(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi mummies,

I am from the June 2010 thread.

I am now doing my 3rd batch spree for Sophie & other brands, the products can be seen on www.sophie.sg. The discount is 20% off price listed on the site.

To order, please send me a PM directly (I will not be referring to the thread postings). I will close orders on 17 April at 3pm. On 18 April, I will contact all mummies to confirm the orders and ask for payment to be transferred before 19 April 11am. Stocks will be available for collection from 20 April onwards at Pinnacle@Duxton or Tanjong Pagar MRT.



Gosh, finding out the gender of the bb is so fun! I so wanna have #2 too!


U starting from may? I can only start from jul i think, cos too ex to hire cl during cny period. Hope for a boy too! Can get new clothes for him! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh dear, can imagine how tired n cranky Mal can be, gg without sleep for 12 hrs? Btw, wanna ask, r u a sahm now? Can try pushing him ard the neighbourhood? The heat n sun always lull tasha to sleep.


same as CC, i nap with her or just tire her out thru playing, making her walk. then when its about time, i will bring her to bed, close curtains, switch on air con, pat to sleep. LOL

Hi Winnie n mag,

Thanks for the information on the income tax. I just make the ammend after u all say in forum cause my ex-company is doing it online So I dun need to file till u all say so. Then I remember that I need to add Michelle in.. Thanks alot! Save alot!!!$$$$.

Babydust for all who want no 2...

Hi Winnie,

Michelle schedule everyday more or less fixed

on weekday

7-745am bring her to nanny house

745-8am drink milk

8-10 play

10-1030 lunch

1030-1100 bath

1100-1200go downstair walk walk

1200-1430 drink milk n nap

1430 play

1600 snack/ play

1660 bath

1700 drink milk/dinner

1730 play

2030 nap/sleep

2100 play

2230-2300 sleep

Hi mummies, long time din log in, forum is still as active as ever. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Winnie, maybe u can on Mal's favourite children songs(soft, not too loud), give him his favourite toys/pillows/pacifier, if possible accompany him to sleep...make sure he is not hot & sticky else sure cannot sleep...powdered his body & neck or bathe him... my mum told me a feed of milk after a good bath sure make the bb go to dreamland. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Licia's daily routine:

7.30am wake, milk, play

9am tv

10am nap

12.30pm wake, milk, play

3pm nap

5.30 wake

6.30pm dinner, play

10pm milk and bed

Hope it helps... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


happy for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Doing amnio at 20 wks plus detailed scan?

Still have the stupid Glucose test, yucks....ren ren, soon will be over in abt 6 mths time hurray! Hoping for boy or girl this time??


it's too young for them to drop nap now, napping is essential. establish a daily routine, children love routine. ONce routine is up, everything is a breeze. Of course they are not robot, occasionally can go haywire abit but steer it back to course and all will be fine again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

K's routine

7.30-8am wake and milk

10am bath time

10.30am-11.30am nap


3pm milk and nap

5pm wake

6pm meal

7pm bath tim

9.30pm milk and sleep


Thanks so much for sharing on income tax filing! I saved draft for some time liao but haven't submit yet.

Here's Eva's schedule:

0730 - wake up, milk + play

0930-1000 - potty time

1030 - bath

1045-1100 - morning nap + sometimes milk

1230 - wake up & lunch

1530 - milk + afternoon nap

1730 - wake up + play

1830 - dinner

2100 - milk + bed

CC, xiaoh, jj, qq,BabyE, sky,

Mal had a routine all along. It was only from last week that he start dropping his nap. I tried everything, patting, story telling, curtains drawn, bringing him out, co sleep with him but nothing works at all... I dunno why it just go haywired.

His schedule "was"

5 plus am - wake up for milk then go back to bed till 7plus

8 plus am - breakfast, then poop, follow by going out for grocery shopping

9 plus am - bathe

10 am - start putting him to bed, will take abt 30 min to wind him down

10.30 to 12 plus - nap

12 plus after morning nap - lunch, follow by poop

12 - 2.30pm - play and some snack

2.30 - milk and follow by nap till 4plus

4plus - snack/ cereal

5 plus - 7pm - play, shower, milk then sleep

It has always been like dat for very long till he decided to "changed"... It jus go haywired since last week, by refusing to nap from 10am, I still try to let him nap at 3pm but he still refused....

How to steer him back? I didn't change anything at all...

And as he didn't sleep well, he didn't eat well too...

I m going bonkers soon... I want to break this chain of cycle.

CC, mal "quit" his pacifier habit quite sometime back, should I reintroduce it to him again? He haven't been taking pacifier to bed for a month already but only start to drop nap since last Wednesday. I was thinking is it good idea to let him take it again?


So if mal decided not to have his morning nap, should I wait till the so called next schedule or should I continue to pat him till he nap? Cos like today I pat him, tell story, jus lie beside him for almost 2hrs and yet he still didn't wan to nap, keep wanting to crawl out of bed even though he is obviously tired as he is scratching his eyes n pulling his hair.

I tried cradle him back in my arms but he keep struggling to break free and scream whenever I held him down.

He wasn't like that before.

Gulp...most of the kids still on 3 to 4 milkfeeds. My Dylan wants to be an adult. He's only one 1 milk feed in the morning about 200ml to 220ml milk. We give him cheese and sneak up to 4 scoops of milk into his brown rice cereal breakfast and oats supper. Doesn't seem sufficient isn't it?

Hi Winnie,

Michelle also haywire sometime. But she will cry herself to sleep so I normally will throw her her favourite soft toy then she will just carry the toy n cry to sleep during haywire time.

When she dun want to sleep, I will normally talk to her n tell her that if she dun sleep will get stupid or I will tell her if she sleep she will get to go out something like that. It works sometime. Another one is my hubby way, pretend to sleep then naturally she will sleep with him.

All are just my experience dunno will it work for u

Winnie, how much milk is Mal drinking now? Try increasing abit so that he can 吃饱饱,睡呼呼. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xiaoh, mal not a big eater or drinker, normally take 150ml if he is well rested but as now he didn't nap it only goes to 80ml. He is more of 睡好好 then can 吃饱饱。

Sky, I hope mal is just occasional haywired as what jj said, babies are not robots so may changed once awhile. Hope it's a passing phase.

Wish, night time is slightly easier as he didn't nap the whole day but still need 30 min for him to wind down. It's his dropping of day nap that is disturbing. Not very healthy for babies not to nap


23rd fully booked, maybe you can track back on thread for The LittleGym and pm Torayme for details. Hope you manage ;)


I'm not pacifier friendly - don't think it's a good idea to start back. I doubt Mal will take the pacifier either :p!

Hi CC,

I have transfer the $1.35 to u. please check

Amount S$1.35

Transaction Reference 6668945772

Hi Winnie,

I believe Mal will be better de.


think mal may be moving on to another routine. Normally they will drop morning nap first....but still not so soon leh.

For K, I never slept with her before and she was always "thrown" into her playpen to sleep since baby so when she refused to sleep at times, she will cry a little but will self soothe by sucking her index finger.

I cannot imagine me having to sleep with them every nap and patting them to bed! How u mommies do it?? I got better things to do man wahahahahaha...oops did I offend anyone :p

babyL, QQ... hehe... yea... even tho i did wish for a gal, but come to think of it, it's not a bad idea for isaac to hv boy company. hopefully they'll be close as they grow up together.

winnie, keep trying with the routine u've always set for Mal... i think must try all means to get him to have at least 1 nap in the day. i find that when my boy is a bit haywire, giving him a bottle helps him settle dwn. keep all that distracts him away from him.

seren, only 1 milk feed a day? i dunno what's the "right amount" also...

JJ- u good la.. I can't stand them wailing.. N to pat her quite fast la.. Abt 15mins usually.. Was longer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, thanks for hearing me out and the tips. Hope trow will be a better day for both of us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Winnie, u can refile only once but got to do it within 14 days from ur 1st submission. Hope i am right. Hehe..

QQ, i also hoping for boy. In fact i was also thinking if its gd to plan in May coz CNY period leh... Miss gd food, no visiting n also CL expensive! But i cant wait liao leh... Wanted to try asap last time but due to zodiac i hold on. Then comes work prob, and finally decided perhaps i ttc 1st then see how it goes. Fickle minded me!

Mirthy, i m hoping for a opposite gender too but then if its really gal again, at least Lac can have a sister to chat n exchange clothes. I always envy friends with sisters coz i have 2 brothers n so boring!

Heeheee... One boy one girl here, fight fight fight, nap, milk break, snack - fight fight fight!!

So much fighting! But ayden cuddles up to his sister and goes to sleep at night, so so sweet ;)

CC, awwww..... Ayden so sweet! Still will cuddle jie jie to sleep. Btw, u said fight, u mean they really fight??? Wont Ayden be at losing end? Hehe.... He really seems like big boy now!

Haha seems to have found another supplier selling at $US2.96, even cheaper!! min order 30 pcs only.

Just communicated with him, he say 7cm is too small so not too nice. 10cm is a better size. come with a clip so can clip to the bags or anyway la haha.... if u mommies are interested I will quote down all the prices. Let me know soon ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1 - 5pc $6.95 each

6 - 10 $5.69

11 - 50 $4.21

51 - 100 $3.99

101 - 200 $3.49

price in USD inclusive of shipping

10cm birds

Thanks mommies for the income tax tip. Gonna file it now.

Seren, think you better up Dylan's milk intake. A bit too little leh. Nic is on 3-4X milk, one cereal feed & 2 meals per day.

I need to buy walking shoes for Nic. Any recommendations? Pediped??


Real fight club here! He gets anything he wants!! Don't get and he'd wack sister, pull hair, sneak from nowhere and leave teeth marks on thighs, hands, tummy.. Back - anywhere the teeth sinks!!

But if I scold sister - he cries or stands infront of me with really big eyes "why? Why you scolding Jie Jie?"

Die la...


I am interested. :D

Angry Bird

icy - 1 pc RED 10cm.



I like combi shoes, not bad as well. Clark too!

Riley's Routine

8am wake, cereal

9.30am milk, play and nap

11.30 wake and lunch

2.30 milk and nap

5.30 wake - dinner

7.30 milk, shower

8.15pm bed

Gd morning mommies!

I just wanna let off some steam!

Something cropped up at home and my mother could no longer take care of my daughter, we requested MIL to help out 6 months before we send her to CC because there are very limited IFC around our MIL's place (We're bunking in with PIL at the moment).

MIL was not very willing to commit 6 months, so we still sourcing nannies around the area. Does anyone know of any agents who can recommend nannies?

Even when Selene's 18 months, sending to CC is a problem because of our working hours. My working hours are v unpredictable during month end closing and my hubby works in the east (Bedok) area.

I was thinking that the last resort is, endure 6 months, send her to that expensive CC at Millenia Walk which cost me $1.2K after subsidy and if i need to work late, i just fetch and bring her to office [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Like that hor, almost half my take home pay is gone.

Sorry for ranting.

Again, if any mommies got contact for nanny agencies, please let me know. Very much appreciated.

PM or email me at [email protected]

JJ, I m not particular about the country of origin for the birds, just that I happen to chanced upon this UK site that the birds come with the clips attached that can be clipped on bags which is not available from the bp sellers. I m ok with whichever country they came from.

Interested in getting a red bird. Thanks. Let me know the amt to be transferred to you

BabyL, ok ok, but I think my 14 days over cos I think I filed somewhere in mar. But I guess I should have submitted correctly since hubby was providing advise. Jia you on TTC ok, dun think so much about the gender, dates or zodiac ya. Hope to hear yr good news soon.

CC, ayden is so sweet to defend his sister and cuddling her to bed. The pair must have been very lively at home.. So nice and warm to hear their laughters and screams

Enzo's schedule

5/6am - 150ml milk, sleep

7am plus - awake and take some bread/cakes/bee hoon

9am - 150ml milk, morning nap

11.30am - porridge

2.30pm - 150ml milk, afternoon nap

5.15pm - porridge

6.30pm - snack

8pm - shower, sleep, 180ml milk + 2 scoops cereal

12am/3am - 150ml milk each (YES STILL 2 NIGHT feeds)

CC, i read that yday, haha drama man.. but what to do lots of bo liao people around. I had my fair share as well.


I'm very tempted to highlight "THE" plight there! The source of recent NST article on reselling give-away free items was from there. Did you manage the link?


call me a lao ah ma, i didn't know what angry bird was until last week i saw some1 playing the game on i-phone in the train... lol..

