very yong xing liang ku. I know! JIA YOU!

Hi wish,

Congrats!! Hope you will have a smooth delivery! Dun worry! Everything willbe smooth de.. So happy to see so many march mummy having the second one.

