(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Torayme, Sorry leh.... I dunno what Sounds like Fun IQ is like but yet feel like buying. Hehehe... 2 sets around S$70? I can buy and let Lac watch. Thanks much for coordinating! Let us know if u need help!

Xihui, C so good ah, still can sing with alphabets! Lac just sing the "X X X" and that's it, only once. Plus her eyes not fixed on the video when i play leh.... Short attention span! Maybe play using iphone too small, no kick for her. Haha!


babybear, PM me the link of the products when you can surf in peace. Total got 5 sets leh. scared I order the wrong one.

The CD cum DVD set got duplicates of the Sound Like Fun IQ set wor. Unless u order like me and get the entire collections of CDs and DVDs. :D

Take your time mommy. Facebook msg me also can.


Sorry for the late reply. My boy keep falling sick.. sianz.

I saw Sing-Along-Read-Along DVD on leapfrog website at USD7.99. But didnt see anyone organising the spree now. Not worth getting if we didnt have enough orders.


Hmm, personally i love taking chinese med, think i'm weird lol, so whenever possible i'll let tasha be treated by chinese sinseh.


I want to buy too! Will msn u after i decided on which ones to get okie.

CC, sorry for late reply.

Dear mommies, please put down a date so we can at least start to vote on preferable date. Flexible is according to majority, if you have certain date already mentioned that cannot be attended - pls do not put flexible and opt stating date or cancel.

Rescheduling option: PLEASE indicate best choice of dates or cancel - pls note that we might not enjoy the same rate if unable to meet 12pax.

$9 will be reimbursed accordingly - either via bank tramsfer or on day of class. Depending on JWT refund procedures

dates: 14th May, 21st May, 28th May.

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road,

1. Winnie - 14th may, 21st May

2. BabeE - 21May

3. Cc - flexible

4. cherli - flexible

5. Reenren - 14th may, 21st May

6. Chloe -

7. BW - 21st may

8. LadyK - 30th April, 28th May

9. Wish - 14th may, 21st may, 28th may

10. Jules - flexible

11. Lynn - flex

12. Lotusmom - 21st may, 28th may


thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

lets wait for chloe and we can set in place dates.


confirm only date for you is 21st?


can you make 21st?

pls advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2011 - 8:27 pm:       

CC, sorry for late reply.

Dear mommies, please put down a date so we can at least start to vote on preferable date. Flexible is according to majority, if you have certain date already mentioned that cannot be attended - pls do not put flexible and opt stating date or cancel.

Rescheduling option: PLEASE indicate best choice of dates or cancel - pls note that we might not enjoy the same rate if unable to meet 12pax.

$9 will be reimbursed accordingly - either via bank tramsfer or on day of class. Depending on JWT refund procedures

dates: 14th May, 21st May, 28th May.

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road,

1. Winnie - 14th may, 21st May

2. BabeE - 21May

3. Cc - flexible

4. cherli - flexible

5. Reenren - 14th may, 21st May

6. Chloe -

7. BW - 21st may

8. LadyK - 30th April, 28th May

9. Wish - 14th may, 21st may, 28th may

10. Jules - flexible

11. Lynn - 21st 28th may

12. Lotusmom - 21st may, 28th may

Hi mommies ordering barbara's cds. I've got your names and I will fb msg you all about it on monday. Taking it off this thread. :D

Had a hard time luring Heidi to sleep so I am going to rest early later. She skipped her 2nd nap and doze off between 7pm to 8pm the alamak...missed the 8.30pm window even with a bottle of milk. Kept monkeying around on the bed until finally...She seem to be taking well to the HA + Pro mix. :D

Hi CC,

sorry for the late reply.

Dear mommies, please put down a date so we can at least start to vote on preferable date. Flexible is according to majority, if you have certain date already mentioned that cannot be attended - pls do not put flexible and opt stating date or cancel.

Rescheduling option: PLEASE indicate best choice of dates or cancel - pls note that we might not enjoy the same rate if unable to meet 12pax.

$9 will be reimbursed accordingly - either via bank tramsfer or on day of class. Depending on JWT refund procedures

dates: 14th May, 21st May, 28th May.

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road,

1. Winnie - 14th may, 21st May

2. BabeE - 21May

3. Cc - flexible

4. cherli - flexible

5. Reenren - 14th may, 21st May

6. Chloe - 14th May or 28th may

7. BW - 21st may

8. LadyK - 30th April, 28th May

9. Wish - 14th may, 21st may, 28th may

10. Jules - flexible

11. Lynn - flex

12. Lotusmom - 21st may, 28th may

torayme, im interested in getting the babara's CD & DVD. when are u ordering? let me go home n show z the youtube n see if he likes it.

Morning mommies,

Since BABeE and BW can only attend 21st pls advise - there are possible changes .

Chloe, possible to do 21st?

I'm only coordinating - pls note I mysf have stated flexible to accomadate.

Earliest reply please.

dates: 14th May, 21st May, 28th May.

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road

1. Winnie - 14th may, 21st May

2. BabeE - 21May

3. Cc - flexible - 21st

4. cherli - flexible - 21st

5. Reenren - 14th may, 21st May

6. Chloe - 14th May or 28th may

7. BW - 21st may

8. LadyK - 30th April, 28th May (tentatively advised for 21st May)

9. Wish - 14th may, 21st may, 28th may

10. Jules - flexible

11. Lynn - flex

12. Lotusmom - 21st may, 28th may


Why of coz, don't think they would be able to pluck 12 kids to attend a session overnight - their attitude to customers is much better than few other gyms we've been too.

And of coz nobody will wanna piss a customer of ...

Thanks everyone for accommodating to the 21st. Sorry it's really the only available Saturday I have for May.

Lotusmom, Jules

No problem ;)! We see all on 21st - now back to General Elections :D!


Pls pm/SMS/email/fb me your account for GST refund - also mailing address. Just received dumex sachets. I SMS with no reply from you lei...

Lotusmum, so co incident the same dr he is very jovial even asked me to put his name in FB as my case was a difficult one. 5yrs ago he is still not snr yet oh probably just promoted recent yrs he seem to be very snr now as least he behaved as one hehehe.

WF, for the sake to see clearly baby when I give birth next one (hopefully can get pregnant soon not young anymore sob sob). When I delivered my gal can't see her face for first look so sad and when went to the ward asked my dh he said "bb all look same lei got diff meh hw to describe hw she looks huh?" fainted 

Xihui, no chance this mth some said after 1st birth will be very fertile not for me lei already tried 4th mths sigh......

CC, me going to be 40 in another 3 yrs I also hesitant to do cos afraid of far sighted when reach the age. Bt I still went Fr it cos my gal had spolit 4 pairs of spec plus she got cuts Fr my spec and many cuts wounds on her forhead and face. My dh cannot tahang anymore that her gal got so many cuts hence pushed me to do LASIK (hehehe the trade off is he paid for it) gd deal Fr me all thanks to our little gal hehehe


Heeheee... My kids have my old pairs od specs to play. Touching my glasses is a serious no ;)!

I'm just worried if I go now, few yrs more have to re-do LASIK again and once done its not reversible. Heard the implants are a better option these days. See how... I'm still reading ;), saw the birth of my eldest and all after that is blur! Heeheee

carol, thank you! Also thanks to all mummies, as my only available date is also only 21 May...Actually, recently i keep thinking about doing lasik as well but comments from colleagues are not encouraging. They told me unless i make sure i have sufficient sleep and will not stare at the computer for too long, else my myopia will return. For not being able to return to contact lens, it happens for some people. Plus i have high myopia and astig, its most likely i cannot achieve a perfect vision after lasik until i super heng. So now still wondering...Sigh. Am keen to do as i find wearing specs/contact lens such a chore and am very into swimming. I KNOW there are goggles i can wear to help me see better when i swim but when i'm not?? When i'm just lazing around? Can't be wearing goggles also mah. Heh. Enhancements can be done but only if corneas are thick enough right? Implants is sooo much more expensive. Is your eyesight super bad? Mine is 450 & 575 with astig of under 100 for both eyes. Actually, i find that my myopia is more stable when i wear contact lens.

BabeE, then we shall see each other on 21 May, i'll bring the Friso for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Toray, thanks so much for including me in your FB message! Have decided not to buy as i realised the Leapfrog dvds i have are largely similar in content thou not presentation. Don't want to confuse my boy heh. Please go ahead with the purchase ya!

priscillia, jiayou ok...i know it's difficult but i think really cannot be too stressed up when it comes to TTC. It's good enough that you guys are trying, the rest, i think God will decide when is the best time to give you #2! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When I did my lasik, my eyesight was 450,600 and very little astigmatism. Ya, I have thin cornea, so can only do it once, maybe in the future there will be technology for people with thin cornea.

If keen, can go for assessment first to see if suitable then decide. Cos I remember the dr did mention that prolong wear ing of lenses will cause grapes like blister on the eyelid and subsequently weigh down the lid and become droppy eyes, I also don't know how true it is lah.

lotusmum, you have any problem with night vision? I need to drive at night sometimes...i already quite blur when i drive at night already. Am thinking of going to Shinagawa lor. But my husband really don't encourage. He finds it pointless. But it's soo sian to wear specs all the time and when i try to wear contacts in the morning, not easy with my screaming son around.


Maybe I shud just do LASIK ;p!!

BW, I so understand when you say swimming - goggles, laze around still goggles?? Lol 20yrs of specs n contacts..but my degree has reduce recently from 375 to 300 ;)

bw, ya somemore never seen before nicks.

sorry Dick, i am only helping the mommies i know here. you may order direct from Barbara and it is really cheap to get a paypal account.

Hello helloo... Back to our lobang deals!!!

As most has seen ayden on his preloved micro mini, I thinking of getting from supplier a few sets at a very minimal discounted price.

If mommies are keen - pls put down a name ;)

Here's the product name Micro Mini Scooters - pls feel free to google or check FB page.


For a few weeks after the surgery,I see halo at night.but it's totally fine now. Oh ya, right after the surgery, I got long sightedness for a few days, i.e. I can't read sms from phone. But all these will be corrected after a few months. It's really nice to wake up with perfect eyesight, no need to feel around for glasses.;-)


Still can wear stylo shades bought off the shelves.


arrggggg... Envy la!!! I also want want want - but then I

Scheduled for braces [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] low budget

Torayme, m i in your CD list?

CC, m thinking of braces too.

Did think of LASIK but my colleague made a comment which i found pretty true. Docs who do LASIK, most of them wear glasses themselves.

Jules - very true!! Ayyaaa... My temptation!! LASIK oh LASIK

Braces appointment in June, Jules - have you asked anyone's opinion on braces? Any feedback? Issit safe?

I've been reading and it's not incident free, tooth might fall off.. Long term condition as retainers need to be worn after braces are removed.

Chicken feet, suppose to already wear them then cold feet and postpone my appointments

afternoon mommies!

i ordered the ketler balancing bike before but the wrong stock came so got the money back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope to get it the next round.

just to share another place to bring ur LOs to!

think we will be going this weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i find that only the kids section of the zoo was good cuz its up close and personal.. so the farm mart will be good!


can buy food to feed the animals too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MT, you getting the princess balancing bike? I got the sprint air racing balancing bike too. Now headache how to bring home...there's no more space under my office table!

what bike are u all talking abt?

toray, haha... there is finally no more space under ur table after so many months liao... lol..


yeah, like what BW said,dun pressure urself... must relax and be stress-free. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i ordered the princess balancing bike some months ago.. but the batch came wrong, the trikes came instead, so the BP organiser refunded us lor. dunno whether she will be organising another one or not..

is it very bulky? take a cab?

MT, you ordered from Yoko rite? Add her on FB and let her know you are still keen. I am very pleased with Yoko's service. she's a great seller.

babybear, too bad I am probably the last person in singapore who don't have a camera phone or I can take pic to show you as per request. hahaha

