(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

MT, the bike i got early this month only. It was a very long wait. Not too bulky but definitely attention seeking...my hub will make noise for sure...haha...



quick question here. Any mummies used or using totseats? thinking of getting one cos not all places have high chair. Like to seek your comments if you have used one or is using one. Is it useful?

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Me used sack n seat. Looks like they work in the same way.

A few months back, it still managed to keep my LO in my place but now she managed to climb out of it, hence have stopped using. Lo didn't like it cos she can't see what's going on on the table.


I ve 1 but i never get to use it.. u need to try ur luck see whether the chairs at e place u are visiting are suitable or not.and even if u can attach it,the 1 sitting in must co-operate, mine will escape the moment i put her in.though its lightweight.but it occupies space in the diaper bag as well. So i dont bring it out anymore...

Lotus mum, babybear,

thanks for the info. have the same concern too cos my little one also always try to do his "david copperfield" act, a.k.a The Great Escape. Guess i can save the money already

Can even escape from high chair unless those come with 5 point belt or one particular model from rubbermaid which still can keep him in.

Ikea high chair.... sigh... will only give me high BP cos i dunno how he can wriggle his way out even with the belt secured.


Ya dont waste $. I got mine as a gift so nt so heartpain..haha.. ya la,ikea highchair gives me heart attack everytime w/o fail too. Talk abt 5-pt harness? She can turn and struggled to stand up in her pram lor... then get herself entangled and scream for help,red marks on neck as if i abuse her like that.

Thanks BW and xihui, I will not give up will jia you 

CC & BW, for first two wks better dun drive in the night as some may experience star burst or halos for temporary. The feel is diff without wearing spec and can see clearly it seem to be back to young times. Avoid water sports for 2 mths if I remembered correctly after that no problem to jump into the sea and able to see clearly 

I chanced upon this Boogie Board at expo over the weekend. I like the size and that the quality is better than those typical doodle boards at the toy store. Thot it would be a good diversion for Eva rather than to target our mobile phones day in day out.

What do you all reckon? Comments pls! Am considering whether to buy anot.


At expo the person was selling at SGD 70 lor... A bit too ex...

jules, the tui na is to help my boy's phlegm problem. I'm not sure if it'll really work but I'll persist as I'm sick of feeling him vasican. He really has taken alot of western medication liao. He doesn't fall sick very often but his runny nose and phlegm have been bothering him for a month, so long right....

Carol, me too...I've been wearing specs since I was 9 and contact lens when I was 17. It's been 19 years!!! We sama sama...what I'm afraid of is the possibility of not being able to wear contact lens after LASIK should my myopia returns.

Pris, at least you've started trying, I'm still procrastinating haha...the thought of going through everything all over again makes me feel very exhausted. Friends tell me to wait until my boy is older else I can't handle 2 on my own but frankly, I think as my boy grows older, I will enjoy him more and I'll be even more reluctant to try #2 cos lazy already. Plus the cost!!! Sometimes I buy milk powder and diapers until I scared heh. Thanks for the advice! My job requires me to stare at the computer whole day and I don't get to sleep much unless I purposely take leave to sleep at home...like that higher chances of the myopia returning to haunt me right....

Toray, nice place! How about turf club there?? You've been there?? Actually im like changi airport but my husband hates it. I find it a good place for my boy to cheong around!

BabeE, I understand the mobile phone part, Hahahaha. My boy won't be interested in anything that has no music, animation or those that are not interactive enough. I think 70 is ok....I'm actually considering to buy iPad for my boy lor!!!! Lagi worse ^^


Same here.. 2iphones, 1itouch, psp.. I still have to que for my phone ;(

Maybe iPad wud earn us parents back our phones ;p! I'm seriously thinking ... bah! Budget kaa booms!

Hi mommies,

JWT slots are filled.

Waiting list as in order: (hope I didn't miss anyone - or miss added)

1. Sky

2. Joelle

3. Serendipity




If 12pax is possible, I'd try to arrange for a 2nd trial. As for price, i can't confirm it will be $18 as they waived GST. Only Sat 1-2pm slot applies.

morning mummies!

anyone going to robinson sale, heheeee

need reccomendations for a thermal pot, tiger, zojirushi or thermos brand ??


i wanted to buy ipad too. when ipad 1 price dropped due to ipad 2 launching soon, i hesistated and when i wanted to buy ipad 1, it's sold out :p

Hi mommies,

JWT slots are filled.

Waiting list as in order: (hope I didn't miss anyone - or miss added)

1. Sky

2. Joelle

3. Serendipity

4. jmmabb



If 12pax is possible, I'd try to arrange for a 2nd trial. As for price, i can't confirm it will be $18 as they waived GST. Only Sat 1-2pm slot applies.

Carol, am wondering if i should get my husband to buy iPad when he goes US. Am sooo tempted. But it's really not a necessity isnt it? ^^

jmmabb, actually i think those lasik doctors don't do it on themselves because having a stable and good eyesight is super important to them, i mean, their livelihood depends on their eyesight leh. Plus i think the only person they would ever trust to do lasik on their eyes would be themselves! Hahahahaha! So if they don't choose to do lasik, i'm not surprised :p I personally won't risk lasik if my livelihood depends on my eyes, how to perform lasik on patients if i need a few months to get perfect eyesight right. I think i need another eye check again. My eyes now, can only take daily disposable contact lens. That's how jialat it is now. Compared to the costs of buying dailies and lasik, lasik is cheaper ^^


i went ahead for LASIK because my eyes rejected contact lens and had to wear glasses.....my aunt went first then i went, subsequently my sis and parents went. for my parents they could correct their short and long sightedness..they were happy

Hi mommies,

JWT slots are filled.

Waiting list as in order: (hope I didn't miss anyone - or miss added)

1. Sky

2. Joelle

3. Serendipity

4. jmmabb

5. babybear


If 12pax is possible, I'd try to arrange for a 2nd trial. As for price, i can't confirm it will be $18 as they waived GST. Only Sat 1-2pm slot applies.


any 1 started giving supplements to the little ones? vitamin C or?? is it wise to give them supplements? i'm not sure if i should or not leh..


any idea cheaper by how much ??


i have started to give vit c, pd recc. i wonder if i shd continue since she is coughing now, vit c, orange favour will cause more phelgm ??

also give her sambucol, dont know really effective a not. but the gd thing is she willing to take them. medicine she totally reject, i mention before that she will purposely gag on her medicine and vomit out together with her milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Xihui- I give childlife colustrum probiotics n cod liver oil strawberry flavor- mixed in her food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xihui, ya lor, our little ones are getting very active and curious of their surroundings and thus cant keep still

Jmmabb, me using a "brand-less" thermal pot. Find it average. So i guess the more reputable one should be better? Think Tiger and Zojirushi are more established in the market. Used to see these two brands of thermal pot around and i think Thermos is a newer entry. I have a Tiger airpot and a big flask for keeping warm water. Also have been using the Thermos food jar and a thermal mug. quite ok with them. But still have affinity for Tiger. Hehhehee

Oh ya, if u wan to buy thermal pot, Isetan having sale for Thermos brand. Price cheaper than the BP. But not sure if today Robinson sale have better offer. See the attached link.


very tempted to go to the Robinson sale.... wan to get the Neoflam cutting board and then head over to isetan to get the small thermos stainless steel mug. But then again, have to lug my cub to beat the crowd. Not a good idea also.


Good variety for ages 0-12yrs ;) - older adults too. But it's not as cheap as the sale used to be. Spend $150 - already refrain and triple shortlisting of toys ;p!! Still a great buy for the kiddos!


Heading towards robinson now. Going to get some toys.

I think isetan will usually have quite good deals for thermal pot especially during the private sale. Not too sure about robinson. I'm using thermos food jar,it has served me well so far.

I thought about iPad2 as well, but it's not out in Singapore. Have to get from US but not cheap and I don't see it as a necessity. Before you know it she'll start going online and watch YouTube videos...

Haiz... What happened to those good ol' masak-masak days...


That's like the tip of my last sentence on cheapskates buying stuff from WTS - even if they went ToysRus definitely won't get what ever riduculous offers made and 2times worst the condition at the sales!! - lol, I deleted, posting now ;)


Loads of stuff from Babyrus..

Errrr...think most stuff are gone, the que started 9am for 11am opening. When I left, unless you are buying big ticket items - most are gone.

Cc wat u get at tpysrus?? I went once n Thot e sale not really genuine. Worth going??? Contemplating!!


Got xylophone,hammer staker,gun slinger, nerf,postal office tent, portable shade, dance pad & few other stuff... sigh.. Wanted wall.E truck - still too pricy ;(

jmmabb, huh...now im tempted to go for lasik. Arrgh. Mind sharing where you did yours? Now i know TTSH offers lasik as well, heh. For me, not so serious until my eyeballs rejecting contact lens but i think sooner or later will also. I think i have dry eyes as well but only my left eye. A pity cannot use Medisave unless the degree difference between the 2 eyes are 300 and above. By the way, i think its better to avoid fruits like orange and grapes if she has phlegm. Yoghurt and cheese as well. Milk too but that's unavoidable. Dairy products don't cause phlegm but they are contributors to the problem.

Carol, pardon my ignorance but why is it cheaper to buy at Changi? I thought buy at US will be cheaper! Wah, got toysrus sale ah! Sayang sayang...weekdays impossible for me to cheong sales, bummer. I need retail therapy. I want to buy something for MYSELF!

Xihui, my boy takes Childlife Colostrum with probiotics (pineapple flavour). I add it into his milk at night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I started him on that when he was 6 months old as i was preparing him to go infantcare when he turned 8 months. I usually buy together with mummy Olwen, much cheaper and easier, i think she only charge us based on her credit card statement ah. She's also willing to do meetups, so very easy. Buy from Iherb is the best hehe.

Wish0upon0star, so funny lar you...heh. When i buy from mummies here, i only buy from those whom im familiar who. Those who offer cheaper prices (not by alot) but aint familiar with, i usually give them a miss, hehe.

BabeE, you've got a point! Now my boy plays with my thermal post and thermal flask. I have to give him bowls and spoon. Give him toys totally no use, he's just not interested so i've given up renting or buying toys. He rather play with my vaccum cleaner, my dry mop and even the small ti lam he used to sleep on. Will carry and walk around the house until he bang wall. I've seen people using iPad on mrt and actually, not much privacy hor? I can see what they are doing, once i saw this guy reading erotic stories on websites.


yeah Tiger & Zojirushi are the more reputable and trusted brands...price is only cheaper if not made in japan, if not is so ex..


i guess should be same price, save on 7% GST only ba....

happy to hear u got gd loots from toy r us heheee...


share your loot here when u back fr robinsons [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


went parkway on monday and the staff said that ipad 2 shd be releasing end of this mth which is this week, soon ??


i did at SNEC..now there are lots of options as more pple are doing it now..

i give yog 3-4x and cheese 2x a week lehhh...no wonder her phelgm doesnt go away..how abt apple puree ? shd i continue giving her orange favour vitamin c ?

i think get ipad 2 fr us is the cheapest option. ask ur hb bring back !!


Just finished chionging..

Bought the neoflam wok with lid, leapfrog word whammer, stroller organiser, some dresses for my girl, pigeon snacks, vitamins, etc.

Saw many people getting this korea dr you's biscuits (buy 3 get 1 free), sampled but find it either too sweet or salty

There's a further $30 discount for $180 nett purchase. :)

Today sounds like mAny pocket injury day ;p!!

Isetan will be having gap kids n baby kids special sale next month. $10 per pc. Heeheeee.... Can't wait!!! Feels like Xmas shopping already!!


sorry to distub, any preloved bumbo seat with tray for sale?

prefer to pickup near sengkang.

pls PM me the condition, color, price.


ipad can play lotsa games!

hubby has this app in his iphone, where u're supposed to drag the little lower cases letters to correspond with the upper case letters shown to let the monster 'eat', if its correct, it will 'yeah', if not, it will make a pukey sound.


iPad 2 will be available S$668 for the 16GB model, S$798 for the 32GB model and S$928 for the 64GB model. iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G will be available for S$848 for the 16GB model, S$978 for the 32GB model and S$1108 for the 64GB model.

